Category: politics
10/06/11 06:32 - ID#55250
Occupy Buffalo?
Not really sure what they are protesting.... I get that some of it is about greed .... I know some of it is about how Corporations run this country... I know how some of it is about the stock market.... Maybe different people are there for different reasons like they don't have a job or where they worked it got shipped away.... I also don't know if there are any goals other then just to protest... Is there something they want.... Does everyone want the same thing.... In any event it sure could get interesting or it might not even make the news and may stay at four people? Guess we shall see....... I will say this though it is a cool idea.... Maybe this is all really just a test to see if it works so that if it does the next level will be with torchs and pitch forks and yelling and screaming?

Permalink: Occupy_Buffalo_.html
Words: 287
Last Modified: 10/06/11 06:32
Category: politics
09/23/11 06:03 - ID#55184
"You're going to Hell" "fuck You!"
So there has been a lot of stuff in the news and it is national about this local kid who killed him self cause of Bullying and now national people jump on board....
To me this isn't about his sexuality... Kids pick on kids about any thing and everything.. If you are different you will get picked on in some form... Now when I was a kid yes this did go on I'm sure... But most of it was through picking on someone in a good way not cause you hate what they are and that type makes people stronger. It is a guy thing of busting balls. Like "shut Up" oh "Blow Me" and on and on till someone doesn't have a comeback... This is why I don't think any new laws should be passed... Can't have people who are having a good time with each other get in trouble for it....
I know schools say they take this seriously but I don't really buy it... I think it is more we are covering out ass... But maybe I'm wrong... Again here is a place where we don't need new laws there are ones on the books that work .... But are teachers and people really going to follow them?
What I don't get is why after the school shootings why didn't that spawn these changes... Those kids get bullied and put out on there own. Then they go and shoot up a school... Yes it is part of a Micheal Moore movie and yes you should see the Marilyn Manson part of the movie it is great... But that should have started everything....
I don't think this will ever end:
-When someone dies it gives the bullies just what they want someone they don't approve of is dead oh well one less that is what they get for being that way...
-When you tell everyone this is how being this way hurts others yes it tells kids not to be like that.... But what it also does it reminds people who don't care if someone gets hurt to do this..... If they tell the entire school how to deal with this then the bullies know what they have to counter .......
-But The big reason why I don't think it will stop is a lot of the bulling is because the bully sees the other person as less of a person because of what they are... It could be that they are gay or act gay or look like a chick or what ever... Many times this is taught at home or at church... So it is a moral thing... Since they are being moral it is ok to do this....
Not all bullying is because of moral things... The way a bully works most of the time is with fear. Now the fear of what will happen is stronger most times then what will really happen. But this is true of most fear... The fear of rejection or getting the shit beaten out of you and get your face shoved in the mud is worse then the beating its self... Yes it will hurt but it will then end and you won't be tormented every minute of the day.... But it is easy to say you just have to tell someone to go fuck them selves and take what may happen...... Or of course to punch them as hard as you can... It isn't that easy as anyone who has ever been afraid of anything could tell you.....
I know there is more i wanted to say but kinda lost it somewhere as all ways this isn't prof read...

Permalink: _You_re_going_to_Hell_fuck_You_.html
Words: 667
Last Modified: 09/23/11 06:03
Category: politics
09/16/11 07:46 - ID#55158
Food Trucks redux
-I think they are a great idea
-What got me so upset to begin with is that people where saying here are places that are concerned with their business and so they are pushing for laws that will protect and since they are doing that we won't eat there anymore....
-My main concern was that with them being mobile that a system needs to be in place where if there is a problem you call someone and they come out right a way and make a decision that is binding.. Say I get food poisoning or they have a guy with a big sign in front of my place stealing my customers... then someone comes out or maybe a few people they make a decision as what is to be done on the spot...
-Certain Festivals and places you need a permit for I think Delaware park is one of them... Food trucks should be able to get a permit for those places....
-Police shouldn't be pulling over trucks! unless they do something wrong like run a red light...
-What I thought should have happened was bar owners and street vendors and Pine Hill Coffee trucks, and James the Ice Cream dude and everyone who sells food or drinks should all have a big meeting with law makers and work out what is fair....Cause if I own a Juice stand or what ever is it fair that a truck can drive around and sell juice to people who are running not really......
Not sure what is going on with the great food truck race but hope Lloyds wins....

