Category: holiday
11/26/10 06:40 - 33.ºF - ID#53169
2010 4 course Thanksgiving
That Taco Salad thing I made was a lot of food and fun but messy to eat I ate like a burrito meaning a I ate the shell and stuff in side at the same time kinda.
Then after that I got home and watched the Half time show... Is it me or does Keith Urban Look like Johny Reznik (lead singer of the goo goo dolls) or maybe he stole his look. So I watched the end of the cowboys game and it was a pretty good game. Then TNA wrestling was pretty good to, yeah they did have it thanksgiving themed some so that was cool.
I did try to buy one thing on black Friday it was a $200 Kodak camera that was 10X Optical zoom and only $99 on sale but online they ran out....
Went to see Faster and then Burlesque. Faster was a pretty good action movie that had a story and muscle cars and that kind of cop thing it was pretty good. I have to admit in terms of Burlesque I'm not really a Cher fan but she was pretty good and looked pretty hot, kinda looked like Vat Von D. Now in Terms of Christina she is amazing all movie long.... I guess if you don't like her singing style you might not like the movie. That is in fact the reason I don't watch American Idol. To Me that show isn't about who can sing. It is about We Like this voice over that voice and it has nothing to do with if someone can sing and play a master riff it is all about this voice and that voice. In any event I really Enjoyed it.
When I left the movies I saw it had snowed for the 1st time this year. The pictures look dark on facebook but decent on the camera not sure how well you can see the snow but here goes....
Right now 464 Gallery is doing something, and I think there is a Tree lighting on Elmwood and carriage rides, and Club Diablo is having a fetish show but I don't feel like treking home in the cold so, I'll go have chunky soup and go watch wrestling plus I'm working on Sat so....

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Words: 448
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/26/10 06:40
Category: issues
11/24/10 05:43 - 34.ºF - ID#53159
Acceptance isn't Glee Approval
In Any Event the main part of the story was about the Bullying thing. I kinda wonder if it is more about the bullying then the gay thing. Cause when he transfers schools it isn't just that he is being picked on and is scared it is that there is no Bullying about any thing Zero tolerance...
Last week what got me thinking was that part of the issue with the football player is that he can't come out. Not that he wants to. But as a football player you can't be gay. Now the show didn't really touch on this like I thought they wouldn't, but hey it is just a TV show. But to me they kinda hinted at it. When Kurt didn't mention the kiss and instead said picking on him....
But What I was thinking about some place in the show was that often in life acceptance and approval get kinda mixed up in our minds. I think this is so true with Homosexuality and really any kind of sex that isn't what you are into. I think often times someone thinks that what someone does or is is wrong so they don't approve of who or what they are. But just because you approve of someone doesn't mean you can't still accept who they are and let them be them selves and just not like what they are....
Again this isn't just about homosexuality it is about anything. It could be that you think that pan handler shouldn't bother you and should go get a job (you don't approve of them). But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't accept them as a person or that you are mean to them. I don't think I really have the words to explain what I really mean.
That being said hope everyone enjoys their Holiday weekend!!!

