Category: work
11/15/15 05:31 - ID#60333
The Summer Of Work (aka why I was away )
Where I work we get orders for product that gets shipped out .... The amount of work we get daily varies .... So what happens is when you have the right amount of staff you normally get the work done and what has to leave the building leaves and isn't late ..... But we where under staffed and some days I would need to come in early to try and get the work done .... Getting people to stay late is tough it really is ..... It was not a lot of OT but it was some ...
After that we had a guy go down he had to have surgery ..... could have been anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks might have wound up being 9 I don't know ..... There where some days that I worked early aka my old time and stayed late ..... I wouldn't plan stuff for Saturday cause I knew I would need to work to get it done ..... Some Saturdays people would come in before me but not work long enough so I would need to work all day to get the work low enough that we would be ok on Monday.... How crazy things got I can't really explain .......
The Saturday of MIA I told them I couldn't work but other then that I worked them... Oh except this one where no one could open the place so I worked extra late for me ... I know long Hours are not like nurses but with the commute a long day to me ......and yeah one feels it for sure ......
I also went to some things that I wanted to post about but I had so many photos it was to hard to know where to even start .....
I also admit as I watch things I TV I like to live tweet with others watching ....
I do keep up with a lot of people on Facebook as well but those updates are not the same as blog posts here .... But in that craziness I could hardly keep up over there as well .....
Yes I myself called it the Summer Of Work I never really got to get away anywhere .....I'm doing a bad job of explaining it but imagine you had to move 100 bags of flower and you 5 guys that is 20 each lets say you get that done right at the amount of time you wanted to spend well now you only have 4 guys now you each need to get 25 and you are behind then you have your next task .........
It was often very stressful but the OT was nice not going to lie but the lack of time was not .......

Permalink: The_Summer_Of_Work_aka_why_I_was_away_.html
Words: 479
Last Modified: 11/15/15 05:31
Category: work
11/15/15 05:31 - ID#60332
The Summer Of Work (aka why I was away )
Where I work we get orders for product that gets shipped out .... The amount of work we get daily varies .... So what happens is when you have the right amount of staff you normally get the work done and what has to leave the building leaves and isn't late ..... But we where under staffed and some days I would need to come in early to try and get the work done .... Getting people to stay late is tough it really is ..... It was not a lot of OT but it was some ...
After that we had a guy go down he had to have surgery ..... could have been anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks might have wound up being 9 I don't know ..... There where some days that I worked early aka my old time and stayed late ..... I wouldn't plan stuff for Saturday cause I knew I would need to work to get it done ..... Some Saturdays people would come in before me but not work long enough so I would need to work all day to get the work low enough that we would be ok on Monday.... How crazy things got I can't really explain .......
The Saturday of MIA I told them I couldn't work but other then that I worked them... Oh except this one where no one could open the place so I worked extra late for me ... I know long Hours are not like nurses but with the commute a long day to me ......and yeah one feels it for sure ......
I also went to some things that I wanted to post about but I had so many photos it was to hard to know where to even start .....
I also admit as I watch things I TV I like to live tweet with others watching ....
I do keep up with a lot of people on Facebook as well but those updates are not the same as blog posts here .... But in that craziness I could hardly keep up over there as well .....
Yes I myself called it the Summer Of Work I never really got to get away anywhere .....I'm doing a bad job of explaining it but imagine you had to move 100 bags of flower and you 5 guys that is 20 each lets say you get that done right at the amount of time you wanted to spend well now you only have 4 guys now you each need to get 25 and you are behind then you have your next task .........
It was often very stressful but the OT was nice not going to lie but the lack of time was not .......

Permalink: The_Summer_Of_Work_aka_why_I_was_away_.html
Words: 479
Last Modified: 11/15/15 05:31
Category: work
05/17/13 05:25 - ID#57676
Sick of work argh
Now to me 40 hours and going there and coming home is pretty tiring and I think it all ways has been... Yes we do have fun but it takes away a lot of Physical and emotional energy dealing with everyone.. Not to mention the work itself I like the work .....
The issue that has been an issue for years is my direct boss or maybe that isn't the exact right term is lazy .... and often works that way and does in ways that shouldn't .... Now if he was just the lead guy it might not be an issue ... But I work with him so he makes everything crazy and he is the boss so I can't really say anything ....
I fill the line with product he boxes it then I send it through... With most items not all what I do is quicker... But he has to be a little fucking kid and go run them through cause he doesn't want to really box... ARGH ... Now he is a nice guy and a good boss but not really a good worker at all... As an example he took an internet break at break then after that vanished... So he is the boxer so I kept asking people if they saw my dog has anyone seen my boxer :) argh so not fun argh.....
Ok I'll shut up now argh.....

