Category: sex
04/03/11 02:48 - ID#53971
Cheer leading sexualized Kids
But see there is an ugly side to it as well.... Lets face it At the college level or higher have you ever seen an ugly cheerleader ...UM no... Have you ever seen a fat one..... No.... Yes some may carry a bit of weight but they aren't fat but I bet they are solid and have huge tits that fit their build.... So what does this say to young ladies well I think it says you have to look like this to do this.... I think that can be driving force to be fit but can also lead to other problems But not like modeling cause being thin if you don't have the strength to dance and lift people is no good....
The Point that all cheerleaders at least from College on are hot is what gets me to my point. Are they there cause they love the school.... Or is it to keep tabs on their athlete boy friends.... What ever the reason in the end it comes down to that Men watch them and are entertained by them... Hey when your team is playing bad it is a good distraction and in some sports might get fans into the game.... Again the point here is that these women are showing off there stuff to men.... It isn't like I'm licking this sucker that is way bigger then your cock and since I can take it in a can swallow you and your balls..... But there is still a sexual under current there of showing off the goods and moves to men..... Well when you have the JR. Team out on the field that is what you are doing... When you get kids ready for that you are teaching them to show off the goods.... That is just wrong......
I get that the hot sexy Cheer leaders in high school need to learn from some program some place.... But again here is a case where young High School Girls get to show off their stuff at football and Basketball games.... Granted to other students not a big deal but what about when the 3 dads are all checking out the girls that aren't their daughter.... Or in many cases it is dads or moms in some cases that come out to watch someone they know play the sport and as a side thing check out the hot underage girls.... I admit not sure how cheer leading in High School is now but I'm sure everyone who makes the squad is fully developed and look like they could be in College... Dad or Mom or whomever can't tell 16-19 looks wise I mean they know they are underage but looks sure do fool them....
So Yes I do think that kids are sexualized by cheer leading and they don't even know it... At some point and I have no idea at what age they put on make up and those outfits....
On a side note Penn & Teller had a great episode of their show Bullshit about Cheer leading and about how it is not considered a sport when it should be......

Permalink: Cheer_leading_sexualized_Kids.html
Words: 618
Last Modified: 04/03/11 02:48
Category: sex
01/31/11 08:09 - ID#53524
Spartacus + Hardcore Porn= A little bit gay?
Oh yeah also if I offend anyone I'm sorry I don't mean to.. There is nothing wrong with being gay or bi. Yes there are some sterotypes and hopefully I don't use any of them. Again I'm not bashing or attacking anyone here at all... So again if anyone does read this just finish and see if what I wrote makes any sense it may not....
The Place to start is with the Movie 300... I know I few people when it came out (sorry don't have the links to it) wrote reviews of it. Visually it was amazing. That aspect and not the story is what I want to point out. Yes wearing little trunks and having everyone be all cut and looking like body builders with killer abs is pretty macho and pretty bad ass.... But Come on isn't also a bit gay... If you can have a metal shield and sword why not armor why are you showing off the build and the wang when fighting men? But maybe all Gladiator are a bit gay. It would kinda make sense since I have heard some place gay sex as being "Greek Style".. But it also kinda fits with some of those famous lines from the Airplane movies "Ever been to a Turkish Prison" "Ever seen a grown man naked" and "Do you like Gladiator movies"... Or maybe they where pedophile jokes or both not sure...
Starz had this series Called Spartacus blood and sand. This season they are having a 6 episode season of stuff that happened before hand. So far the violence is great. The Sex and nudity is great.. Lucy Lawless doesn't look like Zena but wow she is hot and even better nude along with her friend (if anyone is a true friend on that show with all the betrayers is hard to know)... There is a story line that is good as well.. But back to the sex for a minute. That being said though this year unless I missed it there hasn't been any cock shown. For some that is a good thing. Last season it seemed like they showed a lot. There was this one scene where (I want to say lucreaia not sure if that is right) picks out a guy and she says the one with the horse cock and they show him... Not that I'm on the set measuring guys but It sure looked to me like flaccid he had around 8-9 inches .... I'm impressed wish I was hung like that a guy who could blow him self..... [There once was a man from Nantucket Whose cock was so long he could suck it, as he wiped off his chin he said with a grin "If my ear was a cunt I would Fuck it"]. Now I'm not giving away to much... There are a few (not sure whom) who know what I don't have... There are a few who know or have seen some of what I have.. There might even be a few (e:peeps) that know exactly what I have not really sure on that last one ... For anyone of you in any sense of the word that know what you know that is fine and for people who don't I'm not posting any pictures or getting into it more then I have here.... I also won't be doing any charts or studies or anything else along those lines... Now there maybe some pictures out there someplace that have been seen on other sites but I kinda doubt it........
