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06/10/09 10:34 - 64ºF - ID#48886

Zack Morris on Jimmy Fallon

I don't love Jimmy Fallon but he had Zach Morris, yes thats right you read that right, Zach Morris (not mark paul gosseler) on his show the other night and it was amazingly amazing fantastic. It ends with a rendition of Friends Forever with the Roots! it is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch it!

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Permalink: Zack_Morris_on_Jimmy_Fallon.html
Words: 58
Location: Kenmore, NY

06/05/09 04:43 - 74ºF - ID#48846

Favorite Lion Mural on a CityLove tshirt

So i wish i had a picture but i don't right now and want to write about it. So I saw in a like buffalo magazine thing an ad for Citylove which is a tshirt store that makes tshirts based on things in Buffalo (not like the I HEART BUFFALO HOCKEY ONES) , i like these better. Anyway so I saw that they had a tshirt of the mural of the lion on the side of some building on Delaware downtown sorta near Allen. I have always loved that mural and it is kinda fading away and in some parts the brick is exposed again. (e:libertad) gave me an awesome picture of it for my birthdya this year. ANywho, so today me and (e:jill) went to citylove to see what it really looked like cuz I didn't love the colors in the picture. But so we went and I saw it and i really liked the colors and how it looked in person and so I bought it.

But it gets better so the guy who was like about my age told us the story of the tshirt which made it even more interesting. He said like he doesn't design most of the shirts but he designed that one cuz he thought it was interesting and its cool becasue where in the mural the paint is missing he filled it in with "wake the lion" and he said how symbolizes like buffalo's rebirth and then like it ties in with Mckinley being shot and how people said buffalo was cursed since then because I guess that mural is based on the Mckinley monument lions. So anyway so he made this shirt which i love and then i guess the guy who painted the mural called him cuz he liked it and i guess that guy is now the head designer for the sabres and creates their logos and stuff.

So all in all I love my new shirt, will post a pic soon hopefully and i really like the citylove store and its owner seems nice so you should shop there, though they don't have lots of stuff , but i liked it. (e:jill) saw a shirt she was gonna get her sister too prolly. Maybe I will wear my shirt Sunday, though it is dark and so that might be too hot. We'll see!!!
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Permalink: Favorite_Lion_Mural_on_a_CityLove_tshirt.html
Words: 396
Location: Kenmore, NY

05/29/09 04:12 - 62ºF - ID#48786

Garage Sale This WEekend

SO the weekend has finally arrived. Garage Sale this Saturday and Sunday (May 30 and 31 and yes its so big it needs 2 days) at 567 Auburn )between elmwood and norwood. Lots of good stuff to be had or at least come at laugh at the crap i've bought over the years!!!!!!

housewares....we've got it

crafts.....we've got it

clothes in my size....we've got it

ab roller....yup got that it

cd, movies, books, and records......for sure we got that

knicknacks it

stuffed animals.......plenty


desk it

folding cardboard dawson's creek soundtrack promo tabletop decoration.... i know you've been wanting it and we gots it

changing table....uh huh we do

cups, mugs, starbucks gift all those

wedding cake topper.....have it

kids cooking utensils....yup still in packaging

also music stand, dishes and so much more!

lots of stuff never even opened becasue me and my mom just like to buy buy buy and not use use use , we are finally starting to part with stuff come take it home today
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Permalink: Garage_Sale_This_WEekend.html
Words: 182
Location: Kenmore, NY

05/26/09 11:54 - 56ºF - ID#48763

Garage Sale

I'll post about it again but don't forget,I am having a garage sale this Saturday and Sudnay (may 30 and 31) at 567 Auburn from 9-3. Come stop by, i have lots of stuff to get rid of!
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Permalink: Garage_Sale.html
Words: 36
Location: Kenmore, NY

05/23/09 07:37 - 71ºF - ID#48731

De Facto Salt and Pepper Collector

Not sure if i used the term de facto right but I have been going through all the totes in my basement of stuff I have for an apartment that i have either bought over the last 10 years or inherited from my grandparents or my mom has bought and put in the totes and I realized I am the proud owner of like 15 different kinds of salt and pepper shakers so now I guess I collect those. I like it...

I also realized I have soooo much stuff, I was trying to write it all down so then I could see what i still need to get ( ireally want to move out in the fall and tihnk I am relaly gonna do it this time) and like 5 pages into my notebook later I realize I have enough stuff for liek 8 apartments. I also relaized some of the stuff I bought over the last 10 years I no longer like so it is going right to the garage sale funny like I bought stuff that just got bought put in a box and now I am selling, never even used. I wasted a lot of moeney over the years, well we all know me, i am sure i got it all cheap and that is why i obught it cuz it was on clearance. ...

this leads me to tell eveyrone I am having a garage sale this coming Saturday and Sunday May 30 and 31 at 567 Auburn ((e:libertad)'s house). So istop on by.. i'll post more aobut it tomorrow
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Permalink: De_Facto_Salt_and_Pepper_Collector.html
Words: 258
Location: Kenmore, NY

05/13/09 10:35 - 67ºF - ID#48662

Good Quote About Madonna

I read this in Parade magazine (the part of the sunday paper most peole prolly don't even look at but i love especially the celebrity questions and ask marilyn!) anywho I just feel like it really summed up Madonna well.

