Category: philosophy
01/10/13 05:51 - ID#57126
Anti Bullying Movement Bad?
OH I should say this blog doesn't have a point just some thoughts for maybe reflection or something to think about......
Well that is good in theory yeah living through the Gator Attack might make you mentally stronger but losing a leg sure doesn't off set that... See some things cause trauma or break you (Yeah I'm broken in some way I wouldn't really know how to explain but that is a different blog some other time maybe).... But see for some people they are the kind of people who strive through tough times and become better for them so that is kinda true...
So the WWE (yeah the wrestling people) Have this be a STAR program where they go to schools and they [Don't have all the details] and teach kids to not be a bully or to deal with them or things like that... But I have one problem with this said program... Not only wrestlers but some other famous people come out and say how they where bullied and then tell you it is bad... Sorry that makes no sense... You are in a rock band, actor or Pro Wrestler and part of that was because you over came the bulling you are sending a mixed message... That shaped who you are for you that what doesn't kill you part was true... So maybe you where crying in your room plotting how you would get them or what ever... You made it you won :) This is even more true with funny comedy people who when they made people laugh they don't get beat up anymore........
Now of course things where different back then with no Social Media.. But I think when I was growing up kids got picked on but they didn't go hang them selves they dealt with it and prepared them for being an adult for like the real world that isn't all nice ..... But I could be wrong... Maybe I just didn't notice the Bullying so I could be off on this...
I just think my generation was tougher not the wimps this generation is...
I see this a bit in my niece ... When she beat my mother in a game she says she won 2nd... Now yes when kids are young you have to boost them up and get them playing sports and doing things ... Get them top feel good and play the game for fun.. and other things as well... Then at some point get to winners and losers ... But things need to hurt at bit at some age....
What I mean is rejection, being made fun of, and losing hurts and it should... Hey you aren't going to get that dream job... and the Barbie Girl so you have to learn that at some point...
Hey the Greatest Basketball Player of all time Yeah I said it Michael Jordan wasn't good enough to make it to his HS basketball team.. What if the coach would have said ... You won't play a single game but here warm the bench instead... He didn't and Fuck these new young players they might be great but they aren't MJ ... Even though KOBE got drafted out of High School... The point is some people strive through the hard stuff... Making it through the tough stuff is good.....
I'm not saying I want anyone to kill themselves... Hey there does need to be more teaching kids to be them selves but that they also have to conform to the rules .... I'm not saying Bullying where people are scared to go to school is ok.... But what I am saying that many people who go on and have great lives did it because they where thrown in a locker or something along those lines...

Permalink: Anti_Bullying_Movement_Bad_.html
Words: 633
Last Modified: 01/10/13 05:51
Category: philosophy
12/26/12 07:39 - ID#57059
Shootings? Westboro ..
I don't know where Webster is other then it is near Rochester some place.. This story made national news... I guess that is a good thing.....Now both Things have a few things in common.. Other then it seeming like the guy who did this was a crazy and that someone who got guns shouldn't have been able to but there is a 3rd thing and I'm not counting that one of the people shot had the same type of gun as the shooter in Newton....
I think when we look to what causes this kind of thing there are many factors but I think we need to go back and look at the news.. The glamourize this kind of thing and make people famous.. Now not saying that caused this directly.. But when news is also entertainment it does mess with people a bit.... I'm sorry but they shouldn't be doing stories on the funerals of the people who died... Leave the families alone... Don't put all there names in the paper just say how many move on... Want to call them 26 angels fine... But reading all there names is to much..... That leads into my next thing...
The Westboro Baptist Church (yes there is an online petition to make them a hate group as much as I think they are I don't agree whom is next if we allow this) Protested at The Funerals or at least some of them .. Saw a picture on facebook where a bunch of Bikers became angels and blocked the protester ... Now I can't confirm that this will happen for sure but they are supposed to protest at the dead Fire Fighters funerals this is so bad......
Now if I understand the way they think ... They think what I would call old testament... They think that when we sin.. Or go along with sin... Or allow sin... Or say sin isn't sin (Currently gay sex) ... That god Punishes us ... I know it seems a bit crazy but it really isn't... If one believes the Bible is true ... Then what happened to plagues where are they.... So it would make sense that the new way is to make bad things happen... I guess HIV fits right in with that... Now of course they could just be really good at getting their name out there and might not believe this....
But you know they do have a bit of way of thinking that kinda makes a bit of sense... What we do does cause things to happen... You don't need faith to think that way... Karma is an example you know what comes around goes around... So it is a common way to think....
Again I don't agree with them... I'm talking about a kinda way of thinking... That what we do causes other things to happen... But see I think us not treating people the same is what causes the shootings, us not accepting people... Some often Christians don't act like "Real Christians " they want to judge and hold people down but "Real Christians" may not agree with you but they don't judge and treat you any different... They with out sin cast the first stone... Again though you don't need faith for this thought tough ... I think if we all treated people better we wouldn't get crazy people like this... How many times are people mean (Think back to being a kid) and everyone laughs ... Most comedy works off of different norms of societies .... I'm not saying to ban comedy ... But there is a big part of it that here I am I'm better then that person.. Lets laugh at that fool of course you can laugh with them also....