Permalink: Acceptance_isn_t_Glee_Approval.html
Words: 373
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/24/10 05:43
Category: tv
11/21/10 11:27 - 37.ºF - ID#53147
Time Warner and Fox
If you have seen there ads the newest one shows some lady buying shoes coming in and using start over to watch her favorite show.... Well hold on that doesn't really work like that... Not all he stations (fox comes to mind here) have start over... Also it doesn't allways work right on shows that don't start right when they say they do... This Happened to me when I came home and tried to watch Bill Maher the show ended in the middle of new rules... Also what about live things like football that go over the time. Oh bye the way this is a problem with DVRs to from what I hear. So don't believe that kid playing baseball with his dad ad either......
Last night I really wanted to watch The Hurt Locker , Like a fool I trusted the ad. But not so much that I checked the channel it was on (The Movie Channel I think) and start over came up so I thought it would work. Go get food for the movie and football today and go in and no start over as an option on enhanced TV, FUCK! So one of the options is on Demand and of course that isn't one of the movies that the ondemand channel has either argh..... So I went to find some on demand stuff and found "Fan Boys" it was wild and was great to see Seth Rogan play two parts but what made the movie good really was the hot chick in it but was all the cameos those where the best parts. The next Movie was "Zombie Strippers". Ok Zombies and a strip bar it was awesome. Yes it was very funny and there where lots of tits. Did I mention it was funny. Oh yeah and they took zombies in a new direction (the effects are different on men and women and women have control, yes two strippers fighting on stage and the golf balls where funny)........
Now in Time Warner's defense they don't control what each channel puts on their demand station and when they are on. For example Starz has this thing they call early premieres where movies come on before they air normally. That being said (yes the on demand stuff is free but still) it would ve nice if they had more movies and specials on the ondemand channels....
There is the new service I have seen advertised where say you miss a program you can go back into the past to view it. You can go back I think 3 days. Again this isn't on all the channels...
My point here isn't that I'm bashing Time warner it is that these services that when they work right are pretty cool you can't depend on them, like the ads make you think...
Next things next the fox and time warner thing. It is time for those two to make a deal. I think they will reach a deal because it is suicide not to, both companies would lose way to much money...
1. Glee, House, NFL Football, Simpsons sunday night line up and Yes American Idol are the huge fox draws. If Time warner was to lose these here is what would happen.
A. Some people would just give up and not watch Fox anymore. Less people watching fox means lower rating and less people watch the comericals drop way off in value..
B. Keep Time Warner but watch Fox over the air. Well ad money wise again you had people watching time Warner who know watch Fox over the air so they lose money.
c. I need fox so drop my price on cable, oh you are charging me the same for less ok bye. Yeah a lot of viewers would drop Time Warner and that is where they lose the big money. Most of those people would go get another provider or maybe just go the HD route through the air....
I can admit that I don't work for a station or in braodcasting so not sure how the money stuff works other then that when everyone on friends wanted that huge increase in pay they all got it because they ratings where so good that advertisers paid so much money during those time slots that it was a drop in the bucket to NBC. So time warner losing fox and fox losing time warner would be a huge blow to both companies that they can't afforid. But there is another factor that I don't know how it works every net work has a local affilate and yeah Fox 29 would no longer be on cable and that has to effect how much local ad money they get. Well that would happen in every city with time warner. I think that might be why you see the scrols during shows cause they don't want to lose the money.
D. There is this X factor that no one can really count or quintify. What effect does this bickering between cable and stations do to the viewer. I as viewer like the shows I like and they should be there when they are there. It is bad enough when nights change and now one program I liked is on at the same time as another. This bickering could turn people away from both companies. Maybe they will decide to just watch shows on the internet with one of those huge sony internet TVs. Or maybe give up on TV and just wait for the good shows to come out on DVD and Spend a weekend watching the entire series. Who knows what it will bring. Maybe Viewers will find a way to watch the NFL on line...
The Bottom line is that making fair deals behind closed doors before the public hears about it is best for both the cable/Satlite companies and the stations....

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Words: 1039
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/21/10 11:27
Category: issues
11/18/10 06:14 - 42.ºF - ID#53121
Caffine and Alcohol aka 4 loko
1. There is Claim that when you have Caffeine in alcoholic drinks that it makes it so you can't tell how drunk you are... Not sure if that is true or not but since it pumps you up it makes sense...
2. If 1 is true then can it be dangerous... Yes but anything can be. Smoke enough your lungs die. To Much alcohol you die. To Much Cocaine heart attack. This is true of most things. If you think about it makes sense. High amount of alcohol in a big can and many of these drinks are very sweet so you can see how it would be easy to over do it, in fact I did with Joose

3. But see Danger is the point.. If you drink something that constricts blood Vessels and then speeds up your heart or body or gets you moving it could be dangerous...
4. The Point is when something is Dangerous people want to ban it. Do you ban cars? No. How about ATVs and other dangerous things ? Um no. Here is an Idea how about some Education and teaching people how to be safe.....
5. Binge drinking is a real thing and people drink to get really messed up or chugging beers. This has happened for a long time and will continue to happen. Yes young people die from it all the time and it won't stop anytime soon. I think that the people who got really sick off of four Loko did so cause they where into this activity.. It isn't four loko that caused it, it is the activity the stuff is around 10 or 12% alcohol....
6. Yes when sparks came out and also Tilt They where marketed as energy drinks with alcohol. Now some have said that this confuses people that people think they are energy drinks. I do think that some people might think that... But they are only sold with other alcohol so you should know they aren't a regular energy drink so I don't buy that.
So I guess the way I Bottom Line this is that I think they should be legal and Just have a warning on them. Now I know that hurts the marketing but you still have most of the can or maybe you could make them have a cling sign that attaches to the cooler doors that is a warning. If a store doesn't have one then the their is some kind of fine from the FDA.. Everyone shouldn't be hurt by some people who can't control there alcohol intake... They should be Drink at your own risk.....
Now I do have one other issue about this entire thing. If this combo is so Dangerous then why aren't they going to go after the bars and restaurants where you can order right off the menu a Vodka and Redbull or a Vodka and Diablo Energy drink (very tasty at club Diablo). See there is this double standard that pisses me off. They won't go and make that mix illegal in a bar (how would you enforce it since they don't only sell alcohol you can't make them not sell energy drinks). But that isn't why. I think they are in bed with the bars. I almost wonder if the bars are tied in to this somehow. Yes I'm glad they aren't going this far cause I like that mix, I also like Jagger and redbull as a mix Yummy... But it is still a double standard. Why is it that a few people have to go and ruin it for everyone else... This isn't just in here in so many other things it just pisses me off.
On a side note Today I did buy two flavors of Four Loko one is grape and I forget what the other one is they have a bunch of flavors and I got a huge thing of a purple can of tilt. Maybe I'll buy more types just to try them , cause I won't be able to have them much longer ARgh..................
I remember there being Controversy over a Drink I liked called sparks it was pretty good. It tastes like an energy Drink but has alcohol in it... The Wiki Page

