Category: youtube
11/27/07 07:35 - 39ºF - ID#42308
1st video
So this video link was sent to me in mail it is of A guy as you can kinda see painting a flag and fireman. Oh wait now you won't watch it well if this works than I can do more of them. Oh yeah Wends. I"m going to see the Sabres Vs. The Blues should be a good time.
Ok that didn't work liet me try with a different coe from youtube.

Ok I admit i giv e up if any one knows hot to do it and can send simple instructions or put them on the bottom of this post that would be awesome.

Permalink: 1st_video.html
Words: 195
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: events
11/24/07 04:32 - 35ºF - ID#42272
TSO and Busy Week
Then next week being busy starts off with work. It is the end of the month and we busier then plus we lost some time that we couldn't make up last week from having two days of. On Wens. I'm going back to see another Sabres game that should be a great time and a lot of fun. Then on Thursday I'm going to see Warren Miller's playground at Shea's that should be a great time. I wonder if I could take pictures of the inside of Shea's as long as I don't take any pictures of the movie. Sometimes at the end of the week I don't have the energy (sometimes it is more emotional where I just feel like chilin) But on Friday there are some bands I want to see at the showplace that I learned about through Myspace, if I can make that it would be great but if not oh well.I hope everyone's weekend has been good and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of it.

Permalink: TSO_and_Busy_Week.html
Words: 253
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: holiday
11/23/07 10:03 - 25ºF - ID#42257
Thanks & eve Sabres (long post)

Hopefully that show up as a link but if not the general Jist of it is that Jerry Jones the owner of the Cowboys isn't happy that his game vs. Greenbay won't be seen in Dallas since Time Warner doesn't have NFL Network and he is saying that people should drop them and go with AT&T who have some kind of dish program. I will admit I didn't think things could get uglier then it did before but this one takes the cake. I will admit I want to see that But I'm not going to drop cable service over one station besides I'll be at a sabres game I'm pretty sure.
Right now there are lots of people who are all ready done with "Black Friday" those people are intense they really are. I changed my user picture this tree was bought at walgreens last night I'm sure they have them at lots of other places. I figured since Thanksgiving is over go with the Tree as the user picture for now.
Thanksgiving Eve
So I started out by going to the Sabres game and it was a great game and had a lot of fun. Part of that might have been that the first 4 goals where at my end of the ice. Those pictures will be later on so as not to bore anyone who isn't into hockey (should I do this the other way since that would be for me and not the reader In tv this is called breaking the 3rd wall I think). I still had a great time even though I was cold.
I will admit I was very close to not going to Club Diablo but I did wind up going for the 1st time. There where some very sexy girls there but it wasn't very crowded but maybe that was just because there wasn't a band and it was still early. I don't go to very many bars so I have nothing to compare it to. But I love the decor and the pinball game. Here are some pictures (not in order but you get what it looks like).

I admit the video is hard to see but it was an Art & Body video of someone getting a Tattoo the screen is kinda behind a stage and at one point there was a lady dancing up there. I tried this energy drink called Daiblo that was very good and very fruity. I forgot to add that the female bartender seemed awesome she really did.
So walking from Diablo to the "Old Pink" or would that be the New "lightning Snowstorm" wasn't as bad as I thought. So I wound up losing my second bar virginity of the night. The chip strip was crazy packed I wasn't dressed right for any of those places, and I won't wait in line to get in and listen to dance music.

There is no sense of trying to put up the one of the huge Black limo cause on line you will never see, even in a printed picture it would be dark. So here are the pictures from "old pink" I think I should have stayed longer but it was so packed.

There is a little story about that Elvis picture. When it is so crowed it is tough to get a picture of your self but I almost got the best picture ever As I go take that picture this really hot thin tall tanned (if memory serves correct) tells me to take a picture of Elvis so I do. I was going to and in the process so I do and she then kisses me on my check and as she does takes a picture. To bad it didn't come out with her it just came out as my hoddie and a crowd. This girl seemed really trashed but in a good way. She was kinda dancing rubbing on her friend and then she was lifting her self up with her arms over the bar and pushing her tits towards the bar tender it was really hot. Not to mention a few min before we where all crunched up at the bar it was very tight between a few ladies, guys freak me out a bit being smusmed by ladies is kinda fun. The reason I left was after I used the bathroom I wanted another drink but couldn't see how to get back to the bar it was just to packed.
I will either edit this and ad more or make a part two in a few minutes my sis is balling her head off and when I go see what she wants it will be something very stupid. Ok this time I was wrong it wasn't stupid they where showing stuff from a mall on the news, but the reason she called was to get the cat from its little bed and to give it to her in her bed so that is ok so back to the post. So to sum up I did like "The old Pink" and hopefully will return there soon or atleast again.
Thanksgiving was kinda weird watched my sis run in the turkey trot. Some of the costumes people came up with where interesting. It sure was cold I noticed what seemed like a lot of ladies as Pochontis or at least as Indian Girls, very nice most of them where cute. I think it is cool to dress up. There where a couple people who ran with a shopping cart with a person in it.