Ok Back to Spartacus... Last season there was war and fighting and the battle to be a Champion Gladiator.. So the violence was pretty good... But part of what made it so good is that it was driven by story and so many people turning on one another... Oh yeah and honor and wanting to not be a slave and wanting money and power and sex... Oh yeah the sex was really good.. Now so far this season is about How we got the fighters we had and how they got to the arena and again the story, sex and gore is great... I like how they make the blood look as opposed to the real look they have way to much to make it look that way. Yes there is two gay Gladiators but it isn't like they are looked down on and in both seasons there have been women with women or women watching men and women get it on... Again as though it is great or at least not negative...
One thing that I was thinking about trying for fun sometime just to see if it would work is (might not for me but sure it would for many ha, Well unless you are that persons lover then fail! HA) assuming I could find the time and the gallons of fluid to drink is: Watch the first season on Demand (13 episodes) that is a feat in its own.... But then to try and get off during the sex scenes... My Theory is that as hot as they are that it wouldn't work. My guess is that they are shot so that they are short so that they can have story and gore be the main thing.... If that is the reason you are watching then maybe you should be watching a porno instead and I think the show is trying to get away from that and show how great (from some perspectives) things where back then.......
Ok hope someone is still reading this not that they will ever talk to me again now Ha! Lets face it Porn is a huge business and there are very different kinds. Everyone who is of a certain age has seen some kind for some it might be walking in on the roommate and watching or animal planet or looking through a bedroom window, or playboy. If you don't believe me there is even an etrade ad where one baby hits the back button and it is wildebeests going at it and he wants the link sent to him .... It is funny if you have never seen it..
My Point that I was trying to get to is you have different levels of porn... Some there isn't any Nudity or not much bondage and Leather stuff (from what I have heard) some times it is just the outfits or those kinky boots... Then you have the porn like playboy and some other sites and things that are just boobs... boobs are great and for some they work. But for some they need to see that nice pussy or at least a hint at it....
Girl on Girl Porn is the best it really is.. I have heard of guys just sitting around and watching it for hours.. Yes Girls gone wild is one form of it.. Chicks (again from what I have heard never seen it myself somehow ) who are all ways hot show their tits and sometimes make out with a chick but that is about as far as it goes.. For some guys (and ladies also) that is perfect they get to see some hot girls who look like that girl they know or that girl they see in class but don't really know and then sometimes they really do know her or see her around town or campus or work or where ever... This level of porn is great cause there are no guys who wants to see a gross guy and that really does make sense....
The next level we shall call skinomax yes the skin movies on cinemax or other cable shows.. I wonder if anyone watches for the story or if these are really aimed at couples.. Se they have story between the scenes and there is making out.. I call this the next level cause yeah sometimes it is girl on girl or boy girl or even some combo of people... This stuff is good cause it shows sex and in some you might see some muff but not a lot. but you won't see any dick (unless this has Changed). At the same time though the sex is pretty hot (this is mostly the level of Spartacus I think)...
Now I can admit I have no idea what makes something X or XXX. But the next level is my Favorite and that is Hardcore porn. Now if you enjoy hardcore porn sorry but You (me included ) are a little bit gay. That is unless of course you just watch girl on girl with toys. In hardcore you see penetration and flaccid and hard cocks. There are all sorts of other things as well. Granted just cause you like to see a girl suck the dick and see the dick or see the balls on her ass or watch the jizz hit her face Doesn't make you gay.. But to be honest you are enjoying see both people naked so you are at least a little bit bi... Now I'm not saying that being a little bit bi in watching a porno makes you like guys or makes you gay or makes you want to look for cock on the internet... But it is a bit gay to watch a guy jerk himself off (why don't the girls do this more often) onto a women. I myself like to watch all kinds of things but nothing to far out there... As gross as cum is they sure make it look cool in these movies girls kissing and exchanging fluids sure looks hot.... I have heard some of this is faked not sure I know it looks hot though... I won't even touch on the cum shots videos or the ones where like a bunch of guys line up a spill their seed on one girl.... That is very gay but there is nothing wrong with that.... I include my self in this if you are a boy and enjoy Hardcore Porn you are a little tiny bit gay... Again you are enjoying looking at dick the hot chick is the reason but you are still enjoying it so.........