Created in 2002 by San Francisco-based beverage marketing firm McKenzie River Corporation, early marketing relied on word of mouth primed by giving away large quantities of the beverage.[2].Between 2003 and 2005, it had a 107% compound annual growth rate.[3]
On August 14, 2006, Miller Brewing Company announced it had completed the purchase of Sparks from McKenzie River Corp. for $215 million cash.[4] Miller had been producing Sparks prior to this purchase.[5] It is currently producing it under the Steel Brewing Company label of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
In September 2008, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit watchdog and consumer advocacy group, sued MillerCoors, claiming that its Sparks alcoholic beverages that include caffeine are a health hazard.[6] Three months later, at the behest of San Francisco and 13 states, distributor MillerCoors LLC announced it would remove the caffeine from its Sparks line of energy drinks, and would change its marketing campaign.[7] "We're doing it to protect the public health of our young people and to reform business practices," said S.F. City Attorney Dennis Herrera.[8]
Maybe it is Just Me but I think this is all Schumer's Idea to shut these people down

Four Loko Drinks to be Prohibited by Government
Posted November 18, 2010 4:32 PM
Four Loko is the target of new legislative efforts aimed at protecting Americans from the dangerous mix of caffeine and alcohol. The federal government will make products such as Four Loko, Joose and other caffeinated alcoholic beverages prohibited for U.S. sale, a senator says.
Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., said Tuesday the Food and Drug Administration will rule caffeine is an unsafe food additive to alcoholic beverages and therefore prohibited for sale in the United States.
Last month, nine college students from Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Wash., fell ill at a house party in Roslyn, Wash. The students were hospitalized and one student almost died. "Let these rulings serve as a warning to anyone who tried to peddle dangerous and toxic brews to our children. Do it and we will shut you down," Schumer said in a statement Tuesday.
"This ruling should be the nail in the coffin of these dangerous and toxic drinks. Parents should be able to rest a little easier knowing that soon their children won't have access to this deadly brew." Drinks such as Four Loko and Joose have as much as two to three coffee cups' worth of caffeine and two to three cans of beer per container, a combination that can be extremely hazardous for teens as well as adults, Schumer said.
Schumer said he has been applying intense pressure to have these drinks banned because of serious risks to the health and safety of consumers.
Read more:
So Never read this site before but they have an article with a video of part of a Vigil For Four Loko..

In the wake of its inevitable ban, Four Loko, the drink that nobody really drinks but everyone loves to memorialize, continues to inspire more feats of absurdity. On Monday filmmaker Ryan Jones drank the stuff to scientifically guage how potent it is. On Wednesday Assemblyman Felix Ortiz imbibed three in a nearby hospital to monitor its effects.
Last night fans of the "blackout in a can" gathered in Union Square for a Four Loko vigil. Fans of the drink sang songs of support, lit candles and told stories about their best (or worst) Four Loko experiences. Even the 8-bit techno band Anamanaguchi came to show their support.
The Village Voice was there to report this moving and somber event:
Soon, the crowd began to light candles and, in turn, use those candles to light their cigarettes. A few mourners stepped forward to share their Four Loko stories. "Every time I drank a Four Loko, something terrible happened," one said, then, when the applause settled, concluded, "And each time, I grew from it." A less enthusiastic round of applause followed.

