04/10/04 05:43 - ID#28637
Worky, Work, Works
Me and Teres were discussing the other day what we want to do in the future. She wants to be a professor, I want to work at Eckred. OK maybe I have slightly higher goals, but will I do them? I want to be a fundraiser for organizations but not so sure exactly how to go about that. Then it hit me! I want to own a little store. I think a card/knick knack shop but I'm not really sure. Maybe a bookstore? I mean I already have two cash registers, (even though Paul put one out on the porch in the rain, it still works), that's all you really need right? ANy ideas on what kind of store would be fun to have, maybe around elmwood? maybe
Permalink: Worky_Work_Works.html
Words: 129
Location: Kenmore, NY
04/09/04 02:16 - ID#28636
Dr. Ruth: Killing Machine
According to People Magazine's 30th anniverary issue, our favorite sex doctor Dr. Ruth is a trained sniper who can assemble a gun while blindfolded. Craziness but yet also so cool and endearing.
Permalink: Dr_Ruth_Killing_Machine.html
Words: 32
Location: Kenmore, NY
04/07/04 04:10 - ID#28635
Non-Celebrity Celebrities
Do you ever feel like someone is like a celebrity like you get excited to see them as if they were the star of your favorite tv show. They're not your friend and os they have that certain distant allure of a celebrity but yet they are just someone you've seen around. Like you know them but you don't and seeing them is like "wow i just saw so and so" but for no good reason it excites you, kinda like a celebrity. Hmm it makes more sense in my head.
Permalink: Non_Celebrity_Celebrities.html
Words: 91
Location: Kenmore, NY
04/06/04 06:05 - ID#28634
Staying Up At Night
Stickboy I totally know what you are saying about the night thing. (obviously considering it is now 5AM and i just finished most of my work and am going to bed) I am way better at getting work done at night both because of the pressure that there are only a few hours before it has to be done and it is so peaceful and nohting else is going on at night to distract. I also understand the whole not wanting to lose anytime or let the day go by. Except I also don't like wasting mornings (more in theory than in practice) and i find most people who enjoy staying up all night like to sleep til midaftertnon the next day but I can't sleep past like 10:30 or 1130 at the very lastest no matter what time i go to sleep.
Permalink: Staying_Up_At_Night.html
Words: 141
Location: Kenmore, NY
04/05/04 11:47 - ID#28633
I'm A Loser Baby, So Why Don't U Kill Me
too much work.....not enough time....too much stupidity....need to get confidence....need to not be crazy....be a normal person....nervous breakdown coming
Permalink: I_m_A_Loser_Baby_So_Why_Don_t_U_Kill_Me.html
Words: 25
Location: Kenmore, NY
04/03/04 10:33 - ID#28632
Registrar Slander
I would just like to say that I slandered the Registrar's office in my last post when indeed they were actually able to help me. When I called back they told me my pin number because I had just forgotten one digit in the middle of it. So they were actually helpful and not the useless office I accused them of being.
Permalink: Registrar_Slander.html
Words: 62
Location: Kenmore, NY
04/03/04 10:05 - ID#28631
Alternate Pin Number Debacle
So today I woke up bright and early at 830 to register for classes at 9. This is because my computer freezes at least once to twice each time you try to start it up so I knew it would be a good half hour until I actually got online and to the canisius website. So after only restarting the computer a mere 4 times I finally get to the registration website. I wait dutifully till 9AM when you can sign in and what do I get? I get the "sorry you have an invalid pin number" message. UM...WHAT? And of course the registrar in their infinite ability to do nothing except send you elsewhere was like "um we can't give that to you, only your advisor can give you that" Great so that won't be until at least Monday! Thrilling, I hope the classes are filled up this way even though I finally met with all the advisors and chairpeople my majors has to offer I still won't be able to graduate on time. WE'll see.
Permalink: Alternate_Pin_Number_Debacle.html
Words: 175
Location: Kenmore, NY
03/31/04 07:16 - ID#28630
A Play Alone?
Do you guys think it would be fun to go to a play/musical alone? Has anyone done it? I know people do it. I could never go to a movie alone cuz you need to talk during a movie (yes I am probably that person behind you that you hate who is talking) but during a play you don't really talk so maybe I'll go it alone. I want to see Les Mis really bad because people say it is good. But noone wants to go/can afford it so I'm thinking of attending alone. We'll see....
Permalink: A_Play_Alone_.html
Words: 98
Location: Kenmore, NY
03/30/04 12:15 - ID#28629
Too much to do?
Too many things are this week. First, there is this play at the Kavinokky that my parents think I have to go to with JIll because the one actress is in essence is Jill. And now you must ask, what is this character that is Jill? The character is a dominatrix named Poopay. Yes my parents came home telling me OMG this dominatrix named Poopay in the play we saw was just like Jill. I believe there was a reference to a dog in their somewhere also but I can't remember. So that is only up til Sunday.
Les Mis is also here but I am not 100% sure I have anyone to go with because it is a little expense and everyoen has a lot of work and oter things this week and that is also only up til Sunday but i really really really want to go because I have never seen it and really want to!!!
Then on Wednesday there is the BOb Dylan impersonation contest at Nietsche's and MK's dad is a a judge so we have to go to that.
And then there is the possiblity of maybe I will go to the Bishop Allen concert on Thursday. And of course I have to fit in a few visits to coffee shops in between, so when am I supposed to do my work?
Permalink: Too_much_to_do_.html
Words: 227
Location: Kenmore, NY
03/29/04 10:48 - ID#28628
Thank God for Theresa and Ice Cream
Well today was so nice and me Jill decided we wanted some ice cream. We planned to go to Elmwood walk around and then go to Sweet Tooth for ice cream. Simple enough, right? But then we get to Sweet Tooth and it is closed...panic starts to set it...we calm down and realize Uncle Joe's Pizza has ice cream...so we hustle our bodies back down elmwood and arrive at Uncle Joe's to find out they only have ice cream in the summer. NOW WE FREAK OUT!!! ICE CREAM IS ALL WE WANT, AND WE ARE READY TO DO ANYTHING TO GET IT!!! NOONE KNOWS WHERE TO GET ICE CREAM THOUGH......AND THEN WE SEE OUR SAVIOR AKA TERESA(sp?). She thankfully knew that Fowler's sells ice cream and so we went there and the heavenlyness of eating ice cream outside was as great as I had imagined. All in all what could have been a disasterous sadness was a great day!~
Permalink: Thank_God_for_Theresa_and_Ice_Cream.html
Words: 164
Location: Kenmore, NY
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