Category: buffalo
12/28/10 04:58 - 29.ºF - ID#53346
Waterfront Vs. The Mall?????
What has kept the building going is that Food Court.... I kinda just went through it and didn't look to see what is there... The other thing is that there is walk way to AM&A's (well not used anymore) and there is a walk way to The RAth Building and some other building through the Food Court........
This is an Important Building.... Now there are still a few shops left but not many.... Don't get me wrong there was a very pretty Christmas tree in front of a bank with Security infront thought that might not be a good thing to take a picture of and the mall was decked out but it got me thinking about something...... Why Aren't there more shops there?!
Wait there are supposed to be all these Loft Places some high end and some for students and you have ECC down there. Now above the mall you have that big building not sure what kind of offices are up there...
The Point is during the week you have a lot of people downtown why aren't there a lot of shops and places in that mall.... Well other then the Food Court?
I think there are 2 no make that 3 wait might be 4 not sure issues......
1. People who work downtown and even live downtown would rather shop at the Galleria or what ever mall or Plaza is by there house.. I admit it I lived in Kenmore I would go to tops and target and places over there and not downtown...... Some Of that is what they know. I would rather go where there are a ton of places.... I love the Galleria mall.......
2. To People who live in the city The Elmwood stirp and Waterfront Area are different parts of the city. But to people out side the city or maybe who just work here Elmwood is thought of part of Downtown. So because of that Elmwood Development = Downtown Development hence nothing new in the Mall shopping wise.......
3. Even with all the uncertianity of what will happen with the Waterfront I'f I'm going to open a store I would much rather have it down by the water where you get people in this new, cool, pretty and hip shopping area then a mall that Working people walk through........
4. Don't get me wrong 464 Gallery and Blink over on Amherst and a few new places are great. There are a couple new places on Grant St. There is a movement to get Grant up to the Elmwood Strip... But yet there are Vacant places that may never get rented on elmwood (sweet tooth) or some spots where over the years places can't stay open for the long haul. The Ugly truth is right now there aren't enough people to support all the shops and all the places in Buffalo. To do that you need more people or less shops.....
So at some point I think it is going to lead to the Waterfront Vs. The Mall... I would love to see the mall be aimed at people who live and work downtown and sell clothes or what ever they want to buy after work or maybe even after a play or something...... Then You have places on the waterfront for people who visit Buffalo during the summer for the boating and a beach and the waterpark and the Stadium on the water with the Only NFL team that Plays in the state of NY.
What I figure is this. If someone moves downtown and what they want to buy or do isn't there then they travel someplace to get what they want, once that Habit kicks in they won't buy downtown..... I think that what this means is that with the small amount of $ and small Population of Buffalo soon it will be a battle between the mall and the waterfront for good shops and the Mall will lose and it will be a shame , Hope I'm wrong though...............
A Few Pictues.....

