Category: drugs
09/16/06 03:56 - 68ºF - ID#28463
Lost war on drugs
What upsets me about the war on drugs is that the entire aproach is wrong. The cops arrest drug dealers and a new one pops up. You can't arrerest them as quickly as someone else comes along, it dosn't work. They are trying to fight the symptoms instead of the problem. People who use drugs are going to use drugs taking away a dealer isn't going to stop that. So what you wind up doing is sending people to Jail and over crowding jails. There is a big business in prisions that I may get to latter in this post. Basicly the government spends a lot of money locking people up and paying police to fight this war and sending cops into a war zone.
But if you fight drug use the other way you are much better off. Use the money to help people who want to stop using drugs to stop. Why do people start using drugs in the first place? I say it is to deal with life. Now when it is with alcohol that is ok but weed, coke, or Herion is ok? I say spend the money to help people how to deal with life so they don't need to use any drugs. Will there still be people who use drugs and become addicts, of course. But anyone who wants drugs can get drugs so we might as well try to make it so as few people as possible need drugs to deal with things.
You are not an addict be diffention untill what you are addicted to starts to interfear with other things. I have never understood that and kinda disagree a little bit. If you have two beers a day and have to have those 2 beers a day you are an addict just a responible one. But that being some of the money that is being poured into a loosing war on drugs could be used to figure out why some people can use drugs like weed or special K to party and not get addicted and some people then have to have there drug of choice. Wouldn't it be cool if you could pop a pill and it would get rid of the addicting quality of Pain Killers or even make painkillers that arn't addicting.
I belive that none of this will ever happen because secertly there are way to many people who make a lot of money on the war on drugs. The cops have a lot more to do when figting drugs and need that overtime pay. The prison system is verry big business. You have the company that builds it and other companies you supply pipes and eletric supplies. After building some one supplies food, uniforms, vechiles and all sorts of things. Not sure if it is true anymore but prisons used to count towards an areas population, that ties into how much money they get. Then there are the prision guards and prision workers who all get paid. Granted all people in jail are not drug dealers, drug users or people who stole for drugs but they do make up a lot of them. Prisons are a big business that a lot of companies make a great profit off of.
One thing that i find strange is that you have gangs who kill over drug turf. You would think that if these gangs didn't kill eachother and innocants that the cops would be less likely to go there and kick in doors. If drug dealers didn't except things like for dope that would also keep the cops away. If no ones houses are being broken into and there is no shoting or stabing or robing then the cops have no reason to come there. These gangs only happen in the inner city. You never hear about drug shoot outs in the suburbs. Are there drug houses out there? Or is that just an inner city thing? To be honest I don't know. I know that kids from good niehboorhoods and the burbs get and do drugs but not sure where they buy them.
I think that if you take the criminal aspect out of drugs things would be a lot better. It being criminal is why you gangs have turf wars and cops get killed and drug deals go bad. But then what about kids who qucikly figure out that they can leave school and sell dope all day and make more money then working a Job? I say that is a dam shame. But when you are part of the underclass in this country that is verry true. Just because you are from the underclass dosn't mean you have to sell drugs but it sure is tempting. I truely belive that there are a lot of rich people who want the underclass to stay as the underclass. I think that the rift between the rich and the poor is much wider then the one between white and blacks have ever been. I think a lot of big buiness dosn't care about the underclass as long as they buy there product. 40oz Beer is a great example that is a lot of fucking beer. You used to only be able to find them in stores in the ghetto. That was on purpose to pray on the poor. Those rent to own places is another good example. They take a $600 item and make it worth around double the price. But do they do lay a ways no. You rent it from them long term. Short term would be differant. Its the superbowl and your having a party but you don't have the money for a TV that covers the wall. I figured out the payments once and it was about 3 times the amount of the Value they listed on the TV. Not to mention that they allready inflated the value. The company dosn't care they are just there to pray on the poor and make their money and keep the poor that way.
If there where white suburban crack houses then who knows maybe the war on drugs might work, but it is still the wrong approach.
Here is where I get to the ify part. What if you decrimalise drugs? I think that would be good cause you could spend the money on trying to get people not to use drugs in stead of arresting people. It would help cut down on some of the violance in the drug wars. But the people selling them still want the most profit they can get so there still might be gang warfare.
I think Weed definatly and Cocaine should definatly be made legal. They would be sold in drug stores only and would be controled like alcohol and cigerettes. Yes now that it is legal you might get a few more people who want to try them but you would have the money you warn't putting into the war on drugs and new tax money for drug education and life coping skills and rehab centers. That would cut down on drug users. The people who where bringing the drugs in from other countries would now be the suppliers. They would make more money doing it this way so that would insure they wouldn't let any of it get onto the streets. When prohibtion started it caused gangs to form and government eventually wised up and ended it they really need to do the same thing now. I have heard a lot of theroies about why drugs won't be legalised. For example the cotton industry dosn't want Hemp clothes to compete with it. The government can't figure out how to tax it and keep the drugs out of street deelers hands. I have heard that legal perscription drug companies know there product is abused and dosn't want the competion.
What I know for sure is that the war on drugs is a battle we lost a long time ago and someone in government needs to start a differant aproach. It dosn't help that most politicans arn't from the ghetto or don't know about the ghetto and all the problems there. It also dosn't help that some of them know and could care less. Not sure if it is because of race or money. I understand that there will always be be some verry rich people and some verry poor people it is just to bad that some rich people try to keep it that way. If this wasn't true then why isn't there a drug war with the rich and connected and in the suburbs. Hopefully I'll hear some others thoughts on this. Oh yeah not really sure if herioin should be legal at all that is from what I've heard one of the most devestating drugs around. Maybe if I get more info I'll form an opion on meth labs.

