Last Visit 2025-03-09 00:21:16 |Start Date 2003-09-17 03:35:24 |Comments 1,445 |Entries 1,287 |Images 783 |Videos 81 |Mobl 131 |Theme |
02/13/11 11:27 - ID#53610
Oh wait not that one, though she is very special to me too! This is my true valentine...
I know it is not quite Valentine's Day yet but I work 830 am to 9 pm tomorrow so I thought I would post it now . I like that the golden girls are represented in both pictures.
So two weeks ago I joined a gym, Fitness 19 cuz it is near my house and near my work and seems not too hardcore and had a card to join for free with my insurance. BUT...I have not gone at all! When I signed up he was like so you wanna work out today...and was like heck no! maybe next week, but now its been 2 weeks and I just cannot get myself up to it. I think I need someone to go with me the first time and show me the machines and stuff. Why am I so anti-gym, When I actually do it I don't hate it, not that I like it like other people say how good they feel, I don't feel that, but I don't hate it. Ugh, maybe next week!
leetee writes
at 12:40:08 02/09/11 - Comment #60555
I've heard that all the time, that people feel better after working out. Never happened to me. I usually give up after about 6 weeks because it continues to be a struggle and i don't feel any better or get that post work out rush people talk about.
I hope you start to go and once you get it into your routine, you get that great feeling from it!
matthew writes
at 11:12:26 02/09/11 - Comment #60554
I'm with you mike, I can't get myself to the gym. Although, I do agree with dave's comment on feeling good after a nice workout. I wish I could've been one of those people who get addicted to feeling good & healthy! I started a new workout "regime" last week, minus the gym. We'll see how that goes...
libertad writes
at 10:31:31 02/09/11 - Comment #60549
I told you I would go with you. We can maybe go this weekend.
Don't knock the gym Tiny! Lifting weights has many positive health effects. It also allowes people to get cardio in a controlled environment. I really enjoy my time at the gym. I do agree it is time consuming but for me it is worthwile. I feel much better since working out again, despite having this really annoying cold.
tinypliny writes
at 05:05:48 02/09/11 - Comment #60546
I don't even like the idea of going to the gym to workout. It feels like a deadening time-sucking chore to me, time that could have spent improving my mind or experience. I'd rather dance.
Permalink:Gym_Time_.html Words: 136 Location: Kenmore, NY Last Modified: 02/08/11 11:46
01/31/11 08:20 - 14.ºF - ID#53525
Phone Number Hoarder
So along with many other things, it turns out I hoard phone numbers. I was transferring numbers to my new phone and whoa! Who are half these people, I don't know, yet I keep transferring them from phone to phone just in case someday I remember who they are and need their number. Half of them probably aren't even people's numbers anymore. I seriously have like all of my friends ex boyfriends/ people they were even talking to a little bit's phone numbers plus like all these random people and even a number for Musical you know there are many many musical emergencies in my life. Then there are the standard ones titled like Creepo , Creeps, Crazy Mendez, who I don't even know which creepo or creeps that refers too. And then the random local "celebrity" (both real or just in the minds of my friends) or whatnot whose number I somehow got ahold of. And then there are the people who I despise whose numbers I got in case I have had a revenge crisis. It would almost be fun to call all the numbers and see who they are and if they are still there. I also love how I also keep people's names listed not by like first and last but by first and how I know them. For example, Dave is still Dave (Coffee &) in my phone and always will be! I really wanted to cut out some numbers this time but I just could not bring myself to do it, even if I had no idea whose numbers they were!
tinypliny writes
at 05:31:42 02/01/11 - Comment #60451
And where exactly is crazy mendez a "standard" title?!
tinypliny writes
at 05:30:19 02/01/11 - Comment #60450
What exactly is a revenge crisis? Like you feel the need to get a planned hit on someone?
tinypliny writes
at 09:21:01 01/31/11 - Comment #60439
Wow - we are such POLAR opposites. I changed my phone device recently and I didn't even bother putting in my family's phones because I figured all the persistent OMG-you-need-to-answer-now multiple calls that added up would soon pinpoint the numbers as those belonging to my family. I seldom use my phone to call anyone other than credit card activation numbers, which, btw are on back of credit cards. So my contact list is pretty much nothing at all and I usually like it that way. It makes me less guilty about using the phone as an alarm clock (and now as a drawing pad).
