Category: environment
11/18/07 11:59 - 37ºF - ID#42186
Is Global Warming good for the earth?
Thieving monkeys 'out of control' in northeast India
Sat Nov 17, 3:08 AM ET
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GUWAHATI, India (AFP) - Troupes of monkeys are out of control in India's northeast, stealing mobile phones and breaking into homes to steal soft drinks from refrigerators, lawmakers in the region have complained.
"Monkeys are wreaking havoc in my constituency by taking away mobile phones, toothpastes, sipping coke after opening the refrigerators," Hiren Das told Assam state's assembly.
He said the primates were "even slapping women who try to chase them".
"It is a cause of serious concern in my area, with more than 1,000 such simians turning aggressive by the day," fumed Goneswar Das, another legislator representing Raha in eastern Assam.
Assam's wildlife minister, Rockybul Hussain, said the state government has formed a panel to study the problem.
Because of shrinking forest cover, monkeys have increasingly moved into cities elsewhere in India as well.
Last week, around two dozen people were hurt after monkeys rampaged through a New Delhi neighbourhood.
Last month, the deputy mayor of Delhi died when he fell from his balcony after being attacked by monkeys.
Efforts to drive out the animals is complicated by the fact that devout Hindus view them as an incarnation of Hanuman, the monkey god who symbolises strength.

If you go to yahoos page above maybe they have more information.
Well above is where the journal stopped on myspace but then I thought some more. I didn't mean to think this was just going to be a piece of news. But then I remembered about another thing in India about how the Elephants would find that wine and get drunk and go on a rampage. Not because they are mean but because they get drunk. I wonder if they really like just the taste or if they prefer the getting drunk part, maybe someone could do a study on that for one of those nature channels.
The reason for these troubles and others like deer in Amherst , or mountain lions or bears eating people is that Habitats for animals are getting smaller. If you believe in creation or evolution it doesn't matter they where hear before we where so we are moving into their space not the other way around. Some would argue that we are better then they are so it is there lose, not a bad point really. But what those people forget about is that there is a balance in nature. Mankind has been throwing things out of balance for a long time. Making the air and water dirty over all is the biggest one. But as more trees and rain forests get cut down then we don't even have the things that in nature can get rid of the carbon monoxside (sp? whats new). I won't get into the fact that most of us eat more then we need to and have done things like shot Buffalo for sport and not even use the meat or skin for anything. There are places (yes I want to visit them) like China and Japan that are very overcrowded. Humans are slowly killing the earth. Some people might say we are not causing global warming. They have a right to that thought. Even if we aren't that doesn't make my point any less.
Global warming is good for the earth. It just isn't good for humans. I will admit that I don't have the science background to know what will happen in theory. I don't think the science people really do. We know that if the ice caps melt then they will turn into water in some form. No one really knows how much the water will rise. First of all when water expands when it frezes. secondly how much of that ice will evaporate and turn into rain and where will it rain. How will the changing water temps effect the weather. You can make all kinds of gueses and use science but that is all they are. But what we can assume is that water levels will rise and some land will be lost my Cali maybe it will be greenland, Japan or Texas. But what I assume is that there will be a loss of life and land that is very high. Maps will have to be re drawn. Who knows maybe the change in climate will cause the us to be a lot smaller and it will rain regularly in places known as deserts. But what I'm pretty sure about is that the earth will at some point will re balance the equation. I just hope that the people who live through it and smart enough to record everything and learn from man kinds mistakes. Hey but maybe global warming is just a way for people to make us fear and then control us economicly, wouldn't be the first time.

Permalink: Is_Global_Warming_good_for_the_earth_.html
Words: 937
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: movies
11/17/07 06:49 - 35ºF - ID#42176

I Just wanted to ad that the above link or line of text for anyone who is interested should lead to my webshots page I put up most of my city hall and downtown pictures and put up the Halloween pictures up and they should be in order as well.

Permalink: Beowulf.html
Words: 381
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
11/16/07 04:40 - 36ºF - ID#42164
City Hall Medical Campus

So today I went to the DMV to renew my non drivers ID and after that I went to city hall and Froze. The reason I froze was that I went up to the observation deck and I think my hand went numb. These are not all the pictures I took. I"m not sure how they will look on here and how much detail the small building will have but here goes.

Here are a few pictures of the inside of City Hall

So as I'm on my way to "the medical Campus" area I got to have a fun time about 20 feet from Hyatt's. Out of no where someone calls to me. They ask me "If I'm all right" i say "i'm good" if you don't know the lingo he was asking if I want drugs. But then is where I lost the guy on lingo. He said something about him being a "Pill Popper" I don't remember what I said exactly but then he followed that up with "I'm not a pill popper either". Again very strange. Well here are some pictures from around that area (again not in exact order)

Afterwards I thought about going to the Anchor bar but didn't feel like it. One of these pictures is to show a church and a certain house some of you should know. I didn't know that stuff that grows on houses turned color I thought it was allways green I guess I was wrong.

