10/21/11 08:25 - ID#55346
calf contusion
Asu is an unforgiving campus for those who aren't good walks. I usually love walking around campus... This week not so much. Health services is conveniently located as far away from parking as possible and somehow my ankle injury has turned into a calf contusion?
My whole lower left leg hurts... My calf is all bruised. Hopefully this will resolve in a few more days because sitting around is getting old. I need to get to the gym...
I also have 5 hrs to write a 7 page apa format research paper. I heart perrla.

Permalink: calf_contusion.html
Words: 97
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 10/21/11 08:25
10/18/11 07:16 - ID#55331
celebrating romantic love...
But I kinda promised to go to this bachelorette party. I'd really rather go home and read or watch TV or stare at the wall.
What do you expect from such a glamorous and stylish lady? Glamour gets you nowhere with love. Down with love and having your heart stomped on repeatedly.
I'm all for love only if I can have a million dollar wedding and that crzy azn man from rhobh to be my wedding planner.
And I want break dancers and a bounce house. K thx.
I forgot to mention there will be food and at the party... Free food will always lure me in. No other way I want to be stuck in a roomful of giddy women unless its for designer swag...

Permalink: celebrating_romantic_love_.html
Words: 133
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 10/18/11 07:20
10/18/11 01:14 - ID#55329
it's my party i can cry if i want to
so, this past weekend:
- my sister forgot my birthday for the 3rd year in a row. i was mad but i'm over it because i love her and she was sick. plus my gift is on it's way and it was fun to have her stalking me all day apologizing.
- about 10 other people forgot my birthday, which i am really not happy about. it just hurts when you've reached out to people and it's clear that they soul less users who don't care.
- i went rock climbing and i fell about 12 feet and messed up my foot and possibly my leg... waked on it a bit today and then it kinda blew up and started hurting. walking around campus and sitting in class will be super fun tomorrow.
- a few people remembered my bday who i didn't even know would.... an ex, and my aunt and uncle. i don't have a fb so this is impressive.
- my aunt and uncle sent me an amazon gift card, you can buy a lot for $80 on amazon. i bought batteries, mascara, lipglosses, blush, a dress, lip tint... kinda amazing. it made me feel really special that they did something so nice for me.
i also feel like the most ridiculous person in the world to still be upset that i haven't heard from my father. if you are seeking out a long lost parent, my advice to you is don't do it. it will suck like none other and rip apart your insides. i rote a pretty scathing but classy farewell letter to him which will be mailed off once i procure a stamp. i actually have some stamps with my sister's face on them and i was thinking i could use those as a sort of ironic twist but i don't think she'd appreciate that.
asu and iteach az ha decided to refer to our student teaching as a "residency". so, it's like we are md's or something without the paycheck or any paycheck. i may end up on the streets begging for food/money.
i realized i finally have thanksgiving off, first time in three years. im going to cook for a bunch of people and i'm hoping to feel lots of family love that day. i need it badly.
i miss my brother and sister so much, and i know i say that all the time but i'll keep saying it until i see them next.
my little cousin is turning 21 in a few weeks, and i have a wedding to go to and it should be a good time. i'm more concerned with what my look will be, rather than the whole marriage thing because i barely know the people.
why can't i have my own reality show? i'm dramatic and i like glamour...
see... an example of both. a glamour shot. and then drama shot- from white water rafting in co which i kinda despised the water was cold and you couldn't carry makeup or lipgloss. i'm more into sailboats and pontoon boats or jet skiing.

Permalink: it_s_my_party_i_can_cry_if_i_want_to.html
Words: 536
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 10/18/11 01:14
10/14/11 11:14 - ID#55300

Permalink: swoon_.html
Words: 30
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 10/14/11 11:15
10/14/11 01:23 - ID#55292
the difference
as adults, we make choices which shape up as and we become who we are.
i swear no matter how down i am, i will never be the kind of person that is a liar, or a cheater, or someone who constantly lets other down.
it's my birthday this weekend, and i don't even want to celebrate. i'll likely do lots of homework because it's productive and when i'm done with it, i always feel a sense of relief and pride.
i am going to be an advocate for telling the truth. i promise to teach my students to tell the truth, and what it means to be honest.
i can't wait to be a teacher. i think it's going to be amazing, positive, and life-altering.
me at the j. cole show a few weeks ago.... i regret to say his live show was a big let down. ironically, it goes with the general theme of my life lately so i suppose it should have been expected.

annndm my friend or not really friend because she disappears. she has these manolos from the first satc movie. they are the ones carrie goes back to the fancy apartment for and big is there and they reunite... her husband bought them for her. he paid around 1,000- that's love people. anyway the last time i saw her she said i could borrow them and i didn't big mistake they could be mine now since she disappeared. they were kinda beat up, and if i had those shoes i would have treated them right... who abuses designer items?! not me, well not that i have any, but i wouldn't if i did.

this rant is ova. farewell.
ps. now i have two precious nieces to spoil. princess zooey and bebe kyla. swoon....

Permalink: the_difference.html
Words: 324
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 10/14/11 01:23
10/11/11 10:03 - ID#55276
moms rule
we had a little happy hour a few weeks ago with some wine and a cheese board... very enjoyable.
she's just the cutest little lady ever and my best friend, she never lets me down.
and to the creepers who send me messages, they aren't wanted. thanks.

