Category: philosophy
01/22/12 12:45 - ID#55965
Overweight For e:tinypliny

So saw this article in the Buffalo news and thought it was post worthy.....
Now not sure if philosophy is the best cat. for this but I think it fits....
By Charity Vogel
January 21, 2012, 10:30 PM
Updated: January 22, 2012, 8:12 AM
Put down those chips and that 32-ounce soda and listen up. The federal government thinks we're all getting ... heavier.
An average of 25 pounds heavier, as a matter of fact.
That's the bad news. The good news?
They're trying to keep us from sinking -- or crashing, or plummeting to the ground -- because of it.
This winter, the U.S. Coast Guard -- using federal figures for typical male and female weights around the country -- announced that a new number will be used as the "assumed average weight" for people riding on some types of passenger boats.
The old weight allowance was 160 pounds.
Now, the Coast Guard figures folks average out to about 185 pounds apiece.
The change -- made in December, and being implemented now -- is the first one in assumed weights on such boats in decades.
"This is the first change like this I can remember happening," said Ryan Hayhurst, vice president of Buffalo Harbor Cruises, which operates tours on the "Miss Buffalo."
That's not to say Hayhurst is entirely surprised, either.
"The public is the public," he said, with a laugh. "I'm trying to look at the positive side of it."
But before fluttering with offended dignity, consider this: Local tour operators in Western New York -- and others whose jobs have to do with how much the public weighs -- said that people do seem to be heavier than they used to be.
"My balloon is rated for 10 passengers, but I usually fly 8, max, because people are bigger," said Sean Quigley, owner and chief pilot of the hot-air balloon touring company "Balloons Over Letchworth."
Quigley needs to ask people their weight when booking balloon rides in his seasonal May-to-October business, in order to calculate the physics that will allow for lift-off. He said he has developed a strategy that permits people to preserve their modesty while still answering the question.
"I ask everybody their weights on the phone. But I ask combined weights," said Quigley, who has run the business since 1987. "That lets the lady off the hook."
He chuckled.
"I've had people who are 300 pounds before. I've had people who refuse to tell me; then I tell them, 'You can't fly. This is FAA regulations,'" Quigley said.
Another area where weight matters is with elevators.
Elevators and weight
In the City of Buffalo, where he inspects a good many of the city's 3,000 elevators on a regular basis, Chief Elevator Inspector Joe Schiavone said that elevators have maximum weights, but that such figures are calculated in pounds, not persons. (Some of the inspections are contracted out by the city.)
"The elevator industry, it's the total weight," said Schiavone, who has been doing his job for 26 years.
That means, he said, that as Americans get heavier, elevators can still carry the same amount of pounds up and down.
It just translates to fewer actual people.
"Twenty-five years ago, it would take nine or 12 people to overload a car," said Schiavone. "Now it takes less, because people are bigger. Because people are larger, you're going to overload the car with less people -- quick."
Schiavone put it this way: "An elevator that used to take 10 people, now, with the obesity problem in America, it takes six people."
But don't worry, Schiavone said. The elevator will let you know if a load gets too heavy.
"When it exceeds the capacity," the inspector said, "an alarm bell will go off."
Quigley, at "Balloons Over Letchworth," said his customers tend to be middle-aged and older, because of the price of tickets for balloon rides.
That may play into the situation as well, he said.
"Let's face it, when somebody's in their 40s, they weigh 20 pounds more than when they were in their 20s," Quigley said, joking. "Including me."
At the same time as boaters are recalibrating loads to accommodate heavier people, one airline is redesigning airplane cabins to fit more -- not fewer -- people.
Southwest Airlines announced last week that it is reconfiguring the cabins of its 737-700s with thinner, less-tilty seats that will allow for 6 additional passengers per flight.
Increasing weights of typical Americans were not really a factor in the redesign, said a Southwest spokeswoman at the airline's Dallas headquarters.
Airline adding seats
But, said Brandy King, the renovated cabins may actually be more comfortable for all types of passengers now.
"The thinner seats, in combination with the pitch and incline being less, allows us to add six more passengers, so that takes us from 137 to 143 [per flight]," King said. "But there won't be a difference [in comfort]. There might actually be more room, because were using (a different) design. Your personal space will actually be better."
At the Buffalo station of the Coast Guard, officers said that the changeover is going smoothly.
Coast Guard personnel said that most boaters have been happy to comply, typically by reducing the maximum occupancy for their vessels.
"A lot of the mariners out there agree -- America is getting heavier," said Lt. Andrew Sweeney, chief of the inspections division of U.S. Coast Guard Sector Buffalo. "It's kind of hard to argue that one."
Some boat operators are opting to have their vessel's stability calculations retested, to see if they can handle the same number of passengers, the Coast Guard officers stated.
At Buffalo Harbor Cruises, Hayhurst said that those are the two options open to his tour boat -- and that's a bit frustrating.
He said the weight guidelines really apply more to smaller boats, which are more affected by per-person poundage. For bigger boats like the Miss Buffalo, he said, a few extra pounds on individual passengers doesn't make too much of a difference.
"When it comes down to the weight issue, it's more of an umbrella rule," Hayhurst said. "The weight of a passenger affects a smaller boat much more than a larger boat. Our boat is so large, but we unfortunately fall into the same guideline, and it doesn't really affect us at all."
"There's no way out of it," he added. "The only way out of it is a very expensive way."
Miss Buffalo limit cut
That expensive way would be having a naval architect do load-testing on the Miss Buffalo to prove that the boat can handle more pounds. Hayhurst said there are no such recalibration businesses in Western New York, so he'd have to take the boat out of the area for the tests, which would be "very costly."
Thus, in part as a response to the Coast Guard change, the Miss Buffalo's capacity will be trimmed to 185 this season, Hayhurst said.
The boat has been operating at a capacity of 200.
Small price increases will be made to the hourly rates for cruises, Hayhurst said, "just to absorb a little bit of that change."
But there may be bright sides to the change.
"People might be more comfortable in the long run," he said. "With 185, it'll be little bit roomier, the bathrooms will be better, the bars will be better.
"We'd rather have 185 happy customers," he said, "than 200 unhappy customers."
News Staff Reporter Maki Becker contributed to this report.
..... This isn't really about Health..... Yes health is an issue.... But people over time have gotten Taller and bigger... This does tie into health also.... But maybe this is a good thing? Maybe now with people getting bigger those chairs at movies and sports events will in the future be made more comfortable so that everyone has more space and more room.... But who knows.....

