Category: elmwood
03/05/06 12:37 - 31ºF - ID#32507
Elmwood Style
For all you people that keep complaining about the condition of those houses, you cannot overlook that person who wants to have the hotel built is the one who owns them. He also tried to build a walgreens there in the past. It's just like complaining that the Atwater house in in bad condition so they should let Pano tear it down, even though Pano owns it and let it get really run down.
I am totally anti-progress and anti-change - at least in the direction it is going. Just as the coop ripped down and put up their box, and the hotel will do the same, what is going to stop a walmart or a rite aid?
Speaking of which, if we could bring in some bigger chain stores like have in other urban cities, we would be set with the mall. Maybe a gap, how about a banana republic, a rainforest cafe, a glass ceiling and oh ya security guards to keep it "safe" and drug free. What about a foodcourt? It would definately need a McDonalds in it, but not just any McDonalds - a fancy upscale appearing McDonalds that appear to be "elmwoodfied" would be required. Maybe they should dhave a thing that the workers need to appear urban too.
Just as I said before with the coop it is setting up an example for the tear down and suburbanize policy.
Pretty soon, it is going to be too upscale for all the people that made it elmwood the place it is and become a lot more like a fancy mall with upscale stores.
My question is why does elmwood need to be upscale to attract tourists? The whole Ithaca outdoor mall/ elmwood reality is coming true and once it's complete I am moving to Williamsville. I really want a place by glen falls. How about I mean by the time I decide to purchase a house in my newly gentrified neighborhood it will cost about $300,000 anyways. Already so many houses are hitting the $200,000 mark in the area all around the coop.

Permalink: Elmwood_Style.html
Words: 439
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: map
03/04/06 09:26 - 30ºF - ID#32506
The proposed hotel location

The actual location is on the corner there. I marked the atwater house. It is so cute, I wish I owned it. I remember they used to have the best stciky buns there.

Permalink: The_proposed_hotel_location.html
Words: 81
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
03/04/06 05:50 - 34ºF - ID#32505
Italian Wedding Soup

Everyone in our house is sick so it hasn't been the most exhilerating weekend. I caught up with some star trek and programming and decided today that I would try my hand at cooking. Cooking is deifnately not my strong point. I hate following recipes which useually is not good but I guess I kind of ahave an idea of what geos together from vegan yearts when I actually cooked.
I tried to make Italian Wedding soup. It is this relaly yummy soup with little meatballs, clear broth and escarole. According to wikipedia, "The term "wedding soup" is a mistranslation of the Italian minestra maritata, which is a reference to the fact that green vegetables and meats go well together."

No, ecarole (WIKIPEDIA - ecarole) is not snails but rather a type of bitter green lettuce. Because I rused to use a recipe it probably is not much like the real thing but it tastes pretty good. I used
I subsituted cow meatbalss for buffalo ones. I put so much garlic in because we were sick. I had a hard time not eating all the meatballs before they got in the soup. In fact I had to pregame it with garlic shrimp because I could not wait.

Here is my recipe:
little buffalo meatballs with garlic fried
2 boxes chicken chicken broth
4 cups escarole, thinly sliced
1 1/2 cups orzo or ditalini pasta - I used rice for mr gluten intolerant
3 stalks of celery chopped
1 carrot chopped
some basil
lots of garlic - lots
Cook broth plus veggies in a large pot, salt and pepper.
Fry meatballs after mixing with lots of garlic and some oregano
Put meatballs in soup
Add some noodles

Permalink: Italian_Wedding_Soup.html
Words: 297
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: web
03/03/06 06:22 - 25ºF - ID#32504
My name isn't dave
Hey Dave! I guess you must have saw my pix on here cuz I'm good friends with ladycroft. Drop me a line sometime! aj_cich AT
But I am not dave, maybe that will help someone else out.
On another note I have finally completed the new chat which looks about the same but the code is so amazing you can't imagine. I will release it this weekend. I only wish that I had the inspiration to promote it more. (e:shawnr) showed me a chat at 3 bubbles

Mine is just better. no iframes, no stupid javascript embedded in the xhtml, everythign is perfectly separated, XHTML and CSS styled. It doesn't even require mysql anymore. If you turn styles off on their page, there isn't even a chat. Plus no image dragging, thumbnail popping ufn. So now I am torn. Do I pimp my chat solution out as a solution for other sites or sit on it because I cringe at the thought of someone else possibly profitting from my programming.
So while looking at other stuff online at AJAX I discovered this ad from yahoo. I guess they are either really in the future of ajax or they have really bad AI for their advertisment robot.