I can't really answer the question .... Micheal Moore tried 10 years ago and really didn't... Yeah our love of Guns and Genocide and violence for sure is a factor but the percentage of people who go out on mass acts is so small... But what about other murders (not in self defense ) ... See I think we have this Idea that yeah it ok cause we are right or in some cases just... Again maybe if we treated people better this wouldn't happen?

Permalink: Shootings_Westboro_.html
Words: 768
Last Modified: 12/26/12 07:39
Category: philosophy
11/16/12 06:40 - ID#56894
Reality? Break from it ?
2nd I guess the category fits it could also be TV since I will be talking about that but I have way more of those(TV as Subject) so I put it there....
Maybe it is just cause I was never very good in English or maybe it is just that blogs are thoughts really and not a paper but sometimes not sure where to start...
I think that I (and maybe many others) have a break from reality.. What is real can you even tell anymore...Are well all really just in some one else's dream..How could you tell well you couldn't but...... Some times there is something that is important and powerful and sad and heavy (Funeral or wake or what ever you call it) and your mind goes to some other place far away..... [not good by the way]
- 1 What is the truth : When I was growing up we where all told the news was real and that it was true... But then somewhere along the line we learned that us and "The Russians" used propaganda ... But see if that was in the past how do we know that the lie isn't the word past and that there are just new forms of it...
Now I can't tell you how many times I've Heard if you want the truth listen to fox news.... Now if we believe that fox tells the truth then other stations must be lying... But wait or is it that Foxnews is the one lying... Now what I suspect is that in most stories there are many facts and different angles and different people choose to use different ones to push their view on the news...
Take this one step further I think the show is called something like Western New York Living... I watched and entire episode once and thought it was good.. Then I noticed at the end (only cause they have to by law) some of the stuff they reported on where paid segments ... In other words they can't say it was crap if it was cause they are paid for that part of the show by said company....ARGH....
Any one of my age grew up and at least knows about star wars. At the time we are told Luke's farther died no big deal... Luke doesn't give in to the Dark Side, in that cave or whatever.... Until "Luke I'm your Farther" "NO!!" now we all see the rage but it doesn't work.. But see from the Jedi Perspective (now if you are reading this and haven't seen them now you have to and the new ones also) little Ani did die and some where along the way VADER is Born Or pulled out of lava depending on where one thinks he turns..... The point being is the truth isn't easy to see and can very.... (how ever we at the time just think he killed lukes father)
- 2 Entertainment as escape .. There are many forms of entertainment from music to reading watching TV or movies seeing art.. But both books and movies and TV all work on the same Idea tell a story.... For now I'm just talking about or would that be writing; about the stories that aren't say historical or based exactly on what happened... I grew up on comic books and they got turned into cartoons and moves... and with all this what makes it work is that you escape you see zombies or vampires or other planets all kinds of great adventures...
I think though that some of this starts to break our grip on reality a little bit.. The Character isn't this guy on a pirate ship who is going to get cursed it is Johnny Depp as an example... So this escape now gets attached to someone who is real and line starts to blur a bit....
In terms of TV some of the best shows are Character Driven ... Anyone who was a fan of firefly as soon as they see those actors in any thing else it is like what... Ah man that movie really sucked but the capt sure had a great part in it... Or another example is House... At first look it is about medical stuff and yeah that is a big part of the show... But it is really about house and how he interacts with everyone.... What it really is, was a mystery show.. And as the series was ending makers of the show admitted yeah House is supposed to be like Holmes and Wilson like Watson... With the deep connection to characters who seem real breaks the reality line a little bit... Now that sounds crazy but.. I'm sure many people have wished they had a doctor as good as House in real life and would put up with all his shit to have one... Nice crack in reality....
- 3 TVs and Moves are made and are supposed to be an escape oh and books also.....
A Quick example is Malcolm X ... There was a book.. Spike Lee made a movie based off the book.. Now I don't know if the book was what is known as authorized in other words the family said yeah that is true but no you can't write that or how that works... But at the time people said "Spike you fucked up the movie" I thought the movie was great.. How true not sure.. Very powerful though wow.. I think the movie was put out as a true story but can't remember.. But of course in a movie they have to make it dramatic but this conflict can break reality a little bit....
Now since Most people(not everyone) takes in information as this is fun this isn't true then that is how we think of things in that form.. And that messes with us when we see things that are real or are supposed to be...
Take the show the real world (Europe 1st) what a great idea for a show.. It is supposed to be real.. But of course things are set up in way so that it isn't really like living with other people yeah some of it is.... But no TV or least you can't show it... When ever you go any where you have to let the crew know, certain places they can't film so you can't go...Drugs are banned but Alcohol is fine... Some places they don't have the rights to show the name of so....But it is presented as real and a lot of it is even though it is kinda set up... But this is a case where what is real is blurred and also our mind is kinda use to TV as entertainment so the real stuff kinda isn't...
I think where the idea that entertainment isn't real takes over in Documentaries and that style of show... Don't get me wrong I've seen some great ones from Spurlock alone and other shows... Yes we watch them to learn and they are on TV and real... But I still think that our mind and body in some cases it is entertainment and a bit not real so the line of what is real and not gets blurred even more.....
