Category: philosophy
11/16/12 06:40 - ID#56894
Reality? Break from it ?
2nd I guess the category fits it could also be TV since I will be talking about that but I have way more of those(TV as Subject) so I put it there....
Maybe it is just cause I was never very good in English or maybe it is just that blogs are thoughts really and not a paper but sometimes not sure where to start...
I think that I (and maybe many others) have a break from reality.. What is real can you even tell anymore...Are well all really just in some one else's dream..How could you tell well you couldn't but...... Some times there is something that is important and powerful and sad and heavy (Funeral or wake or what ever you call it) and your mind goes to some other place far away..... [not good by the way]
- 1 What is the truth : When I was growing up we where all told the news was real and that it was true... But then somewhere along the line we learned that us and "The Russians" used propaganda ... But see if that was in the past how do we know that the lie isn't the word past and that there are just new forms of it...
Now I can't tell you how many times I've Heard if you want the truth listen to fox news.... Now if we believe that fox tells the truth then other stations must be lying... But wait or is it that Foxnews is the one lying... Now what I suspect is that in most stories there are many facts and different angles and different people choose to use different ones to push their view on the news...
Take this one step further I think the show is called something like Western New York Living... I watched and entire episode once and thought it was good.. Then I noticed at the end (only cause they have to by law) some of the stuff they reported on where paid segments ... In other words they can't say it was crap if it was cause they are paid for that part of the show by said company....ARGH....
Any one of my age grew up and at least knows about star wars. At the time we are told Luke's farther died no big deal... Luke doesn't give in to the Dark Side, in that cave or whatever.... Until "Luke I'm your Farther" "NO!!" now we all see the rage but it doesn't work.. But see from the Jedi Perspective (now if you are reading this and haven't seen them now you have to and the new ones also) little Ani did die and some where along the way VADER is Born Or pulled out of lava depending on where one thinks he turns..... The point being is the truth isn't easy to see and can very.... (how ever we at the time just think he killed lukes father)
- 2 Entertainment as escape .. There are many forms of entertainment from music to reading watching TV or movies seeing art.. But both books and movies and TV all work on the same Idea tell a story.... For now I'm just talking about or would that be writing; about the stories that aren't say historical or based exactly on what happened... I grew up on comic books and they got turned into cartoons and moves... and with all this what makes it work is that you escape you see zombies or vampires or other planets all kinds of great adventures...
I think though that some of this starts to break our grip on reality a little bit.. The Character isn't this guy on a pirate ship who is going to get cursed it is Johnny Depp as an example... So this escape now gets attached to someone who is real and line starts to blur a bit....
In terms of TV some of the best shows are Character Driven ... Anyone who was a fan of firefly as soon as they see those actors in any thing else it is like what... Ah man that movie really sucked but the capt sure had a great part in it... Or another example is House... At first look it is about medical stuff and yeah that is a big part of the show... But it is really about house and how he interacts with everyone.... What it really is, was a mystery show.. And as the series was ending makers of the show admitted yeah House is supposed to be like Holmes and Wilson like Watson... With the deep connection to characters who seem real breaks the reality line a little bit... Now that sounds crazy but.. I'm sure many people have wished they had a doctor as good as House in real life and would put up with all his shit to have one... Nice crack in reality....
- 3 TVs and Moves are made and are supposed to be an escape oh and books also.....
A Quick example is Malcolm X ... There was a book.. Spike Lee made a movie based off the book.. Now I don't know if the book was what is known as authorized in other words the family said yeah that is true but no you can't write that or how that works... But at the time people said "Spike you fucked up the movie" I thought the movie was great.. How true not sure.. Very powerful though wow.. I think the movie was put out as a true story but can't remember.. But of course in a movie they have to make it dramatic but this conflict can break reality a little bit....
Now since Most people(not everyone) takes in information as this is fun this isn't true then that is how we think of things in that form.. And that messes with us when we see things that are real or are supposed to be...