Permalink: My_name_isn_t_dave.html
Words: 250
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: survey
03/03/06 01:36 - 22ºF - ID#32503
In response to ajays journal
1. Did you support President Bush's decision to invade Iraq in 2003?
No - I never support any war unless it is on my doorstep and they are trying to take my house.
2. Do you think this Administration deliberately overstated the threat posed by Saddam in 2002 in making its claim to Congress? (ref. Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1964).
Yes - I believe they wanted an excuse to control oil and for Bush to get back at Saddam in regards to a previous feud with his father.
3. Almost as many people were killed by Katrina as were killed in 9/11. Do you think the reaction of this Administration has been even-handed to these two events? If not, why not?
No, why didn't we shoot missles at the clouds, they did harbor weapons of mass destruction afterall.
4. Do you think the enmasse wiretapping of phonecalls of American citizens by the Administration that has been revealed recently was illegal?
Yes, I see no reason to ever wiretap without a warrant.
5. Do you think gays should have the right to marry?
Yes, well at least have the same rights and priveleges as a married hetero couple, e.g. tax breaks, hospital visits, inheritance, etc.
6. Do you support a woman's right to unhindered access to abortion?
Yes, die babies, die
7. Do you support the idea of mandatory prayer in schools? If yes, would you support a Muslim Imam leading the prayers in your child(ren)'s school?
8. Do you support the right of a person to grow a little bit of pot in his/her home and consume it as s/he sees it fit? Assume the same laws about DUI, DWI, etc. apply.
9. Do you support the idea of a national healthcare system? Why, or why not?
Yes, because I am willing to pay higher taxes to help people who can't afford health care. It just seems decent to me.
10.For self-identified Democrats/Republicans/Libertarians/Greens alike: would your answers to any of the questions 1-4 above be different if the President was (or was not, if you're Republican) from your party? If yes, which ones and why?
I don't belong to a party [inlink]paul,1447[/inlink]

Permalink: In_response_to_ajays_journal.html
Words: 375
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: web
03/01/06 09:11 - 25ºF - ID#32502
Best Web Sites In buffalo

Does anyone else feel that the examples below are a bit underwhelming to be best in Buffalo/Niagara? I really need a PR person because we could win lots of stuff and get grants if we just applied for these type of awards. I have asked for about 3 years now for someone to help with PR. Maybe one of you new peeps are qualified or interested?
Amherst Soccer -


Roswell Park -

New York Health Quality Coalition -

Stand Advertising -

I've been working on my new content adminsitration system a lot. It will be ready soon and I will be incorporating many of the features into estrip.

Permalink: Best_Web_Sites_In_buffalo.html
Words: 212
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: security
02/28/06 09:26 - 21ºF - ID#32501
Protect Your Clipboards

Does everyone believe me now?
Dawn, Duke and I were at the Artvoice sponsored Geek Meet last night. one thing we learned during one of the presentations was about a security hole in Internet Explorer that I wanted to pass on to all of you.
this site does a good job of explaning, demonstrating, and instructing you how to fix it:
the short synopsis

Permalink: Protect_Your_Clipboards.html
Words: 122
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
02/28/06 10:09 - 17ºF - ID#32500
Grilled Mozarella at 150lbs

That's the problem with shopping in the nature's market are. On one hand, it is healthier. On the other it breaks the bank.

