Category: obsessions
02/09/07 12:36 - 17ºF - ID#38080
Apple Obsessed and Infrared
Today, however, one of my co-workers had a macbook pro

Now, just like (e:enknot,79) I am totally obsessed with it.

I am sold now. It would be the best of all worlds because I think I could run OSX, mac, and linux all on the one laptop. Seems like a web developers dream machine. Plus it has a 256MB graphics card so I could still do 3d modeling. I have been wanting to make new icons for my applications for a while, but the 3D workstation is unfortunately now the estrip server at artvoice.
The only thing about it, is that it is certainly very hot and certainly heavy. It also comes with an ati graphics card and I really preferred Nvidia. The last two laptops had ati and I find nvidia ones are just better.
Infrared -
I am also obsessed with infrared cameras. Did you know that if you take traditional camera film and develop it without taking pictures, you can use it afterwards as a filter to filter out regular light but allow infrared through. The ends of developed film also are the same kind of black filter material.
I am really considering purchasing a thermal imaging camera

Permalink: Apple_Obsessed_and_Infrared.html
Words: 322
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: san francisco
02/07/07 10:52 - 16ºF - ID#38062
When you are going to san francisco
I am going to hang out with (e:twisted) and (e:hodown) is going to meet me there. I tried to get (e:matthew) and (e:terry) to go but terry couldn't get the time off and matthew wouldn't go without him. I was going to fly back with twisted on her way to Italy and stay in New York with (e:hodown) but she hadn't been to San Francisco so we made the plans for her to go there.
It sounds like it could be fun and the conference itself sounds much more promising than the last one. I promise myself not to eat only sushi while I am there.

Permalink: When_you_are_going_to_san_francisco.html
Words: 134
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: work
02/06/07 07:23 - 9ºF - ID#38043
I formed an opinion
I don't like that no one normalized any of the data on the paper forms. Lots of the stuff on the forms is redundant or doesn't make sense anymore when the system is moved to an online one.
I really think it would have been much better if someone in Human Resources had written these forms from the perspective that they are no longer on paper.
Examine the following instructions:
Select the rating which most accurately describes the employee's performance on each factor, and check the appropriate box. If the employee's performance is not exactly described by one of the definitions under a factor, select from all ratings, the one which best describes the employee's performance.
In this case the user is only provided with 5 check boxes (Outstanding->Needs Improvement) on both the paper and electronic form versions. So "select the rating" and "check the appropriate box" are kind of redundant. Then sentence two basically re-iterates sentence one.

Permalink: I_formed_an_opinion.html
Words: 218
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: buffalo
02/03/07 05:47 - 19ºF - ID#37988
Where is Buffalo's Inner City?
First of all I really wanted to touch on why "inner city" is used like a swear word. I heard someone refer to inner city youth yesterday but I don't think they meant from the inner city, they just meant poor with a not so good education system.
What about the east coast cities makes the inner city such a bad place? Okay, I know the answer to that but can you even refer to inner city in a newer city like phoenix? Is the inner city a bad place in older cities like Paris? Have people just adopted the term inner city to refer to anything ghetto? Where is the inner city of Buffalo? The map below is all the city of Buffalo. I am even missing some fringe areas.

I thought the red part was the city before. It is the area from Niagara st to the 33 on an east to west plane, and from downtown to Kenmore on a North to south plane. When I asked (e:terry) to point out Buffalo on the map he also said, the area in the ring. In fact I never even realized it continued past their until we really looked at it at a party at (e:lilho) 's house last year when someone who was from south buffalo commented that my view of the city was missing all of south buffalo and most of the east side. I guess I should have known as my Dad grew up in Love Joy but I always though Love Joy was more like Kenmore, not in culture but in the fact I thought it was an independently governed area.
It seems like if Buffalo is really that whole map, then if you were to pick out the inner city you would pick out the part in the ring. But that area doesn't really live up to the term 'inner city'. In fact, most of the wealthiest parts of the city are right in the center of that.
So at some point was saying you are from the inner city a good thing to day. Or maybe what I think of as the inner city was the country back then. Where is the inner city of buffalo?
Imagine if everything changed and all the middle class fled the suburbs and moved into the entire city. Do you think the term inner city could ever be something positive to say about a place, or does it have to much baggage. Will anyone move on up to Buffalo's inner city of the future.

Permalink: Where_is_Buffalo_s_Inner_City_.html
Words: 473
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 08/15/12 09:53
Category: body
02/03/07 04:47 - 19ºF - ID#37984
Breasts, Penis and Mice
First breasts: Today Nameless Bitch and (e:lilho) went to go get their breasts measured so that they get proper sized bras. Nameless Bitch said she thinks she may have never had the right size.
Namesless Bitch: 12:45 lets get drunk and get measured!
I was thinking about how weird it would be if me and any of my guy friends went to go our junk measured to wear the proper sized underwear. It just seems like something you should know. I could be tottaly wrong about this. I mean I guess there is more to a bra, but is there?
Well according to size

As for the mice, their population has been severely reduced. You can tell because there is no mice damage and residuals have gone away. There are a few momma-less baby straglers. They are so slow and baby like that you can catch them with your hands. So two more micecycles in the chamber of death. I am really considering buying a snake. Does anyone have one and want some mice if I catch anymore?

