Category: holiday
05/21/09 12:50 - 76ºF - ID#48711
Get together BBQ?

Permalink: Get_together_BBQ_.html
Words: 33
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/20/09 10:39 - ID#48702
Sushi at wasabi
(E:enknot) and I went to wasabi on elmwood for lunch the other day. We
both got the sushi/sashimi lunch for $12. It comes with lots of fish
and 6 crunchy crab peices. I also ordered some octopus and the sales
girl upsild us on some toro (fatty tuna) which brought my total closer
to $20 which is redox for lunch but it's also rare we eat sushi of
that caliber.

Permalink: Sushi_at_wasabi.html
Words: 73
Location: Buffalo, NY
05/19/09 09:38 - ID#48694
I wrote this after my first conscious visit to a hospital. I fell on
a pine cone and it ripped up my knee on 5-22-84. I remember the
doctors picking pine needles out of the wound and saying how it is
dangerous if they got inside. Apparently, I was bad at spelling then

Permalink: .html
Words: 61
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: web
05/17/09 09:22 - 50ºF - ID#48686
Community College Drama on Craigslist
It all started because of a missed connection involving a bus and an ECC student that the writer admired. It then quickly turned into this over the top trash talk concerning community college. I see no reason why anyone would do this other than to inflate their own ego. I mean why would they even care, especially in the context of craigslist missed connections. The whole point of the site is hooking up with people you made eye contact with, right?
And the guy who wrote all the slander's location says New Haven. What is someone from New Haven doing in the Buffalo room anyways.
Original Post:
May 14 - the guy in the buss from ecc north - m4m - 27 - Date: 2009-05-14, 7:31PM EDT: we both were waiting the buss. i remember your black back pack. let me know if you know who i am and hopefully you know what i was wearing.
re: the guy in the buss from ecc north - m4m - 27 - Date: 2009-05-14, 8:47PM EDT - Lately I've noticed this trend of people wearing backpacks and clothing with the ECC logo. What happened to the days when people were ashamed of going to ECC? Come on, you don't even need to know basic things like how to spell "bus" in order to attend.
Paul says: If only they hadn't written "ass whole" instead of asshole.
re: re: the guy in the buss from ecc north - m4m - 27 - replying to ads?] Date: 2009-05-16, 7:26PM EDT - To the ass whole who thinks there is something wrong with going to ECC.
It may not be an Ivy League college, but it is part of the Suny System now. It is no longer some shitty community college. Secondly I think it is admirable for someone to be taking the steps to better themselves whether it is at a community college or a university. Finally there is an admittance exam there, and you do need to know how to spell bus... have you ever seen a typo in your life ASS?
To any of you who do go to ECC there is no reason to be ashamed for going there. Hell I started out there got my AAS and now I have an MBA (from NU). If it was not for my start at ECC I would be working at some minimum wage job.
So I like many others are proud for attending ECC!!
Re: re: re: the guy in the buss from ecc north - m4m - 27 - m4m - 27 (Not a shitty school) - Date: 2009-05-17, 2:36AM EDT - Congratulations! You went from earning one shit degree at a school nobody respects to getting a useless degree from a school nobody knows exists. Doesn't it make you proud to boast about these non-accomplishments on craigslist? So long as ECC remains on your resume, the taint of failure will follow you to every interview and job you obtain. And, even if you remove ECC from your resume, the same taint - or perhaps a more pernicious one, the stench of poor judgment - will be evident from your MBA at Niagara University.
If you disagree, I suggest you to direct your frustrations to US News, an authority on school rankings. Let's have a look-see at Niagara's data, hm? First, Niagara's unranked, in contrast to schools like Harvard, MIT, and Dartmouth. A $35 application fee? Nothing compared to Dartmouth's $220. I see Niagara's not doing much to keep the riff-raff out. But how would you have gotten in otherwise? And look, unlike real schools, Niagara couldn't even be bothered to submit employment data. Am I supposed to believe the school's unglamorous "N/A" is in some way better than Dartmouth's honest 85% employment statistic in the face of a depression? Please, use all those critical thinking skills you no doubt acquired in the vaunted halls of learning at THE Niagara University.
In conclusion, you present a flawed premise. You claim that you have achieved something after graduating from ECC when you clearly have not. Do not respond to this; you'll only further embarrass yourself. ECC is a very bad school and part of a worse university system, given its potential.
re: ecc buss m4m - 40 - Date: 2009-05-17, 11:08AM EDT - just another angry queen that has nothing else better to do than start trouble.
its queens like him that give the buffalo gay community a bad rap... why don't
you old nasty queens get a fuckin life and leave others alone....
RE: The Bus Business - m4m - 2009-05-17, 3:11PM EDT Wow, it's just so great to see that classist, elitist douchebags will take any opportunity to inflate their undeserved sense of self-worth. So you attended some expensive school. Join the club. It doesn't make you a good person, it just means you had an opportunity available to you that others did not. And you're accusing other people of being entitled?!
Erie County Community College-BUSSSSS - Date: 2009-05-17, 12:51PM EDT - With reference to the obviously disturbed individual who spewed unkind things about the individual attending ECC & NU (whether or not they are true), I simply have to wonder who did what to this individual to have him be so unkind and nasty. Sad.

