Category: dancing
09/26/08 05:27 - 65ºF - ID#45801
Dancing for jesus
Anyways, semi related but way more interesting I was looking some Andy C stuff on youtube and found some jungle music remixed to a video of christian dancers at different churches being moved by the holy spirit. Looks like there are ravers everywhere.
Permalink: Dancing_for_jesus.html
Words: 67
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/25/08 10:17 - ID#45791
Buffalo biodiesel
Permalink: Buffalo_biodiesel.html
Words: 20
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/25/08 10:07 - ID#45790
Driscoll's organic golden raspberries
They taste almost exactly like the red ones - yummy.
Permalink: Driscoll_s_organic_golden_raspberries.html
Words: 15
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: cars
09/22/08 09:47 - 55ºF - ID#45764
Cars with hard drives built in
Permalink: Cars_with_hard_drives_built_in.html
Words: 63
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
09/21/08 09:16 - 64ºF - ID#45751
Pears Processing Continues
I love this organic pear juice. Unfortunately, it is so expensive. More unfortunately, Wegman's stores it right under display lights, so close that the bottles get hot. I refuse to pay almost $4.00 for something cooked by a display light. Fortunately, I am a pear baron and can make as much as I want.
Here is one of my cute jars of it.
I started picking more pears at noon and I just stopped processing pears 10 minutes ago.
Okay, I look very special ed here, but it was scary with the pears falling on my head. (e:terry) didn't wear a helmet and one hit him in the head. Its like a twenty foot drop for some of the pears. I knocked a lot of them down using an old branch that fell off the tree during the wind storm. I kept thinking it is like having your arms ripped off and then being beaten by it.
Today, my mother joined us and the four of us peeling, cored and slices pears for the entire afternoon.
Boiling the jars is time consuming but so worth it. People say you can just make them for the freezer but what is the point of using energy and space all years long when you can just spend an extra 20 minutes and boil them. Preserving stuff is so worht it. Next year I am going to build a preservation cellar room and jar a ton of stuff, not just tomatoes and pears.
Here we have 3 bushels of sliced pears in sugary yum, yum syrup.
I made more pears sauce with the iregular ones. This time it was a little more pureed like baby food. I like it both ways.
The sauce is really good with pork chops. They were so cheap for some reason. Eight of them for $9.00 which is way better priced than the lame chops for which I got 8 for like $20.00.
The pork chops were really good cooked.
Permalink: Pears_Processing_Continues.html
Words: 403
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
09/20/08 10:44 - 63ºF - ID#45744
Pear Sauce Batch One
I decided to use the bushel that was all broken and smashed. The ones that hit rocks when they fell or that hornets had eaten holes in.
It stakes so long to peel and and gut them. Not as fun as gutting fish as there is not much fight.
Here I am hiding behing them trying to pose. Its really ahrd to do self pics with the iphone.
That is only half of them, I had to upgrade to a bigger pot.
Cooking them. About 15 pounds of pears with one cup of water. I added a little bit of lemon juice and some sugar. Seriously, it did not really even need that much sugar.
The cook down a bunch. The juice I strained out and made s delicious pear juice drink.
After burning my hand severly, get electrocuted and breaking the vacuum I managed to get he pear sauce in the jars. I cannot believe that no one even heard me as I screamed while being burned and electrocuted. Sometimes, I think that having a big house can be a bad idea.
Here I am looking cute with my favorite jar.
And then when boiling the jars one broke wasting 1 quart of pear sauce which consitutes like 20 pears and like 2 hours worth of work. I was so mad. unfrotunately, when (e:terry) put them in the boiling water he forgot that you have to boil the jars with the water and not just drop them in the boiling water.
Permalink: Pear_Sauce_Batch_One.html
Words: 309
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
09/19/08 03:52 - ID#45730
Picking pears
out of the tree and smashed my mousing arm. I wish I could just go to
home depot and pick up some migrants. If only we lived in California,
LOL. The pears smell so yummy.
Look how crazy this pic is. It is like that jesus pic where he gets shined on by light from heaven that used to be in Nonna's bedroom. But instead with basra as the central figure.
It was hard to keep him away from the pears.
I ended up filling all three bushels and there are still a lot more on the tree and so many rotting ones on the ground. Unfrotunately, I cannot get to the ones that are high up and I shook down all the ones I could.
I was also battling these hugh bees that could eat right through the skin of a pear. I watched them eat one in about five minutes as a swarm. Then the little bees cam ein and finsihed it up. The big bees got made and i saw a big one pick up a little one and throw it, I swear.
Permalink: Picking_pears.html
Words: 211
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/18/08 10:25 - ID#45721
Terry changed his name?
Permalink: Terry_changed_his_name_.html
Words: 4
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: plastic
09/18/08 09:19 - 56ºF - ID#45719
Melamine, why I don't use it.
Anyhow, I was reading google news this morning and I saw that 6000+ chinese babies have become ill aftre consuming formula that has the same toxic compound that killed pets when consuming chinese pet food a while back
Melamine, a white crystalline powder used in making plastics and tanning leather that was found in the infant formula, was at the heart of China's troubles last year, too.
That compound is melamine. Here is the wikipedia article
I really don't understand how it ended up in the infant formula after it was known to kill pets but it did, and now the babies are dying.
The crazier part is I noticed these really pretty hard plastic bowls and kitchen wares are showing up everywhere and are actually just called melamine bowls.
You can get them just about anywhere that has kitchen supplies and goes from fancy to more common ones at target
So my question is who uses these and why. Clearly over time, either through heat or scrapping, litle peices of melamine end up in your food.
Permalink: Melamine_why_I_don_t_use_it_.html
Words: 225
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: school
09/17/08 07:57 - 69ºF - ID#45712
Buffalo Public Schools 818th/829?
Anyhow, I didn't believe him how bad it was because the people I know who went to Buffalo public school seem okay. I figured it was just private schooling parents freakin out about how bad the schools are.
Then I tried looking up some info about the schools in buffalo and happend upon's entry for Buffalo. Apparently, Buffalo is 818th out of 829 cities reviewed. Yes, that puts it at 0/5 stars.
Omg, look at Buffalo Elementary School of Technology over at 313 South Division Street - It is 2273rd/2278 public elementary schools in state ranking. Can it be worse? Yes, but only 5 places worse ;(.
Clearly it is a economics issue as that school has 97% of students on discounted/free lunch.
It seems like all the white people are leaving. Looks at the stats. Its interesting that this site offers so much information about each school. Sadly, there is not much info for the private and charter schools.
Same with Bennett which was 750th out of 776 public high schools.
Same with Buffalo Traditional School which is now close
Where did all the whities go, this is during the 90s and early 2000s that it all changed? Did they used to have forced integration that ended. Just look at the numbers that dropped since 2000.
Hutch Tech got great reviews. Is there any hope for buffalo with such a crappy education system in place? Is there even a solution?
Permalink: Buffalo_Public_Schools_818th_829_.html
Words: 324
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Have fun!