Category: work
03/08/06 08:50 - 37ºF - ID#32510
Walking to Work

According to my coworkers, it is fucking freezing in ur office during the summer. In fact my boss kleeps an extra jacket in his office for the summer. It's a little ridiculous because right now it is about 90 degrees in the office and on one side they have giant tubes that pump cold air in during the winter so we don't overheat too much. There is something to be said for efficiency. It actually freaks me out that the building I am in is where a lot fo the cancer research - sort of the forefront of science - yet they cannot figure out the enviornmental control systems. I know, it's not the same scientisist but it is the same organization.
I hope the new building we are moving to soon, doesn't have the same environmental problems. There is nothing I hate more than being freezing in the summer.
I took this picture and afterwards realized it looked like I was worshipping my phone.

The good news is I found out that my superphone is the only one sprint does not charge for tethering with. Happy tethering to me.
I really need to cut my hair off. I wish it would just warm up before the buzzcut. I cannot believe it just does this naturally. I haven't used a styling product since the 90s. I guess that is self evident.

Permalink: Walking_to_Work.html
Words: 284
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: estrip
03/07/06 09:38 - 23ºF - ID#32509
Unexpected Programming
When I went to go upload the Little Link button to it, I accidentally erased the old chat. This left me in an awkward situations because ethe new chat had already been programmed for the geek meet but I didn't really feel like integrating it at 2am. I had no choice at this point because the old chat system would have also taken some work to get it back.
I think you will appreciate ethe new chat a lot more. I need to fix some media stuff up but generally it is much faster.
[size=m]New chat features/changes[/size]
1. The input box only shows up when logged in. When not logged in the chat refreshes every 10 seconds.
2. When logged in it refreshes near instantaneously, even more realtime than before.
3. The sound system has been completely redone using flash instead of quicktime. This makes the system more reliable but also ups the number of people with the plugin. Best of all it doesn't do that stupid window pop forward thing that eveyrone was bitching about. Blame apple, they started it.
4. The new chat is a complete rewrite of the system from the ground up. It is now an xhtml ordered list that uses DOM manipulation to insert nodes at the top. The only thing I am using innerHTML for right now is to post parse out the silly words and links.
5. The new version no longer uses MySQL but is based on SQLite and PDO.
The next thing to get upgraded is the text editor. Maybe even tomorrow. The code has also been rewritten from the ground up as is much more extensible so that we can add new features easily to the editor.
Then last the media library need some fanciness.

Permalink: Unexpected_Programming.html
Words: 420
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: body
03/05/06 09:04 - 29ºF - ID#32508
The gym, not the hotel
I am so torn between buffalo and one hundred other cities where I could make twice as much money. I will probably end up staying here out of pure laziness. I am so motivated when it comes to programming but so unmotivated when it comes to picking out a house or say finsihing my thesis which is now screaming - LEAVE OF ABSENSE.
Technically, I already own one big house but it is on Prospect near D'Youville and honestly that part of Buffalo is just not part of my immediate future. Sure, it is improving and someday will be great but not great enough for me to live there and not great enough ever in my lifetime. When am I going to put down this freakin laptop and buy a house. House, house, house, now.
One think I have remained commmitted to besides programming is going to the gym. I have managed to continue to going three times a week. The hardest part is eating all the freakin' food but soon I will be seriously tough. Then instead of debating stuff I am just going to kick everyone's ass.

I looked up our current residence at the historical society and it seems like our landlord paid $26,000 for this house in 1986. Now it costs around $200,000. Should I buy a house like this now - will it keep going up - or is it going to crash?

Permalink: The_gym_not_the_hotel.html
Words: 298
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: elmwood
03/05/06 12:37 - 31ºF - ID#32507
Elmwood Style
For all you people that keep complaining about the condition of those houses, you cannot overlook that person who wants to have the hotel built is the one who owns them. He also tried to build a walgreens there in the past. It's just like complaining that the Atwater house in in bad condition so they should let Pano tear it down, even though Pano owns it and let it get really run down.
I am totally anti-progress and anti-change - at least in the direction it is going. Just as the coop ripped down and put up their box, and the hotel will do the same, what is going to stop a walmart or a rite aid?
Speaking of which, if we could bring in some bigger chain stores like have in other urban cities, we would be set with the mall. Maybe a gap, how about a banana republic, a rainforest cafe, a glass ceiling and oh ya security guards to keep it "safe" and drug free. What about a foodcourt? It would definately need a McDonalds in it, but not just any McDonalds - a fancy upscale appearing McDonalds that appear to be "elmwoodfied" would be required. Maybe they should dhave a thing that the workers need to appear urban too.
Just as I said before with the coop it is setting up an example for the tear down and suburbanize policy.
Pretty soon, it is going to be too upscale for all the people that made it elmwood the place it is and become a lot more like a fancy mall with upscale stores.
My question is why does elmwood need to be upscale to attract tourists? The whole Ithaca outdoor mall/ elmwood reality is coming true and once it's complete I am moving to Williamsville. I really want a place by glen falls. How about I mean by the time I decide to purchase a house in my newly gentrified neighborhood it will cost about $300,000 anyways. Already so many houses are hitting the $200,000 mark in the area all around the coop.

Permalink: Elmwood_Style.html
Words: 439
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: map
03/04/06 09:26 - 30ºF - ID#32506
The proposed hotel location

The actual location is on the corner there. I marked the atwater house. It is so cute, I wish I owned it. I remember they used to have the best stciky buns there.