Permalink: Food_Trucks_redux.html
Words: 282
Last Modified: 09/16/11 07:46
Category: politics
09/11/11 11:31 - ID#55139
9/11 ten years political
So the tough part is where to start (wonder if anyone on facebook will even read this). I don't have the same connection to this event as everyone else... Think I knew at the time one person who was in NYC and so the thought of family being in those towers never even crossed my mind... I wasn't in love with the city and the people there so it was like the Oklahoma City bombing by the way and that was the 1st Major Attack on our country... Everyone says 9/11 because of it being a foreign attack and there they have a point .. I was at work at the time and the boss let us know and it was view-able for anyone who wanted to see it...
The question most of these remember Sept 11th posts don't do is ask why... Why did we get attacked... Granted the people in the towers and the firefighters where innocent.... But why did someone fly planes into those buildings are part of a bigger attack? At the time no one wanted to know they just wanted death to those who did it... Who cares if we stick our noses into things that aren't our business who cares if we liberate people, so what if we support dictators and people who torture there own people (Sadam)... Not saying we can keep the entire world happy... But it isn't like we don't do evil things only those scum bag dirty Muslims do... Oh just nuke them all....
But see the other problem is no one asked why do they hate us...The follow up question should have been what will happen for different courses of action... In other words are we going to get more enemies then friends...
I'm not saying that one side holds the rights to remember sept. 11th and never forget what I'm saying is that it does suggest a certain view point politically not that it is true for every person.....
9/11 did change everything... Now they have the right to search you every where you go...What the fuck I just want to see a show why can't I sneak in my candy or what ever it is insane...
How about those united we stand shirts... Oh yeah all those people wearing them are doing such a great job of pulling up the poor and people who look like and act not like them... Great shirt there buddy.....
So don't even get me started on the wars with two countries ... It would be like if the Lakawana 6 blew some place up so England invaded us cause we had Terrorists it is so fucking stupid well that is "W" and his cronies who where all in with Sadam and Bin Laden....
Back to work for a minute remember when those Bin Laden Wanted signs where around... There was the (how can you not love those girls on those trucks) Pine Hill Coffee truck that came to work and it had one of those posters on it... Not saying he is a nice guy but you don't need war to get one guy... Oh yeah Seal Team 6 that was all about testing that stealth Helicopter really.... But after some time she no longer had that poster.... They where made illegal... Not sure why but it makes sense can't have people going to peace full places looking for Bin Laden at the local masque making friends in the us our enemy and shit.....
Now I don't go as far as the people who think we planned 9/11. But we knew it could happen yes there is prof that it was one of many scenarios that we knew about... That being said right at the time it came out that those building where built to stand being hit by a plane... Odd that the 2nd plane hitting is what caused the collapse.... What is odder though is how did they know one plane wasn't enough?
Now the NFL season started on Thursday... But today is like the real start and the Giants are in DC playing the skins...Go Skins... I'm sure all over the country there will be a lot of 9/11 stuff and that is fine... Sure for this game they will have all kinds of stuff and lots of stuff since this would be the perfect place to attack on National TV and in the capitol so... Security will be on high alert...
Now that all being said I have seen one thing on 9/11 other then Rescue Me (great show by the way) about the memorial and it is gorgeous like how they did the names and it looks very nice... My point in all this when you watch and special about this and there are a ton and some really good ones I'm sure. Step back and think? Don't buy the propaganda . Don't get caught up in the Fake Patriotism (altered Pledges , and anthems at sports events and that stuff) You know that I have a big flag so I love my country more then you.... No do this instead... Think of all the heroes that went into that building (real heroes don't think of them selves that way they where doing what they do and you would to if you could) to save the innocents... Then think about all the other innocent people and think about what should be done or shouldn't be done depending on your view for those people...Try and think and remember about those people and not some big political event and what it caused......

Permalink: 9_11_ten_years_political.html
Words: 993
Last Modified: 09/11/11 11:31
Category: politics
08/23/11 06:56 - ID#55007
Sometimes I Hate This Country
So on (e:vincent)'s post and also on someone else's over on facebook and other places on the net I've talked food trucks and Although my opinion is different then others it drives me insane and this is why I hate this fucking country some times or maybe it is just the fat greedy bastards.... Not that being fat by itself is bad and it can be healthy......
There are so many types of economic systems and political systems. I think the Russians where right about the Fat capitalist Pigs part..... So Many things have been ruined by this (Give away our jobs to mexico, china.... and any where else really).... Ford owners have to make their money for that big house and car and the most pricey schools and so do the unions who cares if the Japanese make a better product for cheaper we only care about our fat greedy selves..... The next part is my point about how I like my government......
