10/30/03 01:30 - ID#28535
Where Have I Been?
Not much else has happened recently, lets see. Oh i saw Mystic River and it was redic, not the movie, but the fact that me and jil had to wait in line for like a half hour because Scary Movie 3 opened that night. It was so dumb. I htought we were going to become friends with the couple behind us in line but they left and got sick of wiaitng. The movie was really good excpet the last twenty minutes and the whole relationship between keven bacon an dhis possible wife was ridiculous and unnecssary but otherwise it was good.
So today I had to give a sppech in my public speaking class and I was going to talk about how to create a memory slideshow thing like and video montage. Well i found out my computer can't be hooked up in the room and so I had to like replan my whole speech form mindnight till 4 am and then i couldn't get my vcr to work to get the video clips i needed but eventually i did. I think it acutally ended up going really well and people seemed genuinely entertained by it and seemed to enjoy it. Even though my teacher is a little crack addictish and a horrible mean grader from what i hear so who knows how i actually did. OMG it was so exiciting on the test i had in inbterpersonal commm i got a 99 even though i serisoulsy did not know any of the essays. I made up so much crap for that test i have no idea how i got the 99 but hey i'm not complaining. Ok i gotta go we have to decide what to be for halloween paryt. I want to be those monkey's that play the cymbals and wear suspenders and short shorts but who knows what we will be. For some reason I want to wear a costume that invovles the least amount of clothes possible. Well see what me and jill come upu wiht. Ok chadios for now.
Permalink: Where_Have_I_Been_.html
Words: 502
Location: Kenmore, NY
10/20/03 12:43 - ID#28533
It turns out her friend at RIT is a crazy sex maniac who like i won't get into the details here but she basically had sex with her b/f and his roomate well his roomate was more of an outside contributor. I don't know but it was craziness but very funny. Also, Jen probaly got the job at Walden Books. Congrats JEN!!! And her and Gordon are more friends now then stalker/stalkee so that is good! She isn't seeing Tom anymore though, well she sees him but not in the we get action kinda way.
So back to Fredonia. I went by MK's class/rehearsal but they were facing the other direction so noone saw me. I walked around some more and then went back to the amphitheater to read and wait. Well i am liek the only person around and all of a sudden I hear a camera taking some pictures. I turn around and some kid was taking a picture, I believe of me. But they left. I don't why they were doing that. I was looking pretty collegiate though sitting there reading outside. Maybe it was for a brochure or something like that. Or maybe they juts thought i was incredibly hot. Or maybe they were taking a picture of some buidling, and not me but I would like to think it was me. So anyway then MK gets out of class and we go back to her room and I met her roomate Julie who was really nice and quite a tlaker. I think she takled for the entire lke half hour she was getting ready cuz swhe was going back to Buffalo for the night cuz she had a test in buffalo for teachign or something on saturdya. Anyway she left and then MK had to go practice. So I had another hour by myslef but this time I had AIM at least cuz I was in MK's room. So i talked to some people including MK's wants it to be her boyfriend guy. I pretended to be MK and sent him some Adina Howard Freak Like Me lyrics. BUt i think he found out it was me. Then MK got back and we wnet to dinner where on the way we met up with Chirs. It was craziness cuz we also saw the devil aka brad who i hate more than anyon ein the world. It annoys me though cuz generally people don't hate him and don't' udnerstand why I hate him. But after Brad walked away I was like "I hate that kid" , and Chris said he hates him too! How cool is that! Noone ever says that, so that was exciting that someone shared my hatred! I had a baked potato wiht cheese and brocolli for dinner but it wasn't that good cuz the cheese wasn't really melty which was sad, cuz unmelty cheesy is like the worst thing that could happen to a person.
Well after dinner me and MK's sister anne sat and talked for like fifteen minutes before we had to go meet her paretns before the concert MK was in. I was not super looking forward to the concert but it ended up being really cool. The concert was this group called the Swingle Singers. They do they the instrumental of songs but like with singing an
h do classical music and current music and all kinds of stuff. It was really neat and then MK's choir thing joined them for two songs. Oh by the way at intermission i went to use the bathroom and we all know I am not a heavy user of public restrooms cuz they gross me out, well anyway , there was a line! DO YOU BELIEVE THAT? A LINE AT THE MEN'S ROOM! CRAZINESS!!! I think it was mostly because the concert was filled with mainly older men and women, like seriusly the average viewer's age was prolly about 58 and that was only because me and anne helped bring it down with our youthfulness.Anyway i guess old men pee slow or something but that wasn't the wrost part after a while and realizing all these people were cutiting my in line i realized I was just standing behind two old guys who were tlaking and not in line so i had actually not been in line most of the time. Craziness.