I also spent entirely too much on the olive bar and seafood area, but honestly who can say no to $6 1lb bags of shrimp and gorgonazola stuffed olives. I had never seen them before. They are fat green olives stuffed with Gorgonzola and then packed in olive oil. This makes them much more expensive because they are very heavy. The taste, however, makes up for the price.
Truffles are up to $900.00/lb. Have you ever witnessed anyone having the lock box opened. I wonder if you could get the entire display box with it, if you chose to buy a lb. In reality they probably don't have more than 2 ounces in the store.
Having to eat for gym body paul is like being pregnant. I am almost at 150 (146 right now) and 150 had been my goal since 1995. Accordin to the trainer Jon at the BAC, who looks almost exactly like Justin Timberlake, I should be striving more for 180.

So I guess there is a lot more dedication and eating coming up but at least it feels good to meet my original pre-gym goal.
(e:mike) made this really yummy mini grilled mozzarella sandwich. These sandwiches are about 2 square inches big each. My mother also makes them between two slices of polenta. That is a serious treat. 8 think I will make some and document the process. Another alternative is between two slices of french toast like egg battered bread. It's an itaian classic.

Permalink: Grilled_Mozarella_at_150lbs.html
Words: 304
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: buffalo news
02/27/06 07:32 - 22ºF - ID#32499
Buffalo blogosphere
Buffalo blogosphere
Web loggers build a wired community
News Staff Reporter
Eric Levinson wanted to open a vegan-friendly restaurant in Buffalo, but he didn't know where to put it or how to publicize it.
His boss put Levinson in touch with the folks at the Buffalo Rising blog, who put an article on the Web site asking readers where Levinson should go.
"What I was looking for was feedback from the community. The people on there commenting are very involved in the community," said Levinson, a Rochester native and University at Buffalo graduate.
Blogs such as Buffalo Rising, which is an outgrowth of a magazine founded by Newell Nussbaumer, have exploded in popularity over the last couple of years, and their numbers are reaching a critical mass in Buffalo.
A blog - short for Web log - is an Internet site where people regularly post comments, links to other articles and pictures or video clips.
Though still in its infancy, the technology is building a social network and providing a new, freewheeling forum for political debate, bloggers said.
"Martin Luther was able to get the word out because of the invention of the printing press. Bloggers are able to get the word out because of this technology today. It's the same thing," said David Torke, 42, a student at Buffalo State College who hosts the Fix Buffalo blog.
Blogs combine the online diaries or personal home pages that became popular in the 1990s with the technology to make them more interactive, including feedback from visitors.
The Technorati Web site reported this month that it currently tracks 27.2 million Web logs, and this "blogosphere" doubles in size every 51/2 months. The site tracks about one new blog created every second.
A Gallup Poll from December, however, found that just 20 percent of Americans read blogs frequently or occasionally.
"It provides for a chance to enter into a new level of conversation," said Alex Halavais, a UB assistant professor of communication and a blogger. "It gives you an opportunity to form and maintain communities."
Buffalo ranked 63rd among American cities in blog density, according to research conducted by Halavais and graduate student Jia Lin in late 2003. Berkeley, Calif., ranked No. 1.
The Buffalo and Western New York Web ring, founded by Jennifer Smith, lists 41 locally based blogs, though that is an incomplete number.
They started blogging for a variety of reasons and tackle topics ranging from the war in Iraq to boosting a new business in Buffalo to an odd dream they had the night before.
One of the earliest bloggers was Smith, 32, the switchboard receptionist at a local nonprofit, who has hosted her All Things Jen(nifer) blog since late 2002.
One fellow blogger calls Smith the "grandmother" of Western New York bloggers, because she worked to set up a network of local bloggers who read and link to each other's sites.
"I think it is here to stay," Smith said. "Every other person I meet has a blog or seems to know someone who has a blog."
Those bloggers include Smith's housemate, Erin Nappe, whose site is Erin-Go-Blog.
"There's a group of people who say, "I live here, I like it here, and I want other people to know why,' " said Nappe, 31, a substitute teacher and part-time college professor.
Some grew out of a sense of social activism.
Paul Visco started his Elmwood Strip blog in September 2003 after watching an employee at the Wilson Farms at Elmwood and Auburn avenues berate and threaten a homeless person.
Visco's first post was a copy of a letter [inlink]news,29[/inlink] he wrote that urged the company to discipline the employee and called for a boycott until officials took action.
Tops, which owned Wilson Farms at the time, investigated the complaint and later fired the employee. (I had no idea he got fired!) [inlink]news,30[/inlink]
Elmwood Strip has grown into a site that allows nearly 300 registered users to document their lives - using words, photos and video clips - while connecting to and interacting with others on the blog, Visco said.
"I think it documents an important part of what it means to be a Buffalonian that previously was undocumented," he said.
The Fix Buffalo blog is an effort to preserve the city's architectural heritage, particularly overlooked and undervalued structures on the East Side.
Every month for the last two years, Torke has taken pictures of the Woodlawn Row Houses, located near Traditional High School. The photos on his blog illustrate what Torke contends is the deterioration by neglect of the city-owned houses.
"It's a good communication tool for people who really love the city and are trying to make things better here," said Alan Bedenko, the Clarence lawyer behind the BuffaloPundit blog.
The political debate on blogs can be raw and freewheeling.
Blogs and message boards are taking the place of the public square, or the office water cooler, where information spread in the past, said Kevin R. Hardwick, a Canisius College political scientist.
"Obviously, the politicians are looking at this stuff, and it can influence policy," he said.
SpeakUp Western New York, for instance, is a magnet for anti-county government rhetoric. A petition started on SpeakUp collected 5,000 signatures opposing an Erie County sales tax increase for 2005.
The site, which started in April 2003 and is the passion of Anthony Fracasso, owner of Online Media, had 87,878 posts on 6,356 threads (a string of comments) on the message board as of last week, Fracasso said.
"Sunlight, someone mentioned, is the best cure. And that's what SpeakUp is about," he said.
As for Levinson, the prospective restaurateur, nearly 20 people responded to the Buffalo Rising posting, plugging spots on Hertel Avenue, the Elmwood strip and downtown.
Levinson found a spot he likes near Lafayette Square, after the leasing agent read the Web article and contacted him. He plans to open his restaurant, named Tammuz, by late May. Quotes From:![]()

