Category: entertainment
12/10/11 06:08 - ID#55691
The Adam's Family
I thought it was great.... Now to be honest I thought it was a bit of a chance since the NY crowd didn't like it so much but from what I read it had been changed up.... There was for sure a lot of adult comedy in it and it was great... Yes there where a couple parts that where just silly... But come on it is a musical based on the Adam's Family gotta expect that I guess..... Now of course everyone has a different sense of funny... I think Allen Gregory is awful and The Cleveland Show is funny and I'm sure there are people who find it the other way around... My point is just cause I find something funny others who where there might not have.... They might not have liked that their kid heard certain jokes.... I can't say I just thought it was very good...
I was off to the left side In either the 4th row or the first not in the Lodge depending on how you count and all the effects where great from my seat... But also they did something in the end where (can't speak for those down up close) a Standing Ovation didn't really work... They kinda did like a dance it was pretty cool... Then they talked to the viewers.... Hope that isn't giving to much away.... Just my opinion was that Yes everyone was great but that Wens-day was the best singer.... But maybe that was just really who's voice I liked best (example of why I don't watch American Idol).... Or it could just be that her songs fit the kinda over the top hold things and big voice of musicals the most?
I would tell people to go.... You know what go and skip the bills game you will have a much better time....

Permalink: The_Adam_s_Family.html
Words: 415
Last Modified: 12/10/11 06:08
Category: entertainment
08/02/11 05:30 - ID#54847
Will I survive?
Wends. Nietches trying to get there early so I can get a seat and a drink and fire away with my camera of all the lovely Burlesque ladies doubt it will stop at one drink......
Thurs. The Square at the harbor The Sheila Divine... So want to hear the old stuff and don't really know the new stuff but some of it sounds pretty good. If the ear is still plugged up think it will get pointed at the speaker.... Can't make the ringing that much worse can it.... Other two groups don't know the music..... Hoping close so can get photos..... As I rock out...
Fri. Skiffling at Sportsmen's ........ All ways a good time........
Hoping to get there early maybe a spot at the bar where I can see and photo the band... Wonder if there is a menu at the Bar?
Sat. I'm sure there is some movie out but think I will need to pretty much assuming I'm still living get the DVR caught up....

Permalink: Will_I_survive_.html
Words: 205
Last Modified: 08/02/11 05:30
Category: entertainment
05/01/11 10:39 - ID#54193
Wicked Interesting View
This lead to an often distracting View.... 1st there was this lovely nice and tan but not orange lady sitting next to me.... yeah she was pretty cute legal (I think and hope) but what was distracting is no mater how much one tries not to the person to your left is in view when you have to look left to see the stage... This tan (natural or not I don't know but finding out might have been fun) lady had some great legs.... Now when they where crossed a certain way you couldn't help but see them than there was the orchestra pit and the play.... Later on I noticed she had a ring on and yes her outfit was pretty cute and she looked a little stacked yes a nice distraction well there where a few other ones who would go past and be a distraction....
Well in any event here are some pictures to show Shea's ......
Oh yeah no pictures of the performance where taken..... It was great by the way.......
I took some pictures on the way there and on the way home as well.... On a side note legs pictures would be to creepy even for me ... I don't only like tan girls I also like snow white girls and Inked girls and some black girls and all kinds there where a bunch of them at shea's not that , that is what I went for...