Well after the concert everyone in chamber singers was in love with the Swingle Singers who were really good and were mostly younger like in their 20's and 30's i think. Well everyone really loved Tom, who was i bleieve a tenor and only 24 and considering half the chmaber singer guys are gay both all the guys and girls loved him. I felt a little out of place among all these chambers people because they are all quite a tight group and sing and i don't , well not well, and stuff but they were nice. I felt so wrong for not caring about the Swingle Singers that much even though they were good. Well MK got Tom's signature and she was happy.
Then some drama ensued because the Swingle Singers were going to hang out at some bar where you had to be 21. So we went to this girl's LIndsey apartment to see what was going on. And it turns out their conductor Dr. Lange i belive was his name had gotten the whole top floor of the bar so everyoen could go. At this point I was not really looking forward to spending the entire night with MK's chamber singers and their obsession with swingles but it ended up being pretty fun. I felt bad though because I was sitting right across from Tom which was prime seating and I could care less. But eh it happens. Oh and I totally called that he likes girls like a half hour before he mentioned it, quite to the dismay of Pat. Well at like 1:30 or :40, they decided to move on to BJ's which is a bar down the street from where we were. But you have to be 21 but lindsey works there and was suppsed to be able to sneak us in the back. Oh I almost forgot, this annoying girl I beilve her name was Carline like moved in next to Tom and stole him from conversation for the rest of the night and he was so not interested in what she said, possibly because at one point she aske dif the brititsh guards really don't ever move. Yes, i'm sure he had never been asked that before. Oh the swingle singers are from europe, mostly england with some germany and israel i belive. I mean i'm not saying I asked the most intelligent questions, at one point asking "do you have to wait for someone to die to get in since there are always only 8 members?". Well anyway Tom decided not to go to BJS but Jo one of the girl Swingles did, she was really cool. Anyway we didn't end upe ven getting in because lindsey couldn't get to the back door to let us in. So me and MK and pat went back to the school. Me and MK then just hung out in her room for the rest of the night i think. We took some crazy quizzes online including "are you an ass monkey and your blue nippples have traveled to japan?" Needless to say Mk wasn't one of those. OH i forgot, i said the dumbest thing ever. On the way out of the building where the conert was there was like this huge white wall of another buidling across form us but i didn't realize it was a wall and i said "OH MY GOD, it is so foggy out" and then i was like "oh wait , that is a wall" It was quite embarassing. After that Brad's paretns met MK"s but i stood a fair distance away wanting to distance myself from the parental units of Luciipher.
Sidenote, we went to Pat and Willy's ro
om so
l do M
K's hair. And willy is a harsh hairstyler but he gets the job done but anyway Pat was all like syaing his room was so messy when seriusly it wasn't especially after seeing MK's room. No offense MK. So anyway we went to bed aroudn 4:30 or 5 but i only slept like for 20 minutes here and there cuz I have a problem sleeping not in my own house and I ended up like really waking up and getting out of bed at 10 and had like at least like 2 hours before MK or anyone else woke up. But at least Jen and Jill were online for some parts of that time so I talked to them. And i was going to go shower since noone else was up and it would have taken some time but I forgot a towel and I coudn't find MK's cuz I didn't want to take one of her roomates. So then MK woke up and I showered but I used deep pore cleanser for my whole body basically becuase i remembered that even though I also forgot regular soap but eh it happens. It is surprising I forgot anything considering how much I packed. Mk thought it was a little excessive that I had three coats, three pairs of shoes and liek 6 tshirts and 3 or 4 long sleeve shirts for just staying one night. I guess it was a ilttle excessive but I didn't know what we would be doing or what I would need to wear to it. I slept in MK's bed and she slept in her roomie's since her roomie was gone. OH and the day befroe when i had an hour to kill while mk was in rehearsal I took like a million online quizzes and wrote down all the resutls. I remember i should be in Aladdin cuz I lie steal and cheat to get my way. My heart is yellow cuz i am not looking for love. I am a school girl in my sexual attitude in that I like to show my panties and giggle and check out ofther girls boobs in the lockerroom, i think that quiz was for girls but it didn't say so. Hmm what else, i don't remember.