Take the show the real world (Europe 1st) what a great idea for a show.. It is supposed to be real.. But of course things are set up in way so that it isn't really like living with other people yeah some of it is.... But no TV or least you can't show it... When ever you go any where you have to let the crew know, certain places they can't film so you can't go...Drugs are banned but Alcohol is fine... Some places they don't have the rights to show the name of so....But it is presented as real and a lot of it is even though it is kinda set up... But this is a case where what is real is blurred and also our mind is kinda use to TV as entertainment so the real stuff kinda isn't...
I think where the idea that entertainment isn't real takes over in Documentaries and that style of show... Don't get me wrong I've seen some great ones from Spurlock alone and other shows... Yes we watch them to learn and they are on TV and real... But I still think that our mind and body in some cases it is entertainment and a bit not real so the line of what is real and not gets blurred even more.....
This is a little off Topic but it is close.. Wresltling and WWE are known for really working this a lot... Yes who is going to win the match is decided a head of time but the wrestlers work out all the moves and a choke hold put in tight would make you pass out.. And people have really been hurt bad... There are all kinds of storylines.. But there is some stuff that is real.. Think they use to call it a shoot.. That is when a wrestler talks about things that happened in the match or the company or something like that.... But sometimes something happens in real life and then later on they make it a story line.... Most recently Jerry "The King" Lawler had a legit heart attack of some kind on air after a match... I missed it live..... So there where fans who thought it was a story line... Well now he is back( couple of months?) and he is better and it is part of a storyline... In fact this is the 3rd time this has happened.... Way back when Man in the moon or what ever was made he really did attack Andy Kaufman now when Jim Carey was playing the part sorry don't remember all the details he did something to get "The king " going and he got attacked... Now where these real or was it just a way to get press who knows but again there blurres the line of what is real......
- 3a Thought I should touch on sports a tiny bit and maybe a bad example but I need to... I don't know if this really applies to sports like football and basketball but maybe it does... Or maybe it just sports one plays... I'm thinking more things you can do on your own... Yeah you can ski and are ok but unlike that video you can't out run the snow wow.... Of course in the video they don't show the other people who died doing it ...Not really but things that you see others do and you think you can or could (but you never really could) Breaks reality a bit... When I see ski or snow board tricks I think wow amazing that is some skill glad I don't have to judge... Kinda like diving I guess ... some of the tricks seem unreal but they are very real and so are the people watching them... Ok yeah reality is broken a bit....
- 4 Taking Pictures... The Camera is kinda a shield... I never thought about it before.. But in a way if you only use the view finder or screen and not your eyes away and just shoot.. You aren't watching what is there you are watching the screen and that not sure where it puts you but some place a bit away from reality ... I had never thought of that really until I heard a pro talk about that on this show called Witness on HBO... Only seen the first episode... But that also kinda explains a theory I've had for some time.. Matt has from what I've seen and not only him has all ways taken amazing looking pictures.. There is something that I don't have that I think others do... I call it the photographic eye... And what that is... They know how the camera is going to see the image or what they are taking a picture of as opposed to how it looks to them... Cause they aren't the same we have two eyes and a brain and things get flipped and there is a blind spot and with our brain we know things and we can still see things that are dark ...... But I'm not sure how that factors in I'm sure it is an ability that one might not even think about but if one does then is that another one more thing to not see what is going on as real.. Also you are there just to document or share or what ever not to be part of what is going on and so does that move you one step back and break reality a bit......
I don't know if I really had a point ... Not really sure how to write about the internet and connections on line and what effect they have.. Porn I'm sure has a huge effect but If I tried to like research that this would never get done :) But I will say this things like twitter where some model posts pictures and you might be able to talk to them a bit... I think does break reality a little bit....
Oh yeah when I said break reality I should explain.. That I think there is a line that separates them and when it is blurred or broken you can't tell what is real any more... Now what I wasn't going to say and this might be something to get into later is .. Does what you think is real make it real.. Well it at least does to you but that it only does to you might be the problem....
Yeah I do feel like I've left stuff out but not sure what... Other then that I do think being an only child for so long teaches one how to entertain them selves and I'm sure that is a factor as well some how...Being off in Fantasy land....

Permalink: Reality_Break_from_it_.html
Words: 2138
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/16/12 06:40
Category: work
11/13/12 08:06 - ID#56889
Work, unions and more (why no jobs here)
Now that brings up the fact that I have a day off of work.. Now the reason I have one is because the company calls it a Benefit even though if you don't use them you lose them... We are non union ... Unions aren't good or bad it is how they are used....