Permalink: Waterfront_Vs_The_Mall_.html
Words: 766
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/28/10 05:07
Category: holidays
12/24/10 04:41 - 24.ºF - ID#53332
Christmas 2010 ARGH!
Family Channel or some Station Every Year has on Christmas Specials on all December..... I admit I never check into what they are.... I'm sure they have some of the Classics and Movies as well.... Movies about Christmas are great and have some message and can be really good. Rudolf is great. Now I did post something over on facebook from Cracked about how it has all these bad Messages. But you know what I like that special because it shows how flawed things are Love the island of the Misfit Toys. Not sure where but recently some places you could buy all the misfits... I think that anyone who has never fit in really likes that movie or at least that part of the movie.....
I also Have to admit I love the lights. It is amazing how much work some people put in. Yes I like the Cheesy Blow up Animals as well. Some people really go hog out or what ever the saying is and I think that is pretty cool. I have heard of some Famous house in Buffalo where they have Santa sometimes those that Have seen it in years past know what I mean......
But Christmas Itself not so found of. See Christmas is a Holiday for kids... The entire thing is about getting Kids Gifts. Now there is nothing wrong with that per say.... But see what it does do is teach kids that it is only about the gifts. I don't care how much family is over and about how many times you go to church and if you get to see a live manger with real live animals.... to Kids they still get the idea of gifts and toys and fun. Well what I think that does is it makes it so that as we get older that is all we care about. My Proof = Black Friday.... That is All I have to Say!!!
But See for me What do I want. I got it CDs of Bands I like..... Wait I don't have time to Listen to the ones I have now.. Wait there are all these great movies and great Blu Ray combo Packs and Yes I would love that Giant Wizard of Oz gift set and all kinds of things that come with shirts and toys and have special animated cartoons that you only get to see on blu
ray... But Again I have DVD's from 2 Years ago I'm guessing I haven't had time to watch..... I also think that when you grow up you now have your own money. So if there is something you really want you go get it. Yes there are things you don't have the money for but that is the exception I think.......
I'm not all Anti Christmas... Sometimes I just don't get the point. Why buy someone something they might not like and they do the same for you.... Why Not just take the money and you each buy your self stuff and enjoy it and things that are the same you can enjoy together.
That Being said though Opening up gifts is fun so I'm not really a Grinch... Sometimes I just think (not that I'm going to do it)... That maybe in stead of giving people gifts go out and buy for each person then instead of wrapping them go to the good will or salvation army or toys for tots and just donate them all.... maybe keep track of all the stuff and have people open empty boxes. It would be great if you could some how get a picture of the people who got the winter coat and are warm out on the street instead of hiding in some building that isn't safe.....
All that being Said I hope everyone Has a Great Christmas or what ever other version of it you do.... If you don't celebrate anything then go help people who want your help (a Charity)..............

Permalink: Christmas_2010_ARGH_.html
Words: 734
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/24/10 04:41
Category: internet
12/21/10 06:45 - 24.ºF - ID#53315
Does the Internet connect us Article