Erie County Community College-BUSSSSS - m4m - (New Haven) - Date: 2009-05-17, 2:46PM EDT Hi, the fellow who criticized ECC and NU here again. I'm not a queen, just concurring with the first person who asked where the shame in attending a community college went. Among people who accomplish things in life, this is in fact still a shameful thing. Nobody ever "did" anything to me to make me dislike either of these schools; my thoughts arise from the few times I've had to interact with graduates from ECC, NU, Medaille and plenty of other "schools," to the extent you can call them such with a straight face, while they served my dinner, mixed my drinks, de-scuffed a racquetball court, or mowed a golf course's fairway. Nobody should ever seriously consider applying to, let alone attending, those institutions.
These lesser institutions breed individuals who know nothing but have a haughty sense of undeserved worth. Witness the individual who utterly is convinced he's accomplished something by not failing out of ECC, he did not disclose where he finished his bachelor's, and then climbed all the way to the peak of academia at ULTRA-PRESTIGIOUS AND GLOBALLY RECOGNIZED NIAGARA UNIVERSITY, THE CURRENT AND FUTURE HOME OF ELITE BUSINESS EDUCATION. Please. I'm doubtful this fellow could have gone elsewhere, as he probably got tripped up by all that complex ninth-grade algebra on the GMAT, provided he didn't drool all over the computer screen first. Who knows, maybe the labor of conscious breathing was too much for him to overcome in earning a decent score. No matter. The point is that not only are these graduates idiots, they are entitled ones, making them the worst kind of people to work with (assuming, of course, they could obtain meaningful employment). My message is simply a ray of light in a dark world where these people have convinced themselves that knowledge is power, their degree is worth something, and a world of riches awaits. In reality, these are directionless numbskulls whose biggest accomplishments will be the accolades they heap upon themselves for joining the middle class, in their view, and ignoring the nagging sensation of inadequacy belied by their resume.
Strive on, strivers. Strive into oblivion. Just know that those with greater native intelligence have already won.
The Bus Business - m4m Date: 2009-05-17, 3:11PM EDT - Wow, it's just so great to see that classist, elitist douchebags will take any opportunity to inflate their undeserved sense of self-worth. So you attended some expensive school. Join the club. It doesn't make you a good person, it just means you had an opportunity available to you that others did not. And you're accusing other people of being entitled?!

Permalink: Community_College_Drama_on_Craigslist.html
Words: 1380
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: web
05/17/09 08:54 - 50ºF - ID#48685
Wolfram Search is Fun
Here is a comparison of the popularity of our names: query "matthew paul terry"

Almost all of the results, even the ones that look like text are actually images. I wonder what the purpose of that is, other than to prevent other services from data mining them?
Anyways you should check it out and have some fun.

or check out his search for "2 slices of swiss cheese with 1 tbsp of peanut butter"

As a side note I learned how to resize an image using preview. You open it and then go to tools->adjust size. There is no option when saving as you would expect. What the frick's stupid idea was that. So much for mac os and "ease of use."

Its no only size, you can adjust color, exposure, white balanace, etc also without having to open iphoto, photoshop, etc

Permalink: Wolfram_Search_is_Fun.html
Words: 217
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: swimming
05/17/09 11:52 - 47ºF - ID#48683
Swimming 2009
The bottom was an almost totally smooth shale base from erosion. I hope this is the beginning of a lot more swimming but who knows with all the beaches closed.
You'd get in here

and then float down past here

and here..

and then get out there

Permalink: Swimming_2009.html
Words: 132
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: dancing
05/16/09 04:52 - 68ºF - ID#48680
Dancing Outside

Anyone else in the mood to go? It takes an 1hr 45 minutes to get there.