Well that is about all I've got hope it kinda makes sense didn't prof read it or anything........

Permalink: Spartacus_Hardcore_Porn_A_little_bit_gay_.html
Words: 1824
Last Modified: 01/31/11 08:09
Category: sex
09/23/10 07:14 - ID#52824
Weekend Plans BDSM? S&M? Kink?
I'm no expert on Kink and BDSM or what ever you want to call it. I think there is a stigma to it still. But only cause people really don't get it. See thinking something is kinky is just a prespective based on what you like. If you like to lay there like a dead fish and make the guy do everthing some people would look at that as boaring but some would love it. This applies the other way. Sex has many flavors and colors and different people like different things at different times, just cause I guy likes his balls pulled on or licking a boot or something that isn't all the person likes. I also think that a lot of people don't think of fetish stuff as fetish stuff unless it is something wild. For example at bachlor parties some times the striper rides the guy like a pony or dog or something around the bar and nothing is thought of that. Spankings are thought of as cute. Whip cream cute and fun (foodie I think is the term) and other sauces as well. hand cuffs, pulling hair and maybe some other things are all really part of that world but often aren't thought of that way. It should be a good time we shall see. Oh yeah there are things that are gross to me that just the thought of kinda makes me sick, but for some that is what they like or like to try or what ever......... Who knows maybe with some luck I'll miss football on sunday :)
Now again assuming I'm not with a midgit and a sledge hammer in a box on an island, HA. The plan is to go a stag party on Saturday, should be a great time. Hoping to see strippers and have bose and maybe win some porn. I'd rather drink the stripper but that ain't happenning and even if it could I don't have that much money.
Then some where in those two days maybe see a movie, The Town looks realy good or maybe just watch some porn :), wait I'm low on it oh well, skinamax maybe mix it up with this one series that is mostly black girls Zane's. I would really just catch a movie......
Sunday is football all day long
Tonight hoping to stay awake for all of bones and fringe then flip over to TNA,..........

Permalink: Weekend_Plans_BDSM_S_M_Kink_.html
Words: 467
Last Modified: 09/23/10 07:14
Category: sex
09/06/10 05:38 - ID#52671
Way To Young For Makeup
NBA Teams, LaCrosse Teams and some hockey teams have some kind of Dance Team type of Cheerleaders. It is pretty common. Lets face it guys and some girls like to watch curvy girls (who also support the team) move in that way. The Bandettes had what the call Jr. Bandettes. If you want your kid to learn how to do that fine, but and here is the but. You have to sit there and watch the moves and how they dress and how they are made up. This are kids they shouldn't be dancing to Suggestive music and be made up like some girl on the chip strip trying to take a guy or two home.... Not so much with them as with dance but some of that stuff might not be right for kids. Remember they will at some point be out dancing in front of all the fans and some who want the other team to win. Once they are on that public stage anyone who wants can video (it will be on the jumbo tron) and take pictures. Once you let your child do that, all that is fair game......
I'm not picking on the Badettes at all, I think the last time they did it they had a family show and the girls where dressed like how they should be. That being said there are many festivals that have kids dancing in public where they are recorded. This is never a problem with the Irish Dancers they all ways have those outfits on that, cover everything and if there is some make up it just goes along with the hair, it isn't like they are trying to be some model on some magazine.....
I love Music Is Art and their Festival and it is coming up on Saturday. There is a lot of dancing in it. What worries me is that they are going to have some young kids trying to look like adults. I'm sorry that is just wrong. Why would (like fathers with kids in sports) force your Daughter (yes sometimes) to dance and go with the Pageant look (picture that ramsey girl who vanished). I'm sorry that just isn't right. I'm not saying they shouldn't dance, just don't dress them up that way. Dancing isn't about sex or being alluring but some dances are and those kids shouldn't be doing . Often times people don't listen to lyrics a good example of this is the Janet Jackson thing. That entire song is very sexual if people where listening they would have turned the channel before the boob came out. So the boob is bad but all the suggestive lyrics are ok? What. But see what happened fits into what the song is about.