That is about if the Internet really connects us more..... I will say this before I copy the article. I think in some ways it does. Yes it is true that often times you connect online with people you all ready know.... But look at like how ever flash mobs work... I assume that some of those people wind up meating each other and also connecting off of the web. Some shows in some cities (bigger then Buffalo I assume) have viewing parties for TV shows.... Then there are things like (e:drew) has had Viewing parties (not just for Church People either) and that great Champagne Brunch... Oh and bye the way thanks to you and (e:Janelle) they have been a great time and I'm sure a lot of work for you two.... I guess the point I'm making is it isn't the Internet it is how we use it... Yeah you can watch porn all day untill it hurts and you have no fluid left and you can order food and never go out side... But you can also find people on dating sites and chat on video and keep connections tight and find new people online. At the least you can keep up with people who you don't have time to see or call ....................................
I admit I'm hoping for some Comments>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Does Web really connect us?
Many use Internet to unite with others like them, experts sayBy Stephen T. Watson
News Staff Reporter
December 20, 2010, 8:00 AM
Updated: December 20, 2010, 11:06 PM
The Internet promises to let us connect with a stranger in Tokyo, but in reality we're much more likely to talk to a friend in Tonawanda.
It was viewed as a potentially globalizing tool. But if you look at how users really spend their time online, they interact with people who are a lot like them -- sharing the same ethnicity, hometown or class status.
"I think in part that's just natural human behavior," said Gregory R. Wood, Canisius College associate professor of marketing, who studies how businesses use social media. "Our online behavior tends to reflect, in part, our offline behavior."
Millions of conversations take place on Twitter, Facebook, blogs and other websites every day, but most are segregated from the rest. Users talk near, but not with, others unlike them.
Local users say they notice the same pattern in their own online interactions, where they mainly chat with friends from school, or back home, about what's on their mind.
"Sometimes we talk about whatever the trending topic of the day is, or an event that happened," said Ricza Lopez, a media production major at Buffalo State College. "I like Twitter for the entertainment. A lot of people go on there and complain about their lives. It's funny."
Experts say this Internet isolation is a concern because, as the problems we face and the economy become more international in scale, we need to become more global in our outlook.
The way to resolve this issue is to translate more websites into other languages and to find the right guides to nudge us out of our online flocks, advocates say.
"These bridge figures, I'm pretty well convinced, are the future of how we try to make the world wider through using the Web," Ethan Zuckerman, a senior researcher at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society, said at a recent Technology Entertainment and Design, or TED, conference.
From the beginning, theorists argued that the Internet had the potential to revolutionize how we communicate by opening up people to new perspectives from across the globe.
But social media drive so much of the online conversation, and the people we talk to through Facebook, LinkedIn and other sites are usually people we've met in our offline lives.
On Twitter, where people send status updates in 140 characters or less, users start out by following people they know.
They expand their Twitter base by following people who write about topics that interest them, while Twitter suggests others to follow based on a user's location or current connections.
New technologies such as Twitter "amplify and extend who we are and our existing tendencies," said Steve Macho, an assistant professor of technology education at Buffalo State.
At noontime one Friday earlier this month, the most-repeated phrases worldwide on Twitter were "firstkiss," which encouraged users to describe their first lip-lock; "ifihadsuperpowers," a more whimsical topic; and "Xiaobo," a reference to Liu Xiaobo, the Chinese dissident who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize that day.
If you dig down into those conversations, however, you'll see that the people engaging in them for the most part share a common denominator of race or geography or interest.
Zuckerman, in his lecture, said he was surprised to see how many African-Americans use Twitter, which recently did some research on its users.
The service believes 24 percent of American Twitter users are black, about twice their representation in the general population, Zuckerman said. White and black Twitter users aren't talking to each other, however.
Citing research performed by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas, Zuckerman points out most popular topics on Twitter are exclusively posted by either white or black users. In May, for example, the term "cookout" was posted almost entirely by black users, while the term "oilspill" was almost uniformly white.
Mate Salekovics, a D'Youville College student from Hungary, said he goes online to call friends and family back home, check out news from Hungary and interact with others who study information technology.
He said he doesn't think there's much that would make him change his habits.
"I know many other things are going on online," Salekovics said. "I do what I like."
Digital segregation also occurs in online news.
Google Ad Planner found in June that 99.9 percent of Chinese users, 98 percent of Japanese users and 93.9 percent of American users get their online news from domestic sites.
"We occasionally stumble onto a page in Chinese, and we decide that we do, in fact, have the greatest technology ever built to connect us to the rest of the world, and we forget that most of the time we're checking Boston Red Sox scores," Zuckerman said in his lecture.
Beginning in 2008, researchers noticed a trend of users seeking out websites that have an explicit point of view, and one that reinforces their own views, Aaron W. Smith, a senior research specialist with the Pew Internet & American Life Project, told The Buffalo News.
Smith isn't convinced the Internet is totally to blame.
"Is this a symptom of the broader polarization we've seen in the political world?" he asked.
Others argue the Internet has changed how we consume news, making it more interactive, and the medium is filled with information that can challenge a belief system. Liberals can visit the Drudge Report, for example, and conservatives may stop by Huffington Post.
"The key point is, I have to want to do that. It is there," said Wood, the Canisius professor.
People employ different media -- TV, radio, print and online -- to get their news, and on the Internet they "forage broadly" and rely on friends to fill in what they missed, Smith said.
But these are people you already have something in common with, so they are sending you links to issues that you might already know about.
Jeffrey J. McConnell, a Canisius computer science professor, laments that we don't just stumble across things anymore because we're always directed exactly where to go.
The search engines powered by Google, Microsoft and other high-tech heavyweights don't encourage the kind of pleasant meandering that happens when we go to a library or look up a word in a dictionary.
Data showing the most popular search terms in a particular country or community shows how inwardly focused we are.
Buffalonians using Google over the 30 days ending Friday to look up news or current events most often searched for the terms "news," "buffalo news," "wgrz" and "wivb," with "channel 2" and "channel 4" also high on the list, according to Google's Insights for Search.
Is this insularity bad? "[The Internet] helps us to not feel isolated as individuals," McConnell said. "It can be bad because we don't get a chance to find out what's going on beyond our small world. It still is a very narrowly focused interaction."
Zuckerman suggests following well-placed, internationally oriented guides who can point Internet users to ideas and people and places they otherwise might never have found.
Lopez, the Buffalo State senior, is a music buff, and this is a popular topic among her friends on Twitter. "Not only do we talk about music that we are into, but also music from other regions that I am not from, such as Africa, Europe and the Caribbean," she said.