So I just ordered my Droid Incredible, I guess I am joining the world of smartphones. It was really tough deciding if I should or not, like if it is worth it or not for me to have the internet on my phone? Is it worth $30 a month (minus 20% RiteAid employee discount). Then I decided that is one eaten out lunch a week. I think that is totally worth having the internet on my phone. We'll see. The only thing is I am not known for taking the best care of my phones so I will have to improve on that, no more driving off with it on the roof of my car! It does have the one feature I was requiring in a new phone which is a flash on the camera. It is crazy , my first phone like 10 years ago had a good flash on the camera and now it is way harder to find one I think. Anywho, I hope it all ends up being a good idea and worth the money. Like i never relaly felt wow my life would be better with a smartphone but I kinda feel like I will use it. I hope so!
i got it today and frankly it is super overwhelming right now!
paul writes
at 10:01:17 01/28/11 - Comment #60385
When do you get it?
tinypliny writes
at 07:52:18 01/25/11 - Comment #60342
I downloaded a cool compass that uses the built-in "magnetometer", for instance...
tinypliny writes
at 07:51:31 01/25/11 - Comment #60341
I actually do a few more things on hand-me-down nexus one than I used to do on my HTC dream (used mainly as an alarm clock). That's really quite a leap for me. These things are addictive.
flacidness writes
at 03:36:03 01/25/11 - Comment #60339
Youre gonna love it!!! I'm addicted to mine for sure. I can't put it down most times. Btw you drive off with your phone on the hood? Lol that's worse than mine being run over by a car.
paul writes
at 12:49:51 01/25/11 - Comment #60337
Yeah! Now you can buy ebooks for your phone and make lots of mobile blog posts. Welcome to the 2000s.
Permalink:Droid_Incredible.html Words: 201 Location: Kenmore, NY Last Modified: 01/25/11 12:39
01/22/11 12:31 - 13.ºF - ID#53473
Happy Birthday PauL!
Happy Birthday! I can't believe you are 34 yet now 34 seems so much closer to my age then when we were like 20 and 27! I feel like both 27 and 34 are pretty darn close to 30 and I don't like it! Hope you have a fantastic bday! I usually post a pic from back in the day when mom would dress us in matching outfits but I am stuck at work all day! SO I'll post this instead...
I am 100% addicted to the show What Would You Do in which they put people in like not good social situations to see if people just sit there and don't get involved or speak up or do something. The last few episodes I watched were really good, one was would you say something or walk out of an upscale store if another shopper was being harassed by the employees just b/c they were African American, another was like kids teasing other kids really badly in a park, another was drag queens being kicked out of a coffee shop and so on and so forth. And like the people are all actors that are in the situation but the test is to see if the people at the store, coffee shop etc will say something. it is really cool to see if or when people react and when they don't. It seems like people who immigrated here tend to be more likely to say something and be like this is America you can't do this which I guess that makes sense if they come from somewhere where there is more oppression. What's really crazy is how many people don't say anything including after seeing a girl put powder from a pill in their dates drink when they leave it unattended. AND NOONE SAYS ANYTHING! It is realz crazy out there y'all
tinypliny writes
at 10:28:13 12/30/10 - Comment #60033
Sheesh. Pull the doer down, why don't you.
libertad writes
at 05:40:34 12/29/10 - Comment #59982
I'm not sure that the train tracks count either unless it was underground. Like if you actually jumped into the pit with the oncoming train to hoist the stranger up to the platform, that would be for real. ;)
paul writes
at 12:06:15 12/29/10 - Comment #59979
The guy falling in front of the train counts but I don't think your mom counts, lol. Most everyone would help their own other choking. Its about people's reaction to stranger's circumstances.
lilho writes
at 10:30:34 12/29/10 - Comment #59978
i know i would do something because my mom choked at xmas eve dinner and i helped her.... and one time this man fell in front of the train tracks on main st in blo and i helped him up as the train was coming. im a doer.
metalpeter writes
at 03:38:15 12/28/10 - Comment #59961
I have seen the show a couple of times.... Someone who is much Younger then me who I went to school with was on one of the episodes.....He jumped right in... It is a great show but I haven't seen it in some time..........
That being said One thing though is that I don't think I would do any thing.... A Fight is a fight I'm not getting in the middle of that let those to sort it out... Also when you walk past that you don't know what caused it, maybe the person being the Jerk is in the right..........
paul writes
at 12:24:59 12/28/10 - Comment #59957
This is almost exactly how estrip started back in 03 (e:news,29677)
mk writes
at 10:08:21 12/27/10 - Comment #59948
I prefer the Nickelodeon show of the same title.
tinypliny writes
at 11:31:34 12/26/10 - Comment #59947
Hmm... makes me think about the mandatory whistleblower rules and policies course that we had to pass at work. Sometimes its about repercussions of whistleblowing, or in this case, saying something.
Another reason might be sheer indifference to something. What if you saw a glitter paint that you really really liked at a store and then you saw that one of the employees was not treating, let's say foreign-looking people with accents with respect. What would you do? Would you walk out and go to a store 20 miles away to that paint? Or would you complain to the manager and buy the paint? Or would you stare at the disrespectful employee in a hostile way? Or would you go up to the foreigner and apologize loudly for that employees behaviour on behalf of rest of humanity? Or would you just walk out of the store in silent protest? Or would you never go back to the store and post a nasty online complaint? Or would you call the nearest newspaper and call the place discriminatory? I am not sure that I would be consistent with what I might do in this situation. It could depend on how tired, indifferent, needy, annoyed etc I am feeling at that particular time.
Feelings about what one should, might, can, would, ought to do in each situation are so ephemeral...
Permalink:What_Would_You_DO_.html Words: 231 Location: Kenmore, NY Last Modified: 12/26/10 04:10
metalpeter writes
at 06:02:53 12/18/10 - Comment #59832
Ok Am I the only one who finds the Conductor Hot...............