Permalink: Lost_war_on_drugs.html
Words: 1567
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
09/13/06 07:47 - 66ºF - ID#28462
Cool Sci Fi

I admit I'm not a huge sci fi fan. but i think it is interesting that a lot of the females in sci fi that are animated are verry busty. It is offcourse to bring in the males. But what about for the females who like sci fi? What about Them? I wonder if any one has ever done any testing on how chest size effects fighting ablilty? I would think that at some point they might get in the way when handling a sword. Hopefully next week I'll have something good to talk about like the war on drugs or something. I may also have some Niagara Falls pictures I'm going to See ECW wrestling on sunday who knows maybe I'll take some Pictures of the falls.

Permalink: Cool_Sci_Fi.html
Words: 195
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: tv
09/10/06 11:19 - 54ºF - ID#28461
Varrious Thoughts
Watched Dane Cook on HBO last night He was preaty funny. It is nice to see that some people can still do physical comedy that isn't slapstick. I enjoyed his show it was preaty good.
I watched Unleashed staring Jet Li and Morgan Freeman last night. I had seen It a couple times before. I like that it takes martial arts in another direction. Where he is a man trained and known as a dog and he only fights when he Collar is taken off. Eventully he winds up not wanting to fight anymore. I think that I good Martial arts movie has to have a good story to it. Yeah the fight scenes are cool and everything but it has no meaning with out a story. Sometimes it is tough to get the right amount of balance between them cause everybody who sees a movie wants a differant amount of violance and a differant pace.
I have been so tired this week it just felt good to sleep friday night then watch some latenight TV and then well you know skin a max and that was fun for a little bit. I still say that the guys who do porn or light porn should get togather with hollywood and make a hollywood movie and have the porn guys do the sex scenes.
I watched an interesting Documentary on the Bloods. It it hard to imagine that they would let anyone tape them. There was a point in the film where the camara crew was chased out of a place.
The bills Season Starts today. It could be Verry interesting. I don't think they have a chance going anywhare this year but I could be wrong. But the start of Football Season is also when the season changes it starts to get cold and you eat warm foods and have hoodies to keep you warm. Now if I could just find a cute little Football fan to keep me warm everything would be great. On monday two of my Teams play The Redskins are the first game and The Raiders are the second. I wish I could watch all of both games and do the double header. I will be fliping a lot during wrestling. On a side note I was so tired I couldn't stay awake for the steelers game last week.
There is an interest article that I don't have time to get into in artvoice and part of it is about the war on drugs. Hopefully I can tackle that debate at a later date.
On a odd side note why is mornig wood so strange. You wake up it feals like it is larger then it normally is but it is the same size. Then you get all these sexaul fealings but at the same time you know that all it is, is that you have to piss but that it dosn't feal like that.
I forgot another thing about Football season it means there are new episodes of the simpsons on. Not sure if the entire sunday lineup is all new or not but I will have to check in on the battle of the Manning brothers on chanel 2 sunday night football. If you havn't seen it on HBO in demand yet (shows 6 days before regular hbo) the Season Premiere of the Wire is on tonight it is a verry good show.
I had some other thoughts to but they got lost somewhere in reading journals. Oh yeah it is almost Hockey season again.