Permalink: Wicked_Interesting_View.html
Words: 390
Last Modified: 05/01/11 10:39
Category: entertainment
02/27/11 11:35 - ID#53743
Shrek The Musical
What is the Distance from Grand Central Station to Times Square?
(Blocks or in minutes walking, on a first visit don't want to try and learn the subway and wind up in Red Hook or the South Bronx)
Also What is the Distance from Grand Central Station to Broadway?
I'm thinking of not sure if it will happen to go by train and just explore for a day or go see what I can find.... Flying seems crazy cause that means I have to an airport and do the security thing and the pat down thing and get an x ray and even with the x ray take everything out of pockets then fly to NYC then from there find a way into the city and then after all that repeat that in reverse no thanks..........
Now The reason I mention the NYC thing is that it is important to this musical... I have never seen the Disney ones like The Little Mermaid or The Lion King (by the way Disney borrowed that story for those that don't know) So I don't know if some of things I saw where a mockery of them or just because of my where I was sitting.... Here are the two examples.... There is this Big Dragon and you can see the people in black out fits working it..... Yes there was some smoke but not enough to cover them up.... My first thought was well I bet from far back you can't see them in the lighting I bet in the balcony they are hidden.... Now as you back up the seats go up and from where I was there was this effect where a screen comes down and the people's feet are rats. I could see their legs.... So I wonder are these things that are bashing Disney and big musicals or is that they are made for people in the center to see only really....
What I liked about the Shrek Movies and it holds true here is how they Bash Fairy Tales and they do a great Job here doing it as well yes the lion king gets dissed. To be clear there aren't really any songs in Shrek the movie but the songs in the Musical are great and funny... Now that being said a lot of the Sexual jokes aimed at adults aren't in the Musical but that is ok Not sure if they would fit really... Now that being Said My Favorite part was Donkey he was great and I loved how he sang and talked kinda reminded me of Corey Glover I think from Living Colour singing wise... An it isn't just cause he was black... Then they do this big song at the end of the play after the standing o and Confetti rains down it is great... Is It a bit over the top Sure but all Musicals are.... Hey how can you not like a musical that is a love story and kinda a fairy tale that mocks fairy tales and is funny.... It was a great time now for some pictures (oh pictures of the performance are strictly prohibited so I didn't take any but this is before and after and the Journey)........

Permalink: Shrek_The_Musical.html
Words: 672
Last Modified: 02/27/11 11:35
Category: entertainment
12/13/10 07:46 - ID#53267
weekend movies and shows and stuff

I went to see The Narnia 3D movie. Now in the past I heard that there is religious stuff in the movies. Now I never saw it but could see where one could. But this one it was right out there. That being said I enjoyed the movie but man $11.50 during the day was a lot then food.... I see why people buy the big screen and stay in but those Blu-ray movies are costly as well....... I don't want to get into why I liked the movie cause I would give stuff away....
I watched a not happy at all but very good cop and drug movie. Good action. Good story and lots of tits well some tits maybe a lot not sure but they fit the story.
Last night I watched a lot of Christmas stuff.....
Family Guy had an hour special that I found a lot of fun with singing and stewie and all kinds of fun and crazyness. That was followed by crazy American Dad that had awesome shoot outs. Later it was onto Robot Chicken Christmas that was pretty good followed by 2 old ones that I had seen like parts of.......