Permalink: Overweight_For_e_tinypliny.html
Words: 1316
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/22/12 12:45
Category: internet
01/20/12 05:28 - ID#55944
Article on Facebook sadness

I don't post many articles on here but this is one I thought I should... Anyone who has been to even lets say a dating site or a site where pictures are rated knows that there is a way to take pictures so that certain things are shown off and certain things can be hidden..... Well if it is Facebook or Myspace or some site where you write a blog You only get the perspective of the person they are showing.... Not as much here or other blog sites but most out looks are positive.... Party Pictures lots of smiling .... Fun Events.... It isn't pictures of the women laughing who ripped out their heart .... Or even the crappy job they have.... So yes it often looks like people have this perfect life.... So I do agree with this article ..... So I say play games on facebook?
By Matthew Rosenbaum | ABC News – 4 hrs ago
Facebook: Friends' Happy Pictures Make You Sad? (ABC News)
There are plenty of reasons to feel down in today's fast-paced, hectic world, and you wouldn't think that the world's most popular social networking site would be one of them. But that's exactly what a new study by Utah Valley University has found.
According to the study, Facebook is making us sad. Why? It's all about the kinds of pictures people to post on their pages.
Facebook photos generally depict smiling, cheerful people having good times, conveying a sense of happiness. Of course everyone likes to smile for the camera, so that good cheer may be inflated or false. As others view the photos, they may believe this conveyed sense of intense happiness is real, making them think that their friends are much happier than they are.
Sociologists Hui-Tzu Grace Chou and Nicholas Edge said they interviewed 425 students, asking them whether they agreed or disagreed with such statements as "Many of my friends have a better life than me," and "Life is fair."
They also asked about the students' Facebook usage, including how many "friends" they had on the site, and how many of those friends were really people they knew.
After controlling for race, gender, religious beliefs and whether the volunteers were unattached or in a relationship, the researchers saw a pattern: The more time students spent on Facebook, the more they thought others had it better than they did.
"Those who have used Facebook longer agreed more that others were happier, and agreed less that life is fair, and those spending more time on Facebook each week agreed more that others were happier and had better lives," wrote Chou and Edge. "Furthermore, those that included more people whom they did not personally know as their Facebook "friends" agreed more that others had better lives."
The study, which was published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, also found that people who spent less time socializing with friends in cyberspace and more time socializing with them in real life were less likely to report they were unhappy.
So if you are looking for a way to cheer yourself up, the researchers say you may do well to log off Facebook. Call your best friend instead.
(ABC News' Ned Potter contributed to this story.)

