Category: people
02/19/13 11:52 - ID#57269
One Of the Fellas....
So way back when i worked at Wilson Farms I liked all the people I worked with... Sometimes we would hang out... The Problem though was that I didn't really have the money to hang out with them after work that much... But it was fun when I could.... So then at some point I joined the temp agency and started at the place I currently work as a temp.. And it was great I had money but yet I didn't have time to hang out with the friends really..... So I wasn't really happy either way but think it was fun back then... but hanging out with people was fun when it happened .........
Now I also had a bunch of friends and really an extended family who all lived over in the same area .... Cookouts and hanging out... Watching Football .... Basement parties it was all a lot of fun....... Yeah I had short Hair .....
Now I also... At where i work currently there was a time when we all hung out together and had fun after work... But can't really say to much about that.. may have all ready said to much...Not all the time but it was nice to be one of the boys.... Also at work when we would all pile in and go to lunch someplace I miss that stuff.....
Of course in College even though I wasn't that good... Being part of the Swim team and in HS also and other sports all that being part of a team is kinda the same thing...
Now I'm not saying that this hanging out and being one of the boys is the same thing as friends.. In fact just sitting around breaking balls on each other isn't the same but it is a good way to connect... I miss that at work....
Now granted there are many not so healthy things on line... But even though we disagree a lot.... Talking NFL on Twitter became a lot of fun.. It is kinda the same type of hang out.... Now it isn't the same as being in person but even talking wrestling as it airs or the walking dead isn't the same as like what are called viewing parties.... Like i use to have for wrestling but still a good time....
I don't have a real point just that with changes at work glad for feeling like one of the boys through twitter some times... But also I remember when (e:strip) chat you to be like that... Maybe with the moving of it ... It will get back to that level.....
Ok lets see if I can sleep.... being sick we shall see...................
didn't prof read this so it might only make sense to me ........
this post is really just for me.......
But I've heard that the feeling of brotherhood is strong in Military personal when deployed but I wouldn't know about really.... And think this idea is what gangs try to get....
That is it.........

Permalink: One_Of_the_Fellas_.html
Words: 546
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/19/13 11:52
02/19/13 04:35 - ID#57263
Sabres e:strip
Both today and before the game on sunday I've felt stressed out .. Arm hairs tingly and it isn't good... Starting the process to try and get help we shall see what happens.. but thinking back it dawned on me this is why I didn't make it those first parties I would say I was going to..... I would want to go and not freak out but stress would over take me I think and knock me out.... So we shall see what happens.. Turning 40 doesn't help .... Well a few penguins pictures....
That little Girl was amazing ........
Granted in some ways I do have a blessed life and love the sports stuff and the summer stuff.. But that isn't the same and I know it isn't good to compare my photos to people who are really good or those people who have the blessed life of a wife and a kid and go to bandits games and concerts or group of friends they hang out with and go out but one does cause when we see less off people we or I feel a little better ... Yes I'm happy for those people ... But that still leaves a part of you some place that goes well why not me.... Of course we don't see all the hard work and getting along that goes with that ..... may post some pics from the game tonight on here we shall see......

Permalink: Sabres_e_strip.html
Words: 315
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/19/13 04:35
Category: photos
02/12/13 06:40 - ID#57233
2013 Parade Fat Tuesday
Can someone please explain to me what is up with crazy Buffalo people at parades!? Hello it is in the St. you Sidewalk you can see fine this group of people are out past parked cars now I can't see... Grumble Grumble beads where flying it was intense some how I only get gold ones...
So One of the things that drives me crazy... Is this cold weather in that if I wear a jacket then you have that on in the bar or freeze and be comfy hence another reason why I often don't go out... Plus out of cash not money so.......
There was this cool band out side that I should have stopped and recorded but I didn't so my attempt to at least show the scene...
Go out and have fun for me :)