Now not that I can spell it even if it was in English.... But I'm a fan of Lase' Fair government ..... Yes hands off stay out of peoples lives.... Now I'm not sure if keeping everything legal and regulated and taxed could really be a form of that (drugs, hookers....You things that if they harm only harm you no such thing as sex crimes well except rape of course oh I love sex and have had sex with 12 guys in high school but your 2 years older so it rape non of that crap)..... The Best government is one you don't know you have......
Well the problem is see we don't think in the Chinese way that the good of the whole is more important then the individual...... Cause if we did we would have socialized medicine that works (no insurance companies is what all we really need).... No stock market crash... Plenty of jobs .... Yes you can still work hard and have a great life... Now notice I didn't say we should take their entire system it shouldn't be a government belief it should be in the people... If we thought like this what a great country we would have... Not saying we wouldn't have homeless people some people would still choose to live that way or would get lost in the system no system is perfect but we would have such a great country.......
But see a government is supposed to help and protect all the people. They are supposed to make it safer or less deadly to live here... Laws like man are flawed but most of them come from some sort of protection... People die in fires so door have to open out... As an example.... So most laws are about making something legal or illegal based on someone being hurt or wronged by someone else... So when something you want to do is illegal it is cause some other bastard couldn't handle their freedom... Quick example seat belts cause some people can't drive if everyone could no need..... Banks used to be in one state at one time they could sell stocks deregulating and the depression changed the laws.... I hate in this country where we claim we are free there is so much shit we can't do because of people who want to be predators .....ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really can't write on this anymore it drives me insane.... All men are created equal... Well unless you are gay or Black or both..... Freedom my ass.... The Drug is a war on poverty it is a class war.... You see the shootings on the news and here about people going to Jail but you know what you never hear about the people getting locked up are the people who bring the shit into the country do yeah..... Someone who steels my TV to fund drugs or robs me yeah put them in Jail but locking someone up cause they want to get high... But yet is ok for Bud to sell beer....OH yeah cause that is legal drug the one that is endorsed cause they are a big company..... When they saw making booze illegal didn't work they should have gone ya know what if this is true with this it would be true of that.....
So If ya want a nice little sentence to sum it up: The Sharks ruin things for the mostly good people in this country; Even though most people do care about them selves more then the whole... Their needs to be moral rebellion in this country where we look out for each other.... In terms of the food trucks I wish we could let them push there product any place they wanted and that we had 30 of them but honestly people can't be trusted so something needs to be done before it is a problem.....
- I admit I had to stop to do something in the middle and didn't proof read it I never do... Didn't want to give to many examples cause then I might never stop****

Permalink: Sometimes_I_Hate_This_Country.html
Words: 856
Last Modified: 08/23/11 06:56
Category: politics
08/17/11 06:00 - ID#54969
The Buffalo Schools Williams Resigns
Schools like everything now a days are measured... They look at grades but the big one is drop out rates.... But see these numbers if you go by school as opposed to district are skewed .... The way you really need to see the numbers is by area. It has to be bigger then the city and then look back 10 or 20 and 30 and years.... I don't have the numbers but I'm guessing the % is pretty close... Yes the numbers are up in the city schools and certain schools but if you go buy percentage you also have to look at total number of students... Cause once the the amount of people in school lowers then it would make a drop out rate (the number you are looking at go up)...
My Personal belief is that The reason for the High % of drop outs is math... You have Kids going to charter schools... Private schools and people leaving buffalo.... Now these kids who leave are the good students so that drivers the struggling and bad student Percentages up....
But see this same thing happens at the school level... Good teachers and students go to good schools (not that there aren't bad teachers at good schools and vise versa)... This winds up leaving troubled students in the same school so of course those numbers are bad... I"m sure that good students help bring up Medium level and so on for some of the bad students.... (I feel as if I have written this before if you have read it before sorry) but it has to be true....
-Williams made some good points.....
Students have to be there to learn.... I agree that is one of the biggest problems... How can one fix that though... Will the street call yes but things like Music and art.... Yes music and art need to be funded. They teach you a different way of learning then book learning....Also Sports does help keep problem students away from those problems and can help with team work.... He said not me but I agree with it sports can also help kids get into College not to be a pro athlete but to get into school.....
