Category: photos
06/11/16 11:45 - ID#60529
Art fest

Permalink: Art_fest.html
Words: 38
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 06/11/16 11:45
Category: sports
06/04/16 10:36 - ID#60511
Sports and Bandits and Hating that I like them
I have Season Tickets and they made it to the playoffs they beat the New England Black wolves in two games ..... Last Saturday they lost at home the first game of NLL Championship game .... They play tonight out west (can't spell where they play ha ) at 9pm if they win there is a home game for the tittle next Saturday if they lose the #Rush are the champions .... But the problem is that I miss The Stripteasers tonight ..... I have not seen Burlesque in so long .......
Sometimes I really wish I didn't like sports .... As Much fun as it is to tweet and watch Football on Sundays there is this but I could be doing something else but in the winter no way would I be .......

Permalink: Sports_and_Bandits_and_Hating_that_I_like_them.html
Words: 185
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 06/04/16 10:36
Category: photos
12/06/15 07:06 - ID#60356
Bandits Open Practice

It was nice to See John Tavares is on the coaching staff he retired from playing during the off season

Permalink: Bandits_Open_Practice.html
Words: 412
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/06/15 07:06
11/22/15 06:12 - ID#60349
The Night Before + Holiday Venting sort of
It is not the only Christmas Movie out all ready .... Is it to soon I don't think so ... I know thanksgiving is Thursday .... But for me I had all ready had my Work Thanksgiving and the food was great and tasty.....
Here comes the Vent: Sorry: Often at work I feel like I'm the only adult there : So the other day This new worker we have walks up to radio says nothing and turns on Christmas Music ..... So it stays on for like a song 2 at most another person says nothing to anyone just changes channel back .... So the first "Child" Goes "I don't care I'll do it on break right in front of him " walks over and turns off the Radio .... The Immaturity level there is shocking sometimes it really ..... I get some people like me like it and some people don't ....... The Holiday season is tough for a lot of people but there is a certain way to Handle it ......
I do not know what I'm doing for the Holiday it kinda changes year to year could just be Football ..... Could be movie could be going to sis's place oh yeah the Parade on TV :) ......
....... That is why people working at say Target or Wal-Mart doesn't bother me no one says people working at restaurants or movie theaters is wrong .... What about the athletes who play on Holidays and all the TV people not to mention everyone who works at those stadiums or direct traffic before or after ...... I assume all these people have Thanksgiving on a different day.... I have even heard of workers having a Thanksgiving dinner with each other ..... Not everyone has family not everyone has money to go home often people want to work the Holiday and get the Holiday pay .... That is even more so with part time jobs ....
I'm sure I have said this stuff before .... But I do find it amazing how much shopping is going on at this time .... There are now pre Black Friday sales .... Thanks Giving , Black Friday .... The American Express sponsored Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday .... I get it though there was a time when I can't count the amount of gifts I would buy (again pre (e:strip) days ) back when my sis was young and dad was alive .... I admit that was a lot of fun order NFL shirts for his teams and get my self stuff .......
But there is a bit of a silly wish I have had for the past few years: Since Black Friday has been advertised as such .... Best Buy I don't know if there " Win the Holidays " is legit or if they are Tongue & Cheek : I would like to see a movement where Come in and save this much tied into giving to a Charity .... Save all that money at Target buy a few toys for Toys For Tots .... yes best buy at one time they still might have Tech for teens I think.... I get you can't be aggressive with it ... Cause the aim is to make the most money possible and you don't want to drive people away.... And yes I don't give like how I want to my self .... I could have walked into Verizon and bought the cheapest phone they had and taken the money saved and bought toys and turkeys So I get why it is hard to do ........
I get that people with family get upset when people leave to go get a Huge TV or cheap laptop .... But maybe that is just the excuse to take off ....
Do I have a point.... Not really just kinda wish people where more understanding about the holiday and not so Militant about how evil working on thanksgiving is .... I have noticed people don't talk about how it is bad to work on Christmas or New Years eve.... Like that club or ball drop you went to guess what all kinds of people are working there and not really enjoying it .... That is one of the things you buy into with certain jobs ......
I should also Mention the people serving in the Military and may not even know when it is a holiday when it is one .....
Tonight is the Survivor Series it is a wrestling event and years ago it was on Thanksgiving day or night .... There will be some part of it that has to do with Thanksgiving not sure how much .... Also in past years Sunday Night Football has had a Thanksgiving theme not sure if it will tonight or not .......
Feels kinda good to vent .... Sometimes I wonder what it is like to travel for the Holiday I have never done that like to go see the parade then do Christmas stuff like ice skating at Rock-a-fella square (That spelling didn't red bar interesting) .... Oh and also some people may not like the holiday and don't celebrate it .... What ever version of the holiday one does I hope it is enjoyable and not stressful or sad ...........