So here is what happened .At the national Buffalo Chicken wing Festival they have a main stage where they have acts. On sunday I get there early and get my spot so I can watch the Miss Buffalo Wing contest. Before the contest starts they have dancers come out. You have video people putting it on the big board, and all kinds of other Video and photo graph people. So then after the contest starts along the way between Events they bring out dancers. One of them I couldn't watch hardly you could see her ribs and she had way to much make up on, she was pretty good, but I got the feeling she was forced into dance (the rib thing). So during one of the performances some dude and his son (looking at me like he thinks he's a tough guy). If I'm person I wish I was that kid would would be out cold for that look. Now the second he tried to block my shot I should have said hey ass hole your blocking my shot, there is a Pageant going on here, I also wish I could have thought of something to say to provoke those two to hit me. I would have loved to seen them taken off in handcuffs and shown whom ever they know how out of line they where, not to mention all the news people/media. But I couldn't think of the fact that most kidnapping and that kind of thing is by people or the parents know. The guy pretty much said that what Business did I have taking pictures of kids. I told him I take pictures of everything, what I should have said was this. "Sir you see that stage, well that is a video Camera and you see that Camera guy, if you don't like your daughter being recorded don't have her on stage " Then he threatens me to walk away. I should have called him out and here is why.
He tried to say with out saying it that I'm a sicko. Like I came there to get off to little kids then threatens me. I have no respect for a person like that. All he had to do was come and talk like a man not an animal. "Dude see that girl there that is so and so Ijust ask that you not take any more pictures of her and don't post any, see that I could respect. But he wants to assume and Judge me, so fuck him. If he spoke to me like a man then I would not post pictures and that would be the end of it. Did he not see me take pictures of the Models?
The point is if you put your child into any form of entertainment. If you can't handle them being recorded then don't put them on a stage. If you have a kid that dances look at the outfits before hand, and know the songs and the dance steps. Remember that they will be doing this in public and you have no control over who watches them. Also you need to know what the performances are part of. As Much as I like "The Wing Festival" Looking back I have to say 1. I'm all for Pagents and think that they are good for women but still are very sexaul. 2. Cause of 1 kids shouldn't dance at them..........

Permalink: Way_To_Young_For_Makeup.html
Words: 1069
Last Modified: 09/06/10 05:38
Category: sex
09/06/10 05:38 - ID#52670
Way To Young For Makeup
NBA Teams, LaCrosse Teams and some hockey teams have some kind of Dance Team type of Cheerleaders. It is pretty common. Lets face it guys and some girls like to watch curvy girls (who also support the team) move in that way. The Bandettes had what the call Jr. Bandettes. If you want your kid to learn how to do that fine, but and here is the but. You have to sit there and watch the moves and how they dress and how they are made up. This are kids they shouldn't be dancing to Suggestive music and be made up like some girl on the chip strip trying to take a guy or two home.... Not so much with them as with dance but some of that stuff might not be right for kids. Remember they will at some point be out dancing in front of all the fans and some who want the other team to win. Once they are on that public stage anyone who wants can video (it will be on the jumbo tron) and take pictures. Once you let your child do that, all that is fair game......
I'm not picking on the Badettes at all, I think the last time they did it they had a family show and the girls where dressed like how they should be. That being said there are many festivals that have kids dancing in public where they are recorded. This is never a problem with the Irish Dancers they all ways have those outfits on that, cover everything and if there is some make up it just goes along with the hair, it isn't like they are trying to be some model on some magazine.....
I love Music Is Art and their Festival and it is coming up on Saturday. There is a lot of dancing in it. What worries me is that they are going to have some young kids trying to look like adults. I'm sorry that is just wrong. Why would (like fathers with kids in sports) force your Daughter (yes sometimes) to dance and go with the Pageant look (picture that ramsey girl who vanished). I'm sorry that just isn't right. I'm not saying they shouldn't dance, just don't dress them up that way. Dancing isn't about sex or being alluring but some dances are and those kids shouldn't be doing . Often times people don't listen to lyrics a good example of this is the Janet Jackson thing. That entire song is very sexual if people where listening they would have turned the channel before the boob came out. So the boob is bad but all the suggestive lyrics are ok? What. But see what happened fits into what the song is about.
