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06/23/05 01:20 - ID#28841

Thursday at the Square preparty

So tomorrow night before AJay's going away party me some other (e:strip)pers will be hanging out at Thursday Square...(e:amanda) (e:mk) and (e:maureen) are all expected to show for some pre-party fun at the square...hope to see some of you there.
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Permalink: Thursday_at_the_Square_preparty.html
Words: 46
Location: Kenmore, NY

06/21/05 11:29 - ID#28840

Jilly, Beast and MK

I just wrote a super long entry about missing Jill, Teres and MK. And how my freinds here are wonderful but certain things are just missing and irreplaceabel with them gone and that I don't know how I am going to make it through the rest of the summer without random walks down elmwood, trips to Wegmans, and games of Frisbee. It will be sorely missed. MK luckily will be home soon and will make me feel better, because frankly I feel like crap lately....well this is much shorter sinc emy computer froze and i didn't feel like rewriting eveyrthign i wrote which stinks because it was very nice i think. haha that sounded full of myself. Well i hope eveyrone , everywhere is doing good.

P.S. I saw the Rent trailer and it looks really good.
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Permalink: Jilly_Beast_and_MK.html
Words: 138
Location: Kenmore, NY

06/08/05 10:34 - ID#28839

Looking back at e:strip the original

After someone mentioned some old estrip entries of mine the other day I decided to go back and read my old entries. WOw I used to write so much, how crazy. LIke every detail of what I did. Anyway, I recommned everyone goes back and reads them you will porlly find things you have forgotten about. I definetely did.
Some things I found were the entry about jill almost stepping in a dirty diaper on elmwood and Allen and many entriesabout my love of Mocha Jet Cafe's at Coffee&. I miss those a lot. I hadn't thought about them in forever but now I crave one like i havn'et craved anything in a long time. Iit is a nice recap of the last three years. So much has happened and I didn't realize I had recorded ita ll here. Its not as thrilling as looking back through actual things like mementos and photos but it is still really fun> DO IT, look back, its fun and entertating.

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Permalink: Looking_back_at_e_strip_the_original.html
Words: 169
Location: Kenmore, NY

06/16/05 12:49 - ID#28838

Welcome to the Neighboorhood

OMG has anyone else seen previews or read about the new show Welcome To the Neighboorhood or something like that? It is a rich, white suburban neighboorhood and they pick one family out of a group of as they term it "culturally diverse" families that is then allowed to live in their neighboorhood. Can you believe this is real? Like the other families wouldn't be allowed to live there even if they could afford it or something! How terrible does this sound in terms of like social conscience? But how good does it sound in terms of great reality television. Like I seriuosly can't imagine what kinds of tests and stuff they are going to put them through? It all sounds too weird to me....
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Permalink: Welcome_to_the_Neighboorhood.html
Words: 125
Location: Kenmore, NY

06/08/05 01:00 - ID#28837

So Long

So i think we will lose our canisius email addresses soon since school is over and i graduated so today I did the daunting task of deciding what emails to save and forward to my aol account or print out. I had saved about over 600 emails or something crazy like that but I have parred it down to the 80 or so I really want. I prolly could get rid of some more but I have a hard time getting rid of stuff. It took forever but it feels like an accomplishment to have it done. So long tons of useless cnaisius correspondence and information..
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Permalink: So_Long_viscom_canisius_edu.html
Words: 104
Location: Kenmore, NY

06/08/05 12:36 - ID#28836

Emancipation of Mimi

I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I love the new Mariah Carey song. WEll not so new it came out a few weeks ago. It is the slower more like RandB song not the rappy one. I seriulsy love it and hearing it makes my dya. I'm not sure why but it is really good...eveyroen should go listen...NOW
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Permalink: Emancipation_of_Mimi.html
Words: 60
Location: Kenmore, NY

06/06/05 10:28 - ID#28835

Fun Times

Yesterday was a lot of fun. I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in awhile like (e:lilho), (e:chris), rachel, Holly and Dave from Coffee & and others. It was so hot though and walking from Bidwell back to the PMT's alone was a little long and warm and I thought I was going to die. It was my first like get together at the PMTs without a Jill or Teres with me. It makes it completely different and forces me to actually mingle with other people. It was a lot of fun. SOmetimes though I say things I really shouldn't. WHy do I always say things that embarass myself. I think it is my destiny.
Seriously, I need a better battle plan with this whole dating situation. When Teres and Jill were around I totally didn't feel any lack by not dating but now it is defientley setting in and I have no skills at making it any different. I can't even ask someone I basically know for their phone number but instead need to have others get it for me. I really need to work on that. I was reading something about summer flings and that sounds like it would be fun right now. NOthing real serious, just a summer fling. Ok this entry is random , time to go for a walk. Sidenote: I love walking lately and if anyone wants to join me for some nighttime walks , just leave me a note.
OH yeah i foudn out three exciting things yesterday too, 1. me and (e:lilho) are gonna hang out one day and be the cool kids we are 2. Chris is gonna let me hav ethe old cash registers from the Pet Store (where i am gonna store them is a whole nother question) 3. Dave reminded me about how I wanted to read the book The Lottery but the librayr doesn't have it and he does so maybe i can borrow it and read it. All in all a good day.

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Permalink: Fun_Times.html
Words: 337
Location: Kenmore, NY

05/31/05 01:25 - ID#28834

Back to the Grind and Fatness

So tomorrow I go back to work after not working for like two weeks because of graduation things and stuff going on with my nonna. I hope I remember how to do the job still, though I think after 6 years, I prolly should. Today going through stuff and cleaning up Nonna's I found a New Kids on the Block pin in her dresser drawer! How awesome is that! She still had it after all these years! I bet she was their biggest fan!

Sidenote: This was supposed to be the summer of getting hot yet so far I have exercised not even once and am getting even worse then when the summer began. I haven't even went to the Outlet Mall (which I consider exercise because there is a lot of walking ot outside stores, ok its lame, but i still consider it exercise) basically tomorrow I better exercise or its off to the fat farm for me..
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Permalink: Back_to_the_Grind_and_Fatness.html
Words: 159
Location: Kenmore, NY

05/29/05 02:26 - ID#28833

test post

This Is Paul On Mikes New Phone.
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Permalink: test_post.html
Words: 7
Location: Kenmore, NY

05/25/05 02:38 - ID#28832

Wake and stuff

So surreal seeing my nonna's name in the obituaries. I read them everyday to keep track of any eckerd customers who have passed away and it was almost unreal seeing my grandmother's name right there, but there it was, Pierina Armenia. Today we have nothing to do. It seems like we should be doing something but the wake isn't until tomorrow and the funeral is on Friday so today just feels odd. Thansk to everyone who have sent messages and condolences.
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Permalink: Wake_and_stuff.html
Words: 81
Location: Kenmore, NY



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joe said to joe
Never send a man to do a grandma's job...

sina said to sina
yes thank you!
Well, since 2018 I am living in France, I have finished my second master of science,...

paul said to sina
Nice to hear from you!! Hope everything is going great....

paul said to twisted
Hello from the east coast! It took me so long to see this, it might as well have arrived in a lette...