Permalink: Article_on_Facebook_sadness.html
Words: 557
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/20/12 05:28
Category: photos
01/15/12 12:26 - ID#55921
Bandits and other Sports
So On the way I had to stop off at one very tasty food truck.... Hope they got a lot of people to come out.......
Now to try and give a good photographic showing of what went down with out posting 300 ............ Thousand Photos.......
Well Now onto the Pregame stuff.......
Now onto some game Photos and of course there will be Bandettes!
Did I mention the 49ers Won! Lets Go Bandits!

Permalink: Bandits_and_other_Sports.html
Words: 617
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/15/12 12:26
Category: internet
01/14/12 11:44 - ID#55915
Best Buy!ARGH.. Warrantes ARGH
Here is the issue My Sis bought a computer some kind of dell with monitor and printer it is a wireless printer so no USB cord... Really that cheap that it doesn't come with a USB cord...ARGH! In any event she gets Kasp... how ever you spell it and the extra warranty from best buy.... So we go out there today cause she has the from what I've heard nasty windows 7 virus and guess what virus isn't covered the people with the virus protection I guess hung up on her..................... $200... What?! Sounds like a scam to me.... Who has $200 when how much would a new tower be maybe you could find a decent one for 300-400? Again it just isn't right... If you make something and you charge people just fix it......................
Now she does have a friend who has a Brother who knows about computers she might take it to Rochester but not sure what she will do.... But I think Best Buy should just fix it.... If they give you software that doesn't do what it is supposed that kinda puts them at fault .... Yes I get it you have to pay the geek squad people in every store... But pass part of the cost onto the virus people?

Permalink: Best_Buy_ARGH_Warrantes_ARGH.html
Words: 263
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/14/12 11:44
Category: philosophy
01/12/12 06:12 - ID#55893
Loyalty=I Hate My Job
Now Granted one could argue that when a friend mine got in trouble for something that wasn't his fault (orders didn't go that didn't have to go) and his boss didn't get in trouble and he did and some how he lost his job I could have and almost did quit cause it was Bull shit.... But one has to be loyal to the company....
Then When One of our shitty workers rated out the boss and he kept his job but the Boss lost his.... Everyone wanted to quit I think... But we didn't cause see we are loyal to the company...
Now is the company loyal to us? How would you tell I guess so.... Well they are more loyal I think to the people who make the product but who knows really....
But see as much as the people piss me of at where I work... That is just the tip of the ice berg....
My Bank is HSBC and that will Change Very soon.... Isn't it odd that they and the city couldn't work out a deal with that Tower or getting a new Building and all of a Sudden .... Ok we are leaving Western New York... Hey how about having some Loyalty to the people who bank with you... How about saying to us if you want you can stay with us and we will wave all ATM Fees..... Nope just sell off all your banks... To bad I really liked HSBC......ARGh
How About Trico...... They sure had a lot of good workers in Buffalo from what I have heard.... Ah screw Buffalo if we move to Mexico it costs us less money... Now on a larger level.... Well people in the USA buy all our wiper blades lets go to mexico.....
Here is lack of Loyalty.... Wal-Mart... There is all ways this talk that Wal-Mart goes into a small town and it closes down all the shops.... Is it true that they offer a cheaper price and more Variety and one stop shopping ....Yeah of course.... But what causes that is lack of Loyalty... That Hardware store you love so much and maybe even the guy you go to church with... Eh fuck him wal-mart has it for 20 cents less again no loyalty....
Sports Teams...... How many times does some team take a chance on some kid who is unproven and the team works with them trains them turns them into a great player... Now if it wasn't for this staff no one would know who he is "Oh I want More Money"... Even if before he was getting more then he was worth... No loyalty......
The Lack of Loyalty in this country drives me insane........

Permalink: Loyalty_I_Hate_My_Job.html
Words: 562
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/12/12 06:12
Category: photos
01/08/12 10:33 - ID#55872
WWE Test
Well that is plenty for the test.....

Permalink: WWE_Test.html
Words: 352
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/08/12 10:33
Category: photos
01/07/12 11:48 - ID#55864
Sky Skiffling

Again It was a great time... On my way home I got a few more sky shots.... It is odd the flash made the clouds vanish?

Permalink: Sky_Skiffling.html
Words: 334
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/07/12 11:48
Category: photos
01/02/12 12:18 - ID#55836
New Years 3 2011-2012

Permalink: New_Years_3_2011_2012.html
Words: 342
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/02/12 12:18
Category: tv
01/02/12 11:26 - ID#55835
MSG Advertising

