Category: politics
09/16/11 07:46 - ID#55158
Food Trucks redux
-I think they are a great idea
-What got me so upset to begin with is that people where saying here are places that are concerned with their business and so they are pushing for laws that will protect and since they are doing that we won't eat there anymore....
-My main concern was that with them being mobile that a system needs to be in place where if there is a problem you call someone and they come out right a way and make a decision that is binding.. Say I get food poisoning or they have a guy with a big sign in front of my place stealing my customers... then someone comes out or maybe a few people they make a decision as what is to be done on the spot...
-Certain Festivals and places you need a permit for I think Delaware park is one of them... Food trucks should be able to get a permit for those places....
-Police shouldn't be pulling over trucks! unless they do something wrong like run a red light...
-What I thought should have happened was bar owners and street vendors and Pine Hill Coffee trucks, and James the Ice Cream dude and everyone who sells food or drinks should all have a big meeting with law makers and work out what is fair....Cause if I own a Juice stand or what ever is it fair that a truck can drive around and sell juice to people who are running not really......
Not sure what is going on with the great food truck race but hope Lloyds wins....

Permalink: Food_Trucks_redux.html
Words: 282
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/16/11 07:46
09/16/11 06:19 - ID#55157
Night of Champions Predictions and more
So going to Night Of Champions and I do predict it will be fun and so will MIA. Now I will admit Ring Side sure is fun but often it isn't the best place to see or take photos from but that is ok... I'm not front row but the tickets sure where a lot... It being a PPV raises all the prices but still.... I hope this is one of the PPVs where you get to keep your chair... Some of the PPVs have art on the chairs and the first so ever how many rows have those chairs that sure would be cool...Didn't say anything either way when I bought the tickets....
CM PUNK VS HHH: Punk wins my call is that HHH is about to win and Kevin Nash comes out and attacks him and that with the rules means HHH is no longer COO and whom ever was pulling Nash's Strings becomes the new COO on Raw the next night... Oh yeah I still think he doesn't like punk so after the match Punk get stuck to (jack knife power bomb or what ever they call it)....
Alberto Del Rio (champion) Vs. John Cena: Can't call a winner but there is now way they can let Alberto be champion for this short of time so Cena won't leave with the tittle but he might win.....
Randy Orton (world Champion) Vs. Mark Henry: I like Orton but more so when he is more evil... I don't like Henry and don't hate him he is one of those ah I don't know doesn't do any thing good or bad for me.... It has to be his time to win and win the tittle so Henry wins and maybe gets punted after the match......
Bourne &Kofi (tag Champions) Vs. Miz and R-truth : Miz and R-truth are great but the Tag Champs have held the tittle for like 2 weeks Fans just Named them? So as much as I want Miz and R-truth I'm Picking Air Boom!
Kelly Kelly (divas Champion) Vs. Beth Phoenix: Well Kelly won last time but Beth Has to win in her hometown (or at least she is said to be from here) It would be great to see a heal win the tittle then take it into the crowd cause I'm sure they all want Kelly to win... I have to go with Beth on this one!
Fatal Four way: Challengers Swagger, Alex Riley, Morrison Vs. Dolph Ziggler...... This is a tough one who knows where they will take this story wise... If Swagger wins the tittle will this vickie issue get settled. I want Morrison my self... but think they want this feud to kinda go on so it is I guess I pick Ziggler.....
Now granted there is a Smackdown on Tonight that was taped on Tuesday... Now there is no IC tittle match listed on the site... I'm guessing that it will Be Cody Rhodes defending it and keeping it over Dibessie or how ever you spell it....
Can't predict what warm up match they will have to get us ready... But maybe the New Sin Cara vs. Someone.... In any event if you get the PPV look for me... I doubt I will make it on TV I never do....
I predict a fun weekend maybe I'll see some of ya'll out and about for a photo op or something....

Permalink: Night_of_Champions_Predictions_and_more.html
Words: 661
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/16/11 06:19
Category: photos
09/12/11 07:25 - ID#55145
Sat. Sky