Permalink: weekend_movies_and_shows_and_stuff.html
Words: 262
Last Modified: 12/13/10 07:46
Category: entertainment
09/26/09 12:08 - ID#49857
Movies and lost post (reading found)
I just remembered what my post was going to be about, this won't be as good as what was in my head but it will have to do. I Have read on line from some of you guys that Reading Rainbow has been canceled and that is to bad. I think it is very important that kids be taught that reading is fun. I think the way that happens is to be read to first.
In My case when I was in school reading often seemed like a chore. What I mean was it was something you had to do for class. You didn't get to pick what you wanted to read. Plus most classes other then like math you need to read for. Hey maybe I'm just more of a visual person. The thing is reading should be fun and kids shouldn't be brought up on only movies and TV. Reading early helps with spelling and having a good vocabulary.
When I was a kid a read "Where the Wild things are" hey most kids if they didn't it was read to them. I don't remember much of it, but I'm so going to see the movie. Some might think this turning books into movies is a new thing but it isn't at all, it has been going on for a long time. The first example in terms of time that I know of is James Bond. I never read any of the stories or books but love all the movies. I admit I haven't seen really any of the old ones and don't remember much from the ones I saw as a kid. But what I can say is that if no one ever wrote them then we wouldn't have the movies.
Some other examples that come to Mind are things like "Puff The Magic Dragon", Harold and the Purple Caryon and there where a bunch of other kids books that got turned into animated movies. I wonder though if getting someone to watch the movies can get them to read the book, I think it can. In fact what often happens now is when a movie comes out based on a book they put a picture from the movie on the book cover. The other thing that happens is they often come out with a new book, and that book is the movie version of that book.
One Can't forget about Comic Books. Visually they are great and often they appeal to kids who normally wouldn't want to read like a book. I think as first reading they are a bad idea. Yes they do teach that you need to follow order. If you read the panels wrong the story makes no sense. Yes it gives people a sense of waiting and not instant gratification. You buy a book one month read the story then next month get the next issue. Of course some people buy a bunch of issues at once just like how some people wait for a TV show to come out on DVD so they can see it all at once with out the wait. But the downside is that they are so visual compared to how much writing there is that it can teach to read in short amounts and that the art work is the most important aspect. Comics are now a great source for movie companies to get material from.
I really like TrueBlood and think it is a great show. But the only reason it became a show is because the books where good or sold a lot of copies. So what I'm saying is that if people only watch TV and movies and don't read then there will be a lot of great shows and movies that never happen. But that isn't reason enough. Also if people don't read then you also won't have people writing anything either.
Again I'm sure this sounded much better in my head then on this blog.
So (If anyone is still here) after my shower yesterday I went downtown to buy Sabres Tickets. I knew there where 5 games I wanted to go to, so I wound up getting a mini pack. I just wish I would have got them sooner so I would have been closer but I think my seat worked out good. But there is still this other part of me that goes well I could have used the money this way or that way but I will have a great time. First game turns out is on Sweetest day (now if I could only blow myself I could be my own date, HA), and just to be clear I only got one ticket so I don't have any extras.
Next I was off to go see 9. I liked it. But I thought it was going to be more. It also seemed very short. After that I saw Surrogates. Wow what a great movie. First of all Bruce Willis so it is one of his style of movies and they are all ways fun. Then there is that Sci-Fi thing so it has the sci-fi message about robots and them not being the same as humans. Yes it felt like an animee like how irobot did. So it was a good sci-fi movie with a story and great action and a twist not sure how many or what one would count but I give it two thumbs up.

Permalink: Movies_and_lost_post_reading_found_.html
Words: 1209
Category: entertainment
09/23/09 07:20 - ID#49841
(NSFW) Actresses I like
It is tough to believe that it will be my Birthday in 3 months from Today. Or as I call it The Eve of Christmas Eve. Now the other day I was talking about acting and there are some actresses I like for what ever reason I like them. And here are some of them
Jill Wagner: You might know her from Car Ads or even Wipeout but what I first saw her in was Blade yes the TV Series and she was pretty good in that and makes a good host now.

There Is this show that is no Longer On called Pushing Daisies. I thought this was a great show I really did. Olive was a great character and I know I have heard Kristen do some voice work but not sure in what movie it was. Yes she is hot but she also does a good job doing what she is asked to do acting wise.

I'm a fan of X-men and the movies and Rogue was pretty hot Anna is now on a show that I love True Blood. She seems to have no problem with nudity at all now oh yeah.

Now it isn't a post unless a do a little bit of Porn. Jenna Jameson Has crossed over and done non porn roles and pulls it off pretty good, sorry I can't remember what I saw her in.

One Actress who I think gets over looked is Joey Lauren Adams. Maybe it is just that I'm a Kevin Smith fan. But I'm still not sure why that scene where it is Raining in Chasing Amy didn't get any award nominations she acted her ass off.

I Love Heroes and think that it is in the top five TV shows on currently. It doesn't Hurt that Hayden is pretty hot. This is not the first time she has played a Cheerleader either from what I understand.

I'm really Not sure if the first movie I saw her in was Tomb Raider or not but she sure is hot and I really thought she was Great in Beowoulf and Wanted.