This is a little off Topic but it is close.. Wresltling and WWE are known for really working this a lot... Yes who is going to win the match is decided a head of time but the wrestlers work out all the moves and a choke hold put in tight would make you pass out.. And people have really been hurt bad... There are all kinds of storylines.. But there is some stuff that is real.. Think they use to call it a shoot.. That is when a wrestler talks about things that happened in the match or the company or something like that.... But sometimes something happens in real life and then later on they make it a story line.... Most recently Jerry "The King" Lawler had a legit heart attack of some kind on air after a match... I missed it live..... So there where fans who thought it was a story line... Well now he is back( couple of months?) and he is better and it is part of a storyline... In fact this is the 3rd time this has happened.... Way back when Man in the moon or what ever was made he really did attack Andy Kaufman now when Jim Carey was playing the part sorry don't remember all the details he did something to get "The king " going and he got attacked... Now where these real or was it just a way to get press who knows but again there blurres the line of what is real......
- 3a Thought I should touch on sports a tiny bit and maybe a bad example but I need to... I don't know if this really applies to sports like football and basketball but maybe it does... Or maybe it just sports one plays... I'm thinking more things you can do on your own... Yeah you can ski and are ok but unlike that video you can't out run the snow wow.... Of course in the video they don't show the other people who died doing it ...Not really but things that you see others do and you think you can or could (but you never really could) Breaks reality a bit... When I see ski or snow board tricks I think wow amazing that is some skill glad I don't have to judge... Kinda like diving I guess ... some of the tricks seem unreal but they are very real and so are the people watching them... Ok yeah reality is broken a bit....
- 4 Taking Pictures... The Camera is kinda a shield... I never thought about it before.. But in a way if you only use the view finder or screen and not your eyes away and just shoot.. You aren't watching what is there you are watching the screen and that not sure where it puts you but some place a bit away from reality ... I had never thought of that really until I heard a pro talk about that on this show called Witness on HBO... Only seen the first episode... But that also kinda explains a theory I've had for some time.. Matt has from what I've seen and not only him has all ways taken amazing looking pictures.. There is something that I don't have that I think others do... I call it the photographic eye... And what that is... They know how the camera is going to see the image or what they are taking a picture of as opposed to how it looks to them... Cause they aren't the same we have two eyes and a brain and things get flipped and there is a blind spot and with our brain we know things and we can still see things that are dark ...... But I'm not sure how that factors in I'm sure it is an ability that one might not even think about but if one does then is that another one more thing to not see what is going on as real.. Also you are there just to document or share or what ever not to be part of what is going on and so does that move you one step back and break reality a bit......
I don't know if I really had a point ... Not really sure how to write about the internet and connections on line and what effect they have.. Porn I'm sure has a huge effect but If I tried to like research that this would never get done :) But I will say this things like twitter where some model posts pictures and you might be able to talk to them a bit... I think does break reality a little bit....
Oh yeah when I said break reality I should explain.. That I think there is a line that separates them and when it is blurred or broken you can't tell what is real any more... Now what I wasn't going to say and this might be something to get into later is .. Does what you think is real make it real.. Well it at least does to you but that it only does to you might be the problem....
Yeah I do feel like I've left stuff out but not sure what... Other then that I do think being an only child for so long teaches one how to entertain them selves and I'm sure that is a factor as well some how...Being off in Fantasy land....

Permalink: Reality_Break_from_it_.html
Words: 2138
Last Modified: 11/16/12 06:40
Category: philosophy
01/22/12 12:45 - ID#55965
Overweight For e:tinypliny

So saw this article in the Buffalo news and thought it was post worthy.....
Now not sure if philosophy is the best cat. for this but I think it fits....
By Charity Vogel
January 21, 2012, 10:30 PM
Updated: January 22, 2012, 8:12 AM
Put down those chips and that 32-ounce soda and listen up. The federal government thinks we're all getting ... heavier.
An average of 25 pounds heavier, as a matter of fact.
That's the bad news. The good news?
They're trying to keep us from sinking -- or crashing, or plummeting to the ground -- because of it.
This winter, the U.S. Coast Guard -- using federal figures for typical male and female weights around the country -- announced that a new number will be used as the "assumed average weight" for people riding on some types of passenger boats.
The old weight allowance was 160 pounds.
Now, the Coast Guard figures folks average out to about 185 pounds apiece.
The change -- made in December, and being implemented now -- is the first one in assumed weights on such boats in decades.
"This is the first change like this I can remember happening," said Ryan Hayhurst, vice president of Buffalo Harbor Cruises, which operates tours on the "Miss Buffalo."
That's not to say Hayhurst is entirely surprised, either.
"The public is the public," he said, with a laugh. "I'm trying to look at the positive side of it."
But before fluttering with offended dignity, consider this: Local tour operators in Western New York -- and others whose jobs have to do with how much the public weighs -- said that people do seem to be heavier than they used to be.
"My balloon is rated for 10 passengers, but I usually fly 8, max, because people are bigger," said Sean Quigley, owner and chief pilot of the hot-air balloon touring company "Balloons Over Letchworth."
Quigley needs to ask people their weight when booking balloon rides in his seasonal May-to-October business, in order to calculate the physics that will allow for lift-off. He said he has developed a strategy that permits people to preserve their modesty while still answering the question.
"I ask everybody their weights on the phone. But I ask combined weights," said Quigley, who has run the business since 1987. "That lets the lady off the hook."
He chuckled.
"I've had people who are 300 pounds before. I've had people who refuse to tell me; then I tell them, 'You can't fly. This is FAA regulations,'" Quigley said.