So then on Saturday after showering and stuff we went to brunch with Mary and Randi. They are two of MK's suitemates. They are real nice and I had met them before. I had eggs and bacon and french toast sticks. Hmm i had bacon again. Maybe I eat too much bacon. Oh I also had a sald cuz they had a salad bar and I cannot resist a salad bar. They are heaven. You can put whatever you want on it in any quantity you want. It is pure heaven. In the cafeteria I saw the fourty year old man who lives in a suite in MK's old buiding. Why would you dorm when you are 40? After brunch me and MK fulfiled one of my life long dreams and went to the JCPenney's that is not in a mall that is a few minutes from her campus. I remember seeing it when I was coming home from somewhere when I was younger but noone believed me that there was a JCPenny's not in a mall. But there it was and we went in int. It was pure crazy life changing fulfilment. It was really small and hilarious and we spent a good five mminuets in it. Then we went to DandK and Big Lots. After that we went to Fashion BUg cuz MK needed a headband but couldn't find a good one there. Then we stopped at TOps for m ilk and I bought a roll cuz they looked good. Then we went back to her dorm and sat in her room and the online was down which was a little craziness. Pat is a freakin addict and hooked online wiht like thorugh the phone and reuglar aol cuz he coudln't waikt for it to be back up. Then some people came to her room and were looking at picutres form her Scotland trip! OMG I CANNOT LOOK AT THOSE PICTURES EVER AGAIN! WHY ARE THEY TAKING OVER MY LIFE! I HAVE SERIUOSLY SEEN THEM LIKE 56 TIMES!! Anyway then we went and watched About a Boy! and then I left to come home cuz I was supposed to go out to canada with katrina and amanda and some people for katrina's bday.
well on the way home i got so tired prolly since i only had like 2 hours of sleep. And it was dark and rainy and so i seriusly though about pulling into a rest stop and getting a motel room and taking a nap before continuing but it seemed a little ridiuclous since it was only a like 50 minute to like an hour ride. So i just kept on trucking. My windshield st
opped work
ing for a
well not
my windshield that was sitll intact but my windshield wipers. They just got tired or something and stopped working for a minute but then started working again. THis is the second time that has happend i should prolly have that checked out before it starts snowing. Eh , I'm lazy so we'll see.
Well I got home and was too tired to go out so I called katrina and told her i wasn't going but i felt really bad but there was no way i coudl make it through a night in canada. I took a nap for like an hour and then me and jill went to spot for some coffee. WE then picked up teres and went to JIm's Steakout but just teres bought food. Then i had them take me home cuz I was so tired. They were planning on having a huge fun crazy night and i didn't want to be a drag on that. Well it turned out they went to Pnk for like 15 minutes and the nTeres fell asleep and so they went home.
Today I went to Frisbees and bought a verve pipe cd and the New Radicals cd. I haven't listened to them yet but I hope they are good. Jill told me the Verve pipe will be a letdown but we'll see. I was thinking today that the movie Camp is good and people should see it. I also went to Vix today and there discounts are now 40-75% . I bought some tissues, chapstick and certs. and a bottle of water. The bills won today! WOOHOO!! it's about time they did some good.
Oh my gosh ,listen to this crazy story. This lady my mom knows, when her son was three while she was sleeping her son escaped fomr the crib and took oil, dish detergent and flour from the kitchen and spread it all over the floor all over the house so he could slide around. That's not all htough. He also threw all his dirty diapers, (this was in the days of reusable washable diapers) out their sixth story aparment building windowa nd also threw all the contents of his dad's wallet one by one out the window. What a crazy mofo of a kid huh? Well insanity. I guess he turned out ok in the long run thgouh.
Well I guesss this is all I have to say for now. it didn't get as long as I thought it would be. I hope that you all appreciate that I learned how to make paragraphs. Well i hope it works at least. Oh and I would appreciate if peole stopped spreading things about me that aren't necesarrily true. I'm not really going to detail that anymore. Ok chadios for now.
