Category: photos
04/20/08 02:27 - 73ºF - ID#44067
Part 2 Buffalo Unexpected
So on my way downtown I did take a few pictures and I took a few afterwards to, and I just remembered some pictures I forgot to resize to upload oh well. Once I got to the marina I thought that I had enough time to (again if not for the train I would have been wrong here again) go see the ships and that tower. It was unexpectedly warm to me and as I was walking the wall I saw something odd. I saw some very nice cars go by. Then I noticed it was a funeral . I figured that is odd when they turn around I will get pictures. At the about the same time the canoers in the water where way ahead of me and going through the ice. As I got closer I quickly figured out that they where not just here as a way to relax afterwards. Paul Bearers pulled out a casket and people stood around it. I wasn't even going to try and get close enough to what they where saying. It struck me as odd that this was in such a public place. I also felt like I should take some pictures but I have to do it in a respectful way and stay away since I didn't know the person I almost felt like I shouldn't be there. That being said it did look like a nice way to go out. Here are the pictures that are possible because of things being unexpected. Maybe later in the week some other pictures will show up on here.

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Permalink: Part_2_Buffalo_Unexpected.html
Words: 499
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
04/20/08 02:13 - 73ºF - ID#44065
Buffalo & Waterfront
Yesterday it was very nice out so before I went to the Bandits game I went to see The Forbidden Kingdom, I thought it was a very good movie. If Marital arts is your kind of movie you would like it. But before that I went to the Marina and walked around Buffalo. Here is a little picture salute of what I saw this is to kinda see how they look when they are posted I have more to say in another journal where the pictures go the other way.
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Permalink: Buffalo_amp_Waterfront.html
Words: 144
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: music
04/19/08 11:49 - 78ºF - ID#44053
The Juliet Dagger
Dark Pictures in Random Order

Well A movie the out side warm weather and then going to the bandits game is calling me so I guess it is time to get out of there before I go though it was nice to see a (e:peep) out last night to bad you only saw a little bit of the 1st band. Also In case I forget on Sunday for those that partake and those who don't happy 4/20 or 420. Hopefully before tonights game I will be able to try out some downtown pictures (I only wish it was me going downtown on someone and vice versa but if that where to happen this would be the first place for all the pictures to show up) and maybe the Marina also but we shall see, hope these pictures look ok and hope everyone has a good weekend or if it is a bad one that you can get something good out of it.

Permalink: The_Juliet_Dagger.html
Words: 263
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/17/08 06:48 - 71ºF - ID#44040
So last night I watched this interesting and funny movie on IFC called "C.S.A Confederate States America". The best way to describe it is to think that the south won the civil war. Then this would be the program on the history channel you would see about that. They even interrupted the show with Ads and News breaks. They did use historical footage and then experts talking about things that happened and presidents and how the states got united. I found it pretty interesting it mostly dealt about race and slaves. At the end of the movie they did list some real places and products that where sold and used. One of the products looked a lot like this tooth paste that the sell (or at least sold till pretty recently in Japan still).
The other show I watched is on Spike TV called DEA. I like the show it is interesting to see how one unit in Detroit works at catching drug dealers. This show isn't like cops, cops is all about the crazy people and beating them up or dragging them around and is really about look at that white trash, scum bags, drug addicts, pieces of shit, come on run boy I want to see the cops catch your red neck ass and tackle you. Cops is so much about seeing pieces of shit on TV being locked up. There is that it is about seeing the person humilated and them being out of contro. DEA is more about the team and about how they catch guys and the cameras will go in the house but not with the raiders. I myself to agree with the drug war but this is a pretty interesting show. These guys really think they are making a difference I don't think they are really. There is a marathon of episode on Saturday night by the way.
The problem with the war on drugs is, that like a lot of things in America it is done backwards. What we do is go after the people who sell the drugs. Then try to flip them (give up their supplier) , and keep going up the ladder until the case goes no further. But see if no one needed coke, or pills then the dealers would have nothing to sell and if someone can't cope and needs drugs and all coke is gone then they will do another drug. I think that all the money that is spent on fighting the war on drugs should be spent to try and learn and prevent people from having to use them in the first place. If you get ride of the demand then the problem fixes itself. I also think that there is a difference between use and abuse. Some people can go out on Friday and Saturday and party with e and then go to work or school on Monday and be fine. But then some people have to party every night. I think money should be used to try and help people instead of sending people to jail. I can understand why people want to fight the war on drugs this way with all the crime and gangs who kill over turf. But when gangs get violent why can't the cops just go after them and get there weapons off the street and lock them up. You can never lock up all the the drug dealers and even if you could then people who have to get hi would just do it some other way. For example household chemicals can be pretty good, I have gotten high on them but not purpose. Another good one is paint, ok the fumes I guess. I was watching these ladies do spray paint art at the fair and maybe after about 10 minutes I could feel it. So what will the drug war really do. But if as a society we learn how to treat people better and help people not depend on drugs to feel better then a lot of people might be better off. Hey but maybe that is just me.
I hate to say it but that will never happen for a bunch of reasons. I think the main one is political. People want to be tough on crime and fight this war. But I think the biggest reason is no one wants a complex answer. Americans are stupid and lazy. You can't do A times C - d +7 = problem fixed it has to be drug dealers are evil and must go to jail. Beer is legal and causes all sorts of social ills but isn't part of the war on drugs, but is just as bad if not worse the weed. No one ever smokes weed and gets in a bar fight then crashes there car into a school bus with 30 kids in it. Look at all the cough medicine. When we are sick what do we do we take stuff that makes us feel better. It hurts when I cough so the stuff I take stops me from coughing. But that isn't good coughing is how you get all the crap out of your lungs. I won't even get into prescription drugs. I think that as long as we have big companies with lots of money making legal drugs (perscriptions, over the counter, behind the counter and beer) there won't be an honest discussion about drugs. Those companies have so much power that they keep their drugs as good and the illegal ones as bad, and as long as that happens then there will always be people who abuse drugs. On a side note persctipton drugs get abused to, but since they are legal not to many people really care about that.
Ok my rant is over I guess.

