01/17/04 02:38 - ID#28580
Second Work Party
My mom thinks I am an alcoholic or on the verge even though I have maybe been drunk about 6 times in my life but she told me today that she thinks that maybe I don't drink often but that if I am around drinking than I have no control. Which is true but only in an Eckerd-related or like holiday-related or special occassoin-related party or just like if that is the whole point of the party. LIke I can go out to clubs or whatever and not drink if I don't want to. I'm glad my work friends are nice and are nice to me when I am drunk and sick and passed out on their floor. It reminded me of all the fun times that Eckerd pharmacy used to be. I'm glad I work there.

Permalink: Second_Work_Party.html
Words: 263
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/13/04 01:43 - ID#28579
Work Parties

Permalink: Work_Parties.html
Words: 175
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/09/04 02:32 - ID#28578
My Last Chuck Klosterman Ramble
Whenever we were watching Zack's attempts to scam on Tori, we were asked to assume that Kelly and Jessie were in the lunch room or at the mall or sick, and it was just a coincidence that nobody ever mentioned them (or introduced them to Tori, or even recognized their existence).
On paper this seems idiotic, borderline insulting, and-above all-unreal. But the more I think back on my life, the more I"ve come to realize that the Tori Paradox might be the only element of Saved by the Bell that actually happneed dto me. Whenever I try to remember friends from high schoo, friends from college, or even just friends from five years ago, mymemory always creates the illusion that we were together constantly, just like those kids on Saved by the Bell. However, this was almsot enver the case. Whenever I seirusly piece together my past, I inevitably uncover long stretches where somebody who (retrospectively) seemed among my closest companions simply wasn't around. I knew a girl in college who partied with me and my posse constantly, except for one semester in 1993-she had a waitressing job at Applebee's during that stretch and could never make it to any parties. And even though we all loved her, I can't recall anyone mentioning her absence until she came back. And sometimes I was the person cut out of life's script. I'm always confused why I can't remember what they're talkign about..until I remember that I wasn't included in those specific memories. A few years later I started hanging out with a girl who liekd to do drugs, so the two of us spent a year smoking pot in my poorly lit apartment while everyoen else we knew continued to gou out in public; when I eventually rejoined all my odl acquaintances at the local tavern, I could kind of relate to how Kelly Kapowski must have felt after Tori evaporated. Coming and going is more normal than it should be. The Tori Paradox was a lazy way for NBC to avoid thiking, but nobody watchign at home blinked; it as openly ridiculous, but latelntly plausible. That's why the Tori Paradox made sense, and why it illlustrated a great paradox that matters even more: Saved by the Bell wasn't real, but neither is most of reality.

Permalink: My_Last_Chuck_Klosterman_Ramble.html
Words: 505
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/06/04 10:38 - ID#28577
My New Soap Opera

Permalink: My_New_Soap_Opera.html
Words: 53
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/06/04 08:55 - ID#28576
Two New Cds and Chuck Klosterman
The other cd I bougth today while buying my brother a spy recorder thing at New World Records. I bought another Pixie's cd. I really liked Doolittle and wanted another one but had no idea which one to get. I ended up getting Bossanova and it is pretty good so far. It wasn't liek the best rated one online but it was still rated good and it is good. THey only had that one and one other one that didn't look to good based solely on cover art. That's all for now...
Side note from a book I'm reading... I foudn this very interesting the author was writing about The Real World and he said
"In 1992, the Real World was supposed to be that kind of calculated accident; it was theoretically created as a seamless extension of reality. But somewhere that relationship became reversed; therory was replaced by practice. During the frist RW summer I saw kids on MTV who reminded me of people I knew in real life. By 1997, the opposite was starting to happen; I kept meeting new peoplel who were like old Real World characters" I just thought that was interesting.

Permalink: Two_New_Cds_and_Chuck_Klosterman.html
Words: 338
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/06/04 06:59 - ID#28575
Oh the Karaoke Madness

Permalink: Oh_the_Karaoke_Madness.html
Words: 164
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/05/04 03:23 - ID#28574
Crazy Britney Spears

Permalink: Crazy_Britney_Spears.html
Words: 55
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/05/04 01:24 - ID#28573
Coffee for One

Permalink: Coffee_for_One.html
Words: 138
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/04/04 03:24 - ID#28572
Last Two Days
And then today we went to Applebee's and then to Toys R Us where we got yelled at for playing on the bikes and scooters and the stupid worker was liek"Um do you plan on buying anything or just making a mess" Jill and Teres tried to play it off like they were buying a scooter for a nine year old but I don't think he was buying it. Then we went to Media Play and they had tons of cheap stuff but I didn't buy any. They really seem like they are on their way otu of business but who knows. And then we did the ultimate double coffee shop stop. Well Di and Matt left to go see a m ovie and Jesse left to go pick up his sister so me, teres, jill and mk went to spot first and then to coffee &. And at Spot we saw Liz Spaulding and she was like you guys really like going for coffee cuz she always sees us there and stuff and she didn't even know we were on our way to the second coffee shop of the night! There was a new worker at Coffee &, I"m not sure who it was. We saw MK's sister and some of her firends there. It was sad Jen was supposed to go out with us tonight b/c her school starts monday and she was leaving tomororw but she had to leave today instead because of the snow storm coming and so she didn't get to go out for one last crazy night. We missed you Jen!
Oh and also thanks Jesse and Maureen for adding greatly to my collection of Little Miss and Mr. books and accessories that are so huge in Europe and have lost popularity here in the states. I love the books in French and the pin and the advice books like Mr. Tickle's Guide to Women and Mr. Greedy's Guide to Food. I think starting wiht my next entry i will give one piece of advice from one of those books.

Permalink: Last_Two_Days.html
Words: 593
Location: Kenmore, NY
01/03/04 07:12 - ID#28571
Perfect Couples Continued
Fate can only take you so far and after that its up to you to make it happen

Permalink: Perfect_Couples_Continued.html
Words: 212
Location: Kenmore, NY
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