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Category: cancer

12/26/03 12:33 - ID#30660

I feel violated by my local government

Did you play in any of these places around Woodward and Military in Kenmore. I did - very often, I used to dig in the dirt and hide around this building. I turns out that it was radioactive after all. I really played here. No kidding, ten years long.

We knew that we were not supposed to go there. But as a young kid, we thought it was because it was private property and not because it made us sick. Its not like I lived in the neighborhood and happend to be second-hand exposed. I actually played on these piles of toxic death.

Does any one else rememeber them? Believe it or not I have an actual photo of me playing here in the mid eighties. I will post it as soon as I scan it.

The photo of the guy in a space suite is at Linde/Praxair. I actually worked there n the mid 90s when they were digging this shit up and saw these people in space suits while sitting at a picnic tabel during my lunch break.

I talked to my father who assured me that it's ok. And that short term exposure is not so bad, even though I lived there for 18 years and played there for all my formative years, not to mention working there.

Here are some pictures so you know where I am talking about below and here are links to more.

F.A.C.T.S. is a non-governmental, non-profit, public interest organization located in the Western New York area. F.A.C.T.S. was recognized by the U.S.Department of Energy (DOE) as a "community coalition" stakeholder during the required public review process to select a "final" cleanup plan for several Tonawanda, NY properties that were recklessly contaminated with thousands of tons and millions of gallons of Manhattan Project radioactive wastes produced by a dirty wartime uranium refinery that operated in the Tonawanda area in the 1940s.





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Permalink: I_feel_violated_by_my_local_government.html
Words: 341
Location: Buffalo, NY

Category: cancer

12/25/03 11:43 - ID#30659

more cancer cases than expected

Study finds more cancer cases than expected

News Northtowns Bureau

The incidence of cancer in the neighborhoods surrounding a Town of Tonawanda site where the federal government dumped radioactive waste during World War II is "statistically significantly more than the number of cases expected," according to a state Department of Health study released Thursday.

The study of people diagnosed with cancer from 1994 to 1998 revealed that the number of colorectal cancer cases in males was "significantly more than expected," and in females, "statistically significant excesses" were found in the number of colorectal, breast and thyroid cancers.

"It's about 10 percent (higher)," said Aura L. Weinstein, director of the Cancer Surveillance Program for the health department. "A difference of this size is not likely due to chance."

Health officials found that in the 14150 and 14217 ZIP codes, there were 1,197 males with cancer, compared with the 1,084 expected to have cancer, based on standard cancer-incidence rates by age and sex for New York State outside of New York City.

Weinstein said female cancer rates were found to be 1,201 cases versus the 1,101 cases that were expected.

There were 169 colorectal cancer cases in both men and women, compared with 135 and 143 respective cases that were expected, officials said. Brain and other nervous system cancers in men and breast, thyroid and uterine cancer in women were also above expected levels.

Weinstein cautioned that the statistics do not take into account heredity, occupational exposures or diet.

"This study is not capable of proving any cause-and-effect relationship," she said. "We don't know whether any of these people with cancer were exposed to anything from the Linde site."

Weinstein also pointed out cancers of the cervix along with the kidney and pelvic areas in women were actually lower than the health department expected.

Nevertheless, health department officials said they will pursue additional studies over a longer time frame in the neighborhoods immediately surrounding the site. The results of those studies are expected sometime next year, officials said.

Area politicians, including Erie County Legislator Charles M. Swanick, D-Kenmore, and Republican Town Councilman David H. Rider, criticized state health officials for what they believed to be a failure to notify residents about Thursday's meeting.

The meeting, in the cafeteria of the Holmes Elementary School, was sparsely attended.

"It's a sham as far as I'm concerned. People should be notified," Rider said. "You can't have a public meeting without the public."

Swanick told health officials that more than just the news media should be notified, and that they should consider scheduling such meetings away from the holiday period and in a different location to ensure that all residents interested in the issue can attend.

"We'll help you get to the public, but it can't happen this way," Swanick said. Health department officials promised a better effort to notify residents.

In the subsequent study, Swanick suggested health department officials also take a look at other areas in the town, including the "Mud Flats" near the Youngmann Highway and the town's nearby landfill.

Health officials were noncommittal about Swanick's suggestion.
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Words: 506
Location: Buffalo, NY

Category: cancer

12/25/03 11:12 - ID#30658

Get out of 14217, 14150, 14151 NOW

So our neighbor from Kenmore has a brain tumor and died. According to the mailman so did another guy around the corner. Another neighbor has breast cancer. My friends mom died of cancer in the neighborhood. My other friend has cancer. His aunt has cancer. All from 14217, 14150, 14151. So I decided to look it up some more. Mind you I worked at Praxair, where they burried the Manhattan project. One day during the summer I was eating my lunch outside at a picnic bench and there were men in space suits unburrying stuff not very far away.

I am probably gonna die from this, so I decided to do a little reserach and came up with this info.

Facts of WNY has all the info about this Manhattan project and what happened. Mind you I spent all of my formative years in 14217.