Said stuff about how People want to stay the same and not change the Status Que.... I agree but don't have much to say about that...
Mentioned that over time (to go along with the above) that everything has changed over time except the school system.... Again another good point......
He Said that not all students should be put on the same path... This has to do with Regents.... There are 5 regents exams you have to take... Now when I was in school you could go Regents or Non Regents.... In fact some of the science classes you couldn't take if you didn't take think it was course 1... Can't remember.... So say you come in with bad skills and you have to take regents then you are all ready starting behind....He makes a great point....
I'm not a teacher but I think What is taught is School isn't what should be.... Yes for those that like history that is great and all and yes it teaches reading but out side in the real world it is kinda pointless... Math is a must... Reading is a must.... Requiring you to speak another language is silly... Like history if you want to you can take this as an extra... Somehow I think the Spanish like the English we speak at the store on a corner at the mall with the valley girls or whom ever isn't what is taught in school..... I'm not saying in High School you should take four years of music but it should be encouraged and so should art and from an early age it teaches learning in a different way.....
How do you fix the schools..... Don't think they are broken I think there isn't the money cause lots of people who own houses and pay taxes moved away.... What you are really trying to do is make it so the kids who have a tough time do better and the kids who don't like it or whom aren't there stay in and do better... Good students would be good students any where but great students in the right school... The real answer is gotta get to the homes but what can schools do.... Yes Parents are important but they can't run the school besides the good ones all ready help there kids.. But still reach out and try to get more parents as part of the system... Hate the term think out side the box what box there is no box.... But maybe put the students first and not your contract?
My thing is it isn't fair to blame him for kids dropping out he can't go to every kid who has a C or D or misses 3 days of school to their home and bring them into school this isn't a TV show or movie.... But maybe there should be a good system so that those kids can come in and make up work they miss some how? Lost my point argh.....
Front Page has where you can listen to Audio of Williams Resignation .......

I did listen to it by the way I think everyone really should..
Link to story on Williams Resignation......

By Mary B. Pasciak
August 17, 2011, 1:18 PM
The News' education page
Updated: August 17, 2011, 4:01 PM
The Buffalo Board of Education voted, 7-2, today to accept the resignation of Superintendent James A. Williams, effective Sept. 15, under terms previously agreed upon.
Board President Louis J. Petrucci said the Board will appoint an interim superintendent at a meeting next Wednesday. Several board members have said they would like to see Amber Dixon, who oversees accountability in the district, appointed to the interim post.
"Dr. Williams has been here for the children of the City of Buffalo for the past six years," Petrucci said, adding, "I would like to stress the positive impact he's had on the community."
The superintendent cited academic and athletic accomplishments during his six-year tenure in Buffalo, including increases in English and math scores for elementary students and the district's entry into Section VI athletic competition. Williams said he plans to continue working, but not as a superintendent.
"I'm looking forward to moving onto other things in my life," he said.
Board members said they were not allowed to disclose the terms of his separation agreement until it becomes publicly available in seven days.
The board last week took an initial step to terminate Williams' contract under its no-fault clause. Under that provision in his contract, he would have been entitled to $110,000, or six months' pay, if he were terminated.
It is not clear whether he will still receive such a lump sum as part of the separation agreement that comes with his resignation.
Petrucci would not comment specifically on that, but noted that the agreement would be subject to the approval of the city's control board, which must approve any district expenditures over $50,000.
Audio: To hear what Williams had to say, play the clip to the left or download it here and take it with you
Williams' tenure as superintendent was a rocky one, beginning when he hit town in 2005 and was immediately involved in a battle with the unions representing teachers and administrators in the Buffalo Public Schools.
At the end, he was still in a fight, this time with the School Board, parents groups and with some of the same figures in the business community who brought him here to tame the unions and reverse the district's fortunes. And not only did the lot of Buffalo's students not improve, by some key measures, it got worse.
The Williams' superintendency was a six-year fight with no winner.
Almost immediately after his arrival, he went head to head with the unions. In short order, Williams called teachers union president Phil Rumore a liar and threatened to take Rumore into an alley and beat him up.
Administrators union president Crystal Barton accused Williams of making racist comments against African-American principals.
Six years later, both unions remain without a new contract. The two are still operating under contracts negotiated more than a decade ago.
In recent years, Rumore and Williams had worked out a solid working relationship, with the two talking often about district issues. But in the past week, Rumore has reversed course, calling for the superintendent to step down or for the board to fire him.