So many people aren't loyal to there work or think oh it is just work I'll blow it off... But that time you got sick and went to the doctor, that nice car, that house, the concert you went to the food on your table all that nice stuff is cause your work gives you money and benefits.. Not enough hours or pay find a 2nd job... Yes there are part time and full time jobs and I'm more talking about full time jobs.....
Now some people go union union union and that they are the savior..Um no not anymore not with the global economy.. Yes Organised labor (not all ways the same thing) is what pushed this country into safe work and better rights and Benefits... So yes workers get more.. In theory that means they should be more productive ... But it also means it costs more...
Cost is why Jobs get shipped to China, India, Mexico and where ever... Those people work for less money... Plus regulations are loser.. Now am I saying Unions made the jobs go over there....NO... But the made it cost more to produce things and stock holders want to make a bigger profit each year so... At some point the jobs will get moved... Of course something things can't be made over there so....And some things it wouldn't make sense to... I'm sure on here in the past I've said it should be illegal but...
OK: Gotta stop here and give full disclosure: I can't say whom (from what I understand) I work for.. Nor can I say what we make... But some of the products we send to external customers are made or have parts made in other countries... Now with out knowing how it would effect my job yes I do think that maybe there should be a tarrif (sorry no spell checker you know what I mean it is like a tax) on goods coming in.. That helps keep things made in America on an even axis... Keep things fair....
No would that stifle growth I don't think so.. I admit that NAFTA is a bit over my head but here is what I do know.. It seems to me that If I run a company and if I send Jobs to mexico and every thing that comes back here I have to pay an import tax on of some kind it isn't worth it move jobs... Now it still might be cheaper and I still might do it .....
Now if these unions are so everything should be unionized here is an idea go down to nike (read an article and at one time they where one of the best employers in mexico but still below USA levels) and go unionize there.. Go get a workers movement In China and India... And any place else.. Now of course if wages go up the companies only care about bottom line so prices go up... But also as prices go up we generate more tax money and at some point jobs may come back here... or at least not leave.. Worst comes to worst Workers get helped out and isn't that what unions are supposed to be for :The Workers.....
But see one of the problems is also that Americans are often lazy.. yes all the tech we get from Japan doesn't help..Yeah it is fun but.. The Americans use to be known as the hard workers (WWII) ... People right off the boat even further back... The bail out of the auto companies has a lot to do the battle between unions and owners and profit and greed and having a big house and cars and kids in school.... But see if people could adapt and change for the times it wouldn't have been an issue.. The Japanese made better and cheaper cars .... I assume they are harder working or maybe they can't be an empire any more but that is a different post (Ah you've all heard Bill Maher make that point so....) But at the end of the day the product was better... But the US could adapt... So bail out and it looks like Ford and chevy are doing pretty good.....
So (If anyone is even reading this or even made it this far) this is what pisses me off about the NHL and other leagues in the past.. No Fucking loyalty.. People like watching hockey->Hockey game->Teams and leagues say NHL-> So more fans watch and go to games ---> Money from games and and team gear
>TV (not tons of games nationally)
>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The point is fans go to games so once people know they are watched they sell stuff for the teams and people advertise... Even if it is just at the pee wee level and it the company name on the team and they buy the uniforms.... So the only reason the owners make money or the players is cause fans pay in some form or tune into the game.. But both sides put them selves before the fans... And they also put them selves before the other side and all the people who work the games.. Cause there is no loyalty.. If not for the players no league and if not for the owners no pay to the players.... Now granted I get that neither side wants to get cheated or what ever... But When you where in the AHL it wasn't about the money it was about being the best and making to the NHL so... I love when guys who are fucking no bodies in a sport work out and learn in a team and get great.. Then go fuck you guys I'm going where there is more money even though you guys discovered me (say it in any voice you want).. Now I'm not only talking about the NHL this would have been Football or baseball in the past..No fucking loyalty ARGH!!!!