Permalink: Does_the_Internet_connect_us_Article.html
Words: 1501
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/21/10 06:45
Category: travel
12/17/10 07:19 - 30.ºF - ID#53292
NFTA (2nd post of the day) ARGh.......
Now as some of you who follow the news may know NFTA cut some routes on weekends. You need the bus then you are out. Now there was some protest and so NFTA said they would run some buses out there.... Sorry but this is no good. The reason is how is anyone going to when the buses run. I go by the schedule. Well they are all ready printed. It is winter and you need to know what time the bus comes. If you get out of work and can get to a bus stop by say 5 after four and there is 3 and a 5 you have a long as wait but you can't even talk to the boss about hours since you don't know when these other buses would run.......
The New buses suck and have sucked for a long time...... They are low to the ground, so what... The Last Buses could dip and had that bridge Layer thing for people in wheel chairs.... First of all since they are so low the front wheels and what covers then is a loss of seats. Now then in the back they do have steps to get rid of that problem but again you must lose seats since the steps go back some. Now not only that but I'm sure the isles aren't as wide as the old buses. I remember people used to be packed into them....... Also some of the front seats are lost because people aren't smart enough or wise enough to see the seems in the cushions so they make 3 seats 2 up front. This is taken away by the fact that the newest buses don't have seat cushions yet. Oh they have places for the stuff to screw in. Well until those get messed up. Those seats and corners make me slide around..... ARGH...............
So all in all...... Less seats and less standing room is a bad bus...........

Permalink: NFTA_2nd_post_of_the_day_ARGh_.html
Words: 500
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/17/10 07:19
Category: holidays
12/17/10 07:02 - 30.ºF - ID#53291
Where does the time go & Tron
It is tough for me to imagine that On Thursday it is my Birthday and the last day of work and then the next day is Christmas Eve.... That is really tough to imagine.... Hey All I really want is what Glen (why do they mostly call him by his last name) Quagmire wants for Christmas [he is chained up and choked out and beaten by like 4 Japanese girls], kidding but that might be fun.... How did it get to this point so soon???
Then the week after that 4 days of work and then the (e:strip) New Years Eve and then on New Years day, assuming I survive and don't die from drinking a can of 4 Loko or a bottle of something it is the Winter Classic and the Penguins are playing.......
Today I did a little bit of Christmas shopping after I saw Tron In 3D that was a good time, and some previews of like the next installment of Transformers and Pirates of the Caribbean both in 3D. Tron was pretty good story wise. The visuals where pretty good (now maybe it was just something (e:james) I think said on facebook) but I thought a few times how cool of a set that would be for Porno, I've heard they do make some futuristic ones like that. I thought the action was pretty good. Well Maybe it is just that I'm an Olive Wilde fan. She looks so different then she does on house and other shows I've seen her on in this movie.........

Permalink: Where_does_the_time_go_Tron.html
Words: 313
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/17/10 07:02
Category: photos
12/16/10 07:46 - 24.ºF - ID#53286
Sabres Vs. Bruins Yesterday
I will start at the end of the game since that is the most important Part......
Next Up is some Pictures from the beginning of the night with food and warmups .............................. But First One thing. Yes it is great that the sabres won but going to the game is such an event.... You Have Pretty Girls dancing... You Have fans doing Trivia... Then In the 200 you can have them bring you food and even Drinks.... It is a good time.......
Well Time Wise Looks like I have time for a few shots from the game as well................................................
Well I think that is Plenty You and I get the idea...............