Another area where weight matters is with elevators.
Elevators and weight
In the City of Buffalo, where he inspects a good many of the city's 3,000 elevators on a regular basis, Chief Elevator Inspector Joe Schiavone said that elevators have maximum weights, but that such figures are calculated in pounds, not persons. (Some of the inspections are contracted out by the city.)
"The elevator industry, it's the total weight," said Schiavone, who has been doing his job for 26 years.
That means, he said, that as Americans get heavier, elevators can still carry the same amount of pounds up and down.
It just translates to fewer actual people.
"Twenty-five years ago, it would take nine or 12 people to overload a car," said Schiavone. "Now it takes less, because people are bigger. Because people are larger, you're going to overload the car with less people -- quick."
Schiavone put it this way: "An elevator that used to take 10 people, now, with the obesity problem in America, it takes six people."
But don't worry, Schiavone said. The elevator will let you know if a load gets too heavy.
"When it exceeds the capacity," the inspector said, "an alarm bell will go off."
Quigley, at "Balloons Over Letchworth," said his customers tend to be middle-aged and older, because of the price of tickets for balloon rides.
That may play into the situation as well, he said.
"Let's face it, when somebody's in their 40s, they weigh 20 pounds more than when they were in their 20s," Quigley said, joking. "Including me."
At the same time as boaters are recalibrating loads to accommodate heavier people, one airline is redesigning airplane cabins to fit more -- not fewer -- people.
Southwest Airlines announced last week that it is reconfiguring the cabins of its 737-700s with thinner, less-tilty seats that will allow for 6 additional passengers per flight.
Increasing weights of typical Americans were not really a factor in the redesign, said a Southwest spokeswoman at the airline's Dallas headquarters.
Airline adding seats
But, said Brandy King, the renovated cabins may actually be more comfortable for all types of passengers now.
"The thinner seats, in combination with the pitch and incline being less, allows us to add six more passengers, so that takes us from 137 to 143 [per flight]," King said. "But there won't be a difference [in comfort]. There might actually be more room, because were using (a different) design. Your personal space will actually be better."
At the Buffalo station of the Coast Guard, officers said that the changeover is going smoothly.
Coast Guard personnel said that most boaters have been happy to comply, typically by reducing the maximum occupancy for their vessels.
"A lot of the mariners out there agree -- America is getting heavier," said Lt. Andrew Sweeney, chief of the inspections division of U.S. Coast Guard Sector Buffalo. "It's kind of hard to argue that one."
Some boat operators are opting to have their vessel's stability calculations retested, to see if they can handle the same number of passengers, the Coast Guard officers stated.
At Buffalo Harbor Cruises, Hayhurst said that those are the two options open to his tour boat -- and that's a bit frustrating.
He said the weight guidelines really apply more to smaller boats, which are more affected by per-person poundage. For bigger boats like the Miss Buffalo, he said, a few extra pounds on individual passengers doesn't make too much of a difference.
"When it comes down to the weight issue, it's more of an umbrella rule," Hayhurst said. "The weight of a passenger affects a smaller boat much more than a larger boat. Our boat is so large, but we unfortunately fall into the same guideline, and it doesn't really affect us at all."
"There's no way out of it," he added. "The only way out of it is a very expensive way."
Miss Buffalo limit cut
That expensive way would be having a naval architect do load-testing on the Miss Buffalo to prove that the boat can handle more pounds. Hayhurst said there are no such recalibration businesses in Western New York, so he'd have to take the boat out of the area for the tests, which would be "very costly."
Thus, in part as a response to the Coast Guard change, the Miss Buffalo's capacity will be trimmed to 185 this season, Hayhurst said.
The boat has been operating at a capacity of 200.
Small price increases will be made to the hourly rates for cruises, Hayhurst said, "just to absorb a little bit of that change."
But there may be bright sides to the change.
"People might be more comfortable in the long run," he said. "With 185, it'll be little bit roomier, the bathrooms will be better, the bars will be better.
"We'd rather have 185 happy customers," he said, "than 200 unhappy customers."
News Staff Reporter Maki Becker contributed to this report.
..... This isn't really about Health..... Yes health is an issue.... But people over time have gotten Taller and bigger... This does tie into health also.... But maybe this is a good thing? Maybe now with people getting bigger those chairs at movies and sports events will in the future be made more comfortable so that everyone has more space and more room.... But who knows.....

Permalink: Overweight_For_e_tinypliny.html
Words: 1316
Last Modified: 01/22/12 12:45
Category: philosophy
01/12/12 06:12 - ID#55893
Loyalty=I Hate My Job
Now Granted one could argue that when a friend mine got in trouble for something that wasn't his fault (orders didn't go that didn't have to go) and his boss didn't get in trouble and he did and some how he lost his job I could have and almost did quit cause it was Bull shit.... But one has to be loyal to the company....
Then When One of our shitty workers rated out the boss and he kept his job but the Boss lost his.... Everyone wanted to quit I think... But we didn't cause see we are loyal to the company...
Now is the company loyal to us? How would you tell I guess so.... Well they are more loyal I think to the people who make the product but who knows really....
But see as much as the people piss me of at where I work... That is just the tip of the ice berg....