Now I'm not saying you should be what would be called a company kiss ass...Or anything ... But you should at least have pride in your work and do what you can... And understand that the work comes first.. Yeah you can have fun but you have to work also... Remember that you work so you can have money and benefits so you can do other stuff but the work still needs to matter.. Yeah there are a lot of shitty jobs out there.. But if you can find another or want to take the chance and don't like what you are doing there is the door.....But wait you want to leave loyalty can't be fucking the company train someone underneath you to do what you do....
I feel as though this isn't the post I was aiming for but I think I touched on it kinda... Oh yeah also 24 hours in a day.. if you work a full week you are at work for 1/3 of it a bit more you have to get there and get home.. then one is supposed to sleep 8 hours... So do the math you see people at work (unless you fuck all night lucky you) more then family.. So don't be to much of a dick.. Ok don't want to go back to work on Wends.. But when I leave the place takes a big hit so....

Permalink: Work_unions_and_more_why_no_jobs_here_.html
Words: 1432
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/13/12 08:06
Category: internet
11/11/12 08:16 - ID#56886
RE: Do people blog anymore ?
I think Yes in that places like Buffalo Rising, The Huffington Post aren't they really Pro Blog sites...... I kinda feel that is the way we are heading... Not sure how many there are but people do follow some famous blogs ...
But also No is an answer: Now I don't have the numbers but just compare how may blogs now on here Vs. the past... Of course (e:paul) and (e:lilho) and maybe a few others still blog... Or maybe there is just more time between them?
Now some of that is that sites like Mysapce and Facebook you can write nice blogs but that isn't what the sites are really set up for...
Now don't get me wrong twitter is great for somethings like quick little comments or maybe sharing a blog or big pieces of info.... But mostly these 3 media and others are really set up to do short things ... Some many things on there wouldn't really make a good blog... For example yesterday I went to see Skyfall... Thought it was on par with other James Bond movies and really enjoyed it... But how even though I have in past make that a blog? But maybe if one uses these short forms it makes one kinda think like that so maybe it makes it tougher to write a blog...
Now i never prof read a blog maybe I should.. It is just free forming thought... but again I'm not paid to blog there isn't all ways a point.. You are both writing for you and for some reader...So should one?
Oh one point I don't know if a blog counts with pictures unless each picture is explained....
So now the important ? is whom do we blame... Well that gets a bit more complex... 1st lets blame the TV news media on the national level... From what I've heard there was a time when the news division was that.. It wasn't a profit making machine.. Once Profit is the goal that changes everything.... It becomes entertainment and preaching to your viewers.. Debates become talking points... Yes there is media Bias.. Facts are facts but there are different ways to present and different parts of the story to be told and different perspectives to see it from...... But often it comes down to short talking points and not a debate and if we watch that again that teaches us to express our selves shortly?
Now one thing that I use to do was post a link to an article and then give my own take on that... Yes no one who was paid by the paper or whom ever they work for got money from that since the paper was free on line ... Now AP has sued people for it... Not sure whom and when think it was like news site? Again here you can blame Facebook a bit and twitter and G+ sites have one button you push and then you just type in what you think... They make it so easy.....Plus I shouldn't really be here during work....... Of course one can give the link and still give their thoughts... But think that day is quickly going away?
Now if one likes to find out about issues from TV... The writer of the show The Wire.. Worked in Papers and the last season had that tie in... He has said the papers made a mistake of going on line since people could see the content for free and that ad money on line just didn't add up and paper got worse and made less money....I can only speak of the Buffalo News but I think if you don't pay for digital you can see 9 stories a month or something like that....
Now what will happen with papers not sure... Even if they should fail some how the news comes from some where and those journalists Will I assume sell there stuff to news companies somewhere... Or maybe people won't care about sources and everyone will be some form of blogger...
I also think that the news has brought in some aspects of blogging.... I'm sure you've seen the pieces .... Where Like Channel 2 covers an event that they sponsor or have news people a part of.....
In my opinion the difference between say the paper or the news pieces and a blog.. Is in theory the blog is supposed to be the personal perspective....I'm not sure where to take this really got a bit lost but maybe it makes sense. To wrap it up with a little bow.... I guess ? People present them selves the way they want online and keep what they don't want off line... Again with the short form this kinda makes sense... So the personal stuff is left off... So we wind up being little status updates?