So here is what happened .At the national Buffalo Chicken wing Festival they have a main stage where they have acts. On sunday I get there early and get my spot so I can watch the Miss Buffalo Wing contest. Before the contest starts they have dancers come out. You have video people putting it on the big board, and all kinds of other Video and photo graph people. So then after the contest starts along the way between Events they bring out dancers. One of them I couldn't watch hardly you could see her ribs and she had way to much make up on, she was pretty good, but I got the feeling she was forced into dance (the rib thing). So during one of the performances some dude and his son (looking at me like he thinks he's a tough guy). If I'm person I wish I was that kid would would be out cold for that look. Now the second he tried to block my shot I should have said hey ass hole your blocking my shot, there is a Pageant going on here, I also wish I could have thought of something to say to provoke those two to hit me. I would have loved to seen them taken off in handcuffs and shown whom ever they know how out of line they where, not to mention all the news people/media. But I couldn't think of the fact that most kidnapping and that kind of thing is by people or the parents know. The guy pretty much said that what Business did I have taking pictures of kids. I told him I take pictures of everything, what I should have said was this. "Sir you see that stage, well that is a video Camera and you see that Camera guy, if you don't like your daughter being recorded don't have her on stage " Then he threatens me to walk away. I should have called him out and here is why.
He tried to say with out saying it that I'm a sicko. Like I came there to get off to little kids then threatens me. I have no respect for a person like that. All he had to do was come and talk like a man not an animal. "Dude see that girl there that is so and so Ijust ask that you not take any more pictures of her and don't post any, see that I could respect. But he wants to assume and Judge me, so fuck him. If he spoke to me like a man then I would not post pictures and that would be the end of it. Did he not see me take pictures of the Models?
The point is if you put your child into any form of entertainment. If you can't handle them being recorded then don't put them on a stage. If you have a kid that dances look at the outfits before hand, and know the songs and the dance steps. Remember that they will be doing this in public and you have no control over who watches them. Also you need to know what the performances are part of. As Much as I like "The Wing Festival" Looking back I have to say 1. I'm all for Pagents and think that they are good for women but still are very sexaul. 2. Cause of 1 kids shouldn't dance at them..........

Permalink: Way_To_Young_For_Makeup.html
Words: 1069
Last Modified: 09/06/10 05:38
Category: sex
06/27/10 11:58 - ID#52048
Federal Common Law Idea
Some states have common law marriage or even Partner rights. Why not have this at a federal level. When two people share the same home or live together (kids or not). They go down to a Federal building or court house of some kind and prove they live together. If there are kids then prove where and when they have them. At this point they are registered as a federal union. After so many years maybe 5-7 somewhere in there. They then go back and they file a formal request to joined. Someone verifies it and they are legally one.
At this time if there are any other legal things like a prenup that would be handed over then.
Again Both people would be there.
This would not be a marriage but legally it would be the same in terms of laws and rights.
Religion and faith would have nothing to do with it.
Just the couple would be there in like an office it wouldn't be with other people like you might do with a Justice of the peace.
There would be a process of when people separate to dissolve the contract.
Once you are registered and you separate not letting the feds know would be a crime even before the 5 years.
If you move onto someone else then you let the feds know and then you could live with someone else.
The fact that it is federal and not state is very important. The register would be set up so that you can't live with someone in FL and CA at the same time. That would be a crime just like being married to two people would be. See at the state level this wouldn't be trackable. The other problem is at the state level two people could be "A legal Couple" then move to a different state that doesn't recognize this agreement and then there goes the rights you have. But also think about how crazy Health Care could be. Each Company would have different rules for different states.
The Bottom line is this. I think that everyone should be treated the same, and if you are a family you are a family. It is to bad that we need the government to intervene. Not that I think this will happen but I think it should.

Permalink: Federal_Common_Law_Idea.html
Words: 450
Last Modified: 06/27/10 11:58
Category: sex
03/28/10 10:40 - ID#51279
Being Single is weird but ...........