Some of you might remember a Show named Dark Angel from some time ago. That is where I first saw Jessica Alba. I thought she was very good in that and great In Sin City.

Olive Wilde I'm a big fan off. I first liked her in the Show Skin, next was The O.C. , The Black Donnoly's (followed Heroes) and most recently house. Is she hot Yes. Did she have Different looks yes. but each character seems different but yet it is also still her.

Kate Beckinsale is an interesting example of someone I like based on her role. She was amazing in both Van Helsing and the Under World movies but that is all I know her from, that Genre is perfect for her I think.

So If you like Parody movies and some of them can get pretty bad sometimes then one person other then Carmen Electra who shows up in a lot of them is Anna Farris . I like that she can make fun of her self and I did see her in something that wasn't a spoof and she did as good of a Job as she was asked to do.

Carmen Electra is fun to watch and look at for sure. Not sure if she can act or not but she is able to do what she is asked to do and she is able to make fun of herself as well and does a great Job in those spoof movies. By the way Scary Movie is Based of Scream I have heard they are working on a new Screem Movie.

There are so many actresses that I like. A lot of it though is based on who they play like I loved Kim Bauer on 24. Then there is Toni Colet (that isn't right from the L word I think and Most recently very good on United States of Tera)
The Last person I will Feature in Pictures is Katey Segal. She was great on Married With Children. I think she did a voice on futurerama and now she is On Sons Of Anarchy. I wish I could list everyone I like but often they are people I know by face like hey that chick was awesome on Homicide and things like that.

This Blog is Plenty Long enough so that is a good place to end it.

Permalink: _NSFW_Actresses_I_like.html
Words: 951
Category: entertainment
05/09/09 07:26 - ID#48637
Star Trek and More

Permalink: Star_Trek_and_More.html
Words: 129
Category: entertainment
05/08/09 06:56 - ID#48630
Last Weekend's sports

Before the game they Had a Party in the Plaza. It was nice and strictly hip was good. But see all they had to eat where hot dogs so I ate inside. Here are some pictures from before the game.

So then On Monday I went to Monday Night Raw. But before I ate I checked out this place called Benchwarmers. It is near the arena. Here are some pictures from that and the AUD you might notice that the Canisius College Lacrosse sign is gone.

I also heard an ad for someplace else I want to try in that same building. Hope everyone has a good weekend, unless you are a Titans fan then I hope you have a bad weekend. I'm hoping to go see Star Trek either downtown or on Elmwood at sometime on Saturday.

Permalink: Last_Weekend_s_sports.html
Words: 284
Category: entertainment
05/02/09 04:26 - ID#48574
Busy Week
So On Thursday Night I went to go see "L Save the World". I will admit it wasn't the same as the 2 other movies. First of all with an event like that I now found it is better to go as a group. But I still had a good time and had food at applebee's before the movie. The movie was different there was no Kira and Yes it was a Death Note movie so there was one and a Shirigamie but that wasn't what the movie was about. It was L trying to stop a Biological attack. It was good just not what I thought it was. I get that people like to talk to the movie but the stuff that was being yelled just didn't seem to make sense. The movie started late do to some issue and because of that I got a pass for a free show, well everyone did. I used it to go see the new Wolverine movie it was very good. Lots of action and story and all that good stuff.
Last night was Jerry Seinfeld. I thought he was pretty funny and so was his opening act. I was a bit back but it didn't take away from anything. He talked back to hecklers that was funny. He answered some questions at the end. Before the show I checked out this place called Caberet and since I didn't have a reservation sat at the bar and ate. I thought the Roast Beef and drinks I had where pretty good. Plus the person who waited on me seemed to be running the place taking orders making multiple drinks at a time. She was blond and hot and really good at her Job. Plus the place wasn't to costly either.
Other then Lets Go Bandits I feel like I'm forgetting something.....

Permalink: Busy_Week.html
Words: 402
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