Category: photos
01/29/13 05:31 - ID#57177
Bandits Win 1-26-2013 vs. Wings
A few more during game and of the bandettes ....
It was a very tight game and if memory serves Bandits won by a goal... It was fun now to see how the pictures line up :)

Permalink: Bandits_Win_1_26_2013_vs_Wings.html
Words: 147
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/29/13 05:31
Category: issues
01/20/13 12:03 - ID#57151
Guised Racism and Guns
-There is for sure a big part of this gun issue that is really this.. Oh know N..s are going to kill us or rob us or rape our women... Dude you live in the burbs or in all white hood where there isn't even crime.. No one is traveling out to East Amherst or what ever to rob you...
-So you are telling me that Ak-47 is to defend you from the Government .. Um dude they have swat teams , Drones, Small tanks.......
-Now if you lived on say the East Side I might buy it....
-I guess I should really explain what I mean by "Guised Racism" it is when you say or do something that really means something else hence a guise ... Things like "I don't watch basketball cause 7 foot players dunk".. oh but it is ok for you white kids or other family to play .... Not traveling into the city cause it is dangerous ... Oh you mean cause there are blacks and spics ...Oh ok gotta cha... Man that guy is lazy ... Oh you mean cause he isn't white but he still does more then that lazy white guy but you won' say nothing WHITEPOWER! "My taxes goes and supports them" ... First of all you don't understand how taxes work all the money taken out isn't sent right to the black mother with 3 kids.. Of course if she was white you would have much less of a problem lets go donate toys and clothes to her.. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... Just a few examples that come to my mind quickly ... One more "That school is in a Bad Area"
-That being said I remember being around Toronto ? some place in Canada and see these two black guys and and am expecting them to talk we will call it homie and had my mind blown... French was spoken granted white people didn't even speak it in that part of Canada well I think it was french
-Again I'm not saying the only issue is the fear that blacks are coming the blacks are coming but it is one of the many issues on guns.. But it is the same party that think Obama was born in Kenya and shouldn't be President so......
-There is a part of this entire gun thing that I kinda think no one in the media should be talking about... Where was all this during columbine ? Yes at the end I will post a video... But the talk shouldn't be about gun debate it should be about how as a society we treat different people the same.. How we don't push the fringe people to that place... How is it that these people who go on these rampages don't get the help they need.. Cause if they would have none of these mass shootings (yes counting webster) would have happened .... This is what we should be working on not what type of guns people can have.....
-I Don't agree with the current laws they passed... Again I don't agree with it some parts don't make any sense..... If you have a legal gun where the standard clip is 10 bullets That is where it should have stopped.. how can only 7 bullets be legal.. that is just silly and wrong.. Only load 7 I don't get it... What about cops with glocks are their guns not fully loaded vs. Criminals fully loaded guns ? along with swat ? Maybe I missed something still don't get that part
-I myself think that if Guards at schools where trained and knew what to do.. People would still do bad things but they wouldn't kill kids....
-Of course if at school you didn't have to worry about sitting at the wrong lunch table or that liking Britney spears will get a dead cat at your table or liking speed metal getting shoving in a locker or what ever ....
-But I also think that if the common city folk might have a gun that would put a hole in the chest criminals might think twice before doing something...
-There is no way to cover every issue but I admit I'm a little bit split on the issue... Why can't every part of a non removable # and it is registered to you .. Your gun goes away and a crime happens with said gun you are charged with being an acesory to the crime or make it to the next degree of the crime ... That would stop all these supposed good law following folks from moving their guns... Cause at the end of the day guns don't make them selves
-Or here is another radical idea if we treated drugs as drugs instead of promoting some and saying others are bad... Yeah go get addicted to beer it is ok cause we sell it at football games but coke oh you are a bad person and can't do movies .... Then we wouldn't have gangs selling the stuff and they might not need guns ? Just some ideas ....