So Time Warner and MSG currently are no more! Bastards .....
MSG pulls broadcasts from Time Warner
By Mark Sommer
January 1, 2012, 10:16 PM
Updated: January 2, 2012, 8:04 AM
Watching games for Sabres fans in the foreseeable future may come down to subscribing to Direct TV or FiOS, or attending a local bar carrying one of those.
That's because the ongoing impasse between MSG and Time Warner Cable remains frosty, despite the expiration Saturday of the contract, signed in 2005, between the sports cable channel and the giant cable provider.
The Sabres next play Tuesday against the Edmonton Oilers -- the first of 12 games that MSG was to have televised in January -- and again Friday and Saturday. One game -- Jan. 18 against the Chicago Blackhawks -- airs on the Versus network, which will be relaunched today as the NBC Sports Network.
For most Time Warner subscribers, it's likely to be a waiting game, as both sides each other for the failure to reach a deal.
"Right now we are waiting for MSG to come back to the table. We are eager to resume negotiation for a reasonable price on behalf of our customers," Time Warner spokesman Matthew Tremblay said Sunday.
Michael Bair, president of MSG Media, cast similar blame on Time Warner, saying the last "meaningful conversation" between the two parties was about two weeks ago.
Bair suggested viewers consider subscribing elsewhere.
"We urge them to select an alternate provider and switch from Time Warner to ensure they don't miss any games. We have no other choice, because we want to make sure the fans don't miss their games," Bair said.
MSG, which removed Sabres games from the Time Warner lineup, will hold a "viewing party" Tuesday in Tully's sports bar at Main Street and Transit Road in Clarence. Free chicken wings will be offered along with ticket and merchandise giveaways.
Rep. Kathleen C. Hochul, D-Amherst, issued a statement Sunday urging both parties "to come together and resolve this situation quickly."
Downstate, MSG also carries games for the NBA's New York Knicks and the NHL's New York Rangers, New York Islanders and New Jersey Devils. Those games, too, no longer are available on Time Warner.
Friday, Bair said the majority of MSG's market is in the New York City area, where, he said, "the biggest battle is brewing. It's unfortunate that Buffalo is caught up in this ..."
So Here is the thing...... I have Time Warner and Really like.... Can't believe these bastards on both sides... Now I don't know how the money works in NHL but I have a good guess based on how it works in the NFL...
- People come to game so they see the ads at the arena and on the boards some of these change based on event think Lacrosse as an example
- People watch the game on TV and see these ads on the boards or where ever else they have them where TV will pick them up.. (this was a problem in the NFL cause some got upset that kids saw beer ads in the stadium when watching)
How many people see the stuff on the boards is what gives those ads value... The less people the less value they have... Now who gets that money if it is the team or the arena or if there is some kind of split I have no idea.... But with the lose of TV that = loss of people viewing that so someone is losing money... Now at some point the Ad people are going to either want some of their money back (unless they got a great deal) or won't pay as much since no one on time warner sees those... Now this isn't true for just the sabres but for the rangers and Devils as well.... I assume basketball has some kind of ads also think it might be signs that change?
Now the next part of this is TV..... There are people who have Time Warner and who when they watch Hockey they wouldn't be watching any thing else so Viewer ship drops... Now the less people are watching the less they can charge for some ads I'm thinking the local stuff you might see during the sabres game... Not sure if it is enough people to effect things...
During Sabres games you have at least a few companies that pay for like the ad of the power play or the Celino and Barnes stuff.... I assume that the other hockey teams do this type of stuff as well.... So now that these games aren't on MSG on Timewarner that means less viewers so that ad space just lost value.... So again Not sure if this hurts MSG, The sabres or how that money gets split up.....
What I do know for sure is see MSG wants you to switch to Direct TV cause then MSG doesn't lose any Viewers they don't lose any ad dollars and it gives them more power to hold hostage sports in NYS and NJ (Devils games)......
Now Time warner thinks it is better to just lose the money and if so lose some viewers they might be right on that.... What I wonder though is Could the Sabres sign a Deal with another Station?
For example every NHL is recorded.... Who's Cameras are those...NHL? Sabres? MSG? Who pays for the TV guys who also do the Radio? Is it the Sabres or MSG... See if it is MSG I doubt they would allow the sabres to make a deal with some other Channel on Time Warner...
Bottom line is who losses the most honestly is the fans.... Ok with how they are playing maybe the fans really win... But everyone losses really....

Permalink: MSG_Advertising.html
Words: 979
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/02/12 11:26
Category: photos
01/01/12 08:09 - ID#55834
2011-2012 New Years 2

Permalink: 2011_2012_New_Years_2.html
Words: 154
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/01/12 08:09
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%% " Local tour operators in Western New York -- and others whose jobs have to do with how much the public weighs -- said that people do seem to be heavier than they used to be."
"seem to be heavier"? It certainly seems these people could be living under sundry rocks around the place.
As an aside, Buffalo News needs some sharp copy editing. That article is a nice example of "vague-and-ambling-and-all-over-the-place"