Permalink: Buffalo_blogosphere.html
Words: 1010
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: alergies
02/27/06 02:59 - 23ºF - ID#32498
Horrible Alegies Cats Must Die
I think it is really time to seek alergy treatment as it seems to be getting worse. Man I hate cats.

Permalink: Horrible_Alegies_Cats_Must_Die.html
Words: 54
Location: Buffalo, NY
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Yours is a very real concern, it’s the flipside of a city that is improving, prices go up. But I would rather have my city improve, than see Buffalo’s urban real estate stay one of the lowest priced in the nation. It will grow from Elmwood outward toward Grant and Main St, and I for one am willing pioneer into the edges of a neighborhood and invest in a home.
I want to buy a home on the lower west side, or just west of Richmond and help the Elmwood / Allen areas further improve by being involved in my community. I’ll take a hands on approach to bettering my neighborhood, because I think this community is great and I want other people to come in and appreciate it too. When new businesses and new people feel secure moving into the area, that means I have succeeded.
If you’re worried about low cost housing and amenities there are other ways to address the issue. The Co-op Mansion on North and Elmwood is a good housing solution, or move into an apartment building instead of a two family home. As for retail, the demand for inexpensive rents will always be there, and building owners will take the opportunity to start opening basement and side-street commercial spaces.
It is possible for upscale visitors to coexist with the current environment. We should at least give them a chance.
But I'm still pro-hotel. Why? Gentrification is something that happens when rich people move in to a poor section of town, but I would not consider Elmwood Ave to be a low-rent district in the first place - at least not until you get up to Black Rock. One of the tenants has said that the Mobius 'slum' was the only place he could afford on the strip, and it's been like that at least since he moved in, which was over a decade ago. I know a guy who was looking for a place for his new scooter shop :::link::: . He was not looking on Elmwood, but he was looking at a tiny, mediocre building just off Allen on Franklin that was going for $1/4 million, and another off Delaware at Forest that was going for $200,000. If it's gentrification we're against, we've already missed the bus, and leaving the Mobius 'slums' there isn't going to stop it. [The scooter shop, by the way, is now located in an actual poor neighborhood at 10 E Oakwood Pl [map]10 E Oakwood Pl[/map] and will be opening up at the end of this month.]
- Z