Permalink: Caffine_and_Alcohol_aka_4_loko.html
Words: 1485
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/18/10 06:14
Category: issues
11/17/10 08:04 - 45.ºF - ID#53118
Football Homosexuality on Glee
Now they deal with the issues of being different, being picked on and Homosexuality on the show.. One of the most recent ones is there is this football player who picks on the one openly gay kid and not in the nice way. So he stands up to the guy finally and the end the hater kisses him. Yeah that was on last weeks show. But there was a tie in about if he tells anyone that he will kill him and at one point he winks at him also....
What I don't think the show is going to talk about is the fact that Homosexuality is often something people can't admit to for many reasons. But one of them is because you lose who you are and what you love. See even if this character new he was gay (and not repressing it) and loved the fact that he was. He could never come out cause the day that he did, bye bye football. Anyone (say a dad) who had football dreams for him would be hurt as well. Why would football be over for him (not that I ever played in school)? It makes a non sexual thing sexual. Tackles in the mind become grouping. Lets not even get into the locker room and showers and all the awkwardness. Now some might say this is silly why should people stay hidden because of haters. It isn't really about haters though but it is some. This is the same reason why male teams don't want women on the team and if they do some how make it, get a different changing room.....
But that takes me onto a different issue. Women and reporters and camera men in locker rooms. Sorry it shouldn't be allowed. The Locker room is a place for the team. Where people change and get ready and no Cameras or women should be there. What there Should be though is A media room that players and coaches can go into and get treatments if they want to and do interviews....
How many girls would change if they thought a boy was watching through a peep hole. Well that is what it would be like if someone came out when they played football. Yes some people wouldn't care but some would not want that person looking at there stuff. Also how about when the o line holds hands or are neck to neck in the huddle or snap towels now all that all boys stuff boys being boys loses what it is because of the assumption of everyone being straight.....
There really is no way of changing this.... But what really causes this is in our society Gender roles are so strong. Boys do this and girls do that.....
There was this prowrestler I liked Named Chris Cannon . He was kinda a mid level wrestler. AFter WWE bought WCW he kinda went no where. Some Time he came out publicly and not sure how high he would have climbed but it sure derailed any chance he had... It is to bad. As Many Wrestlers he died at a young age. I'm sure it is because he came out and it killed his chances. Look at how wrestlers dress and the close body contact how could that work knowing someone is gay......
This is tragic that this is how things are but that is how things are. It is a real issue and no NFL player has ever come out during their playing time. In Wrestling yes there have been charcters that hint at it, but that is just a charcter a way to mess with the other persons mind but to really be gay is different.......
My Point is that often times because of how Society Is (not just certain people) there are reasons people can't come out or admit to what they really are because it would destroy there lives and it isn't only from hate.... This is a real issue that I don't have the answers to.....

Permalink: Football_Homosexuality_on_Glee.html
Words: 713
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/17/10 08:04
Category: photos
11/16/10 07:03 - 47.ºF - ID#53112
Sabres Part 2
Oh Yeah Game ON!!!!

This Outfit coming up was odd even for a sports event for some reason it reminds me a bit of A Christmas Story....
Ok Back to the game shots maybe I should have put those 1st?
Vanek Scored an Amazing Goal in Overtime to win the game. On the way home I saw that Cereal at Wilson and Had to Buy it, it is my Favorite Sabres Player Ryan Miller

Permalink: Sabres_Part_2.html
Words: 357
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/16/10 07:21
Category: photos
11/15/10 06:12 - 45.ºF - ID#53107
Sabres Sat. Part 1

I wasn't able to get pictures of everything with people eating in front of stuff. I would have also liked to have been there right at 5 so I had time to read everything but I had my Niece's Birthday Party to attend and that was a good time.... Hoping more photos from warm ups the grier thing and the game....

Permalink: Sabres_Sat_Part_1.html
Words: 231
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/15/10 06:28
Category: movies
11/13/10 12:22 - 59.ºF - ID#53098
Wartorn & Skyline
HBO showed this Documentary that I watched today (aired on veterans day) Called Wartorn . It is about (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. They had old war footage and interviews and stories of current vets and people serving. Was it interesting yes! Was it disturbing Yes! It was very good though.
It Makes sense though that if you have never killed anyone that doing so could mess you up at some point. It also makes sense that once you are trained (and do it) to kill and fight in a war that it would be hard to turn that off at home. People are creatures of habits and habits are pattern forming.
As a Small example of this there was a wrestler Bill Goldberg. He was talking about getting into Character (He was one of those go out and destroy his opponent type of guy and had some huge winning streak being a beast). He said that he could turn that guy on in about 5 minutes but then when he was done it took him hours to get out of character..... That is just getting pumped up and putting on a show and being someone else not being trained to kill the enemy and defend your self and your fellow solders... Hey some people are fine and do readjust to life normally but this movie wasn't about them. I think it is a must see it is good to get shaken up a bit and get a bit disturbed by things some times......