Permalink: Breasts_Penis_and_Mice.html
Words: 269
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 06/03/11 03:26
Category: environment
02/03/07 12:33 - 11ºF - ID#37979
Humans do cause global warming?
According to
According to drafts and participants, the document says it is "very likely" - which means at least 90% certain - that climate change is caused by humans burning fossil fuels, and will result in a temperature increase of between 2.5 and 10.4 Fahrenheit by the year 2100.
Some participants apparently want to change that wording to "virtually certain," which connotes a 99% likelihood. "People seem to be feeling, let's make sure that the text actually means something and makes sense to the people it's intended for," Catherine Pearce of Friends of the Earth, who is observing the talks, said Wednesday night. "Some are saying there's no point in having texts that ... don't say anything, that are so watered down," she said.
On a side note I think it is ridiculous that the French turned off the Eifel tower lights for five minutes to call attention to energy conservation. I think it is way past the time when symbolic gesture liek that even matter. Five minutes, couldn't it at least have been an hour, a day or a week. Five minutes almost seems like a joke. Okay, now back to the story.
So what do all you nah-sayers have to say about humans causing global warming now (e:ejtower,31)or (e:joshua,1717)
Sir Nicholas Stern, author of a major report on the economic impact of global warming, says the latest review of the scientific evidence by United Nations' experts has demolished the chief argument of so-called climate sceptics. . . You can read the whole article here .'ve-wrecked-the-weather/2007/02/03/1169919583022.html
At this point a huge majority of the worlds climate scientists agree. Humans are greatly accelerating global warming and unfortunately, we are waiting too long to really do much about it. In fact they stated, "Global warming is "unequivocal" and "very likely" - to a 90 percent or more certainty - caused by human activity. "
I tend to believe them. I grabbed this data from an article

According to an article,
The United States emits the most greenhouse gases of any country - more than 6.5 billion tons per year, or about 22 percent of the world's total. But it will be surpassed in coming decades by fast-growing China, which is now building on average one coal power plant per week. India isn't far behind; like China, its population has surpassed 1 billion and keeps rising at a fast clip.
The scientists suggest the US develop environmentally energy production methods as soon as possible and share those technologies with developing nations. I would liek to see something along the lines of Open Source energy production technologies but you know it will most likely not be like that and devloping nations will not be able to afford the technology resulting in more coal burnig power plants.
FInding in the report
The cause
Global warming is "unequivocal" and "very likely" - to a 90 percent or more certainty - caused by human activity. Fossil fuel consumption has generated much of the global rise in temperatures over the past half-century.
Temperature changes
Average global temperatures could increase by 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. By comparison, temperatures have risen 1.5 degrees over the past century.
Sea levels
Ocean levels are projected to rise 7 to 23 inches by 2100, and will continue to rise for 1,000 years or more. Projections do not include contributions from melting polar ice.
Water shortages
Heat waves, droughts and other kinds of extreme weather will become more frequent. In California, warmer weather will shrink spring snowpacks in the Sierra, reducing a major source of water in the summer and fall.
We should start making making greenhouse gas emission laws stricter. Liek who the fuck needs an escalade. Maybe we should just illegalize huge SUVs, non-energy efficient light bulbs, and promote forms of cleaners energy. It seems to me like cars must be a huge part of it. All it takes is one visit to LA to see what cars do to the atmosphere.
Imagine how much worse it will get when everywhere is as capable of being as wasteful as we are.
According to fox news

Present Bush has acknowledged concerns about global warming but strongly opposes mandatory caps of greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that approach would be too costly.
I ask too costly for who?

