Category: concerts
04/18/10 09:46 - ID#51414
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Beethoven 2010

I couple more pictures of Shea's and then The Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

In Picture form sometimes TSO I Like to Call the TSO Light show. The reason is that Picture wise often you notice the lights more then you do them. These pictures where taken from the balcony . What the Pictures can't show is how (at least to me) how Awesome The Trans-Siberian Orchestra's music really is ok back to Pictures.

Some Might Ask why so many pictures of The Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Well to be honest in small size pictures or on the camera one or at least me can't tell how they will look on the screen. Sometimes the ones that look dark you can see the band the best in.

I know I had a great time. I have no idea if these pictures are a good representation of the show or not. I would go to this again for sure though.

Permalink: Trans_Siberian_Orchestra_Beethoven_2010.html
Words: 706
Category: concerts
11/15/09 12:01 - ID#50306
Metallica Was Amazing
1. At my self for not paying more attenion
2. At my self for not just thinking to put my gear on
3. At who ever the no good dirty fucking low as snake in the grass fucking fake ass Metallica fan who would do something that low
4. Anyone in my section who saw the miss dead and didn't say anything to that ass fuck (assuming they knew and saw).
Well after not eating at benchwarmers I made a decesion that seemed good at the time but maybe based on what happened wasn't. I decide to just get in line and wait. Maybe I could have ate at pearl st. I forgot about them but everyplace else seemed so far from the arena that I figured just wait in line. When I walked in it was odd to be in so soon I got to the merch area and I was the only one there some of the prices whern't up yet. I should have taken that as a sign to eat everything then get merch then go to my seat. At the time it blew me away I'm used to having a big line in front of me.
Band wise Volbeat was pretty good and Lamb Of God was pretty good to. Could understand is talk but not his singing I just figured that is how he sings. Metallica was amazing. Well here are some pictures from the show. I'm just going to put up the Metallica Pictures.

Well if you didn't get enough Pictures you can allways go to my webshots page. Also there is a site called livemettalica that I haven't checked out yet where you can download any show they do, for a fee not sure how much. I May have to do the Buffalo show but we shall see. I thought they did a pretty good set list and mixed in old and New I just wish they also played Welcome Home (Sanitaruim) and For Whom the Bells Toll, but It was a great time even with the loss of my stuff. I guess that should teach me to either not buy stuff, pay more attention, don't be so picture obbessed, all ways put on what you buy or a combo of things, I know the next time a go to something I'm putting my stuff on like how I do. Hey I thought San Fran shirt and Jacket I match it matches the band and was feeling way to good about my self maybe that is the lesson to be learned.

Permalink: Metallica_Was_Amazing.html
Words: 716
Category: concerts
10/20/09 07:47 - ID#50063
AC/DC was Insanely Great

I can Admit the I liked the band that opened up for AC/DC called The Answer, even though I have never heard of them. I think they said they are from Bellfast might have the wrong place in Irealand .

I can't think of a hit that AC/DC didn't do plus they did some new stuff. If they didn't do stuff from the new CD (I don't have it) I think that would have caused some problems. The show started with "rock n' roll train" not sure what the tittle is but that is what I know it as. The video presentation of it and the start of the show was amazing. Here are the shots that I got. It can't equal what it was like to see it in person but any one who sees this gets the general idea.

Yes the show was not cheap but it was so worth the money. One of the reasons is that the show they put on is amazing. Now if this was a TV show this would be what they call breaking the 4th wall. If my memory is correct the first show I saw that did that was moonlighting, yes Bruce Willis would talk to the viewer, what a great show that was. Ok back to my point I'm not sure how much commentary I'm going to put into the pictures but for now here are somemore and maybe I'll talk about the effects or if I can remember the song that they where playing or what ever.

To try and Pick a Favorite AC/DC song would be tough. Thunderstruck is pretty good though. They used to play it at sporting events all the time. They used to play it at Bandits games. The Funny thing is when they would play it when it was the Bandits vs. The Baltimore Thunder they wouldn't play all it saying "Thunder Sturck" Or even "Thunder" would be giving a boost to the wrong team. Maybe my memory or thoughts on that is wrong though so who knows..........

One thing with posting concert pictures is sometimes I feel like it is more of a light show, since often you see the lights more then the band. Hopefully with the pictures in a biger size then thumbnails you can see the band in there.

The Effects Durring "War Machine" Where pretty cool. They had tanks and planes and then they had like a close up and it was like angus flying and then the bombs they where dropping where women. If you have the chance travel and go see AC/DC close by if the tour is close enough still.

I had a great time. They used that train for effects also. Lets see smoke came out of, a giant Girl sat on it and tapped her foot, flames shot out of it, that was pretty cool. Well here are yet more pictures to give a general sense of things.

Well due to the time factor I will cut it here and say that yes at the end of the show they had cannons that was pretty cool. And there was a point where the train went away and the two screens became one. Well it gives you the general sense and if you made it this far hope you liked this post.

Permalink: AC_DC_was_Insanely_Great.html
Words: 830
Category: concerts
04/16/09 07:27 - ID#48407
As Summer Dies + (3rd Post)
The second to last band I heard people yelling get off the stage and stuff. I guess when there are a lot of bands and you are there to see the band you want to see then that might happen. The good side to that is that you get to see a bunch of bands. The down side is they don't get to play that long. All in all it was a good time. I really liked the closing band. Yes I had trouble hearing the vocals but that might have been the way the guys voice is or maybe it is from my ears being blasted or a tech issue not sure. Here is the band that I have no Idea who they are.