Permalink: Sat_Sky.html
Words: 232
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/12/11 07:25
Category: politics
09/11/11 11:31 - ID#55139
9/11 ten years political
So the tough part is where to start (wonder if anyone on facebook will even read this). I don't have the same connection to this event as everyone else... Think I knew at the time one person who was in NYC and so the thought of family being in those towers never even crossed my mind... I wasn't in love with the city and the people there so it was like the Oklahoma City bombing by the way and that was the 1st Major Attack on our country... Everyone says 9/11 because of it being a foreign attack and there they have a point .. I was at work at the time and the boss let us know and it was view-able for anyone who wanted to see it...
The question most of these remember Sept 11th posts don't do is ask why... Why did we get attacked... Granted the people in the towers and the firefighters where innocent.... But why did someone fly planes into those buildings are part of a bigger attack? At the time no one wanted to know they just wanted death to those who did it... Who cares if we stick our noses into things that aren't our business who cares if we liberate people, so what if we support dictators and people who torture there own people (Sadam)... Not saying we can keep the entire world happy... But it isn't like we don't do evil things only those scum bag dirty Muslims do... Oh just nuke them all....
But see the other problem is no one asked why do they hate us...The follow up question should have been what will happen for different courses of action... In other words are we going to get more enemies then friends...
I'm not saying that one side holds the rights to remember sept. 11th and never forget what I'm saying is that it does suggest a certain view point politically not that it is true for every person.....
9/11 did change everything... Now they have the right to search you every where you go...What the fuck I just want to see a show why can't I sneak in my candy or what ever it is insane...
How about those united we stand shirts... Oh yeah all those people wearing them are doing such a great job of pulling up the poor and people who look like and act not like them... Great shirt there buddy.....
So don't even get me started on the wars with two countries ... It would be like if the Lakawana 6 blew some place up so England invaded us cause we had Terrorists it is so fucking stupid well that is "W" and his cronies who where all in with Sadam and Bin Laden....
Back to work for a minute remember when those Bin Laden Wanted signs where around... There was the (how can you not love those girls on those trucks) Pine Hill Coffee truck that came to work and it had one of those posters on it... Not saying he is a nice guy but you don't need war to get one guy... Oh yeah Seal Team 6 that was all about testing that stealth Helicopter really.... But after some time she no longer had that poster.... They where made illegal... Not sure why but it makes sense can't have people going to peace full places looking for Bin Laden at the local masque making friends in the us our enemy and shit.....
Now I don't go as far as the people who think we planned 9/11. But we knew it could happen yes there is prof that it was one of many scenarios that we knew about... That being said right at the time it came out that those building where built to stand being hit by a plane... Odd that the 2nd plane hitting is what caused the collapse.... What is odder though is how did they know one plane wasn't enough?
Now the NFL season started on Thursday... But today is like the real start and the Giants are in DC playing the skins...Go Skins... I'm sure all over the country there will be a lot of 9/11 stuff and that is fine... Sure for this game they will have all kinds of stuff and lots of stuff since this would be the perfect place to attack on National TV and in the capitol so... Security will be on high alert...
Now that all being said I have seen one thing on 9/11 other then Rescue Me (great show by the way) about the memorial and it is gorgeous like how they did the names and it looks very nice... My point in all this when you watch and special about this and there are a ton and some really good ones I'm sure. Step back and think? Don't buy the propaganda . Don't get caught up in the Fake Patriotism (altered Pledges , and anthems at sports events and that stuff) You know that I have a big flag so I love my country more then you.... No do this instead... Think of all the heroes that went into that building (real heroes don't think of them selves that way they where doing what they do and you would to if you could) to save the innocents... Then think about all the other innocent people and think about what should be done or shouldn't be done depending on your view for those people...Try and think and remember about those people and not some big political event and what it caused......

Permalink: 9_11_ten_years_political.html
Words: 993
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/11/11 11:31
Category: photos
09/11/11 10:12 - ID#55138
Skiffle Release Party
So If you have never seen The Skiffle Minstrels go see them! Not that I dance but good music to dance to... Oh by the way just gotta ad "JYD Junk Yard Dog" then a bunch of barks.... That song was great.... I guess in some time they will have video on Youtube but not sure if it is just them or the opening guy.... It was a lot of fun here are the 30 trillion pictures ok well not that many if this isn't enough you can see them all on face book as well........

Permalink: Skiffle_Release_Party.html
Words: 340
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/11/11 10:12
Category: photos
09/09/11 05:28 - ID#55124
Few Pictures of Wing Festival
To Be honest I have no idea how I will post MIA photos there I'm sure will be a ton even for me then the next day is Night Of Champions (WWE)...

Permalink: Few_Pictures_of_Wing_Festival.html
Words: 202
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/09/11 05:28
Category: photos
09/07/11 07:11 - ID#55111
Miss Buffalo at Chicken Wing festival 2011

I should explain that at this point it isn't over it is like the ending of current champions reign and yes that is Kitty Lambert with the flowers... After the intro and talent and Bathing suit portions they have evening wear and they also would pick a question at random and answer it... It is supposed to be about how the answer it and back up their ideas not the opinion they have.....