Permalink: Sick_of_work_argh.html
Words: 236
Last Modified: 05/17/13 05:25
Category: work
11/13/12 08:06 - ID#56889
Work, unions and more (why no jobs here)
Now that brings up the fact that I have a day off of work.. Now the reason I have one is because the company calls it a Benefit even though if you don't use them you lose them... We are non union ... Unions aren't good or bad it is how they are used....
So many people aren't loyal to there work or think oh it is just work I'll blow it off... But that time you got sick and went to the doctor, that nice car, that house, the concert you went to the food on your table all that nice stuff is cause your work gives you money and benefits.. Not enough hours or pay find a 2nd job... Yes there are part time and full time jobs and I'm more talking about full time jobs.....
Now some people go union union union and that they are the savior..Um no not anymore not with the global economy.. Yes Organised labor (not all ways the same thing) is what pushed this country into safe work and better rights and Benefits... So yes workers get more.. In theory that means they should be more productive ... But it also means it costs more...
Cost is why Jobs get shipped to China, India, Mexico and where ever... Those people work for less money... Plus regulations are loser.. Now am I saying Unions made the jobs go over there....NO... But the made it cost more to produce things and stock holders want to make a bigger profit each year so... At some point the jobs will get moved... Of course something things can't be made over there so....And some things it wouldn't make sense to... I'm sure on here in the past I've said it should be illegal but...
OK: Gotta stop here and give full disclosure: I can't say whom (from what I understand) I work for.. Nor can I say what we make... But some of the products we send to external customers are made or have parts made in other countries... Now with out knowing how it would effect my job yes I do think that maybe there should be a tarrif (sorry no spell checker you know what I mean it is like a tax) on goods coming in.. That helps keep things made in America on an even axis... Keep things fair....
No would that stifle growth I don't think so.. I admit that NAFTA is a bit over my head but here is what I do know.. It seems to me that If I run a company and if I send Jobs to mexico and every thing that comes back here I have to pay an import tax on of some kind it isn't worth it move jobs... Now it still might be cheaper and I still might do it .....
Now if these unions are so everything should be unionized here is an idea go down to nike (read an article and at one time they where one of the best employers in mexico but still below USA levels) and go unionize there.. Go get a workers movement In China and India... And any place else.. Now of course if wages go up the companies only care about bottom line so prices go up... But also as prices go up we generate more tax money and at some point jobs may come back here... or at least not leave.. Worst comes to worst Workers get helped out and isn't that what unions are supposed to be for :The Workers.....
But see one of the problems is also that Americans are often lazy.. yes all the tech we get from Japan doesn't help..Yeah it is fun but.. The Americans use to be known as the hard workers (WWII) ... People right off the boat even further back... The bail out of the auto companies has a lot to do the battle between unions and owners and profit and greed and having a big house and cars and kids in school.... But see if people could adapt and change for the times it wouldn't have been an issue.. The Japanese made better and cheaper cars .... I assume they are harder working or maybe they can't be an empire any more but that is a different post (Ah you've all heard Bill Maher make that point so....) But at the end of the day the product was better... But the US could adapt... So bail out and it looks like Ford and chevy are doing pretty good.....
So (If anyone is even reading this or even made it this far) this is what pisses me off about the NHL and other leagues in the past.. No Fucking loyalty.. People like watching hockey->Hockey game->Teams and leagues say NHL-> So more fans watch and go to games ---> Money from games and and team gear
>TV (not tons of games nationally)
>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The point is fans go to games so once people know they are watched they sell stuff for the teams and people advertise... Even if it is just at the pee wee level and it the company name on the team and they buy the uniforms.... So the only reason the owners make money or the players is cause fans pay in some form or tune into the game.. But both sides put them selves before the fans... And they also put them selves before the other side and all the people who work the games.. Cause there is no loyalty.. If not for the players no league and if not for the owners no pay to the players.... Now granted I get that neither side wants to get cheated or what ever... But When you where in the AHL it wasn't about the money it was about being the best and making to the NHL so... I love when guys who are fucking no bodies in a sport work out and learn in a team and get great.. Then go fuck you guys I'm going where there is more money even though you guys discovered me (say it in any voice you want).. Now I'm not only talking about the NHL this would have been Football or baseball in the past..No fucking loyalty ARGH!!!!
Now I'm not saying you should be what would be called a company kiss ass...Or anything ... But you should at least have pride in your work and do what you can... And understand that the work comes first.. Yeah you can have fun but you have to work also... Remember that you work so you can have money and benefits so you can do other stuff but the work still needs to matter.. Yeah there are a lot of shitty jobs out there.. But if you can find another or want to take the chance and don't like what you are doing there is the door.....But wait you want to leave loyalty can't be fucking the company train someone underneath you to do what you do....
I feel as though this isn't the post I was aiming for but I think I touched on it kinda... Oh yeah also 24 hours in a day.. if you work a full week you are at work for 1/3 of it a bit more you have to get there and get home.. then one is supposed to sleep 8 hours... So do the math you see people at work (unless you fuck all night lucky you) more then family.. So don't be to much of a dick.. Ok don't want to go back to work on Wends.. But when I leave the place takes a big hit so....