I also wanted to see a Band called His Name was Yesterday. I saw them once before and remembered liking them.

The Band that got me to go to the show is As Summer Dies. I can't say what I really like about them. To say I like how the guy sings is true. I also like Angel on base with her awesome hair and Ink plus she spins and stuff you would have to see her in person. I wouldn't know how to say what there sound is but they have some really great songs. Well here they are.

I had a great time and did buy some Merch as well.

I know I'm a bit early but hope everyone has a great weekend.

Permalink: As_Summer_Dies_3rd_Post_.html
Words: 481
Category: concerts
06/23/08 07:01 - ID#44760
I wish I knew enough about music to do a pro write up and say what kind of metal everything was. The first band was Soilentgreen I thought they played pretty heavy and where pretty good, oh yeah and they have some cool looking merch also. The second band was Chimaira who I have heard of any I would guess knew one of there songs and they where really good also. I wish I knew how to describe there sound. There was a lot of head banging and people in the pits and crowd surfing and all that good stuff you get at a metal show. The Headliners where Deathklok. By that time my hearing was a little damaged and understanding vocals was pretty tough. That being said Dethklok was amazing. The players from the show where on stage with the cartoon on a screen in the background you mostly saw the screen but you could tell the players looked nothing like the band, but that was still cool. They did have a story about the band playing the concert and a couple times had Deathklok on stage and then when they left the players left also. The only thing is from where I was standing the screen on stage looked like it had a middle section that was different then the other two sections but it didn't hurt the cartoon that much. I was surprised that I didn't see anyone at the show in costume. There were some other little cool parts that I won't give away. That being said I think that after season two they should tour again. The other thing that I would like to see is one of there concerts on DVD that would be cool maybe even make it into a movie where you see the animated band backstage and stuff. The band was awesome and the show is awesome and I had a great time. Yes there where mostly dudes and most ladies where with dudes but I'm sure there where some who weren't with guys. I would advise any one who can go see Dethklok to do so it is a pretty cool tour.

Permalink: Dethklok.html
Words: 485
Category: concerts
06/21/08 04:55 - ID#44742
Hatebreed And More
The opening band was I guess a hardcore band from Cleveland called Scalrea. I liked them but think maybe I've seen them open up before but not sure. they were followed by 3 inches of blood. I only knew one of their songs but they where really good. I guess they way to describe them is the singers sound high pitched like Rob Halford and the guitar is really good, the one guy kinda looks like a young James Hatfield from the early days of Metallica. I don't know how they sound On a CD but live they where amazing. The two Headliners where Type O Negative and Hatebreed. I used to listen to Type O but it has been some time, I don't know how to describe there sound really it is kinda I don't know but it was a good time. I talked to someone before they came on and had a nice time, hey if you are reading this is was a nice time. The reason I say that is there where some people there who looked like I have seen them before but that I don't know aka FF or Famiiaur Faces. Even though I was loosing my hearing at that point Hatebreed was really good. And it was nice to rock out get some exercise and watch people in the pit. Hey don't join gym go find a hard rock show every weekend and go run in circles and crash into other people. I admit it isn't my thing but it is really pretty good for you. All 4 bands where good to listen to and Hatebreed was awesome and I got to see Type O Negative and had a great time. The lizard man was pretty cool between acts also. Then On Sunday I get to do it again and go see DethKlok.

Permalink: Hatebreed_And_More.html
Words: 446
Category: concerts
11/30/07 06:36 - ID#42345
TSO non exclusive

One of the things other then the music and the story telling and the talking to the crowd that I like about TSO is that there lights are part of the show. What I mean by that is at most concerts the lights change and there is pyro. But at a TSO show the metal that hold the lights move and make shapes and sometimes don't look like silver and so watching them move is part of the show. I really had a great time sorry I'm so late with pictures haven't had the time and re thought some stuff. One of the reasons I didn't put pictures up at first was because I remembered a Fan site for Metallica I used to visit that Metallica to some up said take down all the pictures or else. After some time he was able to put the pictures back up but couldn't have them label Metallica so I didn't want TSO to try and come after me but there are pictures on line and on webshots so I went for it.

Permalink: TSO_non_exclusive.html
Words: 354
Category: concerts
03/29/07 07:06 - ID#38684
Buffalo Chapter BLS
On a different note:
Saturday Night I have a bandits game to go to so that should be fun vs. the Shamrox and I'm thinking maybe Friday go see Jackdaw but most likely I will just stay home but who knows. There is also some art show fashion show at Diablo that might be interesting not sure about that on friday. Then Sunday I will watch Wrestlemania Yeah it is expensive but it should be a great time. So I wish everyone a early happy weekend.

Permalink: Buffalo_Chapter_BLS.html
Words: 450
Category: concerts
03/27/07 07:32 - ID#38656

Permalink: BLS.html
Words: 131
Category: concerts
12/30/06 02:19 - ID#28502
Stillborn Fest

Permalink: Stillborn_Fest.html
Words: 180
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