My Bank is HSBC and that will Change Very soon.... Isn't it odd that they and the city couldn't work out a deal with that Tower or getting a new Building and all of a Sudden .... Ok we are leaving Western New York... Hey how about having some Loyalty to the people who bank with you... How about saying to us if you want you can stay with us and we will wave all ATM Fees..... Nope just sell off all your banks... To bad I really liked HSBC......ARGh
How About Trico...... They sure had a lot of good workers in Buffalo from what I have heard.... Ah screw Buffalo if we move to Mexico it costs us less money... Now on a larger level.... Well people in the USA buy all our wiper blades lets go to mexico.....
Here is lack of Loyalty.... Wal-Mart... There is all ways this talk that Wal-Mart goes into a small town and it closes down all the shops.... Is it true that they offer a cheaper price and more Variety and one stop shopping ....Yeah of course.... But what causes that is lack of Loyalty... That Hardware store you love so much and maybe even the guy you go to church with... Eh fuck him wal-mart has it for 20 cents less again no loyalty....
Sports Teams...... How many times does some team take a chance on some kid who is unproven and the team works with them trains them turns them into a great player... Now if it wasn't for this staff no one would know who he is "Oh I want More Money"... Even if before he was getting more then he was worth... No loyalty......
The Lack of Loyalty in this country drives me insane........

Permalink: Loyalty_I_Hate_My_Job.html
Words: 562
Last Modified: 01/12/12 06:12
Category: philosophy
12/31/11 05:47 - ID#55825
Foodtrucks=Carnies ?
- I Am a Fan of them
- What got me going in the entire debate all over the web was that some people wanted to boycott places that didn't like them, But now would it be ok if say I like say Just Pizza to boycott food Trucks.....NO
- Not sure if the laws and rules got made legal I know they where voting but not sure I think they did pass and they seemed fair except The garbage can thing
> I get it they are mobile and they should keep the place where they part Clean but do you really want that trash back inside a moving Truck?..........Um No........ ---> Also the distance is from the property line so that means where how does one know the property line of a building..... - What I think that I'm the only one talking about is the fact that there is this perception that the trucks aren't regulated and Clean.........
- Again it is a perception... Any truck can just roll up and serve and then vanish off into the night like a gypsy
- Think of it this way if you where walking to the store and before you got there and someone was selling Bread and Milk what would you think? Would you go hey it is snowy and blowy and cold and this upstanding young man is out here making money .... Doubt it would be more of a milk and bread on the street I don't think so.... It sure would look shady but is it.....
- If There was a Well established Theme Park with games that if you play basketball on a team you can win but no one else has the skills or maybe a pro bowler could win that other game..... How would you feel if the on the road leading to your place a Traveling Carnival set up.... Yes with a Freak show and rides and games that are rigged ..... Yes dancing Girls and the Kooch show..... Don't think you would like it very much... Yes the freak show would be great.........
Now to be honest I didn't have a point these where just some thoughts that one of the issues with the food trucks is that they appear to be a fly by night business.... Not that they are... But in theory they could go where ever they want sell what they want then Vanish off into the night... Yes it is true that they being some places will cost some places Business but they will also help get some people Business... But Again some places don't see that.... Say I'm walking down Elmwood there are two kinds of people those that
- Plan where they are going to go and that is what they are doing
- People who walk and just go to where or what they feel like
Now if you plan and see oh Food truck on elmwood ok I'll make that part of it then yes you are taking food away from where ever you would have planned to go if the truck wasn't there.... But if you get there and the line is 11 people guess what the plan changes even though you really want lloyds "Oh Wait ETS is kinda pricey and Jim's has Tacos ok I'll go there"
Now if you are the person who just walks if you will be on elmwood again soon then you might go... Taco's two days in a row um no.... So you have to pick a Taco Place if the food truck is first then you might go... Cause the food truck won't be there the next time on elmwood......
See that is what the places don't get is that the food trucks do bring more people to where they are and that helps everyone.... But I do get why the people who have worked for years getting there name established don't see this.... I think a big part of that (again not them so I shouldn't be writing for them) is that they see them as kinda the old world gypsy they come here get your money and steal your babies....
Again though just some thoughts.......

Permalink: Foodtrucks_Carnies_.html
Words: 729
Last Modified: 12/31/11 05:47
Category: philosophy
12/12/11 05:37 - ID#55725
Is Miller Light Homophobic?
Now the first ones I post are not the ones that might be thought of that way..... I liked them cause they where funny had hot Women in them and often tied into fashion but maybe a bit of the view could be in them?
Ok I admit I have never seen this Man Up with the Scarf before... But see it talks about how one needs to be a man... Aka Don't wear a scarf but again they mention it is 70 out so......
Yes Crap quality I admit but as funny it was when I once saw it one does notice that she breaks on his manillyness... Now I think saying that is like when you call some one bitch, Pussy, Girl, it is kinda the equal of calling them queer but that is just mean or maybe when guys call each other fags it is being used like that?
This one Is only mention the put down once... Now that being said that is what guys do we break balls and that is part of the fun.....
However before I get to far into this... I need to mention that I have one problem with the Miller Lite ads.... That is that If you finish this or watch and of the ads or know what they are then you will know that they have some unmanly things.... I gotta say sorry but drinking lite beer is one of them.... Have a beer with that Burger you pussy.... Or maybe just get Vodka Mixed with something or a Mike's light Beer gross.....
