11/07/08 10:08 - ID#46597
Basra in the leaves
We let him stay outside today. I couldn't decide if it was nice or
mean as he was finally getting acclimated to being indoors.
He tried to hide in the leaves do we wouldn't find him and bring him
on. When I went to get him at night he was covered.
Permalink: Basra_in_the_leaves.html
Words: 56
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: religion
11/07/08 02:55 - 71ºF - ID#46588
Proposition Period Fountain
I can't believe that anything is based on the laws of leviticus. What I find most irritating is how people pick and choose which ones to follow. I know jesus didn't say these things and some of the christians believe in what jesus says is most important but its all in the same book. Why not edit the book and just have a whole new book? Its not like Jesus commanded the whole book be read in its entirety. He didn't write any of it. I would support a religion that cut the nasty jew law part out and just left in the messages of Jesus. Keeping that baggage in the book to me, nullifies the books messages as a whole.
This whole leviticus book is so utterly ridiculous:
Leviticus 20.13: If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Lev. 18.22
Why are they not passing laws to prevent men from lying with women "having their sickness" lol. He seems to be pretty much against that too.
Leviticus 20.18: And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.
Or from eating unclean beasts. We have a whole proposition against gay marriage but nothing against unclean beats on the state constitutions.
Levitius 20.25: Ye shall therefore put difference between clean beasts and unclean, and between unclean fowls and clean: and ye shall not make your souls abominable by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that creepeth on the ground, which I have separated from you as unclean.
I want to see prop Eat Clean and proposition Period.
Permalink: Proposition_Period_Fountain.html
Words: 412
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/07/08 10:36 - ID#46585
Broken iPhone - obamas fault
(E:matthew) got so excited at the democratic headquarters when he found
out Obama won, that his iPhone flew out of his hand. The glass screen
shattered. I think getting a new one costs the same as fixing it ;(.
He's kind of freaking without it which is funny considering how he
would always tease me about using my smartphones till he got one.
Permalink: Broken_iPhone_obamas_fault.html
Words: 67
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: hate
11/05/08 09:57 - 53ºF - ID#46546
Nasty Christian Hate Mongers
Its so confusing, because first I saw and then this
I know its not all the christians, especially when most christians consider mormons to not be christian, but its hard to overlook their effect in the yes on prop 8 in California.
I also think the wording was confusing. I mean people probably understand, but the "vote yes on prop8 to protect marriage" would be confusing if you thought you were protecting gay marriage.
California voting yes on prop 8 pretty much makes me lose faith in just about everything related to gay rights and kind of a little bit in America. It actually makes me nervous about one day having to flee the country before I end up in some type of camp.
Why do the christians care if gay people are married in the state. No one is asking for religious recognition of their marriages, just the state rights of a married couple.
I guess we will see how the country changes with the new president but frankly - I am totally over America and really don't believe the democrats will bring anything new to the table on gay rights. I almost would have rather had a McCain president and no on prop 8.
In the mean time I hope all the people that voted yes on prop 8 die of a nasty plague. If I was not an athiest I would pray to satan about this. It really reinforces my hatred of the mormons. I think they are the scaries cult on earth and wish that the days when it was legal to shoot them woud come back.
Permalink: Nasty_Christian_Hate_Mongers.html
Words: 309
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: indians
11/04/08 09:37 - 57ºF - ID#46530
Illegal Onondaga Chiefs
The real Onondagas'no longer want these illegal chiefs recognized by any government and many other of these people they have violated the Great Law of Peace now it is time for their punishment! they have all been reported to the Dept.of Justice for all their violations!
Permalink: Illegal_Onondaga_Chiefs.html
Words: 70
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: voting
11/04/08 09:01 - 57ºF - ID#46527
Crazy Voting Experience
So they told me to check the one near my house and see if I ended up on there. I ran down and they refused to let me vote there. Then it was like 8:30. So I went home and looked online where it shows I am set for Lafayette. Then I called the Erie County Board of Elections who insisted that I vote across from my house. I went down there, with the woman on the phone and she told them to let me vote there. All of a sudden everyone changed their tune and was super nice.
I got to fill out a provisional ballot. I hope they bother counting that. I felt so dumb because I raised my hand to complain that Sam Hoyt wasn't on the paper ballott but he was on the poster on the wall. They laughed and said, you don't live in the village anymore - its a different district. So I voted for Crystal Peoples. She was the only choice. I had no choice.
I wish I could be strong like (e:vincent,46508) and vote for nader but I really don't want to risk McCain winning and honestly I am a little over nader. He seems kind of washed up now.
For some reason I show up inactive on the voter registration site. What does that even mean?
Permalink: Crazy_Voting_Experience.html
Words: 272
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: work
11/03/08 11:39 - 51ºF - ID#46504
Worst Work Day Ever
I also spent a whole bunch more time on IE6 problems again. I hope the programmers of that application die.
The fun sound of my macbook pro santa rosa fan dying. This is really great because I have a ton of work and no way to get to the apple store till friday when I am sure they will be too busy.
Apparently, I am not the only one
Permalink: Worst_Work_Day_Ever.html
Words: 199
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: mobile
11/03/08 10:10 - 53ºF - ID#46489
PDAnet for iphone tethering
This latest one PDAnet is totally awesome. No socks proxy, no messy settings, just ad hoc wifi network and one simple switch for on or off in the application. It even has WEP, and although WEP isn't amazing security, its better than none and seeing as it is just a temp network... its fine. Everything runs lightning fast and you can use your laptop as you normally would if connected in any other way. I can't believe it took this long for something to come along.
Here is a blog with the instructions:
Now if only apple would support this type of solution.
Permalink: PDAnet_for_iphone_tethering.html
Words: 155
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: work
11/03/08 09:19 - 53ºF - ID#46488
Time Change Decisions
Permalink: Time_Change_Decisions.html
Words: 45
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: holiday
11/01/08 10:26 - 39ºF - ID#46469
Halloween Party 2008
We decked out the house with lots of spider webby stuff.
I decided to be the demon farmer. I wanted a costume that was fun, easy, and revealing. I thought this one worked.
By 5am I was pretty much exhausted. This is me trying to make a serious face while posing for (e:hodown). It was the first time I wore contacts in years.
I work up at 9:20am to one messy ass kitchen. (E:flacidness), (e:hodown) and I cleaned till like 11:30. Then we left for the farmer's market. The best part was when TK first woke up he was thirsty and poured a glass of cider to chug. Unfortunately, it was the cider that Robert and James brought which was alcoholic.
Permalink: Halloween_Party_2008.html
Words: 181
Location: Buffalo, NY
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