Category: apple
06/07/08 06:15 - 76ºF - ID#44579
Where is the apple key? Cut, Copy, Paste
Today I was helping (e:matthew) learn some photoshop stuff on the mac and I said hold down apple plus shift. His response was, where is the apple key? At first I was thinking, just look but then it really hit me there is no freakin apple key on the new mac keyboard. I have no idea what would posses such a marketing and image driven company to produce new keyboards without their logo on it. It makes no sense. I mean they always had them and windows keyboards have a windows key. Its weird because it says command, and there is the traditional command symbol for mac, but why not just use the apple logo. I mean what does that command symbol really mean?
The iphone's missing text editing feature Give me my clipboard
While I am on the apple rant , I am totally excited about the new iphone and am sure I will buy one just to go back to 3G speed but have the safari mobile browser. The question still remains, why no freakin select, cut, copy, and paste functionality. It is the backbone of digital copy creation. I don't know how they are really going to say it is enterprise ready without that. So much of corporate email involves editing text heavily and cut , copy pasting parts of one email in to another, or parts of web text into an email or other web page. Same with blogging. I find it ridiculous to tye a long entry without using digital editing. That is why I went from having like 1000 mobile blog entries to have about 0 this and last month. PLEASE APPLE ADD CUT, COPY, AND PASTE to the iphone firmware?!
P.S. It is really hot out and I went to the gym three times this week, ya!
Permalink: Where_is_the_apple_key_Cut_Copy_Paste.html
Words: 336
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: health
06/07/08 12:23 - 76ºF - ID#44575
Smoking At Roswell
I get it, smoking is addictive. I smoked cigarettes before but cancer is deadly and smoking significantly raises your risk of cancer. Its a simple equation. Cancer is so in you face at Roswell that I would think it is almost impossible to not think about. I quit as soon as I started working there (e:paul,32381)
I makes me crazy that these Roswell workers smoke right in front of these no smoking/smoke free environment signs. The thing is those signs are for St. Jude's not Roswell. The Roswell people know not to smoke on Roswell property so they smoke at some other non-smoking property where they cannot get in trouble.
I made this to help myself quit. Maybe it will help someone else.
Permalink: Smoking_At_Roswell.html
Words: 141
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
06/07/08 12:19 - 76ºF - ID#44574
Food and Flowers
However, I am sick of eating alone at a big table. It is really depressing. (e:matthew) doesn't eat very much and (e:terry) eats early so by the time I get home from work I eat by myself everyday.
I realized today that I have an affinity/necessity for blue boxed medicine. Is this just a coincidence?
We have some really pretty Irises in the garden. Here are purple, mixed and yellow. We have more varieties in the backyard.
Permalink: Food_and_Flowers.html
Words: 101
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: gym
06/05/08 10:33 - 78ºF - ID#44557
Always use protection
In more than nine years in business, no one has ever contracted athlete's foot. Okay, we wouldn't eat the pizza slice that fell on the floor, but we might think about doing that!
And as I mentioned in a previous blog the lockerroom is seriously the cleanest I ever saw, so one night when totally sweaty - I took a shower without sandals and now seriously I have Atheletes foot, which I definately did not have before. There is no where else my feet could have gone. I don't ever go barefoot outside. So there you have it - remember to always wear protection, bare footing is never safe, no matter how hot and sweaty you are.
Permalink: Always_use_protection.html
Words: 170
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: housing
06/04/08 10:02 - 63ºF - ID#44548
Plus One - minus One
Bedroom, bathroom and kitchen/fridge space - the roommate is gone! Now visitor season can begin. While Dave was the best roommate we had, sorry Nameless Bitch but he didn't always steal my food, lol - it is going to be nice to have just us at home so that I can begin to exhibit the craziness I surely inherited from my dad, ;) like talking to myself and singing silly songs and so I don't have to put pants on to run down to the kitchen to grab water or whatever.
It is so weird to all of a sudden have so much more space. I never really got to explore that space because since we bought the house there has always been someone in it.
Minus One
Today I had such a bad crohn's day - if that is what's killing me. Usually, I am fine - in fact the whole last week I kept thinking maybe it was gone and then wham. I was sick all day so bad that it was like having the flu. I have gotten really good at dealing with being sick but it's kind of depressing. At one point it was so bad I wanted to just go home and sleep but then I got involved in some long term conference call about some crazy SQL drama.
I was so depressed about my life for a bit. Not like any emergency medical thing but I realized what the fuck would I be without my meds. Would I just be someone who died at age 30ish. My body is so fucking pathetic. I wish I could just buy a new one and export the good parts the way I transfer between computers that hold my code.
Permalink: Plus_One_minus_One.html
Words: 298
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 06/03/11 03:14
Category: gym
06/02/08 11:21 - 62ºF - ID#44525
Allentown Athletix
We will see how motivated I am to keep going but it will help that it is only 2 blocks away. I miss the stomach twist machine from the BAC. Maybe they have one too. I kind of had a hard time finding my way around at first.
Permalink: Allentown_Athletix.html
Words: 98
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
06/02/08 12:14 - 52ºF - ID#44516
Indian Buffet at Tandori on Transit
They had this amazing pickled vegtable condiment. I love pickled anything. This one fruit, however, remained a total mystery. I am hoping maybe (e:tinypliny) can identify it for me. It had the consistency of a green, unripe plum but a totally different kind of pit. Anyone know what it is? It was just slightly smaller than a golf ball.
At the end they give you rose water to wash your hands I think. I hope it wasn't supposed to be some sort of dessert soup, because I washed my hands in it.
