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05/02/05 10:39 - ID#28827


OK because of Littleho's entry I am going to turn a sad event into a good one. So this weekend was kinda crappy because of some miscommunication or noncommunication. I kinda hate how things ended and wish we could have talked about it or something. I am very confused by the whole situation and I hope we get to talk again and work it out and be friends or sometyhing. I hope you had a good bday anyway and you know who you are!!! Anyway, now the positive....With the money I saved this weekend by not taking out to dinner and by returning the gifts I can give myself a nice little shopping spree!!! Shopping Sprees always make me feel better. I could use some sunglasses, shorts, summerwear in general. I need new flip flops too. By the by, I went to Kohl's the other day and it was not fantastic. It actually is really far down Niagara Falls Blvd (and i missed it the first time and ended up al lthe way at the Outlet mall before turning around) but also it was kinda just like bleh. They had some cheap stuff but nothing great and I hate the setup and the carts. I'm sorry but department stores just aren't built for carts!!!!!!!!! There is no room in the little aisles!! I like my department stores to be department store -like not discount store like , then I can just go to Target. Maybe I care about my store setups too much. Anyway this weekend I plan on having some shopping fuN!!!!!
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Permalink: Hmmm.html
Words: 263
Location: Kenmore, NY

04/25/05 11:07 - ID#28826

Down the Crapper

How funny that like two days ago I was thinking, wow life is going really good for me. And now it is all down the tubes. Everything switched so fast. Maybe it is all my fault, maybe not, either way it sucks. I guess I just wasn't cut out for some things I thought I was. I never mean to hurt people, I guess I don't always realize what my actions say. What makes it worst of all is that today marks the less than a month point before Teres and Jill leave me forever. They are the two people I have either hung out wiht or at least talked to almost evryday for at least the last eight years. What I will do without them I do not jknow! Probably be sad a lot, I honestly have no idea how I will deal with it!!!! Of course there will be fun friends here in the b-lo to hang out with but I honestly can not imagine Teres and Jill not being here. Its just something I've never had to expeirece and I don't know how i will. I'm sure I'll write more abou tthis later but for now it is all very sad. Too many sad things hapenning righ tnow!
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Permalink: Down_the_Crapper.html
Words: 211
Location: Kenmore, NY

04/22/05 10:42 - ID#28825

Pulled Over?

So the other day on the way home from school I innocently turn on to W. Delevan and then see a cop with its lights on behind me. So of course, I think what the heck have I done, and pull over to the side of the road. So the cop stops behidn me but does't get out or anyting and I don't know what to do since I have only been pulled over by the Kenmore Po before and they get out of their car pretty fast. Anywho then the cop car starts to honk at me. I have no idea what that means. So i stay pulled over and it honks again. So I begin to drive again but then it follows me again with its lights on so I pull over again. And it honks again. And I am wondering if that means like I did something really bad. Why won't it go past me I wonder? Like if it isn't pulling me over why doesn't it go around? So after it lays the horn on I start to drive again. Then I see another cop car speeding down the street towards me an dI think OMG he called for backup because I am evading them or soemthing even though I don't think I have done anything. So the second cop car goes and blocks the street on W. Delevan and Delaware and I think Holy Crap I am in so much trouble, even though I really didn't think I was being pulled over. AND THEN I REALIZE it was a funeral procession and I kept blocking it by pulling over. Like he couldn't lead the whole pakc of cars around me and was honking so I would keep driving. OOPS! But why coudn't the cop have made some kind of gesture to show or explain what was going on? Anywho I'm thaknslful that I wasn't carted off to jail but it was really a ridiculous situation. !
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Permalink: Pulled_Over_.html
Words: 330
Location: Kenmore, NY

04/16/05 02:11 - ID#28824

Oh Procrastination

So I had basically my last two major projects of my college career due today and i started them of course around 9PM last night. Needless to say, my procrastination paid off once again. They both were stellar. I seriusly don't know how people do work like any earlier than they have to. If I didn't have the pressure I don't htink I would be able to come up with good ideas. I don't know I guess everyoen is different but I definetley need to wait until the last minute if I want a good final product.
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Permalink: Oh_Procrastination.html
Words: 97
Location: Kenmore, NY

04/05/05 01:13 - ID#28823

Spring Break and Doing Work

So since a certain someone kept me busy all spring break I now have to read 100 pages of this boring book The Magic Mountain and write a paper about two themes in the book. HOW RIDICULOUS! I wish I would have started it before 11pm the night before it is due when I have to work at 9AM but oh well. It was definetely worth not doing work for the week I had. With (e:beast) and (e:amanda) in florida doing research and (e:jill) and yosepha still in school during my spring break, luckily a nice boy came along and tolerated me for the week. Too bad he is now back in L.A. where he came from (Los Angeles not Latin America). Well at least now I can get my work done and go back to my wholesome, clean, affectionless, self-centered world until the end of April.
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Permalink: Spring_Break_and_Doing_Work.html
Words: 150
Location: Kenmore, NY

04/02/05 12:46 - ID#28822


Is this all a terrible April Fools joke? Is that not real snow outside but just a fake show in which my parents will any minute now will tell me that it is all just a cruel joke. "APRIL FOOLS" I will hear...and a smile will return to my face!
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Permalink: SNOW_SNOW_GO_AWAY.html
Words: 51
Location: Kenmore, NY

03/27/05 10:14 - ID#28821

The Elusive Club

I'm finally part of that exclusive and elusive club that almost everyone age 12 and up is part of. So what, I'm only 10 years late. Only a few you of you will know which club this is , or maybe everyone will, I'm not sure? Hint numero duo: Master of Disguise. Hmm i never thought I would reference that movie in a story pertaining to my life, but alas it has happened. HAPPY EASTER!
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Permalink: The_Elusive_Club.html
Words: 72
Location: Kenmore, NY

03/25/05 06:59 - ID#28820


I see so much drama on this site which is good and bad. I definetley do not think this should become like a friends only thing even though I know I would be included in that (you can't leave family out right?) I still think it is better to be open to everyone. The journals I read most are some people that I never would have known about otherwise. I guess that is all that I have to say on that matter right now!!!