Permalink: Sabres_Vs_Bruins_Yesterday.html
Words: 374
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/16/10 07:46
Category: entertainment
12/13/10 07:46 - 10.ºF - ID#53267
weekend movies and shows and stuff

I went to see The Narnia 3D movie. Now in the past I heard that there is religious stuff in the movies. Now I never saw it but could see where one could. But this one it was right out there. That being said I enjoyed the movie but man $11.50 during the day was a lot then food.... I see why people buy the big screen and stay in but those Blu-ray movies are costly as well....... I don't want to get into why I liked the movie cause I would give stuff away....
I watched a not happy at all but very good cop and drug movie. Good action. Good story and lots of tits well some tits maybe a lot not sure but they fit the story.
Last night I watched a lot of Christmas stuff.....
Family Guy had an hour special that I found a lot of fun with singing and stewie and all kinds of fun and crazyness. That was followed by crazy American Dad that had awesome shoot outs. Later it was onto Robot Chicken Christmas that was pretty good followed by 2 old ones that I had seen like parts of.......

Permalink: weekend_movies_and_shows_and_stuff.html
Words: 262
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/13/10 07:46
Category: photos
12/12/10 11:18 - 35.ºF - ID#53244
Bandits Open Practice last sunday
I also feel as if I don't have much to say lately.... I think part of that is the holiday season thing. Some of it is facebook though. Like for example I went to see Narnia 3D on Saturday and yes it was fun but it isn't like something I can write an entire blog about with out giving away the entire movie. The Other thing is pictures....
I admit Windows 7 is annoying. When Selecting pictures to upload if you just slide that mouse a little bit they all get copied argh...... Not only that but no mater what I do (this might be different for when the website scans your computer (JAVA) and you can upload them that, but normally only 139 pictures at a time so that is argh!!!!
So Last Sunday I went to the Bandits Open Practice it was fun...
I'm going to see what happens if I drag the picture from what happened last to first kinda.
The Last thing they did was reveal the 20th year jerseys to me they look like an old one they wore......
Ok maybe part of the problem is how sensitive the optical mouse is I just lost the post because I mis slid the picture and got it on one big page so I'll cut it here for now...........
I admit that the pictures I took where on the screen aka jubotron or what ever you want to call it. Some times you see things better from higher up. This was really cool. the didn't throw fists put they practiced fighting or wrestling it was pretty cool........
So To be on the safe side I publish again
Well Now to add some Pictures of the Bandettes these are from before the Practice started their practice or what ever.......
Well Time for Football pregame but I think the point is gotten maybe more pictures soon?

Permalink: Bandits_Open_Practice_last_sunday.html
Words: 530
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/12/10 12:00
Category: issues
11/30/10 05:51 - 52.ºF - ID#53179
CFLs? Um No Backward thinking
There is a war on drugs! why? Well a lot of people make money on it... We lock up drug addicts and cause gangs to have a product to fight over instead of trying to make it so people who want to escape or feel life more enhanced don't turn to drugs....
But what I want to talk about is CFLs. The Idea shown in ads for them is that they last for years. They are environmental... Well but see that isn't true at all.... First of all I have heard they have Mercury in them, yes that thing that causes cancer and so what do you with those lights when they burn out...
What the ads and packaging tells is. These lights can last up to 5 years. They are these great lights that last a long time and never run out. Well what that does is make you think oh then I can leave them on. That is right they encourage you to keep lights on. Here is an idea to save on energy and not burn your lights out. You leave a room and turn them off. Oh but we can't tell people to do that, cause then the power company loses money. So just leave the lights on all over the house....
But there is another part that those lights that kinda look like curly fries don't tell you.... If you have an old house and you use CFL's they stick out past the light shades or what ever you call those glass things. Also if you have other types of fixtures they may not work with those. So then what are you supposed to do go out and buy new light covers for everything??????
Not to mention there is this thing that many people think that electricity likes comes out of the air... It doesn't some is from hydro power like Niagara Falls. Some is from coal. Yes there are still coal mines and some from wind farms... We all use it with out thinking about where we come from. In stead of having some kind of light that is supposed to last a long time, why don't we just think about when and where we really need light. For example I'm typing now do I really need the lights on.... No I don't so I should turn them off in this room and I will once I hit publish.........