Permalink: Guised_Racism_and_Guns.html
Words: 956
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/20/13 12:03
Category: photos
01/13/13 01:33 - ID#57132
Bandits Opener
So If I remembered Last I liked when the Bandits won to do the victory lap thing first.......
Some Game Photos and Bandettes.....

Well I hope that is a good amount with out it being to many it was a fun time.....

Permalink: Bandits_Opener.html
Words: 228
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/13/13 01:49
Category: philosophy
01/10/13 05:51 - ID#57126
Anti Bullying Movement Bad?
OH I should say this blog doesn't have a point just some thoughts for maybe reflection or something to think about......
Well that is good in theory yeah living through the Gator Attack might make you mentally stronger but losing a leg sure doesn't off set that... See some things cause trauma or break you (Yeah I'm broken in some way I wouldn't really know how to explain but that is a different blog some other time maybe).... But see for some people they are the kind of people who strive through tough times and become better for them so that is kinda true...
So the WWE (yeah the wrestling people) Have this be a STAR program where they go to schools and they [Don't have all the details] and teach kids to not be a bully or to deal with them or things like that... But I have one problem with this said program... Not only wrestlers but some other famous people come out and say how they where bullied and then tell you it is bad... Sorry that makes no sense... You are in a rock band, actor or Pro Wrestler and part of that was because you over came the bulling you are sending a mixed message... That shaped who you are for you that what doesn't kill you part was true... So maybe you where crying in your room plotting how you would get them or what ever... You made it you won :) This is even more true with funny comedy people who when they made people laugh they don't get beat up anymore........
Now of course things where different back then with no Social Media.. But I think when I was growing up kids got picked on but they didn't go hang them selves they dealt with it and prepared them for being an adult for like the real world that isn't all nice ..... But I could be wrong... Maybe I just didn't notice the Bullying so I could be off on this...
I just think my generation was tougher not the wimps this generation is...
I see this a bit in my niece ... When she beat my mother in a game she says she won 2nd... Now yes when kids are young you have to boost them up and get them playing sports and doing things ... Get them top feel good and play the game for fun.. and other things as well... Then at some point get to winners and losers ... But things need to hurt at bit at some age....
What I mean is rejection, being made fun of, and losing hurts and it should... Hey you aren't going to get that dream job... and the Barbie Girl so you have to learn that at some point...
Hey the Greatest Basketball Player of all time Yeah I said it Michael Jordan wasn't good enough to make it to his HS basketball team.. What if the coach would have said ... You won't play a single game but here warm the bench instead... He didn't and Fuck these new young players they might be great but they aren't MJ ... Even though KOBE got drafted out of High School... The point is some people strive through the hard stuff... Making it through the tough stuff is good.....
I'm not saying I want anyone to kill themselves... Hey there does need to be more teaching kids to be them selves but that they also have to conform to the rules .... I'm not saying Bullying where people are scared to go to school is ok.... But what I am saying that many people who go on and have great lives did it because they where thrown in a locker or something along those lines...

Permalink: Anti_Bullying_Movement_Bad_.html
Words: 633
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/10/13 05:51
Category: photos
01/01/13 02:08 - ID#57107
2012-2013 the 24
As I side note