Also, here is a cute picture of (e:matthew) with jesus hair
Permalink: Indian_Buffet_at_Tandori_on_Transit.html
Words: 174
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: art
06/02/08 12:07 - 52ºF - ID#44515
Artists and Models @ Central Terminal
There were thousands of people. Check out these shots of the crowd. Here I am standing in the middle and took a pic facing each direction.
Most of the art was really lame. Some of it was pretty cool. One of the most interesting pieces in the show was the release of all these red, white and blue balloons onto the veiling. Each one had the name of a soldier that died in the war. They slowly descended to the ground over the night. People were hitting them around and playing with them till they realized what they were. It was interesting to see the number quantified in something other than digits.
I decided to take the picture to look him up afterwards. It is creepy weird that I could find his funeral on youtube. Are all the soldier's funerals on youtube?
(e:imk2) and I had fun in the asbestos closet that was not an actual event but a closet that was just gross. It had a label on the door that said Canadian Customs.
Then we had fun in the bi-polar room. (e:imk2) explains it well with her facial expression. I just like the way the other pic came out with the slow lens speed.
(e:holly) and her boyfriends Brian did a pretty sweet interactive, multimedia experience piece. I forgot to get a picture of (e:robin)'s video but it was great as always. Somehow, I realized as we left that I missed (e:liz)'s piece or at least I am not sure which one it was? Anyone know?
There was another interactive installation that involved nurses, I could never get close enough to figure out what they were doing.
The highlight was the burlesque show. It was at that point that I discovered how much better (e:imk2)'s camera was than mine. I am now going to get a new one. Her pics were crytal clear while mine were blurry and crappy. We were the same distance away, both with all auto on but her camera is like 2 years younger that mine.
I captured this amazing performance for (e:metalpeter), I thought he would enjoy it. They did a blond vs brunette dance to the tune of "Dueling Banjos"
Permalink: Artists_and_Models_Central_Terminal.html
Words: 446
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: food
06/01/08 10:27 - 59ºF - ID#44506
The hunt for a turkey baster in Buffalo
We ate yummy mung bean noodles with veggies for Lunch. I strived to eat five vegatables in one meal and exceeded it: sweet potato, onion, chive, zucchini, summer squash, tomato, carrot, and garlic.
Turkey Baster
So last week we were making 6 racks of ribs for a family bbq at our house with (e:matthew)'s family. This was one of two platters this full. There were 16 people.
That day I went to Walgreen, Rite Aid and Tops on Niagara street but none of them had turkey basters and we ended up using a spoon and pouring which was super inconvenient for so much food. So when I was at wegmans this week, I looked for some and they had two varieties. The $1.49 variety and the $9.99 variety. I am a spend thirft and I am a sucker for luxury items but this one struck even me as totally fucking ridiculous. What could it possibly do that made it worth so much money and why is the sticker red like its some fire hot bargain.
Permalink: The_hunt_for_a_turkey_baster_in_Buffalo.html
Words: 207
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: buffalo
05/31/08 08:41 - 66ºF - ID#44502
Random - pre artist and models
I noticed that the Elmwood Village /Forever Elmwood site took down their link to us. I was never really into them anyways.
I got pulled over this morning coming down main street and turning left on North. Normally, there is a green arrow for the folk coming from downtown, but there wasn't today - maybe not on weekends. Luckily, the guy let me go - I was like 40 yards from my house.
The rental property
We are having the rental property's upstairs kitchen linolified. The previous tenant decided to take down the splashboards and stucco the whole freakin' kitchen. White stucco sucks for a kitchen, so now we have to do something with it. One thing I hate more than tenants that do nothing are ones that try and do things they are not capable of. This is the same kid that tried to fix the lights on Christmas eve and caused the big christmas drama (e:paul,42649)
The Church and parking
Well, they never actually moved pakring to the north side of the church like they said. They did, however, finally get the parking sign (you can see it in the pic below) and the parking guard but it didn't really work all that well.
The best was when the people didn't park across driveway but parked across the driveway two houses down from us, while the people in the house were trying to get a dumpster out of the driveway. The woman was all screaming and bitching about how crazy it was to get a parking spot when they made her move it. Seriously, when is it even ok to park your car across a driveway and leave it. People are fucking ridiculous. How are you goping to explain their anger Father Armand, more rascist neighbors, lol (e:paul,44401) That whole rascist is so ironic considering the way estrip started (e:news,29677)
The Jewish Card
I saw this card at the coop. Maybe some Jewish person can explain why his head is in a curved box. I get the whole Torah part, but the head part totally throws me, does it have meaning?
The gym
We went and joined the gym today thanks to (e:james,44431) The place seemed clean and nice - I am excited to go back. Ww promptly got into a fight about when we would go. Here you can see (e:matthew) looking thrilled to join.
Dibbles Hardware on Ferry
We do a lot of our hardware shopping at Dibbles Hardware on Ferry and at the Bargain Market across the street from it. From these keychains, you would guess they mostly have spanish speaking clientelle.
Why is Adolfo ok as a name while Adolph isn't - did it not translate over after WWII or have they already made reconciliation with the forever damned name.
Permalink: Random_pre_artist_and_models.html
Words: 551
Location: Buffalo, NY
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and do you know for sure that there still won't be copy/paste? bummer...
I'm curious to see what the 2.0 software will bring to the original iphone. I really want a good ical integrated to-do list, and for the main locked screen to show you todays events/to-do's, so you don't have to go open the calendar every time you want to check your schedule. I hope they release it soon- not like announce tomorrow that it will be available- in september.