I will admit I saw a lot of great getups that I didn't get pictures of. Thanksgiving was different in that we just had a lunch and didn't visit anyone.

Of course I did watch some football and had a good time watching it. I was sleeping through some of the second game. But I did wake up and have some Dinner at my place.

What an exciting dinner but it was good. It was a good day. Oh yeah and the tree we got.

If anyone is still reading this then wow. Well I guess it isn't really to long just seems like a lot of stuff to me. This is where if you are not a hockey fan it gets kinda dull. When it gets to hockey pictures it is allways tough cause I'm not sure how many to put up and what ones will look good so I guess I'll go with a few groups of them.

I think that is enough of the game, I kinda lost what pictures I put up and what ones I didn't. I do have to share one funny thing. When they annouced the the scaracthes they said Emery I was like you can't do that cause then there is no back up to the goalie and then Emery played, I was surprised. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.

Permalink: Thanks_amp_eve_Sabres_long_post_.html
Words: 1328
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/22/07 11:44 - 27ºF - ID#42253
Quick Thanksgiving

Permalink: Quick_Thanksgiving.html
Words: 195
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
11/19/07 06:24 - 41ºF - ID#42204
Miller Sabres Turkey trot

The night before Thanksgiving I'm going to the Sabres game. It should be a good time, I would love to see them Beat Ottawa. I'm not sure if they are good enough to but it will still be a good time. I'm thinking after the game I might go check out Club Diablo they are having some kind of Party for Art And Body it is a Tattoo shop. Then early Thanksgiving I have to wake up and take pictures of the sis since she will run in the turkey trot. She wants me to but there is no way I can I'm not in good enough shape to.
Then on the 25th I'm going to TSO that will be a good time, they allways are. Then A week after the Ottawa Sabres game I'm going to see them play the St. Louis Blues that is the day before the Snowboarding movie.
I hope everyone has a nice long weekend and enjoys thanksgiving mine will be watching Football and relaxing after I wake up early.

Permalink: Miller_Sabres_Turkey_trot.html
Words: 222
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: environment
11/18/07 11:59 - 37ºF - ID#42186
Is Global Warming good for the earth?
Thieving monkeys 'out of control' in northeast India
Sat Nov 17, 3:08 AM ET
--> end storyhdr -->
GUWAHATI, India (AFP) - Troupes of monkeys are out of control in India's northeast, stealing mobile phones and breaking into homes to steal soft drinks from refrigerators, lawmakers in the region have complained.
"Monkeys are wreaking havoc in my constituency by taking away mobile phones, toothpastes, sipping coke after opening the refrigerators," Hiren Das told Assam state's assembly.
He said the primates were "even slapping women who try to chase them".
"It is a cause of serious concern in my area, with more than 1,000 such simians turning aggressive by the day," fumed Goneswar Das, another legislator representing Raha in eastern Assam.
Assam's wildlife minister, Rockybul Hussain, said the state government has formed a panel to study the problem.
Because of shrinking forest cover, monkeys have increasingly moved into cities elsewhere in India as well.
Last week, around two dozen people were hurt after monkeys rampaged through a New Delhi neighbourhood.
Last month, the deputy mayor of Delhi died when he fell from his balcony after being attacked by monkeys.
Efforts to drive out the animals is complicated by the fact that devout Hindus view them as an incarnation of Hanuman, the monkey god who symbolises strength.

If you go to yahoos page above maybe they have more information.
Well above is where the journal stopped on myspace but then I thought some more. I didn't mean to think this was just going to be a piece of news. But then I remembered about another thing in India about how the Elephants would find that wine and get drunk and go on a rampage. Not because they are mean but because they get drunk. I wonder if they really like just the taste or if they prefer the getting drunk part, maybe someone could do a study on that for one of those nature channels.
The reason for these troubles and others like deer in Amherst , or mountain lions or bears eating people is that Habitats for animals are getting smaller. If you believe in creation or evolution it doesn't matter they where hear before we where so we are moving into their space not the other way around. Some would argue that we are better then they are so it is there lose, not a bad point really. But what those people forget about is that there is a balance in nature. Mankind has been throwing things out of balance for a long time. Making the air and water dirty over all is the biggest one. But as more trees and rain forests get cut down then we don't even have the things that in nature can get rid of the carbon monoxside (sp? whats new). I won't get into the fact that most of us eat more then we need to and have done things like shot Buffalo for sport and not even use the meat or skin for anything. There are places (yes I want to visit them) like China and Japan that are very overcrowded. Humans are slowly killing the earth. Some people might say we are not causing global warming. They have a right to that thought. Even if we aren't that doesn't make my point any less.
Global warming is good for the earth. It just isn't good for humans. I will admit that I don't have the science background to know what will happen in theory. I don't think the science people really do. We know that if the ice caps melt then they will turn into water in some form. No one really knows how much the water will rise. First of all when water expands when it frezes. secondly how much of that ice will evaporate and turn into rain and where will it rain. How will the changing water temps effect the weather. You can make all kinds of gueses and use science but that is all they are. But what we can assume is that water levels will rise and some land will be lost my Cali maybe it will be greenland, Japan or Texas. But what I assume is that there will be a loss of life and land that is very high. Maps will have to be re drawn. Who knows maybe the change in climate will cause the us to be a lot smaller and it will rain regularly in places known as deserts. But what I'm pretty sure about is that the earth will at some point will re balance the equation. I just hope that the people who live through it and smart enough to record everything and learn from man kinds mistakes. Hey but maybe global warming is just a way for people to make us fear and then control us economicly, wouldn't be the first time.