I hope I am going to see Melinda and Melinda tonight!!! It seems liek a good movie and Will Ferrell is always entertaining. So many people are coming home and leaving that I feel like I am gonna miss out on some but i hope not. It will be fun to see everyone, albeit at separate times since noone is coming home at the same time.

I saw Mr. MIller (the ex gym teacher who slept with a student) excuse me i mean was suspected with sleeping wiht a student :) last night. Well he wasn't suspected of sleepign with a student last night, i saw him last night. Anywho it was weird becuase i sorta wanted to sya hi but I didn't and am not sure he would remember me though he was an advisor when i was a student council olfficer and he was my gym teacher so prolly he would. But what was weird was I was thinking how much I really liked him and he was probably my favorite gym teacher ever and made gym enjoyable and stuff even for me but then I think eww what a scumbag who was married with a pregnant wife when he slept with a student. It gave me such mixed emotions. Ok that's all for now -mike
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Permalink: Drama.html
Words: 301
Location: Kenmore, NY

03/21/05 11:27 - ID#28819

Oh Toronto, I love thee

Me and Jill took a day trip to go shopping in Toronto this Saturday and it was so fun. I want to move there. It is so perfect because it is like a big city with lots of stuff but at the same time it is not and it is only like an hour and a half from my house so I wouldn't be to far from my fam!!! I don't know, I think I am going to start looking into how I can go about doing that. Or I won't. But maybe I will. It seriously I just love it. I'll talk about it in bullet points because thats fun sometimes.

  • at the border both ways they only asked two questions and on the way there they didn't even make Jill answer. It was super easy and we were getting there in exceptional time until a traffic jam right as we were getting into the city but still we made it pretty fast.

  • H & M was thoroughly dissapointing because they had a lot of the same stuff they had at the one in Albany in January and it was on like clearance then and now there were no sales or clearance plus I waited for like 20 minutes to get a fitting room. But I did find a belt and sunglasses there (where don't I fidn sunglasses? ) So all was not lost.

  • we went to an anti-war, anti-secret trials, anti-everything rally that we saw part of while we were driving and then could hear. It was neat and someone asked to take our picture and of course we let them because we are attention whores. Quite possibly it was because we didn't fit in since everyone else was hippieesqueish and we were not and I was carryiing my H&M bag, decidedly not anti-corporate. But it was still fun. They had some lady whose husband is in jail with no charges and stuff and she was talking.

  • On the sidewalk someone had written "Bush U Suck " in chalk as if he was going to walk by and see it and be like oh notw I iknow the evil of my ways.

  • we spent a bazillion hours in a bead store...definetely not as bad as it could have been.

  • OMG THE BEST PART: well not really but we foudn this like home store bu tthey also had clothes, it was like the home store extension of the cltohes store Club Monaco. It was fun and not to expense and I bought wine glassees for $2 each and I love them. Slowly but surely I jsut keep buying more stuff for an apartment and so I will just have to get one this summer for all my stuff. The store was called CABAN and i wish they had it here but I guess it is only in Toronto and like Vancoucer or something like that.

  • some people in a store in vited us to a party...ok so it was more of a sale at the store the following week with a Dj and cocktails but tey called it a party and who were we to argue?

Did I mention how bad I want to live there? Super bad

  • Oh and we were in this like store where they had tshirts and vintageish clothes maybe and they had like terrifying screaming like metal music on and then Celine Dion, like it flowed continuously between the two. Those Canadians love their Celine.

  • The Eaton Centre is the most confusing mall ever with like 700 stories but like totally not just all in a row or easily accessible and the food court is so small considering the size of the mall. And the chairs aren 't blued to the floor. I guess they trust pepole in Canada more than their American mall shopping counterparts who uwould steal the chairs if they weren't glued the by me and JIll now have a set of 8 Eaton Centre food court chairs.....j/k

  • MOST RANDOM THING OF THE DAY: we ran into Kevin Scarborough who goes to school there. What are the chances of running into like one of only 2 people we know in Toronto. It was crazy.

  • the man in the parking lot where we parked was so shady he was like um how long do you think you are going to be here. And we said a couple of hours and he as like "um ok $10". In lots where you pay by the hour, don't you usually pay afterwards? Besides the fact that like every sign in the lot had a different price listed on it. Anywho $10 for the whole day was a deal compared to the other places we saw so it was still good. He said something about wokrin git all out when we got back but when we returned there was no one there except one man directing traffi c in the lot who was tring to direct me right into crashing into another van that was pulling out.

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Permalink: Oh_Toronto_I_love_thee.html
Words: 846
Location: Kenmore, NY

03/14/05 01:04 - ID#28818

The Cameron Family

OMG! I am watching the E!True Hollywood Store abbout Full House. And it is by far not the first time I have seen it yet I just learned a crazy piece of info I swear I never knew!!! Candace Cameron, better known as DJ , is the sister of Kirk Cameron of Growing Pains fame (and got married in W. Seneca)!! Seriuosly, did everyone else know this? (e:MK) insists I must have known already, maybe I did and I jsut forgot , who knows? All I know is right now it is rockign my world.
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Permalink: The_Cameron_Family.html
Words: 95
Location: Kenmore, NY



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Never send a man to do a grandma's job...

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yes thank you!
Well, since 2018 I am living in France, I have finished my second master of science,...

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