Permalink: The_Night_Before_Holiday_Venting_sort_of.html
Words: 971
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/22/15 06:12
Category: life
11/15/15 06:13 - ID#60334
Robbed & Reflections & Not Ok
I wanted to post this a few weeks ago .....
Not sure how long ago it was maybe about 2 months ago .... work was very busy I think the guy who was off with surgery was about to come back or was back and had a day off I can't remember ... In any event we had a lot of work so I did my alarm goes off at 4:30 wake up and get out the door to the bus ..... Well like an Idiot my area is generally safe .... Playing on phone (Bad Idea ) , But honestly the guy would have had jump on me anyways nothing I could do ..... It isn't like in the movies where you know Kung Fu things slow down and you hip toss the guy ...... I bring that up cause like the movies guy had bandanna like a bandit with a gun the entire empty the pockets code to your phone thing argh .....
So I called the cops and got things that I could turned off and got someone to get me to work..... As crazy as that sounds there are a couple of reasons 1. I have an alarm code and it was in my wallet 2. I couldn't call in the bosses phone number was in 2 places the phone and wallet both gone 3. There was a lot of RAGE I don't mean being angry this is a different feeling I think things would have got smashed .....
So I go into work and talk to my boss and tell him the Basics and go to work .... And Yes I was rattled for sure not as much as one would think I would be ... It almost didn't seem real .... In any event I couldn't talk to anyone about it ....
...... I wasn't really late or maybe I was but people noticed I wasn't there so they knew something was going on. Hence people where guessing stuff and that did make me feel better but I did wind up explaining stuff ... So People at work knew but not sure how far it went and family knows but unless people noticed the way I posted changed maybe someone or people figured it out .... But not posting over there .... Granted I have alluded to something here and there but I won't post anywhere else ......
I don't know a lot about Trauma I get that this is not as bad as other Traumas and I'm not saying that mine is more then anyone else's ... But what Is messed up with mine is : I thought I was ok that I was getting over it past it but I'm not .... I can't go to the same Bus Stop yet when it is dark not there yet ... Also every day I go to work and it is dark you feel it not stress kinda anxious but not really ..... I was going to go to a musical I could not go at night I just couldn't Hard to explain ... It is hard to know what is ok to say nothing is going to happen I will be fine I tried that it didn't work so went to a Early Saturday show .... I at least know I have more work to do ..... It also makes one see things different way .... I like James Bond and enjoyed the movie but the guns in it did get to me a bit But they don't on TV shows ? I see people on there phones and notice how much they only see what is on them ..... I use to be one of the people that would look down then up and be pretty good at it ......
I sorta lost my way but I still re live it .... In the small things like getting a new regal card cause it was stolen .... I don't re tell the entire story or even type in phone number at walgreens same thing .... It is not like how they show it on TV where you see the object and then you re see the entire thing thank god ..... But I am hoping that the reliving it ends at some point maybe it never does..... I would assume that your body doing that is a way to protect one .... This Wends I have another appointment where I guess I have more stuff to talk about .... I thought I was getting better .... Most days are ok but and now that it is not so dark if I need to leave early it isn't as bad .... Sometimes stuff just hits you .......
It doesn't help when the Work place has a lot of BS and Stress ..... I don't know if any of what I wrote makes sense or is even clear