Permalink: Work_unions_and_more_why_no_jobs_here_.html
Words: 1432
Last Modified: 11/13/12 08:06
Category: work
08/28/10 11:54 - ID#52594
Work Really Sucks lately
2. It isn't really fair since others don't get to give there side
3. You can't give away secerts but I never do
4. Who knows who is searching for you on line and what they might find about you and your work
I have to blog about this to get it out there and off of me a little bit. I last talked to someone about work when we where catching up but I don't want to put up any pictures from that event as this would taint that. I have been debating this for a few days as work as been driving me crazy, I was going to post this but didn't really have the time on Thurs.
Why Blogging about it should be fine
1. No one knows from my blog where I work
2. No one knows the company
3. No one knows any of the people
4. I don't mention the compnay
5. I don't mention any names
6. It is stated that it is my view and only my view
7. I don't mention any one of my boses by name
8. I don't use any other ways so that anyone would know who I was talking about
9. This isn't about making anyone look bad, you need names or pictures or something along those lines.
Any where you work at some point there will be some personal conflicts, that is a fact. It used to be when I was a kid, if two people had a problem with each other they went out to the Flag Pole or some other specific area and fought each other. Well that isn't allowed anymore and it is to bad. I'm not saying fighting all ways worked. Cause the next phase is some punks can't handle losing and go get a weapon, but the old way is how when both people are willing one way to sort out the issue.
This last week of work has been so streesfull: Here is the history again from my view of what happened.
Person A: Is Lazy, Is and Ass Hole (and not the good kind) and causes all kinds of problems (AKA a Harraser and trouble maker). I will admit that I don't know all the trouble this person has started 1st hand. I also don't know if this person started anything recently. What I can tell you this there is like only one person who doesn't hate this person, well that might be a strecth I should say at times. Again Person A often has said they don't get why no one likes them and why no one wants to work with them when they do nothing wrong. See if you think you do nothing wrong that is the first problem, if you can't look at your self that is a problem. This Person has on purpose avoided work , Not sure if they are lazy or causing trouble or cause they are selfish. Granted sometimes people havent helped person A when they could but would you if when you came over they started trouble and then just fucked off more?
Person B: Has had problems with person A. From my memory it was started a long time ago by person A but not really sure. In any event Person B went to the boss like they should and it stoped. That doesn't mean they liked each other. At some point something Happened or susposidly Happened to Person A. I assume that A blamed Person B and then went to the boss. Off course no one really knows if or what really happened. Remember this is a trouble maker who no one likes. So the boss (if my understanding is correct) lets everyone know that is not exceptable.
So Last week Person A thinks what has been stoped happens again. Doesn't talk to the boss, and decides to be a little rat and goes to Human Resources. This person nor the boss is around for a couple days that is odd, so it is obvisous something is up.
Person B was Fired my boss was fired, for doing nothing wrong. It doesn't make any sense. So now on top of being 3 people down (boss does some work with us when they can) so work was a bit crazy. I almost quit and maybe should have. The thing is though that I work for the company and am there to do work. Who is there or who isn't there isn't my concern. If we don't do our work the company could fall apart so we have to do what we are supposed to do and not worry about the political stuff. If we had a bad boss no big deal but he was a great boss who treated everyone fairly. There is no reason to lose a job cause one person couldn't get along with one bad worker, who causes trouble.
Back in my wilson farm days we had this Manager who didn't make it up the ranks. In other words he went to school and book learned. He was a really nice guy. He would say well the book says to do it this way. Some one else would explain that this store is a different and here is why. So for him learning the difference between what the book says and what really works was interesting to see. The point I'm getting to is that I think at most places you work, there are things you do that aren't what the book says. They don't hurt anyone. They are what is best for Business. But if someone who only knows things by that book would look down on them. My guess is that there was maybe something like that going on here and that is why my boss is no more. The reason I say this that Person A nothing has been said about what happened to them.
I have no idea why anyone really lost their job. But what I do know is that them losing them is Bullshit. What you can't be a Man (this is not gender specific just the term like in mankind) and face people and try to work things out, because of that two people lost their jobs. I could understand if there was a clear cut case of two people not getting along then get rid of them both, but not the boss. This has left everyone's head spinning and a bit confussed.
But that is in the past or is it? I'm still stressed out and am going to try and enjoy (even though kinda broke) The Elmwood Festival of the arts. But it is tough when I don't know how much longer I'm going to have a job. Why do I say that [if anyone is reading this, hopefully not my new boss, but you see I didn't mention any names or anything and I never would because unlike person A the company and my work comes first not my selfish lazy ass, Fuck you you fucking piece of shit I hope you die (not realy die you know the saying)] well I just have this feeling. My feeling is that person A will somehow come back to work at some time. I hope I'm wrong. Knowing how this person is I could see them saying something smug and there could be an expolsion.
AGain I'm loyal to the company and am there to work. As long as you don't bother me or try to fuck anyone over I wont say a thing to you, and things might and I hope will be fine, but I just have a bad feeling. All this could have been avoided if someone would have just punched someone in the face a long time ago.
On a positive note hopefully this will be a great weekend and that will lead into a next good week, and all this crap will be behind me. Then Next weekend is Chicken wing Festival then the 11th is MIA. Tonight I may go to Gueralla Gallery and see Sean Madden's art I have a shirt of his on now.....

