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04/29/13 11:12 - ID#57600

Went for a Run

After a somewhat succesful undie run the other day 5k in 34 minutes which was good for me since I never ever run I decided maybe I actually could enjoy running so after a 13 hour work day today I decided to go on my first non-event run alone , It took me 25 minutes to run 2.28 miles and included a fully body collapse on Richmond but I think it's a good start, lets see if I can keep it up...Next up I think I definitely need to learn how to stretch and pace myself...I blame Rachelle for the pain I feel right now and starting me on this horrible exercise is the real crazy part if you know me...I CAME HOME AFTER MY RUN AND ATE CARROT STICKS AND DRANK WATER not like chips, dip and pop, I didn't even dip my carrot sticks in anything....let's see if this becomes a trend or a one night wonder
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Permalink: Went_for_a_Run.html
Words: 160
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/29/13 11:12

04/27/13 05:51 - ID#57586


I got all that plus 3 boxes of Edy's fruit bars for $16.50 with coupons and sales. mind you there are 4 toms products which are normally like 4.00 each minimum. I just looked on the Wegman's site and totaled up what it would have costed doing it our old way of just buying everything at wegmans that we needed and that would have cost .....drumroll please....

..FOR A SAVINGS OF 25.19 or 60.4%!!!

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Permalink: couponing.html
Words: 69
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/27/13 05:53

04/22/13 11:44 - ID#57563

Wedding Outfit

I think I found the perfect outfit for (e:pmt)'s wedding!

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Permalink: Wedding_Outfit.html
Words: 13
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/22/13 11:45

04/21/13 07:52 - ID#57558

happy birthday alex time

(e:xandra)'s birthday at my parents house. Of course my mom would have a candle that goes on a beer bottle. She has more party supplies than party city.

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Permalink: happy_birthday_alex_time.html
Words: 41
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/21/13 07:52

04/14/13 04:30 - ID#57521

Soap Opera Love

I love when soap operas just lay their cards on the line and the characters say the crazy things like they're normal. I love when they say things that happened to them as if it just is so ho hum

This scene took place after Chloe took her son with Daniel to Brazil and has threatned to take him there permanently and away from Daniel , unless he broke up with Jennifer, Chloe originally for years passed off the hcild as PHilip's with whom she had an affair:

Daniel: This is all your fault!
Chloe: What! I don't get any forgiveness! Is it my fault Kate tried to kill me with a brain tumor when I left her son for you! Was it my fault Vivian brainwashed me to think you were having an affair!
Daneil: No But you never came to me to ask about it ! And it is your fault that you chose to have an affair with PHilip, my step brother who is also my daughter's husband!

In three small lines there was :
1. an implanted brain tumor attack
2. brainwashing
3. an affair with his step-brother
4. his step-brother is married to his daughter

Why isn't' real life that interesting!
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Permalink: Soap_Opera_Love.html
Words: 199
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/14/13 04:30

04/14/13 12:12 - ID#57514

Family Time -Miles's Birthday

Tonight was my cousin Jenny's son Miles's 2nd birthday party. As you can see by the picture below there are a lot of kids. I think like 5 kids under 9 and then a 12 year old. It's always really loud and crazy but also really fun. Tonight though for the first time in quite a while , my parents and aunt and uncle had left and so it was just me, (e:paul) , (e:libertad) , my cousins and their spouses and the kids had all pretty much passed out or were playing nicely and us cousins all just sat around and talked for a long time. I can't remember the last time that happened where there weren't kids like every few seconds needing something or something else going on. It was really nice just all sitting around and talking with my cousins. It was just really nice. All in all a great night.

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Permalink: Family_Time_Miles_s_Birthday.html
Words: 151
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/14/13 12:17

04/10/13 09:46 - ID#57501

Holly Hunter

So some of you who have been around awhile may remember I made this video when ABC contacted me about a special on Holly Hunter and what I would ask her if I got on and I was hoping to get on. It was after I wrote a blog about Holly Hunter which really said her new show seemed ridiculous but they must have had some robot that just searched for blogs about her new show at the time or something. Anyway I never made it on and actually know very little about Holly Hunter but it surprises me still how many messages and comments I have gotten about the video. My favorite was a man who said something like how stupid I was and he can't believe he wasted all those minutes with his head turned sideways to watch the video. Well um who is the stupid one then? Anywho, I just got another message last month and it is so they are trying to convince me she is amazing but that was what my whole video was about...also they sent it as a private message because they said Holly Hunter is such a private person. Maybe it is really her, except all the typos, though she never really struck me as the brightest bulb!

Here is the original video...

and here is the most recent message I got:

Just wanted to let you know that I met Holly Hunter and her Boy friend last Summer. They came into my shop to buy some of my art work. I always like her as an actor.. She was very down to earth and frendly as was her boy friend. She even helped my wife with a sick animal we had at the time. I have since sold other art to some of her friends. She is a privite person who is very family orented . I have met and worked with many actors, sports figures etc.who were nice people but have to say she was the easest to get along with, a realy down to earth person that you would feel confortiable just sitting around and talking with. She stayed quite a while. She has a new mini series starting Tomorrow night March 18 on the sundance chanel .
I didn`t want to post this on your video as like I said she is a privite person. Check out her movies including white heat and her last tv serice saving grace on DVDs
A very versitile actress that steals the seans no mater what actor or actress she is doing a sean with

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Permalink: Holly_Hunter.html
Words: 444
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/10/13 09:46


04/09/13 10:24 - ID#57494 pmobl

deal alert

these potatoes which are great for a quick potato dish at dinner and are delicious are being discontinued at tops so they are 1.49 and there is a coupon on the frozen food door for a dollar off any mccain product making them just .49 each ! usually they are 2.99. the title of this journal should be steal alert not deal alert with deals like that !

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Permalink: deal_alert.html
Words: 64
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/09/13 10:24


04/09/13 09:42 - ID#57493 pmobl

chef visxo

I'm becoming quite the chef if I do say so myself. I try to cook dinner a lot more now and it usually comes out ok. today I made a delicious dinner of roasted asparagus, grandma Molly's shrimp, garlic bread and rice . yummo !

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Permalink: chef_visxo.html
Words: 44
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/09/13 09:42

04/05/13 10:43 - ID#57468

Out Of It

So at work I do the bulletin board each month. I decorate with random holidays like national high five day and talk like a pirate day and upcoming work related events and birthdays and stuff and then often cover it in a coat of glitter. Not spray glitter, one time I used spray glitter and the office reaked for like a day and a half so no more of that ...anywho...that is all just preshow for this story

So today I was putting up the new bulletin board and I put some stuff up (obviously a few days late as march ended over a week ago) and I was like Hey everyone now it's officially May. Except it's not , it's april but I had done May on the board because I am losing my mind..

..and then I went to wasabi to pick up a teriyaki beef box for lunch and on the way back just drove right past my office and started on my way home. I had actually gotten on the 33?scajacuda?thruway?90? I don't even know the names of fast roads anywho I got on at which point I realized "OMG I forgot (e:casey)" and then realized OMG I am supposed to still be at work so I had to get off and call my boss and go back to work and be like I toatlly just started driving home...

...i have no idea why I was so absent minded today, it was really insane, god knows its not because my life is too hectic, if anything it is the complete opposite lately.
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Permalink: Out_Of_It.html
Words: 268
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 04/05/13 10:43



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joe said to joe
Never send a man to do a grandma's job...

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yes thank you!
Well, since 2018 I am living in France, I have finished my second master of science,...

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Nice to hear from you!! Hope everything is going great....

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Hello from the east coast! It took me so long to see this, it might as well have arrived in a lette...