Permalink: RE_Do_people_blog_anymore_.html
Words: 823
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/11/12 08:16
Category: internet
11/11/12 06:57 - ID#56885
New Computer

Permalink: New_Computer.html
Words: 219
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/11/12 06:57
Category: photos
11/03/12 02:32 - ID#56870
Great Party Thanks...
-Again thanks for the hospitality it was a great time.. I want to write out 3 letters but it is no longer (e:PMT) and that is how it is now.... But again thanks the party was great..
-If a stared or lingered on anyone sorry but the Prom Queen Wow, and didn't really get a picture but that skin tight leather lady and sorry I can't remember her name the steam punk out fit was great.....
-The layout of the house was amazing... The fog was really cool.. It doesn't really translate to pictures If I was a pro maybe I could turn down the flash so you get people and fog as opposed to the flash hitting the fog.....
So I guess Picture I'll post them all and then look them over.. And hope that nothing that isn't supposed to be scene is... Can't make any promises ... Now what I will do do is I won't say whom any one is and the same thing with the book of face as someone calls it.... I may tag (e:Terry) but that will be it..........................
I have to admit I'm feeling kinda crappy today and now am afraid to eat... Once I woke up I felt congested and had a head ache (hung over I'm sure I had a lot to drink I think) combo so got some cold stuff for the headache and Gatorade for fluids... Nice Idea went to pop one of the liquid jells it wasn't working I could tell everything came up... Gross... Or so I thought maybe like an hour later no more then that still feeling like I had a cold so down they went and everything right back up so gross... No I'm scared that anything I eat that might happen with...... And sorry (e:paul) I didn't take a pic maybe I should have as a cautionary tale but I could still spew again.... Not fun...... But the party was and still going to try and enjoy Sure I will even though I know nothing about it Jekeyl and Hyde tonight....... On a side note I was a biker not a real one or a specific one from Sons Of Anarchy ... But I forgot to look for my silver rings......
I Guess I should add sorry for not getting more photos hope everyone enjoys....

Permalink: Great_Party_Thanks_.html
Words: 612
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/03/12 02:32
Category: photos
10/28/12 09:52 - ID#56859
Sorry No Stripteaser Photos....
Ok so onto last night.. There was a Halloween thing at Nietches with the stripteasers, costume contest and some bands.. Last year it was a lot of fun.. So wasn't sure if it was at 9 or10pm two different times on line.. That being said with working a few hours in the morning bit early day... Now rain makes me kinda want to stay inside and watch movies.. But also I don't want to damage the camera. So I had these weighing on me a bit.. But I figured I would go and if not then I could at least watch a movie and 9pm but before I could make up my mind what to do I was out... Think it was the I don't know everything (I bet if anyone reads this is sound pretty dam girlie argh)... So I didn't go out didn't see the movie didn't get to watch the anime nor did I even get to set up the DVR for it....ARGh... Kinda takes me back to days when I would say yeah I'll be at the party then crash out...For those that where on the site then....
But the thing that is hard to explain is I feel like I let people down.. It isn't that I was like I'm your picture guy. It isn't that others don't take pictures..But I've been to events and other people take pictures but they don't show up for others to see.. So yes I feel as though I've let people down :(
So Wens. Is Halloween and I was hoping to take pictures at the zombie walk before the witches ball... But again maybe if the rain is coming down I can hide out some where and get some shots... Was thinking about going to it as well it would be cool...But can't stay to late with the early wake up for work.. I know one should never plan based on weather but with the camera one kinda must but I don't like it.... So we shall see what happens maybe some Zombie Photos will show up.. If the storm doesn't knock out the power and we don't get :) 3 feet of snow.. Someone eats some bad meat and the zombies become real :)
Just not a good not to sum up and I do feel like I did kinda let people down in a way...............................

Permalink: Sorry_No_Stripteaser_Photos_.html
Words: 506
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 10/28/12 09:52
Category: computers
10/26/12 04:53 - ID#56857
New Computer...Computing
So don't get me wrong Laptops are cool and everything but I so have no idea how to use those mice they to me seem tough... Of course if I learned on one sure I'd get it down at some point...