The question was (and i know this at first doesn't seem to relate to Madonna but keep reading:)

Q: I hear there's a new Mike Tyson documentary, Why should we care about a prize fighter who threw it all away?

Q: Because it just might make us reconsider him. Tyson's writer and director, James Toback, offers an intriguing object lesson:

"some people have talent and mage it well. Madonna has absolutely squeezed out every drop of her potential. Mike is the total opposite. He never failed to achieve th most he possibly could- and then never fialed to destroy it. Mike wouldn't underatand someoneone like Madonna, who discovers what works and does just that and nothing else!"

there it is folks
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Permalink: Good_Quote_About_Madonna.html
Words: 161
Location: Kenmore, NY

05/08/09 06:13 - 67ºF - ID#48628

Holly Hunter YouTube Comments, Still?

So it always amazes me that people just come across my youtube video about loving Holly Hunter that some of you may remember I made after being emailed by this television show that said they were interviewing holly hunter and wanted fans videos and they saw I loved her cuz i wrote a journal but it was actually about how ridiuclous her new show looked. Anywho, people somehow still view this video on youtbue and feel the need to make crazy comments, i juts got this today

DRDNIBOY has made a comment on I Love Holly Hunter:
Holly Hunter is a hick! And the show is based on hicks. And hicks don't like gays. So get a clue. And stop watching a show that denegrates not only God but glorifies hicks.
You can reply to this comment by visiting the comments page.
© 2009 YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

It never ceases to amaze me that peple bother to watch and comment on this video.
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Permalink: Holly_Hunter_YouTube_Comments_Still_.html
Words: 165
Location: Kenmore, NY

04/29/09 10:22 - 50ºF - ID#48538

Work Kicked mY Butte'

First off does Butte = booty with more of an a sound at the end cuz that is what i wanted it to mean. Anywho not much to say except this was prolly one of the worst days of work ever, it was so many problems and busy and crappy and stupid and kicked my ass for the full 13 hours. I woke up early , got there a little early thought i would get a head start and have a great day! No it sucked in every way that it oculd. It made me really want to like go out tonight cuz tomorow is looking like it will be just as bad at work and i hate just like gettin ghome at 930 eating , watcihgn a little tv going to be dand going back at 815 in the mroning when it is such bad days.i didn't go out though cuz i am tired,. i wish i had my own apt on nights like this , something about going home to my own apartment seems nicer and less dreadful. Ugh, thankfully tomrorw is the last day i work this week tough i did say i would go in friday a little if they really needed me cuz we have this whole inventory thing
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Permalink: Work_Kicked_mY_Butte_.html
Words: 208
Location: Kenmore, NY

04/25/09 08:28 - 67ºF - ID#48505

Goodbye Bea, We Will Miss You Forever!

So Bea Arthur passed away today, i loved her. it is odd cuz i was gonna wear my golden girls tshirt today and then decided not to and then i found out she was dead and regretted not paying that tribute today. In her memory I am gonna repost my favorite golden girl's bea moment of all time, when rose took her to Mr. Haha for her b=day. It truly shows all the great sides of Bea Arthur

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Permalink: Goodbye_Bea_We_Will_Miss_You_Forever_.html
Words: 91
Location: Kenmore, NY

04/23/09 12:30 - 39ºF - ID#48477

17 Again!

So i celebrated earth day by driving to work on my 23 second commute, driving home on my lunch and then goin gto the movies tonight with (e:jil) land eating popcorn out of a paper tub and drinking pop out of a huge jug! Hooray for the environment! Anywho we went to see 17 Again, and wow it was a really good movie. i know you think lame-o flick but no it was really good. of course it is totally tailored to me and so of course I would love it but it was really funny and good. And it had cheering sequences which i love. The only sad part was when we realized we are exactly like half way between the highschoolers and the adult who turns 17 again! Ugh! That made me feel old! Me and (e:jill) are debating when it is no longer ok to go to these types of movies, but we think we still have a few years.

Oh the other really sad part of it is to tihnk Zack Effron can turn into Matthew Perry. At the end when he turns back it is just a slap in the face of reality. If Zac Effron turns into matthew perry twenty years after highgschool, what the frig do i become? A blob?

Ok that's all for now, oh and me and (e:jill) are thinking of getting friendship bracelets that have like half the heart on each person's? Weird? Or too cool/chic? We are gonna get cool ones , not lame ones, maybe no heart maybe just an engraved message! Possibly we need to get a life

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Permalink: 17_Again_.html
Words: 271
Location: Kenmore, NY



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