Permalink: C_S_A_D_E_A.html
Words: 1014
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: holidays
04/14/08 06:51 - 49ºF - ID#44010
Black Day for love, big day for noodles
By Jon Herskovitz Mon Apr 14, 12:40 PM ET
SEOUL (Reuters) - It was a Black Day for love in South Korea on Monday with lonely hearts trying to ease their pain by diving head first into bowls of noodles.
South Korea celebrates Valentine's Day, where local custom dictates women give gifts to men. It has taken on a popular event born in Japan but sweeping Asia known as White Day on March 14 when men return the favor with gifts for women.
But Black Day, on April 14, is a South Korean original. It is marked by people who have not found love dressing in dark colors and commiserating over meals of black food, with the dish of choice being Chinese-style noodles topped with a thick sauce of black bean paste.
"I had a miserable time on Valentine's Day, felt even lonelier on White Day and now I'm crying over a bowl of black noodles," said a young women who asked only to be identified by her family name Na out of embarrassment.
"Things better be different next year."
At universities across the country on Monday, students without lunch dates ordered black noodles, dined with other lonely hearts and searched for companionship.
South Korea marketers have hatched special days for the 14th of each month to create a calendar laden with love.
Some days have gained traction such as Black Day, while others such as Green Day in August, when couples are supposed to drink cheap liquor that comes in green bottles and walk in the woods, have yet to attract much of a following.
Black Day events have snowballed, with a major matchmaking service this year providing an evening of speed dating where the dish of choice is sushi blackened by squid ink.
An on-line company for movie tickets sponsored a speed eating competition of black noodles for those who bought single tickets for the latest films.
"It is depressing enough going to the movies by yourself," said Shin Youn-joo of the company called Max Movie.
"We just wanted to spread a little joy to the 'with-outs'."
(Additional reporting by Jung Hee-jung and Lee Jiyeon; Editing by Nick Macfie)

Permalink: Blackday.html
Words: 641
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: snow
04/13/08 11:56 - 37ºF - ID#43998
Winter or Spring

Permalink: Winter_or_Spring.html
Words: 85
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: weekend
04/12/08 04:22 - 40ºF - ID#43990
Super Hero Movie and Bisons
Yesterday I went to the Buffalo Bisons opening day with my sister. Except for them losing and the down pour of rain for a little bit it was a fun time. I was surprised they played through it.
Here are some pictures on our way to the game around the Allentown/west side area.

As I said it is to bad the Bisons lost and the rain during the game but I still had a good time and the fire works where pretty nice to. Here are some random pictures from the Stadium..

I hope everyone is having and continues to have a great weekend. I didn't do to much but I really enjoyed having Friday off from work sometimes it is just nice to be able to sleep in and not do much. I doubt I'll go out tonight have a bunch of pictures to put away hopefully I can decide what to watch as I do so.

Permalink: Super_Hero_Movie_and_Bisons.html
Words: 388
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
04/07/08 07:53 - 64ºF - ID#43940
Jays Bandits Part 2
Back to the Blue Jays Game: It really was a pretty good game. The Blue Jays won and if I heard correctly it meant that they swept the "Bo Sox". I have been to games in Toronto before but I don't think that I have ever been there for an opening weekend. That reminds me there is a Spot Coffee in Toronto but we didn't go. Well here are some random pictures from the game.

It was a good game and Boston had there chance to win up couldn't do it. If it wasn't for the grand slam the Jays may have lost, if memory serves that was during a railie with two outs and Frank Thomas got the grand slam not sure who gets credit for the winning run though.
I can see time wise that I won't have time to post the Bandits pictures so I will say that it was a great game Saturday night and the cheerleaders where hot and it was a lot of fun, ok dance team sorry. The bandits beat the Mammoth buy only one goal so it was close, the bandits where way outshout so we won with good goal tending or better shooting depending how you look at it or some of both I say goal tending.
Back to Toronto, the reason we went was for my Mothers Birthday. Hopefully there is a Yankees Game in the future but we shall see. Here are pictures from us leaving Toronto to go home.