The issues during Williams' tenure have not been limited to the unions. During his first few years in Buffalo, Williams' tenure was marred by a number of high-profile incidents.
A year after he arrived, the district hired a Maryland firm, ResulTech, to run Buffalo's alternative high school. Two years later, it became apparent that the $6 million the district spent on the program had not been a solid investment.
The school board fired ResulTech in December 2008, and the program there was deemed an expensive failure.
Williams came under fire for the way he handled allegations of improprieties surrounding a student suspension at McKinley High School. Critics said his response was typical, as he tried to keep the situation from becoming public.
The superintendent also was roundly criticized for ignoring allegations that an aide had molested a child at Discovery School.
And accusations of favoritism erupted at City Honors, calling into question the way the administration handles admissions at its top high school.
For a couple of years, things quieted down. At the elementary level, math and English test scores continued to improve.
In the last year or so, though, Williams has come under fire for a number of problems.
He jeopardized $42 million in federal grants to turn around failing schools by refusing to move the principals out of three schools. That prompted then-state Education Commissioner David M. Steiner to come to town and meet privately with Williams, who then announced he would follow federal guidelines.
Since then, Williams has drawn criticism for doubling the size of his central office staff during years when teachers and other union staff were cut. This summer, board members balked when he tried to add an administrator while more than 100 teachers got pink slips.
He has on several occasions withheld key information from board members either entirely or until the last minute.
Severe student attendance problems continue to plague the district.
Buffalo's overall graduation rate just dropped 6 percentage points, to 47 percent.
The district's parent group in May called for a one-day boycott of the schools, largely in protest of Buffalo's 25 percent four-year graduation rate for black males. The parents have been careful not to criticize Williams specifically. Instead, the parents are demanding structural changes in the system.
When the Board of Education evaluated him this spring, they gave him a 3.18 on a scale of 1 to 5. On June 1, Williams announced he would retire in a year, saying his decision had nothing to do with the board's evaluation.
Since his announcement, both Williams and the board have been widely criticized for negotiating a buyout of the deputy superintendent's contract. Folasade Oladele was given a year's pay and benefits, while her contract guaranteed her only three months' pay.
In recent days, district officials have been working to hash out a revised buyout for Oladele — one that is said to be much more modest than the $215,000 package the board initially approved in June.
The state's release of test scores this week showed Buffalo has essentially flat-lined on English and math in elementary and middle school.

Permalink: The_Buffalo_Schools_Williams_Resigns.html
Words: 2012
Last Modified: 08/17/11 06:00
Category: politics
07/27/11 06:05 - ID#54799
Why Are there Starving kids in Africa....
First of all I get that there are things like Civil wars that leave many people in dire straits .... I get that some leaders take all the food for the Military and them selves...
But What I don't understand is out side of what I mentioned above is how are there starving kids.... I really don't get it... It isn't that I'm dumb or anything like that... But here is my point. You are born in some country and there is no food and no rain and life is pretty bad.... So somehow you survive but nothing gets better and you are around teenage and you see some girl... Now what you know is agony and pain why on earth would anyone living there choose to have a kid or even take the chance of having sex and make that child suffer from what you did .... I don't get it.... I really don't get it.... Your entire life no rain only food is from when a truck shows up and then it isn't enough.... I don't get it......
Also one other point does that sad sad song that is used have to be used in the abused animal ads as well argh you are killing me....

Permalink: Why_Are_there_Starving_kids_in_Africa_.html
Words: 222
Last Modified: 07/27/11 06:05
Category: politics
07/26/11 06:56 - ID#54792
Why Our economy is screwed!
The Simple Answer is cause we are "Fat Capitalist Pigs" The Russians may be right about our collapse they predicted. It isn't the capitalism it is the pig part...... Lets face it we are an Empire and all Empire fall at some time but that is a bit latter on....
Now Barrack blamed a lot of this on "W" but It goes back to before "W" and Barrack holds a some of the blame as well......
I start this out back when I was in High School now granted that was some time ago so maybe it started back then.... Everything was Peachy and we where the Greatest Nation on the planet (well except Canada HA).... Back then Iraq was our Buddy (how we lose friends and enemies of whom is in power, Religious faith, and oil no one can really follow) and Iran was the Enemy... So Iraq decided to go into Kuwait and that was our oil buddy so off to war or what ever called oh yeah Desert Shield and then that became storm... How much that war cost I have no idea but it cost plenty and that started the Iraq mess.....