Letter from Aura L. Weinstein, M.P.H. Director, Cancer Surveillance Program


Corning Tower The Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York 12237
Antonia C. Novello, M.D., M.P.H., Dr. P.H., Commissioner
Dennis P. Whalen, Executive Deputy Commissioner
December 13, 2001

Don Finch, Editor
FACTS Newsletter
Box 566
Kenmore, NY 14217-0566

Dear Mr. Finch:

The New York State Department of Health is conducting the Cancer Surveillance Improvement Initiative (CSII). CSII is a multi-part project designed to enhance the Department's cancer education and surveillance activities. This initiative is commonly known as the "cancer mapping project." Among the goals of the CSII is to make cancer information available to the general public in an easy-to-understand format. The CSII will produce maps of cancer incidence by county and ZIP Code, as well as information to increase public awareness of cancer rates and risk factors. Maps of breast, lung and colorectal cancer incidence by ZIP Code are currently available.

In August 1996, you wrote to the Cancer Surveillance Program requesting an investigation of the incidence of cancer in community residents living near the Linde/Praxair site located in the Town of Tonawanda, Erie County, New York. At that time, you felt there was an excess number of cancers in neighboring residents. You also expressed concern about possible health effects from potential exposures to ionizing radiation. As a result of the CSII, we were able to examine cancer incidence for the Linde/Praxair area by ZIP Code, rather than the study area originally discussed. The ZIP Codes chosen, 14150 (including point ZIP Code 14151), and 14217, (see attached map) are as similar as possible to the area originally selected.

A summary of the methods used to conduct this investigation and tables of findings are attached. The cancers studied were those frequently or occasionally associated with various types of ionizing radiation in a number of studies (Schottenfeld, 1996). As you can see from Table 1, the total numbers of both males and females diagnosed with cancer during 1994-1998 were statistically significantly more than the number of cases expected. In males, the number of colorectal cancer cases was significantly more than expected. No other type of cancer in males showed a statistically significant difference from the number expected. In females, statistically significant excesses were found in the number of cases of colorectal, breast, and thyroid cancers. Table 2 shows the results for all cancer sites.

Due to the finding of excesses of cancer cases both in total numbers as well as for certain individual cancers that have been linked with radiation exposure, we will be initiating a follow-up study of cancer incidence in a smaller area closer to the site. The study area will be defined in terms of census tracts and census block groups and the study will cover the most recent 10 year period for which cancer data are available. We anticipate that this follow-up study will be completed and released in approximately one year.

I have also included information on colorectal cancer, cancers of the breast and thyroid, and background information on cancer in general. It is important to remember that this type of study cannot tell us why the incidence of certain cancers in an area may be high. These studies can only show cancer patterns.

We hope this information helps to answer your questions about cancer near the Linde/Praxair site in the Town of Tonawanda. If you have any questions regarding this investigation, the follow-up study or any further concerns, please feel free to call me at (518) 474-2354.


Aura L. Weinstein, M.P.H.

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Permalink: Get_out_of_14217_14150_14151_NOW.html
Words: 742
Location: Buffalo, NY

12/25/03 08:31 - ID#30657

xmas changes

Flacidness, whoa, you are one strong dude. Hang in there. 2003, is another year where "Jesus" messed everything up for me. It kind of worries me but at the same time I really don't give a fuck either way because I've been here before and I know how to move on. I wish I could just live in the pre-christian era. I was definately made to worship some earth spirit and not some lame jew king.

I guess, to each his/her own
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Words: 82
Location: Buffalo, NY

12/25/03 04:09 - ID#30656

Xmas Time Again


Well, I bet you are thinking who is that Santa and why is he on your page. The answer follows right below in picture two. I cannot believe that this is real. I just heard something in the chimeney. Is it a bird or can it be ...

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Permalink: Xmas_Time_Again.html
Words: 51
Location: Buffalo, NY

12/24/03 01:57 - ID#30655

Contra for Emily


Here is a place where you can play many nintendo ROMS online. Contra is one of them and I know it's your favorite.

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Permalink: Contra_for_Emily.html
Words: 33
Location: Buffalo, NY

12/23/03 03:53 - ID#30654

Bush Laden


Great job with the clone tool. What more can you say about this?
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Permalink: Bush_Laden.html
Words: 15
Location: Buffalo, NY

12/22/03 05:25 - ID#30653

prisons, soldiers and responsibility

I have debated this very same issue in the context of soldier and their role as killers. So in this response I am going to be refering to soldiers and prison executioners collectively as the "killers." Terry often argues it is society that sets them up for their situation and that I cannot possibly understand the predicament that many of them are in in terms of growing up poor and not having any hope. I think that is not true.

There are plenty of students both at UB and Canisius that come from extremly poor families in the "ghettos" of America that are choosing not to be killers but rather to educate themselves out of the system.

Yes, they may have had encouragement from parents who were more caring then others. But I am sure not all of them, when it comes down to it, you (the individual) have a choice to pick up the gun or not. By picking it up the individual is making the choice to possibly play the role of the "killer" in return for weath, education, or increased class status.

