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12/17/23 01:45 - ID#60916


30023 is calling

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Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 12/17/23 01:45

12/25/20 06:05 - ID#60830

COVID XMAS/ new laptop

This has been a weird covid Christmas. We can't be with family so we did a video chat gift opening with my parents, paul, terry and joe this morning. We also did one with Dave's family. After some technical difficulties getting it started up (somehow my parents were able to get the video chat to work before I did) it worked out pretty well. Yesterday we all picked up to go Christmas Eve food from my parents and Dave made Christmas day brunch food (complete with mimosa ingredients) for everyone. It worked out pretty good considering the cirucmstances.

The most shocking gift of all, I can't believe (e:Paul) got me a new laptop for Christmas! I love it! It is blue and has a big screen and is really nice! Maybe I will start posting more on (e:strip) again. I had been asking him to help me pick out a new laptop and he was not being very helpful and I was kind of annoyed but it turns out it was all worth it because he got one for me! I really can't believe it. Our old laptop we inherited from Dave's grandma when she died if that tells you how old it was. You don't usually think of computers as family heirlooms lol.

Well maybe this will be my first of regularly often written posts or maybe it is a one time thing and it will be years before you see another one, only time will tell.
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Permalink: COVID_XMAS_new_laptop.html
Words: 251
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 12/25/20 06:05

12/22/19 10:16 - ID#60799

I'm the top

It's been a long time but I wanted to be the most recent post. I'm the OG of the e.
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Words: 20
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 12/22/19 10:16

10/06/18 11:48 - ID#60786 pmobl


This is us

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Words: 4
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 10/06/18 11:48

10/06/18 11:47 - ID#60785 pmobl


This is 2018

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Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 10/06/18 11:47

10/18/16 09:44 - ID#60694

Getting Rid of Clothes

I have a real hard time getting rid of clothes. One I have gained enough weight in the last few years that some are probably never going to fit again so it is time to say goodbye. But also, some things I just never wear and should get rid of. ALl my drawers in both dressers, and a big plastic tote and my closet and the shelves in my closet (and a few things in the back closet) are all full. And I like to buy stuff so I need to get rid of some to make room.

Anywho, I have such emotional attachment to clothing (and knick knacks.....and shoes....and cards....and candy....and dust........ok maybe not dust but just about everything else). I remember when I wore a shirt or pair of pants and what I did in them and I just cannot part with them. It is weird, I am not sure why but with t shirts in particular the feelings are very strong. Really what happens is they only things I can end up getting rid of are things I barely ever wore because I didn't really love them inthe first place. Some tshirts did finally get downgraded from the wear them drawer to the cram them in because I can't part with them drawer.

ANywho times two, I got rid of the most clothes I have ever probably gotten rid of at one time. well technically I did not get rid of them yet, they are in a "i'm going to get rid of them pile".

I'll share the safe for work photo of the clothes. I accidentally sent Dave a NSFW photo of the clothes I was getting rid of that he ironically opened at work... darn mirrors.

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Permalink: Getting_Rid_of_Clothes.html
Words: 297
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 10/18/16 09:44

09/24/16 08:01 - ID#60662

90's Movies

I'm going to try and get back into 90's movies, I mean (e:strip). I am going to try and get back into (e:strip). I love 90's movies and they just don't make movies like romcom or not even that but just fun movies with fun musical numbers anymore. Thanks to youtube I can watch all of them from all the movies in a row:

My Best Friend's Wedding. This is prob #1. I was hoping it would happen at my rehearsal dinner..

First Wive's Club

Hocus Pocus

Sister Act
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Permalink: 90_s_Movies.html
Words: 125
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 09/24/16 08:03


02/03/16 05:10 - ID#60412 pmobl

1 t|up q

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Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 02/03/16 05:10

01/14/16 11:04 - ID#60396

Estrip Radio? and my old macbook

I started up my Macbook laptop from 2001 and first of all I was surprised it even started but then I found a bunch of gems. I guess I used to save AIM convos in word documents. Just a few but they were great.

One was (e:maureen)'s response after I must have sent her a message after my first gay experience and was questioning if I was gay or not.