Permalink: Swingles.html
Words: 2869
Location: Kenmore, NY
10/06/03 01:01 - ID#28532
Tragedy for Fredonia
Permalink: Tragedy_for_Fredonia.html
Words: 74
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/28/03 11:23 - ID#28531
Gonna Update Even Though I Have Nothing
Hmm what else.... I don't know what to do. I sometimes get these urges to just like scream and yell and just like clear the air on things but then I don't cuz I realize what will that gain me especially when I think like something has passed. But then it seems like it always comes up again later and if I could just have had it all out earlier i feel like it wouldn't come up again. If I just fully dealt with things then maybe I wouldn't have to relive them all the time. Who knows! Maybe it wouldn't do anything. I don't wnat anyone to read into that that I am mad at them, cuz that is not what it is. Grrr! I say Grrr a lot. Someone told me long ago, there's a calm before the storm, I know, its been coming for some time, when its over so they say it will rain a sunny day, I know, shining down like water, I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain? You know what today it was super raining for like five minutes while i had to be outside, it was insane.
So Bob, the pharmacist at work is leaving today. It is sad for two reasons. Well one is cuz he was a good pharmacist and they seem hard to come by lately. Secondly, he was part of my commun
ons project b/c we never have anything to say to each other really for some reason so part of my project was trying to have more conversation with him. But I guess that its too late now. Eh. The Bills lost in a terrible game today. People were coming into Eckerd during the game. What freakin losers. It was weird like one lady today told me that I was the most competent tech there and that she is so glad I work there, (and no this isn't the lady who told me if she were forty years younger we'd have a fling..ewww) and then like two customers later a lady told me she like gave me this rx to put on file and dtodl me this stuff last time i was there and that I had messed it all up and I was so bad. Hmm maybe she is crazy. That is what i think. There is generic paxil now. People are happy cuz they can get their happy drugs and for less now. Which makes them happy too. So I'm glad for them. Banana Rum is good. You should try it although I don't advocate drinking. I really want a JetCafe from Coffee & right now but they are prolly lcosed. That's too sad. Cuz i really want one. Also it is werid cuz I am there everyday and I don't want them to think I am a stalker or something. Although they prolly don't even notice I am there so much. IT's so funny that me and my friends always assume everyoen notices us and remembers us. Well actaully they prolly do b/c we always end up being loud and obnoxius and possible wrestling to the ground at the register. Whatev! I really want to read this book called Glitter something or other. No not the Mariah Carey movie, but a book about somle college students at OXford in england, It seemed interesante.
I saw the movie 13 at the movies the other day. It was crazy. When I was 13 the worst thing I did was light cigarettes on the kitchen stove and singe my friends eyebrows. These girls were crazy in the movie. And it is based on a real story sorta i think. Insanity.
I'm so sad that Vix is going out of business. I love that store!!! It is seriously heaven and OMG even biggere news they lowered the raised level of the Eastern Hills Mall food court. It is insane. That was what made it so cool!! Now where can we eat our abosorbant amounts of orange chicken from China Panda. Now we have to sit down low, like we're nobodies. Structure/Express is having a big sale and I recommend it. They had tons of stuff for $10. They say it is their biggest fall sale ever and I believe it cuz it is pretty big.
So Jen got a new roomate again. That is three rooms in three weeks. Insanity. Poor Jen. But at least she likes her roomates and they seem nice. She also has a stalker which is exciitng. Well not so much a stalker as a kid who likes her and follows her around and buys her stuff. You know what I just realized I only use the word kid to refer to boys usually not girls. If its a girl I'll say girl but if its a guy i'll say kid. Strange. Anyway, I can't wait to go visit Jen at crazy RIT. And i am going to Freodnia too soon hopefully. Craziness.
I keep buying cds like they are going out of style. Well actaully most of the ones I buy have gone out of style. Thank god for Frizby's used cd store on my corner. I bought Scream 2 sndtck., and MC Hammer cd, and a soul for real cd that has candyrain on it. Candyrain is an amazing song. I think the owner of Frisbee's definetely knows me as the kid who buys the cds noone else will and has the craziest collection. I also bought the Outkast cd this week. It was not so good. I may have already written about it, I don't remember. But i think they should not have made individual cds but stuck together instead. They are much better together than separate. Ok i guess I have written enough for this time, so i'll end with a line from whatever song is playing on my computer right now, "Hot Cha where are you? Everybody's eyes are closed, so hotcha where are you?"