The one That I find the best... See to me this one isn't like the rest it is about picking on those people who think they are cool and to me it is funny....
So Dragons are great but not on clothes at a bar....
Now for the ones that really break on the manliness (how ever you spell it not being a good speller is part of being a real man...[in deep raspy voice])
-That is right even the Women Bag on this dude.........
Now here is where I pick on them... If you go to the mountains You Bring Coors not that light stuff the stuff in the Yellow Cans or be a real man and grab a Bottle of something Like Jack Daniels ok maybe that is really just a rock star thing......
New To Me and The Strawberry Stuff ? Should have been used on those girls......
Screaming Like a Little Girl now they don't say it but they sure imply it... Now here is my thought and just a thought... That a lot of the anti homo stuff guys say to each other isn't that they hate gays but some of it is ? But that a strong portion of that is really from Gender Roles... Now over time a lot of those have changed.... But there is still a way a women and a man are "Supposed" to act and when they don't that is when other terms get used?
I admit pretty Funny ad... But on the flip side This guy gets outed on a plane and who are those people? Again one could make the case your on a flight Real mean drink Hard Liquor not that pussy light beer shit... Bet "The most Interesting Man In The world" (two great local parodies on him by the way) would mock them out.......
There might be more that I haven't seen or didn't see on Youtube but I think the point is made.... Again I'm not saying that they are homophobic at all... I'm more asking are they because ask what a man is or isn't? I think I also need to assuming anyone is still reading this say what the most Racist Ad I've ever seen is....... All The Trix adds.....
The Tag line is "Silly rabbit Tricks Are for Kids"..... See this ads teaches or at least copies the idea of Racism... See they love the rabbit like the would a friend or a slave or Live In nanny.... But see they are a rabbit they aren't the same... There are certain things they just can't have because they are a rabbit...... There is even a shirt I said that modernized it a bit the wording I don't remember exactly but "Silly Fagot Dicks are for Chicks"... It is the same mentality. But who Am I , I don't think that there is anything wrong with like Ms. Butterworth or anything like that... Now I don't remember the ads but they are just an Image that tells us (wait maybe it is racist now on my 2nd though) ok this Black women is a good cook so this will be good?

Permalink: Is_Miller_Light_Homophobic_.html
Words: 932
Last Modified: 12/12/11 05:37
Category: philosophy
12/03/11 06:23 - ID#55647
Amazing Grace?
So I hate to admit this but on Facebook/One of the news pages I saw a story (didn't follow the link) about some kid on the west side getting hit and killed by some kind of school bus.... My first thought was how ironic.... Kinda like if someone died in a pool on a cruise ship in the ocean... For some reason all I could think of was that it was Ironic.... Now today in tops I saw the front of a paper and it had a picture of the kid.... I thought how sad it was a little Asian kid... Now granted I can't pick up the paper and read the story in the middle of tops and I didn't go to the website and look into the story.... But what this tells me is that and this might be a jump but that everyone has Hate, Anger and rage in them.... We all claim we are good and great... But lets face it we all judge people and look down on them.... See what got me I think upset and why I thought it was Ironic is that I (and everyone) have stereotypes of others.... Now that doesn't mean we want to join the Klan.. It doesn't even mean we treat others differently.... But some place we have them and may not even know it.... See when this was some little kid of some kind of family well who cares really.... But now when this kid is from some hard working family who moved here so an evil army doesn't kill them then it is sad....
Now when I was done I went to catch the bus and some "Ghetto" I assume white lady is yelling at someone driving.... Um Stupid the car had the green light....ARGh... Oh yeah in tops some dude was playing his Music... What! Wish I had some speakers I would have loved to blast Some Devil loving Church burning Down Norse Black Metal right back at him.... Then Go have some respect now you know what it feels like.......
If anyone can follow what I'm ram-belling about good luck ..... Ok back to my story as waiting for the bus. There is a church and Amazing Grace starts playing.... Now Of course there aren't words to church bells.... But to me that song is about how those that are lost can turn to faith and no longer be lost.... I wish Faith really worked like that.... Wouldn't that be cool.... Well maybe if you turn to faith and leave out the churches then maybe it would? Now a great writer would say that once the song Ended the bus showed up think a Christmas song played next and a Funeral went past...
Sometimes I do think and this song made me think of it.... Or maybe it was the guy that got honked at for not knowing you don't cross when the cars coming at you have the green... Yes pedestrians have the right of way but only when it is lawful Jackass..... That maybe just maybe Humanity should just start over... Maybe another Plague and Like a great flood or what ever took out the Dinosaurs and let what ever form the new humans are if they can figure out how to read what we wrote learn from it and not be us....
Animals (yes we are an animal ) kill mostly to eat and survive.... For the people that don't eat animals got some bad news if you don't eat them cause something was killed how about those fruits and grains oh and worse yet those plants that died for your clothes and any thing leather, or Suede ! To live means something else must die.... Now most of us don't do that anymore... Yes some people hunt and some people work in Slaughter houses or even as a butcher..... But even these people don't live directly and only on what they kill.... I think that Humans have this instinct on how to kill..... I think that since we don't kill to live any more that is why we have so much hate and disgust and thinking we are better then others.... I think there is the natural thing of killing and since we can't and don't do it things build up.... Also if say you need to go out and say shoot a buffalo or something so you and your family or maybe even friends can eat ..... The only thing you are going to care about is things that interrupt that.. As an example Indians getting drunk on fire water as they prey for a good hunt as long as you can sleep you won't care cause you have to hunt in the morning.... Now one of your friends Blaring Metallica as you want to sleep or when hunting and it scares off Squirrels you want to shoot out of trees from your window then maybe you try human that night... HA....