The Movies: So when I go to the movies I like to go early in the day. There some reasons for this. It is Cheaper. It is bad enough if you don't like the movie and then to add that extra cash in. There is less of a crowd. I'm sorry but I want to sit where I want to sit I don't want to have to do an obstacle course of people to find my seat. Plus at night is when a lot of assholes come out, also trouble makers, that is why the cheap show on elmwood closed. Going by myself I can choose what movie and when to go. Now Dating someone we would first have to choose a movie, I think finding one we both would like might be tough. Hey if we don't like the same type of movie then maybe we should just end it then right? Then we have to figure out when and where to go and all that back and fourth argh. Then since I'm the guy it would be 2 tickets and you can't go with a date with out getting the food, Have you seen the prices? They often don't even have the collectable movie promo bags anymore, argh...... I'm guessing with the added cost it would be down to one movie a month at the best.
Sports: This year I have Bandits Season tickets and if they make the playoffs then I will have to get those as well. I sit right on the glass, have no idea how I got that lucky again. I also got lucky in that the people next to me on my left are pretty cool. Now assuming the person I was with liked the games or wanted to go well then. There is no way would be on the glass. Then the ticket prices would double again 2 tickets. I like to go down early and eat and watch all the warm ups. That leads to how would we work that out. Now what happens if we break up during the season how on earth would we work that out? Who's tickets are they really? If she is a fan she isn't going to want to stop going and neither would I.
Some of what I mentioned is true of the sabres also. This year for the first time ever I got a mini pack. Well it is kinda a mini pack but for some reason didn't have all the benefits of the other ones. I think it was 6 games. Again the same stuff applies here 2 tickets so farther away from the ice. Double the price from tickets and food. I'm guessing do to the bandits it would be down to 1 or 2 sabres games at the most. Now money wise I would go with the bandits but she might want the sabres. Of course both of these assume she likes sports, hey maybe she would rather just go with her girls but I doubt it.
(e:strip) events. Ok I admit I think it would make those more fun. Well assuming she likes the (e:peeps). Nice Parties and get togethers are better with two. Plus she could take some pictures and if she Joined the site take some of the pressure of off the Peterazzi. The down side is that entire do you want to stay for like a certain time or just see what happens? That entire nogociate thing ?Argh
I thought I was going to go on for longer but I kinda ran out of steam. Other then to say concerts would be the same way. When I go to a show I like to see the openers. I'm sorry people who come in and only see the main act piss me off. You know why your main act is a main act now, because people found out about them when they where an opener. Then of course figuring who we want to see together could be interesting, hopefully we like the same bands or one of us is really going to want to blow our brains out.

Permalink: Being_Single_is_weird_but_.html
Words: 765
Category: sex
11/07/09 05:20 - ID#50243
Pain For Pleasure (2nd of day)
I'm not going to sit here and say I love pain, that would be a lie. Lots of pain like most people I hate. But that being said there is some that feels pretty good in the right amount. Me being a whimp it isn't a lot. Not going to say what I like and don't like again a lot of that is biased on what and how what is done. I'm also not going to lie and say "I'm In The life Style" Or "I'm In the Scene" that wouldn't be true either.
From what I understand a lot of the really fun stuff all has some kind of restrenat or tie up aspect to it. Yes that is pretty hot to see. But I have lots of trust issues. As much fun as it would be to go to some bar and tell some chick "hey you look pretty hot why don't you tie me to your bed and use me for what ever you want". First of all that wouldn't be safe when she forgets to mention the boy friend or that she is behind on the rent, HA. Second I don't even have enough of that trust for someone I kinda know I don't think.
This post sounded better in my head. What got me thinking about this was this morning I remembered that Dark Parties is coming to Club Diablo on Thanksgiving Eve. I missed them the last time they where here but I want to make sure I go this time. At the very least I can have a few and get a little shit faced (I don't mean fecalphalie aka shit play, not sure what it is and don't want to find out, gross). I'm still not sure how the day before thanksgiving got turned into a giant drinking holiday, you would think you don't want to be hung over on thanksgiving but maybe people drink a lot that day also so they don't notice it.