Another was a convo between two of my friends, one chastising the other for their promiscuity.

The best one though was a convo between Chris Garcia and I about this kid I liked at COffee & who I knew I could never have. As most of you know, that kid ended up being (e:libertad) who I will be marrying this July. In the convo I was very mad becasue (e:terry) had just broadcast my secret crush on the coffee & boy on estrip radio.

Estrip radio? I don't really remember it. It sounds vaguely familiar. (E:chris) was listening to it whiel I was talking to him and Terry was broadcasting. I am not clear why I was so upset about (e:terry)'s broadcast as I am sure noone really listened to estrip radio. (e:paul) , (e:terry) do you remember estrip radio and whatever happened to it?

THere also were some fun videos I used to make such as a fake cooking show (e:jil) land I did, a bday video we made for Teres interviewing strangers and poeple we knew such as (e:flacidness), heidi, kevin, (e:libertad), comb over and random starngers around town, oh and a very young basra. Or at least I thiink it was Basra? IT could have been the other one. I really want to get back into making videos. I really enjoyed it.

All in all it was great going through tthe stuff on the computer and I couldn't get it to hook up to the internet so I am going to have to try and save things to an external drive as I am sure one day that ocmputer will stop working. It got so hot even for the little while I had it on. It also is so heavy. It looks small but is super heavy.
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Permalink: Estrip_Radio_and_my_old_macbook.html
Words: 376
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 01/14/16 11:04

11/21/15 09:09 - ID#60338

Christmas Ceramics

Last night I went with Rachelle, Jill and some of Jill's aunt's and cousins to Crafts Unique in Hamburg to paint ceramics. OMG! I loved it and recommend it. There are so many options of things to paint. Every holiday and thing you can imagine from a bank shaped like an order of french fries, to mardi gras type masks to christmas to halloween and everything in between. I could spend hours just trying to pick something but this time I went in with a mission to paint some type of reindeer. Mind you there were still probably 20 options of reindeer (when I say there are lots of options , I mean it!) What's even crazier is Mary has painted an example of most of them and has painted ones throughout the store. It is so fun to walk around and look at.

Each of the things has directions on how to paint it to look like the example. Mind you you can do whatever you want and customize but it does give you really good guidance. I guess I never realized how it gets done. THey all get coated in a black coat layer first no matter what color you are painting it. Even if it is eventually going to be white, you first put a coat of black on it. Then there are like tons of times you do different colors one over the other with different strokes to give the texture and color you are looking for. For instance there are 4 browns in my reindeer but you have to go over each one with a lighter one in different way to make it look right.

I am not like super good at it but luckily Jill's aunt is like a proffesional and gave me lots of tips and watched me like a hawk and make me change what I was doing if I was messing up.

I think my final product looks pretty good and you can put a candle underneath and it will light out through the holes in the wreath around its neck.

I definitely want to go back but I think Dave is afraid we will get over knickknacked (if we aren't there already).

Overall, I totally recommend Crafts Unique. It is on South Park Ave in Hamburg (I think Hamburg at least). Mary the owner is really nice, there are so many options that there is something for everyone. You pay for the piece (I think my reindeer was like 16 dollars) and then you pay 2 dollars for all the painting you need. It's definitely a good price for a fun night and then you have something to take home at the end. They close at 9 and I am not sure what time they open. We went at six and it took almost until 9 to finish so make sure you give yourself enough time. Or you can leave it there and go back another time and finish up.

OOOOH I almost forgot, in case you were wondering how did he do those eyes. They look soo good. Mary will do the eyes for you. The eyes really make or break a piece and are difficult to get right so she will do the eyes for you. She also will give you any advice if you need it if you make a mistake and are trying to fix it. She really seems great! Everyone should go!

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Words: 571
Location: Kenmore, NY
Last Modified: 11/21/15 09:21



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joe said to joe
Never send a man to do a grandma's job...

sina said to sina
yes thank you!
Well, since 2018 I am living in France, I have finished my second master of science,...

paul said to sina
Nice to hear from you!! Hope everything is going great....

paul said to twisted
Hello from the east coast! It took me so long to see this, it might as well have arrived in a lette...