So Intruding into someone's bed (guess it is about rape or it could be about cheating or getting into a bed one isn't supposed to be in) makes you dumb or maybe you do it cause you are so dumb.
Saw this on Facebook and loved it. And I still Like it here..........
lauren writes
at 09:43:54 12/18/10 - Comment #59826
tinypliny writes
at 11:10:25 12/17/10 - Comment #59824
So I saw today that Chernobyl is going to be offering tours in 2011! Um, I will not be the first in line for that! I will not even be the 100th in line! Who wants to go there? They are still working on a permanent block/cover so they definitely seem like they realize it is stiill toxic. They say if you stay on the guided tour it is ok, but for some reason I don't trust that. It was like Paul telling the story about the place he worked where there was a tape on the ground and across that line you needed a hazmat suit, as if the tape was keeping the toxins away on his side of the line. So all in all, I do not plan on going their for vaca, well until they add a casino of course haha
jbeatty writes
at 06:15:39 12/18/10 - Comment #59833
I think it would be really cool to see a soviet era town preserved from the 80's. It's kinda spooky there from all the pictures and videos I have seen. Just intriguing I guess?
tinypliny writes
at 06:00:41 12/15/10 - Comment #59762
jbeatty writes
at 03:13:34 12/14/10 - Comment #59728
I would love to go see that town. There are some interesting videos on Youtube of Prypiat the town that Chernobyl is in. I think the radiation levels have subsided quite a bit since the incident. It's mostly Cs-137 contamination, with a half life of 30 years. At that rate its nearly half gone!
hodown writes
at 01:03:23 12/14/10 - Comment #59725
I smell a Visco/Ho vacation coming up!
tinypliny writes
at 07:59:39 12/13/10 - Comment #59711
I take it that you were not interested in the museum of Nazi horrors (or some such thing) in DC. I wasn't either and hotfooted it out of its vicinity as soon as I could - but you should have seen the LOOOOOONG queues that were waiting to get in!
metalpeter writes
at 07:49:14 12/13/10 - Comment #59707
Sounds like a great Horror / Slasher or Zombie or even and end of the world type movie.... Not Real Life. I wonder what is the point. It seems like the things that might be interesting wouldn't be safe like the guy melted to something or something.
Permalink:Chernobyl_VACA.html Words: 144 Location: Kenmore, NY Last Modified: 12/13/10 07:39
12/11/10 12:17 - 37.ºF - ID#53234
Optical Illussions
So I am at work on a Saturday and it is quite slow, well I only got here 15 minutes ago but I haven't even gotten one call yet. And it is so quiet cuz hardly anyone is in the building. Anywho so I started looking at optical illusions on yahoo and wowser they freak me out kinda. They really blow my mind. I just don't understand how they work and somehow I feel like they could be used for evil, ok haha prolly not but it does really rock my mind how they work.
How are you always mobile posting. Did you get a new phone or are you just using the mobile site?
tinypliny writes
at 02:35:26 12/11/10 - Comment #59616
Because your brain is functioning as it should? lol
Permalink:Optical_Illussions.html Words: 94 Location: Kenmore, NY Last Modified: 12/11/10 12:17
12/09/10 06:11 - 23.ºF - ID#53228
Snookie Droppings
Did anyone else here that MTV is dropping Snookie (encased in some kind of ball I'm assuming) for New Years Eve? I guess the rest of Jersey Shore is going to be leading the people in Times Square in a fist pumping Snookie dropping countdown. Totally rediculous but awesome.
metalpeter writes
at 07:48:05 12/14/10 - Comment #59740
It Gets More Interesting Just Read that she is MTV News #4 women of the year!
metalpeter writes
at 05:29:13 12/14/10 - Comment #59729
From what I read it wasn't the Hudson it was like a round ball but not sure from where exactly...............
tinypliny writes
at 08:07:50 12/13/10 - Comment #59715
really, they are throwing her into the hudson?! I thought this was (e:mike)'s joke. No?
metalpeter writes
at 07:50:35 12/13/10 - Comment #59708
Just wanted to add I got a link to this in an e-mail and in the picture snooki looks hot as hell, I thought she was a fat chick this should be wild (hopefully I'll be somewhere and not watching it)....
mk writes
at 01:27:25 12/10/10 - Comment #59612
tinypliny writes
at 12:56:20 12/10/10 - Comment #59611
Rediculous is when ridiculous is carried too far. Get with the lingo.
mk writes
at 11:07:16 12/10/10 - Comment #59610
Please tell me you just made a typo and you do in fact know how to spell the word ridiculous...
tinypliny writes
at 07:36:26 12/09/10 - Comment #59609
I had no ideas ETs actually existed till I read your post and googled "Snookie".
libertad writes
at 06:12:53 12/09/10 - Comment #59602
I just signed on to say hello to you in chatter and now you are gone.
Permalink:Snookie_Droppings.html Words: 49 Location: Kenmore, NY Last Modified: 12/09/10 06:12