(doing a moonlighting or as they call it "speak to the Audience" "break the 3rd wall). I hope anyone who read booth journals enjoyed them. I'm kinda pictured out so that isn't all of them so sorry about that. It is strange because unless someone leaves a comment you never really know if your journal is read. Yeah you can look at the views and that is kinda a marker. But that doesn't tell you if anyone really read it or not. There is often the pull that the journal is for your self but also for those who read it, it is a very gray area. Well I had a great weekend and hope everyone else did also. Hopefully some time this summer I can go back to TO and just explore and take pictures maybe just along the waterfront and see where that takes me.

Permalink: Jays_Bandits_Part_2.html
Words: 513
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
04/07/08 07:19 - 64ºF - ID#43939
Jays Bandits Weekend

I think though so this blog is more fun and more exciting instead of getting into Saturdays Bandits game I go to the Blue Jays game. It is good that we got to Toronto early because as luck would have the keys got locked in the car. Waiting around for Triple A wasn't fun but at least it was warm and sunny out. Here are my pictures of TO

The Jays Played the Redsox. With the waiting and buying some merch I did miss some of the on field stuff like there was a band out on the field and I only heard the anthems. It is kinda odd to hear the US one first you get so used to hearing it the other way around. I was in line as listing and watching it as they cooked my Noodles. It was cool to watch them kinda stir fry them in front of you, the noodles in a box where pretty good.

One thing I do have add that I forgot is how many lovely and sexy ladies there are in Toronto. From the Beer vendors to people in the crowd. Well ok some of them may have been from Boston or other parts of the states. The Asian girl (with BF) was cute and the blond behind me was so pretty and her boobs looked like they where pretty nice also. A Few more random pictures from the game well it won't let me upload any more so for those that care maybe I'll do a part 2.

Permalink: Jays_Bandits_Weekend.html
Words: 447
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: internet
04/04/08 05:37 - 43ºF - ID#43905
online photos and privacy
Couple sues Google for posting house pix
By JOE MANDAK, Associated Press Writer 38 minutes ago
PITTSBURGH - A western Pennsylvania couple has sued Google Inc., saying pictures of their home on its Web site violate their privacy and devalued their property.
Images of the home Aaron and Christine Boring bought in the Pittsburgh suburb of Franklin Park in October 2006 appeared on Google's "Street View" feature, which allows users to find street-level photos by clicking on a map.
"A major component of their purchase decision was a desire for privacy," according to their complaint, filed Wednesday in state court, which also says the couple suffered mental distress.
The images must have been taken from the couple's long driveway, which is labeled "Private Road," and that violated their privacy, according to the complaint.
To gather photos for Street View, Mountain View, Calif.-based Google sends vehicles with mounted digital cameras up and down the streets of major metropolitan areas taking pictures. Many other companies take real estate photos the same way.
Google spokesman Larry Yu said the site indicates that property owners can get the company to removed images if they cite a good reason and can prove they own the property depicted.
"We absolutely respect that people may not be comfortable with some of the imagery on the site," Yu said. "We actually make it pretty easy for people to submit a request to us to remove the imagery."
If the Borings made such a request - especially if they told Google its photos must have been shot from their driveway - Yu said he is confident the image would be removed.
The couple's attorney, Dennis Moskal, said the point is that the Borings' privacy was invaded when the Google vehicle allegedly drove onto their property.
Removing the image won't undo that damage, nor will it deter the company from doing the same thing in the future, Moskal said.
"Isn't litigation the only way to change a big business' conduct with the public?" Moskal said. "What happened to their accountability?"
Yu declined comment on the suit itself because the company was still reviewing it.
Google is not the only Web site with a photo of the Borings' property.
The Allegheny County real estate Web site has a photo, plus a detailed description of the home and the couple's names. Similar information, including pictures, of nearly every property in the county is on the Web site.
Moskal said the county's image appeared to be taken from a public street.
"The county's not trespassing," Moskal said.
Moskal said his clients did not wish to speak to the media. The Associated Press could not find a listed phone number for them.
The Borings paid $163,000 for the property, according to the county Web site. The county describes the home as a single-family, four-room bungalow with a full basement. The one-story frame home was built in 1916 and sits on a property that's a little less than 2 acres.
The home is 984 square feet with a fireplace and central heat and county assessors graded it as being in "Fair" condition. The county Web site does not mention the property's two detached garages and swimming pool, which are visible in the Google pictures and are mentioned in the couple's lawsuit.

Permalink: online_photos_and_privacy.html
Words: 707
Location: Buffalo, NY
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