Is there a point eh not really......
Now all that being said I did see a pretty cool action movie today that kinda fits in Immortals.... I Liked it... Didn't think it is as good as say Spartacus is .... But then again it doesn't have orgies, cocks the size of my arm ;), or the sexuality.. .... Didn't like it as much as The 300.... But it was a bit different as in it had gods and Oracles... Then say the 300.... Some of the battle where amazing.... Now there where parts where I could feel as if I was in the maze and the way some of the bodies floated in battle scenes was amazing.... Now I can never tell about the 3D ..... I think part of that is the way movies are filmed and the way stories go is you follow the action it doesn't come towards you cause once they got to you where would they go? Wouldn't they hit the cameras? That aside Yes it is a movie about gods and Immortals and was pretty good but also fit in with the rest of my day....
Maybe the holiday season is just weighing on me a bit I don't know.... I guess I would kinda like it if there was a push instead of black friday of come here save say $30 and donate that money you save to the Salvation Army on your way out... Or at a toy store it would be PS3 save $100 instantly when you donate $30 to toys for tots.... Or say maybe Wegmans : Donate $20 to WNY foodbank and get a free apple strudel pie and Half Gallon of Perry's ice cream or something.... Again some kind of movement where people mention listen when you shop here and buy stuff for mom or what ever take the last thing you buy or even just that thing you aren't sure if she will like and donate it.......

Permalink: Amazing_Grace_.html
Words: 1193
Last Modified: 12/03/11 06:23
Category: philosophy
10/14/11 05:28 - ID#55296
Can Buffalo Handle a Championship?
Now Pegula has loosened up the purse strings..... But that doesn't really mean the team gets better... Yes you can keep more talent but you can also pay people based on a great first year when they don't play up to the level they are paid at but it is a good first step.... Now I don't know as we can ever get to the New England Patriot level of good where players took less money to play with them but you never know....
But for anyone who is reading this I haven't answered my question....
1. Bandits Have 4 Championships but for some reason no one counts those...
2. Bisons are professorial Baseball and have had Back to Back championships don't ask what years cause I have no Idea.... Oh since we aren't one of the famous Minor league clubs that Baseball movies are made about I guess they don't count those...
3. I thought that before the Superbowl Bills where AFL champions but not sure on that some one help me out on this?
So I guess Hockey and Football Only Count!?
--I don't think Buffalo could Handle a Stanley Cup Championship.... When the bandits won cars where pounded and it was all most insane as inside a game... Now with the Sabres never winning a cup and the 10,000 out side in the plaza I think all hell would break lose.... Now I could be wrong maybe I'm to much of a Jim Carey Fan?
Buffalo is a Blue Collar town.... Doesn't mean that everyone works hard... But that work ethic is in everything... But we don't have the tradition of greatness of say Boston Or other hockey towns....Maybe we need an NBA Team? Here it is more about the hard work... Then we come up a bit short... We aren't the Championship team or town.... Just look out side of sports for prof of this.... Maybe it is just cause I fell in Love with Toronto but... Why wasn't there a waterfront 15 years ago? Why did we put a highway (think before I was born) that made one big huge park into about 3 or 4 that aren't connected? This list for those older then I could go on for an hour so I'll skip to the Aud.... Maple Leafs Gardens is going to be reused and yet when we shut down the aud no one thought lets get the chairs and that kind of thing.... When they went to tear it down the Blue ones where the only ones you could auction off safely.... The lower and upper golds or even the reds would have been great with cushions... Oh my!!!!!!!
There is a part of me that I hope is wrong that I will Never see The Sabres win the cup.... It is like not our destiny..... I don't remember "The French Connection" but they are the most Famous Sabres and they didn't win the cup.... Grant Fuhr and No cup then Backing up Hasek and no cup.... Mogilny and LaFontane and no cup..... All of our best teams where never enough.... Granted we have had some teams who played above there skill level and see that is the hard work thing again.... I admit a few Years back I think we where good enough but got Jinxed.... Think that was the one year one Goal thing... People knew we where good and new we could win...Well that isn't the Buffalo Attitude and it bit us on the as... People made there own Stanley Cups and New Era had a count down on how many more games we had to win .... We put our own Jinx on.....
Hey But Maybe all this Occupy Stuff will change thing and change the fates and change things up... But currently the Sabres and this town are the hard workers who all ways get less then the big bosses and those are the other teams..... I hope I'm wrong ..... Will the marina burn if covered in Snow?