I some how feel that I didn't say what I want to but not sure where I went off the mark, hope everyone has had and continues to have a great weekend.

Permalink: Pain_For_Pleasure_2nd_of_day_.html
Words: 398
Category: sex
12/11/08 07:03 - ID#47029
Elmwood Hate Mail

I will admit that this story doesn't really fit under sex. But if you think of homosexuality or heterosexuality then a guess sex is an ok subject. This article surprised me a little bit because I think of Elmwood as being progressive. But that doesn't mean that everyone is that way who shops there, and it also doesn't mean that people who read artvoice are all progressive either.

Updated: 12/11/08 08:05 AM
Anti-gay hate mail targets Elmwood businesses
Anonymous letters threaten boycott
By Phil Fairbanks
An anonymous anti-gay hate mail letter sent to Elmwood Village businesses last month is under investigation by city officials.
No one is sure who sent the letter, which arrived in people's mailboxes two weeks ago, but city human rights officials believe it may be linked to a recent weekly newspaper's guide listing local businesses that support homosexual rights.
Many of those same businesses received the letter criticizing their support of gays and lesbians, and threatening to boycott their business.
"I was hurt. I was angry. I was afraid," said Michael Gillis, co-owner of Elmwood Framing and Interiors on Elmwood Avenue. "This is how I make my living."
Gillis said a number of businesses received the letter, which arrived the day before Thanksgiving, but most business owners are too afraid to speak out.
For that reason and others, city officials are taking the letter's threatening language seriously and have opened an investigation in hopes of finding out who wrote it.
"It seems like someone is targeting the Elmwood Village area and the gay and lesbian community," said Crystal J. Rodriquez, executive director of the Commission on Citizens' Rights and Community Relations.
Rodriquez said the letter is believed to be linked to a holiday shopping guide in Artvoice, a local weekly newspaper. The guide listed businesses that support gay and lesbian rights.
"I want the person who wrote this letter to know that we don't tolerate this type of thing in Buffalo," Rodriquez said Wednesday.
For Gillis, there was one encouraging consequence to the whole affair. A large number of people - judges, lawyers, ministers and more than a few customers - made a point of calling him to offer their sympathy and support.
"One nut case," he said, "made me realize what a great place Buffalo is."
The city's hate mail investigation came up during the first meeting of the Common Council's revamped Police Oversight Committee. The panel was formed to act as a liaison between the community and the Buffalo Police Department.
"This committee was not formed to beat up on the Police Department," said Ellicott Council Member Brian C. Davis, who is heading the new committee.
One of the first issues the committee took up was the case of Cariol Horne, the former Buffalo police officer who lost her job for scuffling with other officers during an arrest in November 2006. Horne claims the officers were improperly subduing a suspect.
While Horne watched from the gallery Wednesday, a number of supporters called on the Council to step up its oversight of police.
They also referred to several new and unrelated allegations against the officer - then-Police Officer Greg Kwiatkowski - who Horne claims punched her in the face.
"They were not accurate," Rodriquez said of the new allegations against Kwiatkowski. "And it's important to set the record straight."
Rodriquez said that Horne's case is still under investigation but that the three new and separate allegations against Kwiatkowski, which were reported in a community newspaper, were proved to be unfounded.
Kwiatkowski, who has been cleared of any wrongdoing by several authorities and has since been promoted to lieutenant, could not be reached to comment.
Horne's supporters, meanwhile, promised to press their case against him.
"We'll continue to fight the insult that followed the injury," Sabirah Muhammad said of Kwiatkowski's promotion. "I'm very disturbed by what I'm hearing today."
Horne and the suspect, David Neal Mack, have filed a joint multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the city over the incident and her firing.
I will admit that there is something I don't get. I can understand if you don't like people who are gay. I can understand If you don't want to be near them or shop where they shop. I can understand someone sending a letter saying that they won't shop someplace because they don't want to be around gays. But this sounds like it is the next step and that is what I don't get. Whey would you try to get people not to shop someplace because they let gays shop there or are gay friendly I don't get it. Yes boycotts sometimes do work for somethings and have been used my the socaily consuseus but this is not that. This seems more like a thereat from what I'm reading. I guess if I felt that way then maybe I could understand it.

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11/22/08 06:15 - ID#46799
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