Permalink: 2013_Parade_Fat_Tuesday.html
Words: 302
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/12/13 06:40
Category: holidays
02/10/13 12:43 - ID#57228
Fat Valentines Day
So Valentines day 1st... Looking at the ads hurt today.... There was a time when I really liked this Holiday... Or at was at least fun... What happened to me? Don't know really, I really don't ... Scared Heart ? not sure ... But in any event for those that like it have a great time... Over on twitter when things come to me I've posted little jokes about the holiday.. I'm all for true love and all it is great... But the this gift here is equal to how much you love the person... Or maybe I've just seen to many Jared and Kay ads... They where things like if for Valentines day she introduces you to her "Friends" Merry them all... Or if she takes you out to see the New Die Hard movie because she wants to see it get that ring... Think I also mentioned if she does an Alanis (Goes down on you in a Theatre)... Twitter is fun but insane also a good place for porn if you want it ..... I admit going to see Die Hard would be fun......
But before then we Hit "Fat Tuesday" that is the end of Mardi Gras and then Ash wends. and lent starts.. So it is a great way for people to do all kinds of fun and then clean the slate the next day so.... I admit when I first heard buffalo did one my thought was like but it is cold and no flashing so what is the point... Just so you know I've seen ads for BoysGoneWild like the girls ..... It is tough to got out and get smashed with and early wake up the next day.... but who knows maybe ..... For those that can enjoy and please post many pictures..... Since it is Tuesday TheStripteasers are at Nietches at 11pm I might be able to make that I'm not holding my breath we shall see what the big camera does...
Oh that reminds me I saw this amazing camera think I'm obsessed with them for $300 at maybe target it is a Nikon with Android... Now I assume that means you need to get a phone plan with it... But you can take pictures and upload it to the web :) I need to look into that..... Cause if it uses a phone signal then it doesn't matter if say the bar has WiFi.... Wonder if as you upload a picture you can take another one ? Hey maybe someone rich lady with extra cash will see this and buy me one and we can test it out at her place :) ... HA seriously though it looks really cool...
In any event enjoy the holidays .....

Permalink: Fat_Valentines_Day.html
Words: 596
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/10/13 12:43
Category: photos
02/10/13 01:07 - ID#57224
Bandits lose to KnightHawks
Before the game they had some dancers ....

The Bandettes
Half Time ......
After the Bandits pulled Cosmo they wound up putting him back in... I thought the bandits out play Rochester but they played better in goal but haven't listened to any of the post game stuff yet....
Hopefully I didn't over do it but hard to tell sometimes.....

Permalink: Bandits_lose_to_KnightHawks.html
Words: 258
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/10/13 01:07
Category: people
02/09/13 04:27 - ID#57219
Thinking of you......
-I admit I hate talking on the phone well not talking really but calling I never call I admit but yet I want to get a cell phone yeah know for the mobile stuff
-So just tossing this out just cause people don't call or talk that type of thing doesn't mean they don't think about you......
Guess a few examples ......
- I have a certain pass word for something I can't say what or where or anything that relates to people or a person I haven't seen in years hope said personage is doing great......
- Everytime I go to walgreens I can't help think of (e:tinypliny) and Hope she is out there doing great things... Some how I all ways with out trying walk down the isle with those Chocolate bars that are like 85% dark .........
- There are a few certain movies that take me back to going to see the animee movies as a group with (e:IMK2) that was fun
Or maybe I'm just old..................
It doesn't help that when these ideas came to my head I was no where near a computer ... So then once it fads makes it tougher to write a blog... The fact that I barely passed English class in freshman year of HS and that I have a blog is shocking .......
- Reading a blog on here reminds me of going to see The Stripteasers with (e:Heidi) well not sure if it was they did this cool thing with the end of analog TV that was a lot of fun ......
Again I really don't have a point here I really don't
-Kinda a side point I guess Twitter it is odd cause when I type things I want to type the # symbol that is so weird .....
- I saw a Henry Rollins video where I forget what he was talking about but got me thinking about a whole bunch of (e:peeps) so..........
-Oh and one question for those who know about computers more then I .. Dogie Houser how ever you spell it... NPH would do an entire crazy episode and they type on one sentence that composes it all... Was that a journal on a computer? Or was that like the 1st blog ?

Permalink: Thinking_of_you_.html
Words: 389
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/09/13 04:27
Category: photos
02/03/13 01:18 - ID#57193
Rock Beat Bandits 2-2-2013
well hope a good post that makes

Permalink: Rock_Beat_Bandits_2_2_2013.html
Words: 161
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/03/13 01:18
Category: food
02/03/13 12:53 - ID#57190
Super Food Bowl
Now I've got a back of chips for the PreGame ... Then I have Wings ordered and showing up during the game...
What My point is that not sure about in other countries... But one thing that is great I think about this country is that we eat for Pleasure and not just to live... But then again that is why we are also so unhealthy.... But it will be fun...
This is the reason why we love deepfried things at Fairs... Or why we want our twinkies or what ever... I don't really have a point.... hoping to post again a bit latter ....