Permalink: Humans_do_cause_global_warming_.html
Words: 771
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: life
02/02/07 10:13 - 24ºF - ID#37974
Dear Journal I am sorry
The truth is I never go anywhere or do anything interesting much anymore. I don't barely leave the 5 minute radius around my house. As soon as the weather gets warmer I am sure things will change so drastically. I remember what it was like occupying my life with housing building tasks. There is lots of stripping and building to do. I am sure I can occupy much of my time with making my house sweeter.
In the mean time everything exciting seems kind of at a standstill. I think I just might have settled or something. I have everything I ever wanted now and I am bored with it a bit. Who complains about that? I should really look on the bright side. Maybe it is just season disorder or the fact that I worked way too many hours this week. Maybe if I owned a projector. That's what I keep telling myself. I really need a projector to expand my horizons.
On the programming front I am bored too. I think I am burned out with content management. I am more interested in data mining, social networking and visualization. I am tired of other people making web design/programming decisions based on bullshit. Someone actually, I am not joking, asked me for a website with a scrolling marquee today. It felt so 1997.
I hope I am not at one of the moments where I change career paths again. I doubt it only because I am so comfortable and complacent doing what I do, I am well compensated and I have little interest in leaving the city.
Unlike everyone else, I am definately not trying to escape to a bigger city with more to do. I mean even if there were more exciting things to do, like in another larger, warmer city - I would not do them. I don't even like going out much. I frankly, just want to feel like I am part of something slightly more exiciting content management, even if it is for a good cause. I suppose working with (e:enknot) makes content management seem fun.
So here are some things going on.
1. I miss twisted. I just wish we lived together. think I might be going back to San Francisco in march for another conference. Let's hope that works out. Next time it is her turn to come here. PErhaps on the way back from italy?
2. I love linux. I am never going back to windows ever on my personal computers and seeing as they will be on vista for the next 20 years or so, it won't be that hard to just say no, if I make it past this month.
3. Tomorrow, Josephine Anstey and some students are coming by to talk about web programming and online pervasive games. This is something I am very interested in. Sometimes I am still angry that I did not become a professor. I guess there is always the future and there are many other careers I would rather have.
4. Speaking of which I miss jesse, jesse. What ever happend to him. Did he get eaten by China? Maybe Josephine will know.
5. On closing, here are some pictures from my phone, I was cleaning it out in hopes of starting to take new pictures and going back to journaling.
Mike getting hammered, lol

Eating haddock today at Roswell. I have eaten so much fish recently, this one almost killed me. I had three isnatnces of almsot swalling a bone followed by one really sharp one stabbing through my gums. That is a really unpleasant feeling. I wonder if the fish are trying to just say no.

Here is one left over pic from the ice storm. It is not the pretty kindwith the fancy camera but the low res kind with the cell phone. It still was pretty neat.

The mice that were makign us all crazy and doing things like this seems to be gone. The "humane" traps worked really good to trap them so we could kill them. Ironic as it may be, it beats having to spray or put poison everywhere. I would rather die from the mice and the poison.

Like at this place on elmwood. Are they going to knock it down soon. It seems liek such a health hazzard and it is on some of the most prime real estate in the city. I just don't get how it exists there empty and abondoned.

Salmon tastes really good. I like it.

The wig is still out there. I saw it the other day.

Permalink: Dear_Journal_I_am_sorry.html
Words: 850
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: housing
01/31/07 08:25 - 19ºF - ID#37942
I hate humane traps
I thought about building some sort of mass extermination chamber but it all seems so first stage of being a serial killer - don't you think? It seems liek putting them out in the blue bin is the best option for my personal sanity, they will freeze very fast.

Permalink: I_hate_humane_traps.html
Words: 114
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: pop culture
01/31/07 01:21 - 19ºF - ID#37936
Harry Potter is Hotter

Permalink: Harry_Potter_is_Hotter.html
Words: 40
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: downtown
01/30/07 02:14 - ID#37922
The Beast Costs Money

Permalink: The_Beast_Costs_Money.html
Words: 28
Location: Buffalo, NY
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I had a dell M60 with 128MB nvidia quadro and it was pretty sweet. I love their real time shaders. The 256MB on the mac is not that bad. I just don't like ATI as much. Really you wouldn't want much more in a laptop unles syou are willing to carry around 8lbs and have a 1 hour battery life. The new Sony SZ series which I was eyeing before this had both a 128MB nvidia card and an inbuilt intel graphics card so that you could switch between the two. In built when you wanted longer battery life and were just typing or surfing the web and then switch the stronger card when playing games. I wish the mac had that.
The thing that really makes me crazy is I know they are the cusp of releasing LCD based screen which have longer battery lives and crisper colors.
If work would pay for it, I would be very happy with the mac now though.
Boot camp is cool. It's free from the apple website. But it's a beta. And you have to reboot to switch between the mac/win.
Parallels is even cooler (but not free)- it lets you run BOTH OSs at the same time and flip between them almost instantly.
I'm itching for an upgrade myself, but can't really justify it. Especially since I didn't get a stupid refund.
Oh, and all the new intel macs can do 802.11n. Not sure how much of a difference it makes, though.
You mentioned their video card, an ATI, and I also prefer nVidia. Not too sure if nVidia even makes Mac hardware, but also consider this - the video card Apple is offering on their "new" Mac is not even close to being the top ATI card.
You're looking at what is essentially a very, VERY pedestrian $100 card, similar to the one I bought for my PC years ago. WTF? Dell treats you better in this respect. Not to be too picky but if the Mac is supposed to be a media machine, and if they were married to ATI they could at least give us the option to try their wannabe SLI technology, if not an option to order a beefier video card.
That's pretty much my only major bone to pick with Apple. They have good stuff, but their model for building and selling personal computers will prevent them from being more than a minnow. Not that it matters, they sell a shit ton of everything else.
there are these articles about DIY IR & UV lenses for cameras that are pretty sweet. You can make your own UV filter (according to the internet) if you cut a piece of glass out of a black light bulb.
I'm trying that when I get out of work on Sunday.