Category: photos
08/29/06 06:37 - 67ºF - ID#28457
Terry Mike Bday Pics
Picture wise one thing I should have done was to take pictures as I was being given the tour by Paul. Also the pictures I took of (e:southernyanke) and (e:Terry) dancing came out dark. I used a setting called drive but I forgot that with drive there is no flash so they looked nice on the camara screen but not on the computer. So I brightend them up and hughed them up and they came out interesting. The one odd thing is that in the originals you could read if you eyes where good enough the computer screen for what songs are on but once you add brightness you lost that.

Permalink: Terry_Mike_Bday_Pics.html
Words: 316
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: party
08/27/06 12:08 - 71ºF - ID#28456
Cool 24 House

Permalink: Cool_24_House.html
Words: 88
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/25/06 07:28 - 69ºF - ID#28455
Brawl busy weekend
Saturday I will watch the begining of the Bills game and then it is off to PMT's. I also have to get my pictures developed. I have a ton of them on my camara. Everytime I went to walgreens there machine was down. I went to eckerd and there photo lab isn't open late enough for me to go during the week and is closed on sundays. The problem with Rite Aid is that there machine can only do 50 pictures at once. Plus one time they cut off some of the picture at the top so they are out, so hopefully things work out for me. I would like to check out the elmwood festival of the arts also. Plus I still have to figure out what to bring and buy it 0n sat. Do I try to somethng new or do I go for something I know I like. In any event I hope everyone me included has a great weekend.

Permalink: Brawl_busy_weekend.html
Words: 225
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: philosophy
08/24/06 08:57 - 70ºF - ID#28454
Dreams Vs. Sacrifice
Would we sacrifice fun and hanging out with friends for the dream? What about fathers who never see there kids because they are allways working to give them a great house and nice vacations? Would they just be better off to spend some time with the kids? At what point does the dream become more important than your moral code? Would you defraud old ladies with scams of their money, shit they arn't going to be around much longer anyways? What if it meant cheating at work or undercutting other employees to get to the top? Where does one draw the line and say it is ok do go this far, but there is only so much I can sacrifice to get to where I want to be? What about doing illegal things like stealing cars and selling drugs, would that be ok? Again you are not doing this for greed you are doing it because you your 18 year old hot girlfriend to be have sex with you everyday in exchange for nice stuff. Yeah dreams are great but what if you want to aspire so much that you break your own ethics code?
Now lets move out of the real world for a minute and into the supernatural of theoretical philosophy. What if a evil being like say a demon or something approched you and said all you had to do to be obtain your dreams was to give him a soul or give him power over someone else. Would you go out and abduct say a homeless man and keep him in a shed in the backyard or basement and as long as he was locked up you would be a sucesss? If you said yes to this what if the demon took it a step further and said for each imprisoned man or women you lock up I will give you more then you have dreamed of and your kids for example will get to fullfill there dreams, would you do it? It may sound like an odd question but people figuratively sign deals with the devil all the time. They work in a company and lay people off but give them self a raise, so they can have that dream. People go out on the street and have bums fight each other and film it so they can have money so they can try to fullfill their dreams at that time. Is money the root of all evil? Well it can be if you let the way you get your dreams be thourgh money and you only think about your dreams and don't consider others.
What about when a society holds others down so it can have its dreams? Is that ok? Who is more important the one or the whole? Generaly in communism the whole or the group of people is more important then the indivual and in America it is often the other way around. But what if a demon or maybe even a politican came to a city a state or a town or maybe even a country and said Everyone in this area will prosper and people can obtain there dreams . What if all they had to do was to make sure another area suffered? Would you Nock down there power lines? What about tainting their water? What about droping bombs on them, where would you draw the line? If anyone is still reading this you maybe saying that is crazzy no one would ever do that. But it isn't as weird as it seems. What about the blacks in Lovejoy problems that happend a few months ago. Is a lot of that racism yes. But I think another part is that Whites don't want poor ghetto people moving into there neighboorhood and making it worse. There is a save Iron Island group that I really don't know much about. The first thing I thought was why arn't they in Klan outfits they might as well be. I'm not saying it is right but most likely they are people who have dreams and even if they can't achive them all they don't want people coming into there hood and ruining there shot at those dreams. So if you where one of those people how far would you go? Would you say you arn't wanted go away, and then just try harder to keep your dreams alive? Or would you sacrifice your self for you kids dreams would you attack them and run them out? When I was a kid if you didn't live in Lovejoy you didn't go there they didn't like outsiders of anykind, whites included. What if there dream was just to be left alone, How far would they go?
I know the tittle isn't the best. But maybe it is still ok, The reason being is that I think most people will sacrifice but they will only do so much for there dreams and everyone has there limits. There becomes a point for everyone where the sacrifice becomes to much and it wins over dreams. So of the lucky people don't have to sacrifice to much to get there dreams. I'm not saying that it is easy for them at all, I still belive that they work hard. I just wish I could have posted this when there where 25 guests and 3 bots on the site. One last thing I will add is there are some poeple who like to sacrifice and the sacrifice is what makes them feal good and that is what they like. They love the fact that they work a 12 hour day and do things that help others sometimes that can be a great fealing. If anyone made it to the end don't be affraid to sacrifice a few more minutes and let your thoughts out as a comment.