Permalink: Super_Food_Bowl.html
Words: 147
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/03/13 12:53
Category: photos
01/29/13 05:31 - ID#57177
Bandits Win 1-26-2013 vs. Wings
A few more during game and of the bandettes ....
It was a very tight game and if memory serves Bandits won by a goal... It was fun now to see how the pictures line up :)

Permalink: Bandits_Win_1_26_2013_vs_Wings.html
Words: 147
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/29/13 05:31
Category: issues
01/20/13 12:03 - ID#57151
Guised Racism and Guns
-There is for sure a big part of this gun issue that is really this.. Oh know N..s are going to kill us or rob us or rape our women... Dude you live in the burbs or in all white hood where there isn't even crime.. No one is traveling out to East Amherst or what ever to rob you...
-So you are telling me that Ak-47 is to defend you from the Government .. Um dude they have swat teams , Drones, Small tanks.......
-Now if you lived on say the East Side I might buy it....
-I guess I should really explain what I mean by "Guised Racism" it is when you say or do something that really means something else hence a guise ... Things like "I don't watch basketball cause 7 foot players dunk".. oh but it is ok for you white kids or other family to play .... Not traveling into the city cause it is dangerous ... Oh you mean cause there are blacks and spics ...Oh ok gotta cha... Man that guy is lazy ... Oh you mean cause he isn't white but he still does more then that lazy white guy but you won' say nothing WHITEPOWER! "My taxes goes and supports them" ... First of all you don't understand how taxes work all the money taken out isn't sent right to the black mother with 3 kids.. Of course if she was white you would have much less of a problem lets go donate toys and clothes to her.. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... Just a few examples that come to my mind quickly ... One more "That school is in a Bad Area"
-That being said I remember being around Toronto ? some place in Canada and see these two black guys and and am expecting them to talk we will call it homie and had my mind blown... French was spoken granted white people didn't even speak it in that part of Canada well I think it was french
-Again I'm not saying the only issue is the fear that blacks are coming the blacks are coming but it is one of the many issues on guns.. But it is the same party that think Obama was born in Kenya and shouldn't be President so......
-There is a part of this entire gun thing that I kinda think no one in the media should be talking about... Where was all this during columbine ? Yes at the end I will post a video... But the talk shouldn't be about gun debate it should be about how as a society we treat different people the same.. How we don't push the fringe people to that place... How is it that these people who go on these rampages don't get the help they need.. Cause if they would have none of these mass shootings (yes counting webster) would have happened .... This is what we should be working on not what type of guns people can have.....
-I Don't agree with the current laws they passed... Again I don't agree with it some parts don't make any sense..... If you have a legal gun where the standard clip is 10 bullets That is where it should have stopped.. how can only 7 bullets be legal.. that is just silly and wrong.. Only load 7 I don't get it... What about cops with glocks are their guns not fully loaded vs. Criminals fully loaded guns ? along with swat ? Maybe I missed something still don't get that part
-I myself think that if Guards at schools where trained and knew what to do.. People would still do bad things but they wouldn't kill kids....
-Of course if at school you didn't have to worry about sitting at the wrong lunch table or that liking Britney spears will get a dead cat at your table or liking speed metal getting shoving in a locker or what ever ....
-But I also think that if the common city folk might have a gun that would put a hole in the chest criminals might think twice before doing something...
-There is no way to cover every issue but I admit I'm a little bit split on the issue... Why can't every part of a non removable # and it is registered to you .. Your gun goes away and a crime happens with said gun you are charged with being an acesory to the crime or make it to the next degree of the crime ... That would stop all these supposed good law following folks from moving their guns... Cause at the end of the day guns don't make them selves
-Or here is another radical idea if we treated drugs as drugs instead of promoting some and saying others are bad... Yeah go get addicted to beer it is ok cause we sell it at football games but coke oh you are a bad person and can't do movies .... Then we wouldn't have gangs selling the stuff and they might not need guns ? Just some ideas ....

Permalink: Guised_Racism_and_Guns.html
Words: 956
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/20/13 12:03
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