Permalink: Is_Global_Warming_good_for_the_earth_.html
Words: 937
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: movies
11/17/07 06:49 - 35ºF - ID#42176

I Just wanted to ad that the above link or line of text for anyone who is interested should lead to my webshots page I put up most of my city hall and downtown pictures and put up the Halloween pictures up and they should be in order as well.

Permalink: Beowulf.html
Words: 381
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
11/16/07 04:40 - 36ºF - ID#42164
City Hall Medical Campus

So today I went to the DMV to renew my non drivers ID and after that I went to city hall and Froze. The reason I froze was that I went up to the observation deck and I think my hand went numb. These are not all the pictures I took. I"m not sure how they will look on here and how much detail the small building will have but here goes.

Here are a few pictures of the inside of City Hall

So as I'm on my way to "the medical Campus" area I got to have a fun time about 20 feet from Hyatt's. Out of no where someone calls to me. They ask me "If I'm all right" i say "i'm good" if you don't know the lingo he was asking if I want drugs. But then is where I lost the guy on lingo. He said something about him being a "Pill Popper" I don't remember what I said exactly but then he followed that up with "I'm not a pill popper either". Again very strange. Well here are some pictures from around that area (again not in exact order)

Afterwards I thought about going to the Anchor bar but didn't feel like it. One of these pictures is to show a church and a certain house some of you should know. I didn't know that stuff that grows on houses turned color I thought it was allways green I guess I was wrong.

Hopefully everyone has a great weekend. With the holidays and lots of things coming up this might be the last crazy weekend so everyone should enjoy it. Hopefully I will see Baowolf on sat. I do have a question in High School we read a story of the same name. All I remember is that it was written in really old and really hard to understand old english and only our teacher understood what was going on, is there any connection between that story and this movie? oh yeah and the graphics look amazing also.

Permalink: City_Hall_Medical_Campus.html
Words: 484
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: tv
11/14/07 05:41 - 56ºF - ID#42119
Best TV shows kinda
Best 10 TV shows:
1. 24
2. Heroes
3. House
4. Pushing Daises
5. Miami ink , LA ink, Tattoo wars and looking forward to London Ink
6. A shot at love with Tila Tequila
7. Bones
8. South Park
9. Prison Break
10. Journeyman
11. The Simpsons and Family Guy
12. Weed and Californication
13. Reel Sex and any other sex series on HBO
14. Boston Legal (yeah it and 6 should maybe be flipped but oh well)
I am also looking forward to see the new Terminator TV show. Not sure what it will be about other then it is called the Sarah Connor chronicals so I think it might be more of a spin-off on the movies.

Permalink: Best_TV_shows_kinda.html
Words: 158
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
11/11/07 11:58 - 42ºF - ID#42076
Weekend Movies Potpurri Sabres
Sabres wise they have made more "Winter Classic" Seats available. You can also buy "official" merchandise now. I could spend about $500. (e:drew) may agree or disagree with me on this since I'm not sure if you are a Hockey Fan or not but I want that Blue Crosby Jersey and I think $200 is a lot but it isn't as much as I thought it would be. I haven't seen the tie up Sabres Jersey's yet all they have is Vanek and if I get a sabres one it has to be Miller.
I thought I would share a few pictures from my trips on Elmwood. First of all yes it is the holiday season all ready even if you don't want it to be.

"Ice Bowl" as opposed to Winter Classic

Some other pictures showing off The Elmwood Area

I think they are Open and hopefully they stay open

Some more pictures of the area

I'm not sure if you can tell in the pictures but by Globe Market there is a black guy playing guitar and I guess you can give him money. If that is who I think it is again he has a rebel jacket on. I wish I where brave cause that could be a very interesting conversation.
I hope the Sabres can start wining some games. I want that Winter classic to be a great game.

Permalink: Weekend_Movies_Potpurri_Sabres.html
Words: 484
Location: Buffalo, NY
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