In the end I can give a specific examples of another route. Through turning to a religious organization. While I am usually not a big supporter of religion, I definately see turning to god a better solution than killing people with guns or electric chairs. For this example, I would like to explain my friend Jacob's situation.

His mother was an extremly poor Najavo that lived on the reservation in the South west. At some point the mormons( who I typically do not like) came around and converted them. Evtually, she ended up at BU where she met Jacob' father, a mexican-indian who was also from a poor rural ancestry.

They eventually got married, Jacob's Dad became a bishop and started a business around their beliefs, helping kids with social problems like drug addiction in one of those desert outreach programs where the youths are subjected to living with nothing.

Jacob's family eventually became quite wealthy both monetarily and spiritually. Now I have to say I cannot support the Mormons and I am not giving any credence to their belief system. I am just saying their are alternative to killing and those who can't see this are purposely being blind.

There is nowhere in America where people do not have access to the teachings of any of the major religions which support the idea that killing is really wrong. I think the idea of not killing even transcends the moral and spiritual responsibilty of religious tenants and is actually a very humanistic construction.

In the end I am saying if you pick up the gun you are guilty. While society is at fault for making the decisions so tough and difficult for those that are less fortunate. We cannot dissolve everyone of personal moral responsibilty.

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Permalink: prisons_soldiers_and_responsibility.html
Words: 480
Location: Buffalo, NY

12/22/03 05:22 - ID#30652

Blogger Purge

I have just taken all of my most favorite blogger posts and moved them here -see previous posts. It is an effort to move myself away from the corporate driven web publishing scheme and into the realm of local discourse. Respond to them if you wish. I figured they were better here where they were searchable.

I would encourage other people to do the same.
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Permalink: Blogger_Purge.html
Words: 65
Location: Buffalo, NY

Category: opinion

12/22/03 05:20 - ID#30651

The Typewriter, Emancipation and Slavery

Kittler's discourse on the typewriter in his book "Gramophone Film Typewriter" is an informative piece concerning the development and influence of the typewriter. In “Typewriter”, Kittler discusses the many influences the typewriter has had on our society, from acting as an emancipating mechanism for women, to affording the blind the ability to write, to changing the way our entire global society conceptualizes and communicates. Seen as one of the of the major emancipating agents for women, the typewriter, a word meaning both the machine and the woman who operated it, aided in tearing down the "walls" of educational institutions that previously barred them from enrollment.

For the blind, the typewriter tore down the walls of silence in a world full of written expression. The most obvious example being Nietzsche, who suffered a form of blindness which ultimately forced him to give up his position as a professor at the university of Basal, as he no longer could control the medium of his creation, the written word. Nietzsche was one of the first adopters of the typewriter, as the typewriter bridged this gap, allowing the philosopher to literally feel the words come out of his hand and be pressed onto the paper. At the mercy of the machine as messenger for his word, Nietzsche was seriously set back when it malfunctioned only months after he first began to use it, thus destroying the fragile link between the author and the medium that the typewriter had offered. Because Nietzsche was wealthy enough to afford a subordinate to take his dictation, this may seem insignificant. However, this separation between author and work rendered allowed room for intellectual manipulation so extreme, by his sister and her pro-nazi agenda, that for the first half of the twentieth century Nietzsche was thought of as the primary philosopher of Nazism although it was well known that he had a
hatred for German Nationalism and antisemitism, as demonstrated in many of his earlier works.

While I agree that the typewriter was an emancipating force in many ways as demonstrated above, it cannot be overlooked that it also enslaved our society as a primary vehicle to the current state of technical dependence.

The typewriter was the first personal machine that began the trend toward our dependence on brain enhancing machinery, which has been nearly perfected with the advent of its evolutionary great grand child, the computer. This technological wonder, shooting forth from the military production facilities of the west, moved us toward our greater goal of increased efficiency and mass production. Once we reached this goal our society could not ever turn back without being completely destroyed, thus enslaving us in this cycle of endless technological innovation in terms of machines that allow us to rapidly disseminate information. From the brain of the master to the eyes of the subordinate in the shortest time possible, who ever gives up in this race loses all power.

The typewriter itself as a medium can also physically enslave the intellectual. As with the example of Henry James (Kittler, 216). The typewriter, a master product born out of a capitalist society, alters our ability to think by forcing a certain stimulus, in this case the typewriter clank, to be associated with intellectual production in a Pavlovian way. Kittler quotes James, “Soon a reflex loop was created: only the clanking of the typewriter induced sentences in the writer.” In this way the typewriter itself asserts a form of control over the user and demands to be purchased and worshiped.

While it is obvious that the typewriter has affected the way that we think and write, it must also be asserted that the typewriter itself is a product of the society through which it lives. A cycle which means that as far as technology can change us as a society it is ultimately only a reflection of our society's desire.

Lastly, the typewriter has also be

ajor source of governmental and religious propaganda, a theme which cannot be overlooked when speaking of it as an emancipating machine. Even more important than propaganda is the fact that the typewriter allowed, for the first time, true governmental efficiency; directly leading to the ultimate submission of the global masses to capitalist agencies. With both governmental and business issues, words became far more powerful than guns.
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Words: 720
Location: Buffalo, NY



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