Permalink: Varrious_Thoughts.html
Words: 616
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nfl
09/07/06 08:13 - 68ºF - ID#28460
Starts Tonight

Permalink: Starts_Tonight.html
Words: 105
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
09/04/06 02:19 - 63ºF - ID#28459
someshots test Party
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The fire works are from July at two bisions games I went to. Since they show up fine that means the problem isn't (e:strip) it is my pictures and how they where named or downloaded or something. This same thing happend once before with some Toronto pictures. For now if you want to see some pictures from the party visit my webshots page. I'm going to try something and see if it works.

Doing it this way is verry time consuming. But it is a little sample of the pictures I took. If you want to see more then the previous journal should Have a link to the page. I should also have a link to it undermy links . Hope everyone is having a much better labor day then I am. It is nice to have a day off and now go watch some tv and find a movie to watch before Prison break and wrestling.

Permalink: someshots_test_Party.html
Words: 235
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: party
09/03/06 01:01 - 59ºF - ID#28458
T&J Party Part (updated)
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The Link above will take you to my webshots photo album. On a side note I forgot to Mention that Jen Rocks and Timika is so fucking rad I wish you both a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

Permalink: T_amp_J_Party_Part_updated_.html
Words: 160
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
08/29/06 06:37 - 67ºF - ID#28457
Terry Mike Bday Pics
Picture wise one thing I should have done was to take pictures as I was being given the tour by Paul. Also the pictures I took of (e:southernyanke) and (e:Terry) dancing came out dark. I used a setting called drive but I forgot that with drive there is no flash so they looked nice on the camara screen but not on the computer. So I brightend them up and hughed them up and they came out interesting. The one odd thing is that in the originals you could read if you eyes where good enough the computer screen for what songs are on but once you add brightness you lost that.

Permalink: Terry_Mike_Bday_Pics.html
Words: 316
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: party
08/27/06 12:08 - 71ºF - ID#28456
Cool 24 House

Permalink: Cool_24_House.html
Words: 88
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/25/06 07:28 - 69ºF - ID#28455
Brawl busy weekend
Saturday I will watch the begining of the Bills game and then it is off to PMT's. I also have to get my pictures developed. I have a ton of them on my camara. Everytime I went to walgreens there machine was down. I went to eckerd and there photo lab isn't open late enough for me to go during the week and is closed on sundays. The problem with Rite Aid is that there machine can only do 50 pictures at once. Plus one time they cut off some of the picture at the top so they are out, so hopefully things work out for me. I would like to check out the elmwood festival of the arts also. Plus I still have to figure out what to bring and buy it 0n sat. Do I try to somethng new or do I go for something I know I like. In any event I hope everyone me included has a great weekend.