Now I will admit those touch screens also looked pretty cool.. Not even sure if they came with a key board some of them... But the problem there was how do you play a game like Zombie Pets... Maybe one could get a mouse.. But maybe if I had a smart phone.. But do touch Screens have DVD driver one can't really tell.....
Of course PCs are pretty good but what brand and where... To be honest those 3 day sales or one day deal things piss me off.. and so do those here is a code everyone gets a different % off.. You mean on 1,000 bucks some people might get 35% and someone else only 5% randomly argh...
So it took some time to decide what I wanted and I still wasn't sure... So I saw hey Windows 8 is out might as well get one of these and do the preorder thing...
I tried Dell and Best Buy and office depot on line..... The thing that is odd was the office place advertised windows 8. But yet on there page they send you windows 7 then you pay like 14 for the new version.. Some places it was advertised free...Best buy I think... But had a bad thing with their tech support so argh... I almost got this really cool tower...Maybe I should have?
Now the thing with dell is. Maybe I misunderstood or maybe they had a bad webpage... But it seemed they had two or 3 ways to get computers.. They had the towers only or they had all in ones that had touch screens and non but they don't have the tower.... Again though the base price never stays that and here is what leads to my grip.......
Yes I did read an article about windows 8 and did see some stuff on QVC and the option to use the touch screen all those window things or tiles does look cool I admit... But I guess that is really aimed at tablets... OH yeah my grip Ok I get that you will get some trial software. But Microsoft Office shouldn't be one of them! When the company sorry I don't know the correct term makes the operating system that runs how it looks and feels the programs it makes and is on the computer should (OFFICE) should be full... You shouldn't have to pay extra to get them... Now some might disagree with this Mircosoft I'm sure.. But when you advertise that you are coming out with a new version and one that from the ads at least is very different you at the very least if you are buying it new shouldn't have to pay for the full version of office..ARGH....
Oh that reminds me I need to check into Virus protection.... Think If I can find it I might have Norton I can use ? One thing I do have to give props to QVC on is I've seen many computers where they give you like 2-4 years of it.. Yes I get that it is a different company and I guess 6 months free is better then none....
on a side note at work I freaked out they use some form of IE ... And twitter had changed... I for those on twitter who like to look at pictures (Zoo and Nuts are great penthouse isn't bad either) but when you clicked on it took you to another page... So I thought maybe it is a windows 8 thing that they changed how IE works there? I use chrome thanks to (e:Paul) ... And this site.. But that brings up another point I've seen ads for some type of Chrome laptop or maybe they call it a note book or ultra book... Wonder if that is any good? The reason I ask is that I may at some point go the lap top root so I can blog or post as I watch something on the better TV.....
Still have to decide whom to go with on the internet... Guessing Verizon so I don't need anyone coming into my house and My Crime Warner bill is all ready pretty big so...
Hopefully this means I'll be on here more and my photos will be more current.. we shall see....

Permalink: New_Computer_Computing.html
Words: 854
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 10/26/12 04:53
Category: photos
10/06/12 12:31 - ID#56813
Skiffling Oct. 2012 Sports...
So Sportsmen's has this some kind of new cheddar Burger and it is great finally they had it... Oh and 10 wings all gone should have taken a picture at the end to ?

Permalink: Skiffling_Oct_2012_Sports_.html
Words: 219
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 10/06/12 12:31
Category: photos
09/22/12 05:21 - ID#56784
Lake Effect Ice Cream
A few pictures from the trip....

Permalink: Lake_Effect_Ice_Cream.html
Words: 63
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/22/12 05:21
Category: photos
09/18/12 06:45 - ID#56775
MIA 2012
Now Assuming someone , somewhere is reading this.. Terror Technologies dress up like zombies and then donate money to other charities If memory serves the band with the Wrestling mask was called "The Freeek" and the other band "Live Wires" ?
So Guess I should add some more photos...
Yes earlier was Pat Kaleta and that is Andre Reed they both have Charities so... Up next some pictures of "The Ruby Spirit "... They where pretty good last year and this year...
I was going to keep going but then it dawned on me I think I just posted a ton of photos so.....

Permalink: MIA_2012.html
Words: 441
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 09/18/12 06:45
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