America is an Empire and we have troops all over the world. That I can live with that we have a base in another country... In fact it makes sense. If some crazy thing goes down we have troops over there that can sort it out and land some place in say an hour... But we still have to pay for that no wonder we have no money..... But this is part of our lets occupy the world and have our armies everywhere instead of working on our own country... That money could go for schools and educating kids who need it....
Then we went into another war.... I don't have a problem of fighting a real war oh wait conflict if it is justified but we attacked Iraq and they had nothing to do with the attacks of the world trade center.... It is like if say Detroit or the east side of Buffalo became a place where terrorists trained you wouldn't bomb Detroit you would only go after the people helping them... All this money wasted the numbers you can't really Imagine How can I working class guy really understand 10 million $ let alone what 1 billion is..... Am I glad we got Bin laden yeah but at one time he and his family was in the oil Business with Bush how did he turn on US? But what was done (if you believe the Official story) was with intel and spies and that kind of thing not a war....
Now I'm not picking on the people who started these wars and then said the troops are leaving and they are still there.. I'm saying that our country has a Military spending problem...That is why we have no money yes Barrack you are part of that to so don't put all the blame on Bush.... If you believe in the Industrial War complex that doesn't make you crazy I do believe it but not so much that I think 911 was an inside job did they let it happen maybe but that isn't the point really.... The Point is the military spending is out of control.....
Well Congrats on Making it this far!
Debit is the fact that You spend more then you take in.. Of course once you owe money there is interest (anyone with a credit card knows how out of control this can become).. So once you get behind the Debt grows Then you have to pay the interest so you have less money to spend so you have to barrow more money so things get out of hand quick and debit grows exponentially .......
I'm all for freedom and would love a government that stays out of business not going to try and spell the french term.. The problem is the greed and thinking the "Trickle Down Economic Theory" works.... Deregulation has killed us...
So I think it was Clinton that had this idea that everyone should own a house... Great Idea really home owners pay more tax and then schools get more money. Also people who own a home feel more invested in there community and that makes places better to live in... The Problem though is many people don't have the money to live in homes they just don't... Then you have people even some with money where the greed kicks in they buy a house they don't have the money for or a house that is to big... Recently the banks gave home loans to people they shouldn't... It isn't about making a profit it was profit margin and not about how much money stake holder make but how much growth there is ... I'm not happy with this car I need two cars and that kind of shit.....
Not sure when this changed but when I was a kid this national bank thing there was no such thing. You could only be open in one state... The banks I remember where M&T, Key bank and maybe Goldome not sure about that... Now if these banks would have only been in one state and gave out bad loans well the banks that did that or decided to do that might have been able to fail... But when a bank fails if you don't bail them out then you would have to bail out the people who have money in those banks ..... I don't know half the crazy ways they invested there money other then it isn't good... After the great depression laws where made so that another one would never happen ...... Yes you could buy stock at a bank ..... Here is an idea we have checks and balances in the government lets not let the banks run all over the place...... Now those banks that the government bailed out are doing great and the big bosses get big bonuses but do they pay back the government and say thanks.......
Granted the wars and bailing out the banks (or the people depending on how you look at it) put us into heavy debit... But where I think the other problem is that we lost Jobs and lots of Jobs.... Now where you place the blame not sure where to start... Is it the greedy unions who want way to much money.... Is it the greedy stock holders and owners who would move jobs over to Mexico..... Is it the Government people who think well if they put jobs over there they will make more money.... I think some can't say all of those companies have lobbies that liked to give all kinds of money away.... Any some how we let Jobs move out of this country.... Oh yeah and at the time people or some people think out sourcing is good or was good.... Yeah it is nice when Nike opens the best place to work in mexico but that is takes us jobs away and slashes expenses but you don't see nike drop there shoe prices .... They sell those Jordan's to mostly poor kids and those Air's to rich kids ok runners and get a John Lennon song.... No the Revolution should have been to tax the fuck out of nike for taking jobs away and taking the fuck out of every shoe made over there they shipped to sell here.... Oh but you do that we would be Socialist....FUCK! Not picking on Nike just using them as an Example... Jordan was one of Favorite Players and they do make great sneakers and Yes After Chuck D called those mother fuckers out they came out with P.L.A.Y and decided to help out a bit.....
The Point of that 30 lines of text above is that we let and help jobs leave... when jobs leave we have to pay people not to work and lose the taxes we got and if they owned homes they become renters and we lose more taxes......