Permalink: Dreams_Vs_Sacrifice.html
Words: 1167
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: news
08/23/06 08:17 - 74ºF - ID#28453
sri lanka temil tigers question

Permalink: sri_lanka_temil_tigers_question.html
Words: 263
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: art
08/22/06 08:07 - 70ºF - ID#28452
Tom and Jerry...
But then a remebered something i heard. Supposdly Tom & Jerry where taken off the air originaly because they where a racist cartoon. Remeber Momma you only saw her feat and legs and her broom and she was black, so it was offensive. I don't know if that is really true or not.
But that brings me to my next point. I want my cartoons edgy and even offensive as long as it is funny. That is assuming that the cartoon makes fun of everybody and isn't just a racist message being sent to try to recruit for a hate group.
That leads me into the fact that I don't want my cartoons edited. Bugs bunny wears a dress so do we have to cut that out so we don't upset the cross dressers. I know there where some offensive Bugs Bunny and other cartoons made a long time ago. But I want to see them in there original form. Cartoons should never be PC and should never be altered to be PC. Oh and if they are in Black and White leave them that way.
I hate political correctness and here is why. It is a way to cover racism. No one wants to admit they maybe prejudiced. I will admit it I am. I think that as long as I treat everyone the same and don't let that affect how I treat people then that is ok. But what being PC means is you call People Afro Americans then don't hire them because they are black but you use a word that have positive annotations instead of negative (or is that connotation I forget). Being PC is also about not offending everyone and trying to have everyone like you and not be offenend it is so fucking dishonest and so fake. With politcal correctness there would be no comedy. I'm a little off point here but my main point is lets not change cartoons cause some one is offendend. Cartoons are supposed to be funny and offensive.

Permalink: Tom_and_Jerry_.html
Words: 463
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: tv
08/21/06 06:48 - 75ºF - ID#28451
Katrina Prision Break

Permalink: Katrina_Prision_Break.html
Words: 192
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
08/20/06 02:41 - 70ºF - ID#28450
Fair Bus Derby 06

That is a praying mantis on the seat at the bus Derby. It did wind up crawling up me. The odd thing is you or at least I couldn't feal it. Not sure really how many and what pictures to put up once the derby starts hopefull I put up enough to give a general sense of it with out them being to many and boaring. I don't think the carnage and damage really shows up in pictures and of course there is no crashing sound. Yes granted maybe I should have put this up a few pictures earlier but now is good enough. I saw the Fix the Logo bus from a far and thought thats awesome. I think my favorite was the #16 Sabres Bus, yeah it dosn't really say his name on it nor did he drive it but it is great looking.

There was also a minivan Demolition derby heat the vans where verry quick and hard to get good pictures of but there are a few up above.

On thing I maybe should have explained is that the buses goes in heats. The last two buses running in each heat advance to the finals. There is a last chance heat for all the buses who didn't make it but can still move. All in all it is preaty fun to watch.
#23 won in the end, they also had a best in show at the begining that the fans voted on but not sure who won that I think it was the #16 bus.

Permalink: Fair_Bus_Derby_06.html
Words: 827
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: music
08/18/06 08:13 - 82ºF - ID#28449
Paris Hilton

Permalink: Paris_Hilton.html
Words: 232
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/16/06 07:49 - 76ºF - ID#28448

Permalink: Frantic.html
Words: 91
Location: Buffalo, NY
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