Hopefully everyone has a great weekend. With the holidays and lots of things coming up this might be the last crazy weekend so everyone should enjoy it. Hopefully I will see Baowolf on sat. I do have a question in High School we read a story of the same name. All I remember is that it was written in really old and really hard to understand old english and only our teacher understood what was going on, is there any connection between that story and this movie? oh yeah and the graphics look amazing also.

Permalink: City_Hall_Medical_Campus.html
Words: 484
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: tv
11/14/07 05:41 - 56ºF - ID#42119
Best TV shows kinda
Best 10 TV shows:
1. 24
2. Heroes
3. House
4. Pushing Daises
5. Miami ink , LA ink, Tattoo wars and looking forward to London Ink
6. A shot at love with Tila Tequila
7. Bones
8. South Park
9. Prison Break
10. Journeyman
11. The Simpsons and Family Guy
12. Weed and Californication
13. Reel Sex and any other sex series on HBO
14. Boston Legal (yeah it and 6 should maybe be flipped but oh well)
I am also looking forward to see the new Terminator TV show. Not sure what it will be about other then it is called the Sarah Connor chronicals so I think it might be more of a spin-off on the movies.

Permalink: Best_TV_shows_kinda.html
Words: 158
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
11/11/07 11:58 - 42ºF - ID#42076
Weekend Movies Potpurri Sabres
Sabres wise they have made more "Winter Classic" Seats available. You can also buy "official" merchandise now. I could spend about $500. (e:drew) may agree or disagree with me on this since I'm not sure if you are a Hockey Fan or not but I want that Blue Crosby Jersey and I think $200 is a lot but it isn't as much as I thought it would be. I haven't seen the tie up Sabres Jersey's yet all they have is Vanek and if I get a sabres one it has to be Miller.
I thought I would share a few pictures from my trips on Elmwood. First of all yes it is the holiday season all ready even if you don't want it to be.

"Ice Bowl" as opposed to Winter Classic

Some other pictures showing off The Elmwood Area

I think they are Open and hopefully they stay open

Some more pictures of the area

I'm not sure if you can tell in the pictures but by Globe Market there is a black guy playing guitar and I guess you can give him money. If that is who I think it is again he has a rebel jacket on. I wish I where brave cause that could be a very interesting conversation.
I hope the Sabres can start wining some games. I want that Winter classic to be a great game.

Permalink: Weekend_Movies_Potpurri_Sabres.html
Words: 484
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: potpourri
11/06/07 06:54 - 41ºF - ID#42010
Halloween and various stuff
(not in order)

I admit that I do like cats but they are very strange animals in some ways. For example they don't like water and running water they hate but yet they will go in tubs, sinks, or bassins but the water comes on and they take off. That being said please don't ever kiss a cat you don't know where they have been. As an example not only dogs do this.

My mother and sister are at the mall I can't get into Christmas shopping yet so here are some pictures that kinda show the fall.

I know that taking Black and white pictures and just using the setting to change them on your camera isn't the same but here are some Buffalo pictures in B&W

I guess my final thought is that I'm glad Miami Ink is back on starting to night and in the line up they also have an episode of LA ink worked in. But why is that that it seems that on TV there is either nothing I want to watch or a bunch of shows in conflict Tuesday is good for that, thankfully they repeat some of them.

Permalink: Halloween_and_various_stuff.html
Words: 324
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/04/07 11:48 - 47ºF - ID#41973
Gangster Flowers Tattoos

I was trying to find pictures from LA INK on TLC. I liked it but not as much as Miami INK. That being Said Kat Von D is amazing and I love her work also. Miami ink restarts on Tuesday night and it should be pretty cool. But there is this other show that is even better to me but that I don't think to many people know about called Tattoo Wars it is on Thursdays at 8pm on TLC. The basics is that at Tattoo conventions two people do a tattoo and see who the people likes better. I know it sounds like it could never take an hour up but that is not correct. They tell about the artists and show other work they have done and how they prepare. Last week was pretty cool these guys both did a sleve on the same guy then finished up on the inner arms at the same time.
The new user picture I have been meaning to do for some time. I mainly think that it is cool that a flower grows up through cement like that. Yeah grass does and so do weeds but how often does a flower. It says something about perserverance (how ever you spell it) and strength and determination so I'll leave it up for now.
I saw two movies yesterday with Common (aka common sense but some other person had that name so he had to change it to common). Smokin Aces was pretty cool action movie and very short also. American Gangster was better though, yes kinda long. I admit that there was a lot more story then I thought there was going to be. Yes there was some good shotting and fighting. Oh yeah and in the nudity part there where lovely Black, Asian, and I think even white boobs in a scene. I thought it was very good.