I admit I fell for the Hope of Barrack and what he said he would do. I place some of the blame on him and not only the greed of others that they put them selves before the good of the country. (Yes I admit there are some good points to the Chinese view of the good of the whole out ways the good of the individual . You can make money and have enough and not do things like out source jobs and keep making money and put country/community first.... I contend that if banks stayed local they wouldn't have messed with their customers and still made great profits). Barrack for what ever reason let there be tax cuts for the rich... Now what we call rich can be debated.... But he way our tax system is supposed to work (guess what this is socialist and that is good). Is that as your income level goes up so does the percentage of your taxes.... This makes sense the more money you have the more extra money you have so the more you can give away... The counter to this is the trickle down thing... If that worked it would be great but it doesn't and even if it did it still doesn't give the people who have to spend the money on the people so.... Of course one could change the way people are taxed but that doesn't really factor in now... You can't have laws and Loopholes so that the people with the most amount of money pay the same amount as the people who don't have the money it isn't fair.......
What it comes down to at some point is asking the really tough question....... Should we help those that need it or not? If animal in the woods is born with 3 legs it can only eat what it can catch if that is enough it will live if it isn't it will either die or maybe learn to live on plants...
So If you are unable to provide for your self should the Government Help??? If the answer is no then that is the easy fix and our money problems will be gone... Kids starve and you starve to bad.... If you don't want to starve and be in pain make your piece with god and come to the army base and you can be the target we practice on.... Now then if the answer is yes then we have to decide who do we save and what do we cut... I think the answer is yes cause we are supposed to be the greatest country in the world?
What drives me crazy about all of this is how it is such a political issue.... With what I named not sure how many presidents and leaders I called garbage but it isn't just one view or party that got us to where we are.... The other thing is no one wants there taxes Higher really.... So many people say just spend less...Ok "What would you like to cut" . Then there is no answer....
At some point more money has to be coming in then going out.... What we need is Jobs and industry and to sell stuff but what we also need is to make cuts and what ever is cut will be tough.... But at the same time we need more taxes or they need to be raised... Why not legalize Gay Marriage oh yeah cause it is wrong even though it would help families and weddings would spawn buying stuff and taxes... How about the legalization and Taxation of Pot (you know that stuff that clinton and Obama both smoked and look how they turned out)..... I'm not saying those are the answers but we owe money and the bottom line is the American People have to pay for all the past mistakes cause you know the people we voted for and pay and whom our taxes support aren't going to give up there money (greedy bastards) to help out the country!!!!!!

Permalink: Why_Our_economy_is_screwed_.html
Words: 2050
Last Modified: 07/26/11 06:56
Category: politics
11/01/10 05:54 - ID#53046
Is It Wensday Yet?????
1. What your stand is on every issue or at least core ones
2. What you are going to try to do or things you are going to try and fight for
---If you combine those two the right way that should cover it, maybe you could ad in some personal beliefs if they fit in politically but that is all we need to know..
Now on one news update they had on the radio they mentioned something about How Sarah Palin said a lot of democrats are getting voted out. Then some democrat disagred and said how they are getting stornger. See this shit is the problem it is all about The Dems. Vs. The Republicans. I have an idea there needs to be a political revoulution......
A. Maybe for non Presidental Ellections there should be A law that you can't do any promoting or campagining with the exception of gettin on the Ballot more then 2 months before the Primary.
B. All this Bipartiansianism needs to go out the window. It is all crap. The dems hated Bush cause he was Bush. Don't get me wrong I hate a lot of the stuff he did but not because he was on the other side. There where people who where glad Chicago didn't get the olympics cause that is where Obama is from. Hello love of Country first ass hole..... This stuff gets so ugly. The president told Paterson not to run cause it would hurt the Dems.... What a President told someone who was running for state office not to run, that sounds illegal and unconsititonal to me. Why because of all this Dems control this and Republicans control this....
C= The Two Party System has to go.... It causes to many problems. Yes it is good that the Tea Party is a 3rd party but they seem to line up with the Republicians. Yes there is the green Party and some others but there isn't really a 3rd storng party and there needs to be hey why not a 4th.
>D I think the only way to really get out of the two Party system is to change the way we vote on the national level and then that would go down to the regional level. There have been many suggestions on how to change it like things with run offs that I don't tottaly get. But here are a few ideas....