Permalink: The_proposed_hotel_location.html
Words: 81
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
03/04/06 05:50 - 34ºF - ID#32505
Italian Wedding Soup

Everyone in our house is sick so it hasn't been the most exhilerating weekend. I caught up with some star trek and programming and decided today that I would try my hand at cooking. Cooking is deifnately not my strong point. I hate following recipes which useually is not good but I guess I kind of ahave an idea of what geos together from vegan yearts when I actually cooked.
I tried to make Italian Wedding soup. It is this relaly yummy soup with little meatballs, clear broth and escarole. According to wikipedia, "The term "wedding soup" is a mistranslation of the Italian minestra maritata, which is a reference to the fact that green vegetables and meats go well together."

No, ecarole (WIKIPEDIA - ecarole) is not snails but rather a type of bitter green lettuce. Because I rused to use a recipe it probably is not much like the real thing but it tastes pretty good. I used
I subsituted cow meatbalss for buffalo ones. I put so much garlic in because we were sick. I had a hard time not eating all the meatballs before they got in the soup. In fact I had to pregame it with garlic shrimp because I could not wait.

Here is my recipe:
little buffalo meatballs with garlic fried
2 boxes chicken chicken broth
4 cups escarole, thinly sliced
1 1/2 cups orzo or ditalini pasta - I used rice for mr gluten intolerant
3 stalks of celery chopped
1 carrot chopped
some basil
lots of garlic - lots
Cook broth plus veggies in a large pot, salt and pepper.
Fry meatballs after mixing with lots of garlic and some oregano
Put meatballs in soup
Add some noodles

Permalink: Italian_Wedding_Soup.html
Words: 297
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: web
03/03/06 06:22 - 25ºF - ID#32504
My name isn't dave
Hey Dave! I guess you must have saw my pix on here cuz I'm good friends with ladycroft. Drop me a line sometime! aj_cich AT
But I am not dave, maybe that will help someone else out.
On another note I have finally completed the new chat which looks about the same but the code is so amazing you can't imagine. I will release it this weekend. I only wish that I had the inspiration to promote it more. (e:shawnr) showed me a chat at 3 bubbles

Mine is just better. no iframes, no stupid javascript embedded in the xhtml, everythign is perfectly separated, XHTML and CSS styled. It doesn't even require mysql anymore. If you turn styles off on their page, there isn't even a chat. Plus no image dragging, thumbnail popping ufn. So now I am torn. Do I pimp my chat solution out as a solution for other sites or sit on it because I cringe at the thought of someone else possibly profitting from my programming.
So while looking at other stuff online at AJAX I discovered this ad from yahoo. I guess they are either really in the future of ajax or they have really bad AI for their advertisment robot.

Permalink: My_name_isn_t_dave.html
Words: 250
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: survey
03/03/06 01:36 - 22ºF - ID#32503
In response to ajays journal
1. Did you support President Bush's decision to invade Iraq in 2003?
No - I never support any war unless it is on my doorstep and they are trying to take my house.
2. Do you think this Administration deliberately overstated the threat posed by Saddam in 2002 in making its claim to Congress? (ref. Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1964).
Yes - I believe they wanted an excuse to control oil and for Bush to get back at Saddam in regards to a previous feud with his father.
3. Almost as many people were killed by Katrina as were killed in 9/11. Do you think the reaction of this Administration has been even-handed to these two events? If not, why not?
No, why didn't we shoot missles at the clouds, they did harbor weapons of mass destruction afterall.
4. Do you think the enmasse wiretapping of phonecalls of American citizens by the Administration that has been revealed recently was illegal?
Yes, I see no reason to ever wiretap without a warrant.
5. Do you think gays should have the right to marry?
Yes, well at least have the same rights and priveleges as a married hetero couple, e.g. tax breaks, hospital visits, inheritance, etc.
6. Do you support a woman's right to unhindered access to abortion?
Yes, die babies, die
7. Do you support the idea of mandatory prayer in schools? If yes, would you support a Muslim Imam leading the prayers in your child(ren)'s school?
8. Do you support the right of a person to grow a little bit of pot in his/her home and consume it as s/he sees it fit? Assume the same laws about DUI, DWI, etc. apply.
9. Do you support the idea of a national healthcare system? Why, or why not?
Yes, because I am willing to pay higher taxes to help people who can't afford health care. It just seems decent to me.
10.For self-identified Democrats/Republicans/Libertarians/Greens alike: would your answers to any of the questions 1-4 above be different if the President was (or was not, if you're Republican) from your party? If yes, which ones and why?
I don't belong to a party [inlink]paul,1447[/inlink]

Permalink: In_response_to_ajays_journal.html
Words: 375
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: web
03/01/06 09:11 - 25ºF - ID#32502
Best Web Sites In buffalo

Does anyone else feel that the examples below are a bit underwhelming to be best in Buffalo/Niagara? I really need a PR person because we could win lots of stuff and get grants if we just applied for these type of awards. I have asked for about 3 years now for someone to help with PR. Maybe one of you new peeps are qualified or interested?
Amherst Soccer -


Roswell Park -

New York Health Quality Coalition -

Stand Advertising -

I've been working on my new content adminsitration system a lot. It will be ready soon and I will be incorporating many of the features into estrip.

Permalink: Best_Web_Sites_In_buffalo.html
Words: 212
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: security
02/28/06 09:26 - 21ºF - ID#32501
Protect Your Clipboards

Does everyone believe me now?
Dawn, Duke and I were at the Artvoice sponsored Geek Meet last night. one thing we learned during one of the presentations was about a security hole in Internet Explorer that I wanted to pass on to all of you.
this site does a good job of explaning, demonstrating, and instructing you how to fix it:
the short synopsis

Permalink: Protect_Your_Clipboards.html
Words: 122
Location: Buffalo, NY
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