[box]Created on: February 22, 2007 Last Updated: May 02, 2007
When most people talk about dolphins, it is usually about their playful or intellectual nature. However, just like humans, dolphins have a not-so-attractive side, as well. This "evil" nature can be tied to their methods of reproduction, their choice of entertainment, and, until now, their aversion of the discovery of that entertainment.
It is already common knowledge that dolphins are one of the few species to have intercourse for fun. Their methods, however, are not often brought up. When male dolphins are "in the mood," they will group together and steer a female away from the pod. The males will then repeatedly have forced intercourse with the female, essentially raping her. If she tries to break away from them, they will beat her, using their echo-location to aim. This is only one of the unknown traits of dolphins.
Up until recently, dolphins' reproductive habits were the only known deterrent from their playful nature. The dolphins have only been discreet about their true colors. There have been videos showing these "gentle" creatures attacking and killing young porpoises. All the porpoises were about two to three years old, and roughly the same size. Although it has yet to be determined exactly why the attacks happened, it is known that the porpoises did not provoke the dolphins. It is also suggested that the dolphins searched out the little guys, and it was not a territorial issue. The porpoises exhibited internal damage of the major organs, and it is thought to be due to the dolphins' ability to echo-locate their aim.
There is yet another factor. It is also believed that the dolphins purposely act differently around humans, which may seem like an unnecessary statement, but that is not the case. This belief is that they try to "pretend" to be the nice animals we have always thought them to be. Maybe it is true, or maybe they just act differently when there is a creature around that is not like them. It may never be known.
So spread the word: dolphins are no exception to the rule. They are just like the rest of us living beings on the planet. While they are enjoyable to watch, take pictures of, and even play with, They have their dark side, as well.[/box]
Then This morning When I woke up I watched the end of the parade .....
Now don't get me wrong I love Dolphins ... Many years back when in the outerbanks one could see them go by... No way I could swim out there but sure in a nice little boat it would be cool... But they are animals and also do have a dark side... Not saying to not go swim with them do... I think that would be amazing and yes they are social animals but thought I'd share one video from you tube... Sorry didn't look for anything naughty with like rape or anything with humans .....
Again it was a great time thanks.....
Slight Edit: When I first posted this that one dolphin story I put in BOX but it doesn't show up so Change to "

Permalink: 2012_2013_the_24.html
Words: 736
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/01/13 02:12
Category: movies
12/30/12 02:11 - ID#57104
[SPOILERS] Hobbit & Django
Now I grew up with the hobbit as a book and also as an animated movie ... The old Animated movie was pretty good not that I remember lots of it... So if you went to see this movie you know the story.... I just think the hobbit should have been hefty at least a bit.... I also would have liked the goblins to look more like a goblins but still a good movie... Guess you maybe want to go the other way so they don't look like Spiderman ..... The movie is from the perspective of looking back and that he is writting what really went down and he tells Frodo this and there is some LOTR overlay I think... So there is some story telling going on and that is ok.... But the biggest spoiler is this.... I'm really really getting into it Smogs eye open and credits roll ...ARGH what... But now that I think about it.... I don't know where Lord of the Rings starts tried netflix but they don't stream and can't get to my DVDs.... When news first came out about the Hobbit it was supposed to go with those movies so there might not be any gap not sure.... Or they might be coming out with new movies... All in all it was fun went with my mother and didn't see it 3D at the market arcade on Christmas there popcorn is good but different kinda tastes like Corn.......
Now some people like to say that movies have meanings or Messages... Not saying the Hobbit does or doesn't... But you can kinda find stuff in it... Things like having faith and belief if you look.... Sure that is true of any movie......
Django Unchained .... I did like it but It wasn't Terrentino (No way I can spell either of his names right sorry) Best movie... Yes the Dialog was good and there where funny parts to it... The guy from the last one played a German again so if you don't like him then it would be a problem.... I liked him, but he makes a better conflicted nazi... I just wish there was nice naked black women but she never got nude dammit the boobs where looking pretty sweet... But with all the violence don't know as it would have passed the ratings so.... Yes it was long but QT often is :) Yeah good amount of story... Again QT so it fits... Yes some odd music that fits ..... But for me the best actor was Samuel Jackson... he was great... Yeah he was advertised but I don't think any thing really showed him... I feel as though I've seen that guy before... kinda sounds like the guy on the Cartoon (seen a couple times) The Boondocks .... Now what would be an interesting thing is to see if the term Niger is used by both whites and blacks more then the violence ... Not the first movie where QT has used it... The Term seems to fit the time though... Not sure what word they used back then but would it have fit the movie if something else I doubt it .... Everyone did a great job... And there was also a huge ending with lots more violence.....
So again if one is looking for meaning or a message ... It was for sure anti slavery.... But could that be a reflection on other things that are kinda the same? But at a certain point one could say that it is Anti Gun.... Again with the spoiler hence why it is in the tittle first... When DJango is bought The German just wants to buy him and they pull guns on him for no reason and he winds up killing them and paying them... Maybe that is pro gun but that seems anti gun to me..... Now in another scene they go into a bar (turns out it is part of the plan) but again they are told they are a threat buy scared people with guns oh wait one of them is a niger.... Kinda relates to that case in Florida a bit ..... So it is very interesting also again not saying there is a message ... But there is another aspect that I think even if the message was anti gun it does kinda glamourise gun violence .... Fun times though .... Now I just need to go see Les Mis or what ever that looks great...