Permalink: Miss_Buffalo_at_Chicken_Wing_festival_2011.html
Words: 487
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/07/11 07:11
Category: photos
09/06/11 07:36 - ID#55107
2011 Sonya Thomas wins Wing Eating Championship
So here is what I need to say:
-Guy with the Hat Is George Shea Yes he is the MC and I think he is funny but he also runs pretty much the entire eating league
-From what I understand each tray is weighed before (it is supposed to be 10 pounds) when you want a new tray you call for it... Any food on the floor goes back into the tray... they weigh them after and that tells them (with math) how many pounds was eaten... person with the highest weight wins....
-Now my pictures would be better but had some battery issues at the end of the contest...
-In front of the stage you have a small stage for the media aka the people who are press or have press passes..So after "Bad lands " got his medal he steps down onto that... So we clear out a space... Now as much as I would love to support half his weight don't know if I could and some one else kinda wider not sure whom did it....
> With the Sonya "The Black widow" Thomas win she comes down and gets on his shoulders and he parades her around it was awesome... If there is video someplace or pictures I must be in them I assume but haven't seen it....
So with all that said back to the pictures.......
Well hope you enjoyed the next post I think will be of the Miss Buffalo contest again a bunch of pictures there as well

Permalink: 2011_Sonya_Thomas_wins_Wing_Eating_Championship.html
Words: 688
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/06/11 07:36
Category: photos
09/05/11 01:46 - ID#55101
Sat. Sept 3 2011 Buffet Bowl and more
Yes the guy in the sun glasses is Andre Reed!
Think that pretty much covers Day 1 hope it was enough with out being to much..... and hope it conveys what it was...

Permalink: Sat_Sept_3_2011_Buffet_Bowl_and_more.html
Words: 398
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/05/11 01:46
Category: photos
09/05/11 12:38 - ID#55100
National Buffalo Chicken Wing Festival or what ever you call it 1
Oh wait gotta Explain the 2nd Picture... There was the free stress test (sciencetology) and then there is one of those "Protesters" now not sure if they where just in the same area or if he was protesting the other guys?
There was a cake competition I guess the dude in is a Raven's fan and has a band is from a show called Cake boss....
The bobbing for wings was crazy was close but had a bad spot for pictures....
The Winner here moves onto the pros on Sunday......
Now the Next thing right after that will be the Next Post the Buffet Bowl.....

Permalink: National_Buffalo_Chicken_Wing_Festival_or_what_ever_you_call_it_1.html
Words: 523
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/05/11 12:38
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I do think that more Jim's Steak out more then Just Pizza maybe does have a claim to not like food trucks... Yes all the people here currently are great.. But it does seem (not saying this is true) that all you need is to be like two guys who trick out a truck and people will flock to it.... I can see why they don't want the Whole Hog taking food away from them on Allen as an example.....
That being said I think from a Business side when ever any thing new comes along it can take away the old it doesn't all ways... But these sit down order out fast food kinda places it is natural to think that some day you could be closed by the truck on say the "Chip Strip" . Video didn't really kill the Radio star...Computers didn't kill the type writer.... CDs didn't kill Tapes but there sure aren't many of those things left... So I can see why they are worried...
Now Just Pizza is a little different... People who decide not to go there that I get and here is why they are different... They are Mobile.. Name a festival that they aren't at... and no one could... With them I think they don't want to compete with others. Just Pizza is great if you buy it on Elmwood can't say that is true for them all though.... Not sure how much they do this but they Pimp there shit out or they use to a lot..... Went to one of them years ago out some place and walked in with someone else no slices what the.... Also the pizza wasn't as good.... I think they make a lot of money off selling their name to others and at festivals where they don't have all the different kinds and where they raise the prices... I laugh when I see people buy it at Allen Town it is like walk the two blocks... Really....
Onto MIA for a second it was a great time and loved all the food trucks there.... Roaming Buffalo's was awesome and yeah the Pretty girls helped but the food was really good... Found it kinda funny that Think it was Just Pizza was down there away from like the other food trucks......
What I would really like to see happen is take out politicians who aren't doing any thing anyways on a board... If you walk into mighty taco say and they make it wrong some place doesn't give you your fruit... Pull out the cell phone call that number and these people stationed all over buffalo and burbs (what else they doing anyways ok could use real people I guess) come out make a decision... Of course they would have to teach the mighty taco people how to roll those things so the sour cream runs through the thing instead of being at one end...HA... But other then that....
My point is leave the food trucks alone... Just have some back up thing that hopefully we never need so that both sides are protected so no one does the Gum Salesmen thing from Clerks... Great bit.... Like having People from spot talking about how the coffee sucks near that mobile coffee place is all I'm really saying... On a side note why can't Jim's go Mobile ?