Permalink: Work_Really_Sucks_lately.html
Words: 1360
Last Modified: 08/28/10 11:54
Category: work
01/07/09 08:13 - ID#47324
Left early pissed off

Permalink: Left_early_pissed_off.html
Words: 271
Category: work
03/31/08 05:45 - ID#43851
Great work ethic isn't all ways great
I think that I have a good work ethic. I don't think I'm the only one like that. But sometimes having a strong work ethic can be bad. I'm not saying that it is bad, but if it is to strong then it can cause problems. For example when you want to do a really good job then when things are not how you think they should be or could be or when there are things that bother you they are worse. When you care a lot you can't really just go oh well who cares. The other problem is that if you decide that you are not going to care about that "little Stuff" then that will effect how hard you work. Lately work has been driving me a little crazy. I'm not saying that I don't like where I work or anything but sometimes where you work just gets on your nerves and lately it has been on mine.
That being said I do like to goof around some and still have fun at work. That being said the work still should come first and be the main focus not what is done after the fun and goofing off. But just because you have a good work ethic doesn't mean you do the most work. There are other factors like your abilities and the type of person you are. For example someone who hates to work but who is a stock boy might work super fast and get everything thing filled then go fuck off in the back for a few hours then come back out and check everything out a little bit before they have to leave and then quickly fill anything else they need to. But then you can have someone with a great work ethic but they are an over organiser and planner so they think about how they will save all this time and plan all the shit they have to do out and then wind up doing so much thinking that they don't wind up doing really anything at all.
On a side note I ordered Wrestlemania Last night and it was pretty good. I heard on the radio that some people got hurt from some pyro that went off wrong at the end. I'll have to look that up. I wonder if this will cause WWE to not do pyro anymore. I doubt it since the event last night was outside and there is wind and stuff that might have been a factor.

Permalink: Great_work_ethic_isn_t_all_ways_great.html
Words: 487
Category: work
01/09/07 08:33 - ID#37619
out early for me

Permalink: out_early_for_me.html
Words: 260
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