Permalink: Gangster_Flowers_Tattoos.html
Words: 347
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
11/02/07 03:52 - 53ºF - ID#41943
Halloween Part 3 the final chapter
Wasn't sure where I ended so I thought I would see what would happen if I put these pictures in a box.


Hottest picture of the Night?

Heres an interesting group of pictures!

Just wanted to add that I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. I also want to add thanks to (e:pmt) for having the party at their place and also a thank you to everyone in the pictures and I'm glad everyone had a good time.

Permalink: Halloween_Part_3_the_final_chapter.html
Words: 248
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: drugs
11/01/07 05:48 - 49ºF - ID#41924
Club Owner drug bust?
The Buffalo News : City & Region
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Jesse S. Zuefle, owner of Club Diablo on Washington Street, pleaded guilty Tuesday to a reduced felony charge in connection with last spring's seizure of 42 pounds of marijuana in the attic of the rental property he owned next door to his Richmond Avenue home.
In return for the plea, prosecutors ordered Zuefle, 36, to turn over cash seized in the raid to the federal and state authorities, along with a vehicle used in his marijuana business and the three-story building where the drugs were found.
Zuefle has been free on bail since the May 10 raid by the Erie County district attorney's office, the State Police and federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty before State Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia to first-degree attempted criminal possession of marijuana.
Zuefle is free on $10,000 bail pending his Jan. 4 sentencing.
Initially charged with first-degree criminal possession of marijuana - which carries a possible state prison term of up to 5z years - Zuefle now faces a sentence ranging from probation to 2z years in prison.
After the plea proceedings, narcotics prosecutor Glenn Pincus of the district attorney's office said authorities seized $150,000 in cash plus the marijuana and drug scales.
Under the plea deal, the cash, the property that was "the basis of his marijuana operation" and a Chevrolet TrailBlazer he used in the marijuana business will be turned over to and shared by the state and federal governments, Pincus said.
The raid was the result of a yearlong investigation by the three agencies, Pincus said.
Zuefle was allowed to plead guilty to a lesser felony charge because of his agreement on the confiscation of the cash and property, which have a combined value of about $250,000, and his previously clean record, Pincus said. His ownership of Club Diablo was not a part of the case.
U.S. Attorney Terrance P. Flynn said the seizure of Zuefle's property "should send a strong message to those individuals who believe that trafficking in marijuana is not a serious problem."
"Not only will this forfeiture action remove the money Zuefle made from his illegal business, but it also addresses the concern of his Richmond Avenue neighbors that should not have to be forced to live near an apartment building that was used as an illegal distribution center," Flynn said.
Flynn said a federal forfeiture complaint is now before U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara.

Permalink: Club_Owner_drug_bust_.html
Words: 457
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
10/30/07 07:25 - 59ºF - ID#41892
Halloween Part 2 2007

Well it looks like there will be a part 3 or a bonus post or something coming up also. It is really just a time issue but with these two posts it should be plenty of pictures for now and hopefully some time this week I can get the rest or most of the rest of them up. There is on funny picture I have to put up that I saw in front of tops. I wonder how you prove this or do they bring it out to you.

Permalink: Halloween_Part_2_2007.html
Words: 279
Location: Buffalo, NY
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I think it's good that people are thinking about global warming and its consequences. It's also high time that people took some action to actually stop it from getting worse. I have a huge guilt trip everytime I generate trash, waste energy, use non-biodegradable products, fly on airplanes and generally increase my carbon footprint. I have signs everywhere - in my office, at home to remind me to turn off things, and conserve as much as I can. But it's not the actions of a handful of people which make a difference, it's the action of a population as a whole, of countries and continents.
However, such feelings of helplessness are not helpful at all. I believe we all should personally take drastic steps in our lives - because even if we look like whackos and hippies, it's contributing toward saving our planet. I couldn't care less about people who think I am "weird". You can go to your graves with the knowledge that you were a worse human being for not even trying.
Check out my and (e:libertad)'s posts about carbon footprints and recycling. Every single thing counts. When it comes to reducing carbon foot-prints, there is no such thing as moderation. It is out of control just like the monkeys are. It needs immediate action. So the post is actually apposite. The monkeys are an analogy to how we as selfish humans are running our lives today.