Permalink: _SPOILERS_Hobbit_Django.html
Words: 751
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/30/12 02:11
Category: photos
12/27/12 10:51 - ID#57061
TSO 2012 Dec 27 2012
Oh Plus if my info is correct one of the guitar players was DonnyZ .. I forget his band's name but they where good he was on this funny show about a metal or rock band depending on what you call it... That to make money also has a kids band and that band does better it was really funny and he is pretty talented .....
Yeah each show $1 of the ticket goes to a charity ....
So I wish I could take credit for photos that look great... I pretty much turned off the flash and let the camera do everything... To be honest a lot of it is just luck... I missed a lot of the fire... But it is kinda a 3 ring circus on stage up in the air some times and the lights being lit up are part of the show.... Fun times but a lot of over load.......
On my way out Hope I didn't over do it on the photos....

I was in the 14th row in the middle of the floor... With a camera that is the snow camera as a test... It was nice to go around Christmas with them on tour some cities get them like in early Nov. sometimes... Also they have many very talented singers ... Love the rock singer chick she was awesome then they do back up with the other singers as well....

Permalink: TSO_2012_Dec_27_2012.html
Words: 463
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/27/12 10:51
Category: philosophy
12/26/12 07:39 - ID#57059
Shootings? Westboro ..
I don't know where Webster is other then it is near Rochester some place.. This story made national news... I guess that is a good thing.....Now both Things have a few things in common.. Other then it seeming like the guy who did this was a crazy and that someone who got guns shouldn't have been able to but there is a 3rd thing and I'm not counting that one of the people shot had the same type of gun as the shooter in Newton....
I think when we look to what causes this kind of thing there are many factors but I think we need to go back and look at the news.. The glamourize this kind of thing and make people famous.. Now not saying that caused this directly.. But when news is also entertainment it does mess with people a bit.... I'm sorry but they shouldn't be doing stories on the funerals of the people who died... Leave the families alone... Don't put all there names in the paper just say how many move on... Want to call them 26 angels fine... But reading all there names is to much..... That leads into my next thing...
The Westboro Baptist Church (yes there is an online petition to make them a hate group as much as I think they are I don't agree whom is next if we allow this) Protested at The Funerals or at least some of them .. Saw a picture on facebook where a bunch of Bikers became angels and blocked the protester ... Now I can't confirm that this will happen for sure but they are supposed to protest at the dead Fire Fighters funerals this is so bad......
Now if I understand the way they think ... They think what I would call old testament... They think that when we sin.. Or go along with sin... Or allow sin... Or say sin isn't sin (Currently gay sex) ... That god Punishes us ... I know it seems a bit crazy but it really isn't... If one believes the Bible is true ... Then what happened to plagues where are they.... So it would make sense that the new way is to make bad things happen... I guess HIV fits right in with that... Now of course they could just be really good at getting their name out there and might not believe this....
But you know they do have a bit of way of thinking that kinda makes a bit of sense... What we do does cause things to happen... You don't need faith to think that way... Karma is an example you know what comes around goes around... So it is a common way to think....
Again I don't agree with them... I'm talking about a kinda way of thinking... That what we do causes other things to happen... But see I think us not treating people the same is what causes the shootings, us not accepting people... Some often Christians don't act like "Real Christians " they want to judge and hold people down but "Real Christians" may not agree with you but they don't judge and treat you any different... They with out sin cast the first stone... Again though you don't need faith for this thought tough ... I think if we all treated people better we wouldn't get crazy people like this... How many times are people mean (Think back to being a kid) and everyone laughs ... Most comedy works off of different norms of societies .... I'm not saying to ban comedy ... But there is a big part of it that here I am I'm better then that person.. Lets laugh at that fool of course you can laugh with them also....
I can't really answer the question .... Micheal Moore tried 10 years ago and really didn't... Yeah our love of Guns and Genocide and violence for sure is a factor but the percentage of people who go out on mass acts is so small... But what about other murders (not in self defense ) ... See I think we have this Idea that yeah it ok cause we are right or in some cases just... Again maybe if we treated people better this wouldn't happen?