Permalink: Wartorn_Skyline.html
Words: 309
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/13/10 12:22
Category: holiday
11/11/10 05:28 - 53.ºF - ID#53092
Happy Veterans Day
I Work at a company so it isn't a day off like it is for some. There have been many wars and I think these two current ones are a waste and that a lot of people are dying for no reason, that being said others hold the opposite feeling but that isn't what Veterans day is about. Yes at some point those troops that live will be Veterans. Memorial Day is when we remember Solders that died. But for me on or around that day I like to go look at the memorials and big ships and remember that not only did US Soldiers or what ever term you want to use die, but so did the enemy and that is very important to remember but that isn't this holiday. To me Veterans day is about all the people who served in the Armed Forces and are still around. I think that we due owe them gratitude. People join (or where drafted) into the Military for all kinds of different reasons. No matter what those are when your time is finally up and you are done then the Military/Government needs to treat you like how you are supposed to be treated. It is sad how often this isn't the case. It should be a crime if you aren't taken care of properly..... But hey that is just my view.
Happy Veterans day........

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Words: 276
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/11/10 05:28
Category: potpourri
11/08/10 06:49 - 42.ºF - ID#53082
Odd thoughts today
But that also gets me to I saw an add for Glee on Tuesday Night, I guess it is about Bullying. As I try and think back to High School I don't really remember any back then. Yeah my School was small and yeah maybe you had little groups of people but I was kinda known by a bunch of people and kinda on the fringe of how ever you might call those groups, at least from my perspective... Well there is one thing I can think of, off hand but don't remember all the details...
Yes Bullying has been in the News lately with the suicides. But what people don't get is that this movement should have started a long time ago. Most of those school shootings where because the kids where picked on or put into some social circle and where sick of it so they went shooting... The Problem I have with the shootings is that they weren't planed correctly. What I mean is if the metal kids are picked on and they did nothing to deserve it Then if they came in with guns and knew where the people who picked on them where and got them all together then that I could live with. Eye for an Eye right.... But in all these cases they just go after everyone.....
That is true in the Ft. Hood shooting as well. That guy was an Arab so he was put in like a circle of one and then he went nuts...
Now in Bowling for Columbine my favorite part is the Marilyn Manson Interview. It really is. Well now that I'm into movies I did watch a few over the weekend maybe that is part of what has effected my mood. It could also be that (e:JoyBlue) looks as if I have seen her someplace or somewhere before but that happens to me so often when I'm out walking... I think it happens from over the years being on a lot of social networking or free dating sites or some mix of those. But another thing about those that is so odd is that no one really looks like their user picture. Yes Part of it is that some pictures are old and some are new. but women change so much with hair style and cuts and makeup. There are couple Pictures of (e:Theecarey) on facebook that look really good (now I'm not saying she doesn't normally look like that) it is just a different perspective or a light I'm not used to seeing her in. There is a picture of me with (e:ladycroft) and (e:Imk2) at Edgefest where they both look amazing, and I can remember someone commenting about how young they both look. In that picture they both did.... Oh yeah Back to the movies. X-games the movie was pretty good. The Box was wild.. You get a box and can either push a button and someone dies but you get a $1,000,000 now that doesn't sound like a lot but it is set back in time so it was more money then. It gets pretty good I think and reminds me of The Twilight zone in some places with the Humanity Tie in. I also watched Avatar on the small screen and it was still good....
Ah I lost my train of thought so long ago... Oh yeah Friday met up with some ex-employees and current one of where I work... It was a good time. That being said I did see a few pictures on line from Mass Appeal it looked pretty cool.. Fridays sure does make a good Mojito is there any such thing as a bad one. And the server was pretty hot. Plus there was a beavy of hot ladies there as well, the one by the Galleria mall is pretty nice....
Sunday was Football and the quick thing is at least the team is looking better in their losing efforts... I think if they can get it together and get a win they could become good and that might lead to a good season next year?????
I think that is all I got sure I left something out, I do wonder what happened to some people from the HS though.....

Permalink: Odd_thoughts_today.html
Words: 828
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/08/10 06:49
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