Permalink: Robbed_Reflections_Not_Ok.html
Words: 792
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/15/15 06:13
Category: work
11/15/15 05:31 - ID#60333
The Summer Of Work (aka why I was away )
Where I work we get orders for product that gets shipped out .... The amount of work we get daily varies .... So what happens is when you have the right amount of staff you normally get the work done and what has to leave the building leaves and isn't late ..... But we where under staffed and some days I would need to come in early to try and get the work done .... Getting people to stay late is tough it really is ..... It was not a lot of OT but it was some ...
After that we had a guy go down he had to have surgery ..... could have been anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks might have wound up being 9 I don't know ..... There where some days that I worked early aka my old time and stayed late ..... I wouldn't plan stuff for Saturday cause I knew I would need to work to get it done ..... Some Saturdays people would come in before me but not work long enough so I would need to work all day to get the work low enough that we would be ok on Monday.... How crazy things got I can't really explain .......
The Saturday of MIA I told them I couldn't work but other then that I worked them... Oh except this one where no one could open the place so I worked extra late for me ... I know long Hours are not like nurses but with the commute a long day to me ......and yeah one feels it for sure ......
I also went to some things that I wanted to post about but I had so many photos it was to hard to know where to even start .....
I also admit as I watch things I TV I like to live tweet with others watching ....
I do keep up with a lot of people on Facebook as well but those updates are not the same as blog posts here .... But in that craziness I could hardly keep up over there as well .....
Yes I myself called it the Summer Of Work I never really got to get away anywhere .....I'm doing a bad job of explaining it but imagine you had to move 100 bags of flower and you 5 guys that is 20 each lets say you get that done right at the amount of time you wanted to spend well now you only have 4 guys now you each need to get 25 and you are behind then you have your next task .........
It was often very stressful but the OT was nice not going to lie but the lack of time was not .......

Permalink: The_Summer_Of_Work_aka_why_I_was_away_.html
Words: 479
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/15/15 05:31
Category: work
11/15/15 05:31 - ID#60332
The Summer Of Work (aka why I was away )
Where I work we get orders for product that gets shipped out .... The amount of work we get daily varies .... So what happens is when you have the right amount of staff you normally get the work done and what has to leave the building leaves and isn't late ..... But we where under staffed and some days I would need to come in early to try and get the work done .... Getting people to stay late is tough it really is ..... It was not a lot of OT but it was some ...
After that we had a guy go down he had to have surgery ..... could have been anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks might have wound up being 9 I don't know ..... There where some days that I worked early aka my old time and stayed late ..... I wouldn't plan stuff for Saturday cause I knew I would need to work to get it done ..... Some Saturdays people would come in before me but not work long enough so I would need to work all day to get the work low enough that we would be ok on Monday.... How crazy things got I can't really explain .......
The Saturday of MIA I told them I couldn't work but other then that I worked them... Oh except this one where no one could open the place so I worked extra late for me ... I know long Hours are not like nurses but with the commute a long day to me ......and yeah one feels it for sure ......
I also went to some things that I wanted to post about but I had so many photos it was to hard to know where to even start .....
I also admit as I watch things I TV I like to live tweet with others watching ....
I do keep up with a lot of people on Facebook as well but those updates are not the same as blog posts here .... But in that craziness I could hardly keep up over there as well .....
Yes I myself called it the Summer Of Work I never really got to get away anywhere .....I'm doing a bad job of explaining it but imagine you had to move 100 bags of flower and you 5 guys that is 20 each lets say you get that done right at the amount of time you wanted to spend well now you only have 4 guys now you each need to get 25 and you are behind then you have your next task .........
It was often very stressful but the OT was nice not going to lie but the lack of time was not .......

Permalink: The_Summer_Of_Work_aka_why_I_was_away_.html
Words: 479
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/15/15 05:31
Category: buffalo
07/12/15 08:49 - 65.ºF - ID#60106
Taste Of Buffalo not live

Permalink: Taste_Of_Buffalo_not_live.html
Words: 59
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 07/12/15 08:49
Category: photos
07/05/15 10:54 - 74.ºF - ID#60101
2015 4th Of July and more
So I had off on Friday the 3rd and I thought about going to see The Bisons and BPO but Work is Physically and Emotionally tiring It is all ways a long day and got longer recently since so much work ..... So I was pretty tired anyway and on 4th was going to be a long day .....
I got to wake up around 5AM for a live wrestling event that was live from Japan on line ... That was great to wake up have breakfast watch wrestling and talk on line then get some rest and off to Ellicotville with Sister and Niece and Friend and Friends mom was going to ... It was BPO and some stars wars music ......
Ellicotville :

You can't see it (also not sure why double posted ) but my Niece got a lot of Attention for the Skeleton / Day Of The Dead but it glittered and around the Eyes it was pretty cool ........
Holiday Valley:

Permalink: 2015_4th_Of_July_and_more.html
Words: 266
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 07/05/15 10:54
Category: photos
06/13/15 10:53 - 71.ºF - ID#60052
Pride Parade 2015 (last weekend)

having some tech issues my computer is acting funny but it was fun

Permalink: Pride_Parade_2015_last_weekend_.html
Words: 203
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 06/13/15 10:53
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