Permalink: Shootings_Westboro_.html
Words: 768
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/26/12 07:39
Category: holiday
12/24/12 11:47 - ID#57044
Christmas or something 2012
So There was just What I'll call the Santa Parade and it reminds me that Buffalo use to have what was the Toys For tots Parade ... It was on Grant St. but often not Advertised and over the years it got farther away from Christmas and have no idea when or if it stopped ...
So I posted Privately about how tough sometimes it is to deal with family... But did gifts at my mothers House .... Then the niece will do gifts with her mother at her house... Think that makes more sense then all of us doing gifts over there... I remember as a kid liking to go to aunts on the eve opening stuff at my place and then there was another place called down home or Open houses it was crazy but fun... See this way Maya can see her father and not worry time wise... Also if they want to do something else... So making cookies and the cat and stuff.....
Towne Above
OH Yeah Merry Christmas it is odd that I want to put a hashtag in every where....:) Oh yeah or what ever holiday(s) you do... Even if that means you work for 7 days in a row and then go some place or take a trip or what ever enjoy.....

Permalink: Christmas_or_something_2012.html
Words: 377
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/24/12 11:47
Category: photos
12/18/12 06:51 - ID#57009
Open Practice
So These Pictures where taken After the Event at the Alumni Plaza.. Now When it first Debuted people did go and they had an event but do to the NHL it wasn't like how it could have been with a game and very special ... I believe the Yellow blocks are the people who paid for their name to help cover the cost .......
Now Last Year thing where a bit different they had the practice and then at the end they had everyone run out with the Anniversary Jersey on but this year the players started with them on... But the Bandetes hit the floor 1st... The odd thin is the software that goes kinda with the camera I have didn't put the pictures in the exact order so here goes think these might be in the right order....
So From here Some more pictures of the Open Practice but I like to try and put up what I assume are the best or most important photos first in a case like this... had some Youtube issues other wise I'd post a few videos ....
I wasn't going to get a new Jersey but at 25% off hey why not Happy Birthday to me.. Now one way to go might have been to get white with no name but didn't want to miss any of the practice and then have people sign it.. I didn't want to get a name though and then not get that person to sign it so I skipped the signing ..... Now the white ones look better then the black ones they almost look like a racing jersey or something... What looks like grey and like Bs but keeping a black one clean will be tough enough.. OH yeah 23rd is my Birthday ... Yeah 40 means I ain't young no more and it ain't so easy.. On the Day I'll be Watching what ever Football is on... Think there might be a couple of (e:peeps) that are on here but aren't on Facebook if yeah know me slide on in to Casa on Elmwood at about 8pm... That may have missed the invite... Not saying anyone has to go or anything... Of course I wish I had the money to through my self a stag with Strippers Or even just Burlesque some place... To be clear that is the 22nd.... If it wasn't so close to Christmas A vegas trip would have been great also... If I had my Papers Toronto would have been great... Now lets just hope the Team is good this Year it should be we shall see...

Permalink: Open_Practice.html
Words: 677
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/18/12 06:51
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