With the exception of others throw out the majority rules rule. In other words one person by percentage gets 36%, then 34% and then a 3rd gets 30% the person that got the 36% wins! Now if you used a system like this the winning the state thing wouldn't really be a fair but why not what ever Percentage you get in the state You get a Percentage of those points in the state that seems fair..... And it is understandable by everyone...
My other idea is the Rank system. It is kinda like when you rate the top 10 of something #1 gets 10 points #2 gets nine and so on. You would pick your top 3 people or you know what math might work better with four. Say one gets 100 points #2 gets 75 there would be some system in place for every state....
On a side note these new machines in the city suck. The problem is you walk in. Then you find where you are. Then they give you this big sheet. Then you have to hide it in an envelop type thing. Then sit down and fill it out. Then after that recover it and get into line again. With just a few people it turns into a fire drill quickly, the old machines where better......

Permalink: Is_It_Wensday_Yet_.html
Words: 759
Last Modified: 11/01/10 05:56
Category: politics
10/19/10 07:25 - ID#52981
Homosexuality and why I can't vote for Palidino
Some might ask why would you vote for that hater. Well he is no different than any one else. Now publicly no one can admit there is some group that they can't stand or who they think are evil. If you think this isn't true just think about Faith and how there is some crazy one out there that is a cult, there is your hate.
Now in Terms of the e-mails that was stupid on two accounts. First of all westernnymedia net or what ever they are called seem to think that they are the shit. Well if you guys are so great why did you post all the e-mails on your site (didn't view them myself) . If they are so evil and so bad why would anyone want to view them.... Also if they are so bad why would you share them, that would make you just as bad as him..... See they aren't bad. Everyone who works in an office or has e-mail has gotten mail that is funny and sometimes offensive and they pass it along to others who they think might think it is funny. That doesn't mean you hate women or want to go on lynchings it just means you think you know someone who might like it...
Now in terms of sexuality. I think that it is fluid and sometimes hard to label. As a society we do so anyways.... I personally think that Homosexuality isn't a sin, it is natural and occurs in nature, that there is nothing wrong with it. I also think that gays should have all the same rights. But I also think that people who think they are sinners and sick have the right to think that and say that. I'm not saying they have a right to attack them or to promote that. But everyone has a right to their own opinion and or faith.
That being said this entire legal thing with don't ask don't tell looks like it may never end. Here is my quick take on that. If you are gay you should have the right to fight for your country. You shouldn't be kicked out for being gay. That being said I have never been in a war and don't know how close quarters things are. There are some things like Football and Wrestling and Pro Wrestling that once it is known someone is gay can become sexual. At first that might sound crazy but think about wrestling with a chick vs. a dude. How you make it fair for everyone and keep people safe I don't have the answer for.....
Now back to Carl. I knew I didn't agree with some of, ok a lot of his views but I was going to vote for him because he was going to try and fix albany. He was going to shake up the system. Coumo is in it to gain I higher office. He is in cause his family is. He lists all this stuff he did as Attorney General like that will make him a good governor. News flash that is what Attorney Generals do is go after crooks but Governors don't so one has nothing to do with the other really. But now I have to vote for the status Qoumoe (however you spell it)....
Carl is supposed to be a man of the people as he would say. Well being real you don't have a speech writer. That is where the problem lies in. If you really don't agree with what was said then that means you didn't read what was written until you said it... Who does that, that is pretty bad I even know to do that I hate public speaking that says some bad things about Carl.... Now the other side to that coin is what if you really do believe what you said. Well then you throw the Rabbi under the bus to save your self.... That isn't the guy who you say you are. The other option is that you took back words you really meant, again that isn't what you are running on..... So I have lost respect for Carl. If he would have said "What I was trying to say or explain is" and made it more clear or stood up for what he really believes and backed it up I think I could still vote for him. But somewhere here he isn't honest and if that is the case then I have no reason to like him.... I think what he was trying to do was to say that kids shouldn't go to a Gay Pride Parade in NYC and that it isn't a kids event and maybe there he has a point.....
On a side note I like that he keeps making it onto the Bill Maher's show on HBO. Yes Bill Maher is funny but they also do talk Politics. What gets lost is that what makes his show good is the guests and the things like craziest politician I wonder if he will beat Linda McMahon?

Permalink: Homosexuality_and_why_I_can_t_vote_for_Palidino.html
Words: 890
Last Modified: 10/19/10 07:25
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Ok, this is what some guy said on late night AM radio last night. But all I can think is this whole thing is not going to end well at all. The Top 1% will end up crushing the resistance.