Permalink: CFLs_Um_No_Backward_thinking.html
Words: 434
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/30/10 05:51
Category: holiday
11/26/10 06:40 - 33.ºF - ID#53169
2010 4 course Thanksgiving
That Taco Salad thing I made was a lot of food and fun but messy to eat I ate like a burrito meaning a I ate the shell and stuff in side at the same time kinda.
Then after that I got home and watched the Half time show... Is it me or does Keith Urban Look like Johny Reznik (lead singer of the goo goo dolls) or maybe he stole his look. So I watched the end of the cowboys game and it was a pretty good game. Then TNA wrestling was pretty good to, yeah they did have it thanksgiving themed some so that was cool.
I did try to buy one thing on black Friday it was a $200 Kodak camera that was 10X Optical zoom and only $99 on sale but online they ran out....
Went to see Faster and then Burlesque. Faster was a pretty good action movie that had a story and muscle cars and that kind of cop thing it was pretty good. I have to admit in terms of Burlesque I'm not really a Cher fan but she was pretty good and looked pretty hot, kinda looked like Vat Von D. Now in Terms of Christina she is amazing all movie long.... I guess if you don't like her singing style you might not like the movie. That is in fact the reason I don't watch American Idol. To Me that show isn't about who can sing. It is about We Like this voice over that voice and it has nothing to do with if someone can sing and play a master riff it is all about this voice and that voice. In any event I really Enjoyed it.
When I left the movies I saw it had snowed for the 1st time this year. The pictures look dark on facebook but decent on the camera not sure how well you can see the snow but here goes....
Right now 464 Gallery is doing something, and I think there is a Tree lighting on Elmwood and carriage rides, and Club Diablo is having a fetish show but I don't feel like treking home in the cold so, I'll go have chunky soup and go watch wrestling plus I'm working on Sat so....

Permalink: 2010_4_course_Thanksgiving.html
Words: 448
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/26/10 06:40
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In Connection with that if it ever gets finished I would love to live in the Hotel Lafayette. Think about how cool or maybe bad it would be to pop open your window and be able to see the square and here the music.... Granted I would need an (e:) Heidi or (e:TheSourthernya)nkee style Camera to get pictures or Video you don't like the music just close the window. Also one would be close to Bisons and Sabres games and Club Diablo.. But where does one buy food down there. Sorry But Tops Niagara is a bit shady sometimes.... Well maybe with more people it would lose or has lost some of that.......
Now in Terms of the Mall. You are Younger then I so I'm guessing you went later years then when I was there but that might not be right.... Back then in school I didn't have money really... But that mall was the place to be.. Clothing stores, Record store, book store places to eat that toy store..... I don't remember when the food court got added but that was what took the spot of the Court Yard Mall that place to me was just about the food........
I Admit I love the Galleria mall I really do and if you don't want to eat there, then there are other places close by to eat that are pretty good (Famous Dave's, And Chipotle and Fudruckers come to mind first)... But the thing is that those places to shop should be downtown or maybe they shouldn't?
I Love Toronto (Yes (e:vincent) I know I should have gotten my idea a long time ago and I admit I'm fucked up in some ways and that is part of why I haven't got it). I love how they have the signs for a district and you can walk and go from one right to another. But yet somehow all of that feels like it is Downtown... Maybe that is cause I don't live there and to people not from Buffalo that is how Elmwood feels.....
I have heard there are two kinds of cities. Some have a downtown and that is what it is. People work there and if you want food or something it is in the building you work in.... Then You have the kind where there are stores and Christmas windows (you know how like Buffalo used to be).....
Maybe Buffalo should be the first one where there are no shops where if you come to downtown you come for that thing and then leave but that isn't the Downtown I want.... I want one where you come downtown (assuming you drive) and eat and go to your event and maybe do some shopping and after that if say you have a few dollars left go to the casino and play some slots or play 21 aka black jack for fun.... I just don't think Buffalo has the people to support that... Hope I'm wrong.... I think that the people we do have is only enough to support waterfront shops though.............
They again, I guess the whole atmosphere is kind of depressed there and nothing can help. Its not new though, it was kind of run down even when I was a kid in the late 80s - early 90s. We used to skip school and take the bus down there from Kenmore. There we would buy incense and then trade it back home for cigarettes from friends who stole stole them from their parents. Wow, thinking back it was always a sketchy place to me - even in middle school.