Permalink: Dancing_Outside.html
Words: 71
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: religion
05/15/09 10:42 - 60ºF - ID#48673
Satan worshipping and Ayn Rand

So this guy is the founder of the Church of Satan

As a kid I was really scared of this guy and of satan worshippers. For some reason I had the impression they were all over kenmore west. I think it was because lots of kids in the 80s wanted to be "satan worshippers" to rebel and I was young and impressionable enough to believe they were. A visit to the old train tracks near military on the border between kenmore and riverside would convince you.
Then there was the whole drama with John Justice killing his family and everyone blaming it on dungeons and dragons and satan worshipping. Clearly, he was just disturbed.
John Justice, 17, of Kenmore, N.Y. on September 16, 1985 murdered his brother Mark, 13, stabbing him eight times, then killed his mother Mary, stabbing her 14 times. He then drove and picked up his father John, Sr., took him home and stabbed him four times. He then attempted to kill himself, slashing his forearms. He drove off and had a car accident, killing Wayne Haub,22. He reportedly was a devotee of Dungeons and Dragons and very angry with his mother. Some report he was into teen satanic cult and sacrificed his family on his dungeon master's orders. His parents fought frequently. John had developed an obsession with killing well before the massacre(Buffalo News 9/17/85 and People Magazine).
Anyhow, maybe the whole satan worshipping thing was a joke. As an adult, satan worshippers seem kind of funny, like "leather daddies mixed with ritual" And the fact that LaVey was a circus act to start just adds to it. Its hard to retroactively see what was acting and what was seriousness.
Another interesting tidbit is that the satanic bible and a lot of his writing were rumored to be inspired by Ayn Rand.
LaVey has stated that his religion was "just Ayn Rand's philosophy, with ceremony and ritual added",[9] though many say that he should be given credit for his creative synthesis of the thought of others into what has become the most influential statement of modern Satanism.
I also found it ironic he died in a catholic hospital. That must have been a scene. I wonder if it is as much of a nightmare for a satan worshipper to die in a catholic hospital as it is for a catholic to die in a satanic hospital (if they existed).
So then what does it generally boil down to? Not totally sure but after watching the video below, I realized they are actually atheists putting on a show - for some sort of emotional release. Wow, that seems like such a serious waste of time. All of the ritual and pomp of religion without any of the afterlife rewards.
So then there is there new spokesmen
The Video
And here it is with the horses mouth. As soon as this Mr. Lispy Lisp said, "going into a theatrical space", and "magically appropriate" I realized that in fact it is very much like the "leather daddies." Its interesting to see they don't believe in the spiritual aspects of it. I guess it is very much a theatrical joke.
Even Sammy Davis junior was a member. So not only was he a rare black/jew combo. He is an even rarer black/jew/satan worshipping combo.
Beliefs of the Church Of Satan
Wikipedia boiled their philosophy down to a few tenants that I think shed some light

Some of them are totally ridiculous. I think my favorite is "Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal." I guess I don't understand what the penalty is. I guess there isn't after watching the video.
The Nine Satanic Statements
The Nine Satanic Statements outline what "Satan" represents in the Church of Satan.
Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.
Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams.
Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit.
Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates.
Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek.
Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires.
Satan represents us humans as mere animals, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of our "divine spiritual and intellectual development," have become the most vicious animals of all.
Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, having kept it in business all these years!
The Nine Satanic Sins
Herd Conformity
Lack of Perspective
Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies
Counterproductive Pride
Lack of Aesthetics
The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth
Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
When in another's lair, show them respect or else do not go there.
If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat them cruelly and without mercy.
Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and they cry out to be relieved.
Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
Do not harm little children.
Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they don't stop, destroy them.

Permalink: Satan_worshipping_and_Ayn_Rand.html
Words: 1029
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: warcraft
05/15/09 10:16 - 60ºF - ID#48672
warcraft stole terry
I know he doesn't even think its crazy, its like those people in a cult that can't see it from the inside.

Permalink: warcraft_stole_terry.html
Words: 86
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: triad
05/14/09 11:43 - 53ºF - ID#48668
Jay Leno and the Triad Marriage

Permalink: Jay_Leno_and_the_Triad_Marriage.html
Words: 25
Location: Buffalo, NY
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I am going to make sausage and burgers/ maybe ribs. Robert and James are making different kinds of salads, libertad is making pasta salad.