Permalink: moms_rule.html
Words: 63
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 10/11/11 10:03
10/08/11 11:35 - ID#55265
ok so...
student teaching is tons of work and pretty much everyone has advised me against work. let the search for a rich boyfriend begin.... jk. i guess i have to go back to customer service type jobs like serving. i loathe this. i only like going to restaurants and being served, not serving others. i don't like working around food unless i'm cooking at home and it makes me upset that i have to give up my education related job that i love.
i suppose it will be worth because in one year, the world is my oyster and i plan on moving to nyc or abroad. it will break my poor mother's heart but i feel like i've experienced az and my time here has been swell but the excitement and vanity has worn off and left only von dutch type douches and dames which i have zero interest in. also, it's highly conservative and thus little money is allotted for education and the incentives and pay for teachers here is dismal at best. it makes me so angry to see so many cuts when education is what fuels the next generation.
so, as my family is all in buffalo together awaiting the arrival of the newest and brightest baby girl i shall spend the week with school. i magically picked up tons of hours at work and will be buying a plane ticket to come out right after xmas. i guess i should save for some warm clothes???? or just plan on wearing hoodies everyday. hehe!!!! who wants to go skiing? and iceskating? and sledding??? i want to make it a winter sports vacation of sorts with ribbons for the best in show.
thanks for the kind words peeps about the whole father thing... i am doing much better. i decided i am going to write a letter and close that chapter.
off to work. ;O)

Permalink: ok_so_.html
Words: 372
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 10/08/11 11:35
09/26/11 05:26 - ID#55198
still got it
took this stunna pic to show me and the world that yea, i still got it.

i decided im going to look for another p/t job to work on the weekends because i want to save so i can finally come to blo.

Permalink: still_got_it.html
Words: 65
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 09/26/11 05:26
09/25/11 06:10 - ID#55196
Moving on... or trying
About a month and a half ago I met my father for the first time. After a few years of having some information about where he could possibly be and some savings I flew out to CO to find him. I knew it would be intense, so I brought along an ex. I honestly thought my search wouldn't be successful, I didn't think I'd actually meet him or see him. So, when I had the opportunity to do so I was very ill-prepared to say the least. The trip ended well all in all, was nice to see my ex and I guess we are friends now. I really appreciated him coming along but he wasn't the best emotional support.
I came back and really felt like I was losing it. I cried a lot and then school started and I kinda forced all of the emotions aside. I never thought this experience would happen, so I guess I didn't how extremely hard it would be. I feel like my world is falling apart and I'm alone trying to figure it all out. Many of the people I thought would be there for me aren't and I miss my brother and sister every single day. Not that they want to talk about it, but I know somewhere they feel the same pain and it just feels better to be surrounded by family. The only person I have really been able to talk to is my mom and I try to be strong because I don't want her to know how badly I'm hurting.
I suppose I lived my life thinking my father was dead or something like that so to meet him and hear him tell me he loves me and that he thinks I'm a wonderful person was both amazing and horrifying at the same. I haven't from him since my trip and I am just realizing that each day that goes by it breaks my heart even more. It's foolish to think that the man who abandoned his entire family without any regard would just turn a new leaf and suddenly take interest. However, it would be a complete lie if I didn't admit how good it felt to hear that he thought i was beautiful and smart. Every child wants their parents to love them... and to realize this man had been living a life without me and my family it's so incredibly hurtful. He never paid a cent of child support, never tried to contact us, and we had just assumed he was dead.
The last month has been so hard. Things that used to bring me joy only distract me for just a little while, I don't feel like going anywhere or doing anything and when I do it's because I'm forcing myself. It's hard to focus on school and most of the time I just want to watch movies and just check out. All of this is emphasized by the fact that I have a birthday soon and I'm getting older and I feel like I have nothing to show for. How did so much time go by? I don't feel like doing anything crazy, I just literally feel like doing nothing and seeing no one. I just wake up every day wanting to stay in bed and slap a happy look on my face and force myself through it all.
Mostly, I want to just run away from this life and start over. I wish I was done with school so I could find the first job as far away as possible. Maybe this all sounds stupid and crazy but it's just how I feel. Most children of single parents at least know where their other parent is or have met them and to find out he was so close this whole time and rejected us from his life is unbelievable. I just don't know where to go from here or how to heal from this and it gets harder everyday. I feel like crying and hold back because I usually have someplace to be and being a basket case isn't an option.
I suppose it's silly for me to have assumed that this would all be easy and I'd get over it immediately, but that's almost how I think everyone else expects it to be. It's disappointing to realize how little people actually care about others. I guess not that many people know, but those who do... I call them to talk and they don't answer or call back and my faith in friends and most of my family is lost. The only person who I can say has truly been there is my mother and that's not surprising because she always has been. How do I move on from this and not feel bitter and cheated? I just want to move on and feel happy,but that's easier said than done.
I didn't write this for a pity party or sympathy, it's much faster than handwriting and just a way of getting out what I feel. It's also not a cry for help, because at the end of the day I'll have to help myself.

Permalink: Moving_on_or_trying.html
Words: 936
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 09/25/11 06:10
07/22/11 11:45 - ID#54757
lions, tigers, bobcats, oh my!
why, you ask?
i am getting ready for work and there is a bobcat in my backyard!!!!!
it's like i live in a nature preserve... which is kinda awesome.
i'm still moving away as soon as i finish school. unless my mom bribes me with a sweet car and a condo... not likely.
i want to live in a place with monkeys.... costa rica???
bob cats are really beautiful... coolest moment of my week thus far. :o)
i had the camera and then it jumper over the wall, grrrrrrrrr.

Permalink: lions_tigers_bobcats_oh_my_.html
Words: 101
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Last Modified: 07/22/11 11:45
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