Permalink: Brawl_busy_weekend.html
Words: 225
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: philosophy
08/24/06 08:57 - 70ºF - ID#28454
Dreams Vs. Sacrifice
Would we sacrifice fun and hanging out with friends for the dream? What about fathers who never see there kids because they are allways working to give them a great house and nice vacations? Would they just be better off to spend some time with the kids? At what point does the dream become more important than your moral code? Would you defraud old ladies with scams of their money, shit they arn't going to be around much longer anyways? What if it meant cheating at work or undercutting other employees to get to the top? Where does one draw the line and say it is ok do go this far, but there is only so much I can sacrifice to get to where I want to be? What about doing illegal things like stealing cars and selling drugs, would that be ok? Again you are not doing this for greed you are doing it because you your 18 year old hot girlfriend to be have sex with you everyday in exchange for nice stuff. Yeah dreams are great but what if you want to aspire so much that you break your own ethics code?
Now lets move out of the real world for a minute and into the supernatural of theoretical philosophy. What if a evil being like say a demon or something approched you and said all you had to do to be obtain your dreams was to give him a soul or give him power over someone else. Would you go out and abduct say a homeless man and keep him in a shed in the backyard or basement and as long as he was locked up you would be a sucesss? If you said yes to this what if the demon took it a step further and said for each imprisoned man or women you lock up I will give you more then you have dreamed of and your kids for example will get to fullfill there dreams, would you do it? It may sound like an odd question but people figuratively sign deals with the devil all the time. They work in a company and lay people off but give them self a raise, so they can have that dream. People go out on the street and have bums fight each other and film it so they can have money so they can try to fullfill their dreams at that time. Is money the root of all evil? Well it can be if you let the way you get your dreams be thourgh money and you only think about your dreams and don't consider others.
What about when a society holds others down so it can have its dreams? Is that ok? Who is more important the one or the whole? Generaly in communism the whole or the group of people is more important then the indivual and in America it is often the other way around. But what if a demon or maybe even a politican came to a city a state or a town or maybe even a country and said Everyone in this area will prosper and people can obtain there dreams . What if all they had to do was to make sure another area suffered? Would you Nock down there power lines? What about tainting their water? What about droping bombs on them, where would you draw the line? If anyone is still reading this you maybe saying that is crazzy no one would ever do that. But it isn't as weird as it seems. What about the blacks in Lovejoy problems that happend a few months ago. Is a lot of that racism yes. But I think another part is that Whites don't want poor ghetto people moving into there neighboorhood and making it worse. There is a save Iron Island group that I really don't know much about. The first thing I thought was why arn't they in Klan outfits they might as well be. I'm not saying it is right but most likely they are people who have dreams and even if they can't achive them all they don't want people coming into there hood and ruining there shot at those dreams. So if you where one of those people how far would you go? Would you say you arn't wanted go away, and then just try harder to keep your dreams alive? Or would you sacrifice your self for you kids dreams would you attack them and run them out? When I was a kid if you didn't live in Lovejoy you didn't go there they didn't like outsiders of anykind, whites included. What if there dream was just to be left alone, How far would they go?
I know the tittle isn't the best. But maybe it is still ok, The reason being is that I think most people will sacrifice but they will only do so much for there dreams and everyone has there limits. There becomes a point for everyone where the sacrifice becomes to much and it wins over dreams. So of the lucky people don't have to sacrifice to much to get there dreams. I'm not saying that it is easy for them at all, I still belive that they work hard. I just wish I could have posted this when there where 25 guests and 3 bots on the site. One last thing I will add is there are some poeple who like to sacrifice and the sacrifice is what makes them feal good and that is what they like. They love the fact that they work a 12 hour day and do things that help others sometimes that can be a great fealing. If anyone made it to the end don't be affraid to sacrifice a few more minutes and let your thoughts out as a comment.

Permalink: Dreams_Vs_Sacrifice.html
Words: 1167
Location: Buffalo, NY
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On another angle. Imagine how many people would be out of a job if marajuana became legal. The big cigarette companies with the resources to grow, package and advertise it would make a fortune and the small scale grower, middle man dealer would go out of business. Not to mention all the middle men, mexicans, border smuglers, etc.
I think it could work to decriminilize marjauana because no one really gets crazy riled up about needing it right that second, okay well maybe some people like hodown.
Coke, however, is another story. Imagine someone comming down of a coke binge knowing they had it at walgreens but they didn't have enough money for it. Sounds like a great invitation for disaster.