Permalink: Gonna_Update_Even_Though_I_Have_Nothing.html
Words: 1571
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/26/03 12:47 - ID#28530
Sideway Walk
Permalink: Sideway_Walk.html
Words: 163
Location: Kenmore, NY
10/14/03 02:25 - ID#28529
Time To Fill You All In
Today me and Jill went Vix shopping cuz they are going out of business. We hit up two vixes and i went to one earlier this morning. They had these cool animal head walking sticks at the Vix on Sheridan but they were still 5 dollars which is too much for me to pay for that. Hopefully we can wait it down unitl they are like 80 percent off. But they did have my favorite highlighters which i cannot find anywhere and they were 40% off which was nice. So i bought two and will prolly go back to buy more. I have to go meet my group at school for a project tomorrow. I don't really want to but i have no choihce. I have all these school things going on right now like major projcets and tests in every calss but i have no interest in doing any of them. So maybe i will fail. Driving by kenmore west today on my
Quality (another store that is closing, : ( ) to return bottles made me want to be a teacher again. I belong in a highschool setting, that is where I do my best work. Hmm i was going to ask patty for a raise yesterday at work but i got too nervous and didn't end up doing it. I have been having these werid shooting pains in my head lately. I hope they are nothing, i think it might be an ear infection starting or soemthing like that. So my copmuter is so dumb. The battery lasts like 30 minutes, i went to sit in my brother's drvieway to take advantage of his fast internet today but i decided to sit in the driveway since I have an airport thing so i don't need to actually plug my computer into the internet. I didn't want to bother them so i figured i could just download the song I wanted from my car in the driveway. Of course my computer died before that happened sinc emy computer is a cracked out lasts only 30 minutes wihtout being plugged in. Eh. Lately I am a little addicted to the song Everybody Hurts. It's good but sad. My friend Jen has a practical boyfriend, well he is practically her b/f well right now they just make out a lot but they are so going to date. His name is Tom. Teres is still dating Scott. She seems to like him and he seems nice enough from what I know of him. I really want some Surpass Antacid gum but i can't find it anywhere. I am afraid they don't make it anymore. That would be sad. It is seriusly my savior. My cousins wedding is next weekend and my parents are making me get her my own gift and i can't sign onto the family gift for the first time ever. I guess that comes with being 20. My Monday lunch crew has been torn to pieces. Nicole and Val and me met for lunch every monday at 1130 and they were best firends but now they are not and it is sad. ALthouigh I think they might make up and i hope so cuz they were best friends for like 10 years, you can't just end that in a day. But we'll see. I don't htink I will be going to lunch on modnays anymore cuz it would be awkward picking who to sit with or splitting my time between the two. I saw the movie Kill Bill the other day and it was really good except really bloody and violent and that is so not me. But i really want to see the sequel and stuff. It was done really coolely (that is totally not a word). I'm letting my facial hair grow a bit but i think i will shave it tomorrow. Most likely cuz i really don't like it. I need a hair cut too. I returned bottles today and made like 3 dollars but i spent a dollar on a lottery ticekt and a dollar on gummy bears so i only have a dollar left but still that is exciting. I am trying to spend less money so i can get an apartment next year with mk hopefully. I'm going to call maureen in england on wednesday. That should be fun. I hope she is doing better than she was before. I hope her roomates have gotten nicer. Well i guess this is all i have to say for now. So i'll write again some other time. Chadios
Permalink: Time_To_Fill_You_All_In.html
Words: 1404
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/22/03 11:42 - ID#28528
Permalink: Grrr.html
Words: 5
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/21/03 03:33 - ID#28527
New Entry Time
Grrr. And I hate people that make no sense and do things that are stupid that they know they shouldn't. That's really as specific as I want to be in here.
On a better note, my soap opera's website is on its way with character descriptions and family almost ready. So get ready to read some great dramedy.
And tonight is the Emmy's! WOOHOO! I love award shows! Maybe one day that will be me organizing those award shows and meeting all the celebrities!!
Permalink: New_Entry_Time.html
Words: 205
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/20/03 02:23 - ID#28526
Where does the coolness end?
Permalink: Where_does_the_coolness_end_.html
Words: 222
Location: Kenmore, NY
09/17/03 10:45 - ID#28525
Trash on Elmwood
Permalink: Trash_on_Elmwood.html
Words: 38
Location: Kenmore, NY
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