"Lets Go Buffalo" "Lets Go Buffalo" "Lets Go Buffalo"

Permalink: Can_Buffalo_Handle_a_Championship_.html
Words: 747
Last Modified: 10/14/11 05:28
Category: philosophy
09/24/11 05:53 - ID#55191
Fear-->hate-->The Darkside
So thanks to the girls who where freaking out at the bus stop over the bee. That shows you how crazy fear is... If you want you can put this into perspective about bullies and that is fine it is kinda a sub post or sub point... Of course that assumes you read the previous one... This is more about fear though and not hate that comes from it so... There is this tiny little bee that will only attack if you bother it.. Once it stings you it dies. It just like dogs can smell the fear.. Ok maybe not the fear but the chemical your body produces hence why bees bother you and dogs Bark at yeah.. It is real easy to say you shouldn't fear these things you do eggs them on... (I think some people can smell it or fear it)... That is why in a hood that is sketchy the best thing to do is not to hide not to watch shadows not be jumpy to know anyone fucks with you it is a chop to the throat then back elbow to the head and if he is with buddies they won't fuck with you after that... But no one can do that with bees, Bullies, or Dogs really or at least not all of them... I'm not saying that with Bullies we cause it to happen. But being fearless would cut down on a lot of it.... Again not saying that can happen... I know I don't trust dogs they are there to protect their area and if you are in you are a threat to them... People think they are walking the dog but the dog really is walking them... That pit bull decides to run when it really walks you I'm done. So I guess what I'm getting at is some fear is rational and some is non rational like that tiny bee....
Are there other factors that run the world sure but I think fear is the biggest and we don't even know it... This is so true of us men. Now fear isn't only about bad things but about good things and change as well..... Oh I'm not a shrink so if you take my advice and something goes wrong don't sue me and since this is out there Star Wars people don't do it either.... So I guess a bunch of examples since I don't think I have a real point just kinda showing some things off....
Oh that gorgeous girl at the coffee shop or on a bus or where ever. We want to approach but fear kicks in.. Now I include worry in fear as well because worrying about what can happen is part of fear even if it is a good thing... What if she rejects in front of everyone... What if she says she will call me then breaks my heart... What if her ex is the jealous type... Now I'm not saying that we think of all this stuff at once but often time something stops us like having our food taken or stepping on someone on a moving bus or having our favorite coffee place be weird....
Not attacking Bush "W'!" here. But he and not only him have used fear to pass his agenda in the past... You know little things like spying on citizens and the Patriot (Go Bills..HA oh wait that is the Patriots but when you leave that team do you hate your country cause your an expat ha!) Act. Gotta give him credit for that...
Maybe there is some country with out an Army ... Everyone needs an army what if we are attacked... Now that is fear at its highest form... You know what if no one had an army it wouldn't be a fear... This fear is used in most every war.. We have to fight them over there so they don't come over hear...
Locally the food truck battle is driven by fear... There are fads in food. Don't believe me look what happened to Krisppy Kreme.... Um who's that they are all closed now.. When they opened they had 40 minute drive through waits... So part of the fear is this new thing will be a fad and won't last and then in that fad time other places will close... I would call that rational fear... Or maybe since Paladino is all fired up that part of it is irrational not sure you decide (if anyone is reading this)?
Job wise where to start... So many people wake up and go why am I going to this place I hate.. All the fears from quitting... Like not being able to find a job, not having money, not being able to do what you like to do for fun, losing the family cause of no job... But that isn't the only fear for some. The fear of liking it.
Fear isn't only about bad things that happen it is also about good things that happen.. I have a dual fear of getting a tattoo ... First of all there are a bunch of fears of needles, if it is a pain I can't deal with, what if I get the new guy who isn't good yet or worst yet forgets to change needles... But there is also a positive fear and that is what If I like it... I like tattoos but don't want to look like the guy with them on his neck and there entire body is covered with them... Now a chick it is different cause women with them and guys look different... I myself like when there is a Tattoo you can tell what the entire thing is not like a sleeve where you can kinda see what things are but hey that is just me....
New things where you don't know what to expect are can freak people out... I know I'm a bit stressed out over work.. Can't say much but Boss was talking to one of the new people... There is a part of me that isn't worried and could care less about what they are talking about.... But there is another part that has a feeling there could be drama and then more people will have to talk and then I might have to say stuff that I don't want to say.... Is the talk about the new guy or about others? The guy is new does he know what he is talking about... The not knowing is a bit stressful .... The fear is natural though....
But fear is so complex... Some people like to face their fears like if you don't like heights climb to the roof (me) and just stay away from the edge.... Or in some peoples case it might be jumping off a bridge or high dive or something....
Fear of good things causes people to do things or not do things as well... There is something you see or you wan't but you don't think you deserve it so you are afraid of Success... Or maybe you think you can't handle that.. Again I think this might be true of me... I don't like talking about work but here it goes again.. I'm not a boss so I can't tell people what to do.. I can tell them what I would do, or what they could do, or what they should do, or even say well here is what is going on here are some ways you could do this.. But I'm not a boss so I can't tell the person what to do... I don't want to be a boss there are things that a boss does that I know aren't for me and that I don't want to do... Often times when you are a step back it is a better spot to see and say well you could do this. But when you are in it and you are the one who has to make that decision and live by what goes down it is different... Or maybe it is just fear of some kind not sure.....
I guess if someone wants a point it is that if we know it or not Fear really drives most of what we do and don't do... Again though This is not only about fear of bad things but of good things as well... If one can use fear as a way to drive for positivism then that is great but I would say that isn't very often... I do think that Fear does lead to hate.. But I wouldn't know really how to write about that... The other problem is just cause you hate someone or something doesn't mean fear caused it... Just wish I could come up with some example of how fear of Success causes people to do things......

Permalink: Fear_hate_The_Darkside.html
Words: 1592
Last Modified: 09/24/11 05:53
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