Category: photos
03/21/11 07:09 - ID#53889
St. Patrick's Day Parade
If you are a hot chick but aren't in the Parade get the Fuck out of the street you aren't the parade we ain't here to see it you are blocking the view ..... This applies to everyone else walking the route I'm trying to see the parade thank you! At least the girls we get to see something good so it isn't as bad......
When I got there it was insane Allen was so backed up I had to walk back about 30 feet and cut across a lawn to get to Delaware...
I debated trying to get into that store by Arby's for a drink but the weather was weird it felt both warm and then cold and didn't want anything cold when I was feeling cold... So no drinks for me...
That was a good thing cause I don't know if Ass Hole or due-sh Bags is a better term show up from out of nowhere and stand in front of people me who are there on the curb like way out in the street.... Maybe they should do like I have heard NYC does and Baracade the entire street and not just Allen .......... The one Lady was nice and would go up take her picture and go back .... Now I didn't want to go up and block people who where at the level I was at.... Finally I did go up though and stopped shotting through people...
If you read my stuff and follow my stuff on Facebook you may notice that pictures go up on Facebook 1st. The Reason for that is With Windows live Picture thing once you download them you can click a button and it brings up the pictures you downloaded and you select how ever many pictures you want (facebook albums have a 200 picture limit I understand) and hit share and it transfers them for you.... So it is a tech issue Not an I love Facebook thing.....
Here are the pictures.....................
Just Had to add I had a lot of fun and maybe drinking would have been the way to go.... What would have been amazing is to go downtown and then after that go to the Sabres game... I also think some time it would be cool to be where ever the reviewing stand is (would have to be packed) so you see all the marching and dancing and bands play....... Hope everyone who went had a great time!

Permalink: St_Patrick_s_Day_Parade.html
Words: 992
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/21/11 07:09
Category: movies
03/19/11 05:02 - ID#53871

Permalink: Battle_LA.html
Words: 48
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/19/11 05:02
Category: photos
03/17/11 06:34 - ID#53862
Sat 3-12-2011
Not sure how old the Kids where who played at Halftime.....
Here come the Bandettes!
Bandits Beat the Boston Blazers and it was a good time

Permalink: Sat_3_12_2011.html
Words: 442
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/17/11 06:34
Category: holiday
03/17/11 05:05 - ID#53859
Happy St. Patrick's day
Now today feels like St. Patrick's Day!
One Classic Saint Patrick's day thing is Shamrock Shakes... Now I can admit that some Years they have been kinda medicine like and other years they where great... This year I have gotten two of them from McDonald's and I find them Tasty.... Now that being said they used to just kinda be a mint Shake.... But they have left the shake area and are Part of the McCafe' line.... I think that might be why they taste so good.....
I'm not going out since I don't like Beer... I'll watch Spring Wipeout and TNA wrestling.... I won't have Cabbage or Corned Beef since they both are gross.... Even if I did I have to work in the morning.... I have seen on Facebook that Joose might have some St. Pat's stuff but maybe it is just a flavor in a green can... So of that stuff is great and some of it is gross... Then some of it on the first sip you taste the flavor Yum then the 2nd sip is Malt liquor gross and that is how the entire can goes.... But for those going out have a (Black and Tan) Guinness and harp or what ever an Irish Car Bomb is for me.... Back to the food Shepperd's Pie would be pretty good though.......
SLIGHT EDIT OR ADD on I found Two Classic Pictures that are Big Time St. Patrick's day one of these I have a picture of on my wall and the other I find it amazing that they can turn the water Green.... That must be cool to see in Person..........

Permalink: Happy_St_Patrick_s_day.html
Words: 375
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/17/11 07:03
Category: holiday
03/14/11 05:41 - ID#53825
Happy Steak and Blow Job Day!

So for those who Partake Happy Steak And Blow Job Day!
Now a different note a bit I haven't been to (e:strip) on Firefox in sometime and it looks a little different the one big thing I noticed is once I choose to publish at the top you get Topic Ideas now if you page back to other posts you get a different Topic Idea... Now it just so Happens to work out that my first one was what would you spend $150 if it was given to you... That fits this topic perfectly get a nice Steak and Some Head... Of course if I was built like a porn star or contortionist then I could do myself and for those lucky ones who can let the other person watch some time............

Permalink: Happy_Steak_and_Blow_Job_Day_.html
Words: 141
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/14/11 05:41
Category: photos
03/10/11 07:30 - ID#53805
3-5-2010 Bandits

Permalink: 3_5_2010_Bandits.html
Words: 402
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/10/11 07:30
Category: photos
03/04/11 06:53 - ID#53764
Monday Night Raw
I had a great time and here are a few pictures and by a few I mean 400... Well not really... It is hard to know how they will look on here. With the ring ropes it sometimes makes the action inside the ring look dark but then no flash and you kinda get a blur sometimes so here goes........
Maybe that is a good Representational of what went down and maybe not..... I did record it and hope to watch it on Saturday before the Bandits game... One thing for anyone who made it that far again not sure how many pictures I really posted so... Events like wrestling and Football and even hockey are so different in person then on TV because of Cameiricals (spell check won't find it so ads argh!!!!!!!!! no matter how I spell it it A or O) and Commentary .... So much of wrestling and sports even when you know what they are saying is wrong is driven by things they say... This is true of breaks as well.... At Home time to go get a snack at an event I'm not going to miss anything... Also on TV they have some features you won't see at the event .... Of course the view is different as well..... I want to see that Diva's battle royal it seemed to last like a couple minutes wonder how it will seem on Tape......

Permalink: Monday_Night_Raw.html
Words: 749
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 03/04/11 06:53
Category: entertainment
02/27/11 11:35 - ID#53743
Shrek The Musical
What is the Distance from Grand Central Station to Times Square?
(Blocks or in minutes walking, on a first visit don't want to try and learn the subway and wind up in Red Hook or the South Bronx)
Also What is the Distance from Grand Central Station to Broadway?
I'm thinking of not sure if it will happen to go by train and just explore for a day or go see what I can find.... Flying seems crazy cause that means I have to an airport and do the security thing and the pat down thing and get an x ray and even with the x ray take everything out of pockets then fly to NYC then from there find a way into the city and then after all that repeat that in reverse no thanks..........
Now The reason I mention the NYC thing is that it is important to this musical... I have never seen the Disney ones like The Little Mermaid or The Lion King (by the way Disney borrowed that story for those that don't know) So I don't know if some of things I saw where a mockery of them or just because of my where I was sitting.... Here are the two examples.... There is this Big Dragon and you can see the people in black out fits working it..... Yes there was some smoke but not enough to cover them up.... My first thought was well I bet from far back you can't see them in the lighting I bet in the balcony they are hidden.... Now as you back up the seats go up and from where I was there was this effect where a screen comes down and the people's feet are rats. I could see their legs.... So I wonder are these things that are bashing Disney and big musicals or is that they are made for people in the center to see only really....
What I liked about the Shrek Movies and it holds true here is how they Bash Fairy Tales and they do a great Job here doing it as well yes the lion king gets dissed. To be clear there aren't really any songs in Shrek the movie but the songs in the Musical are great and funny... Now that being said a lot of the Sexual jokes aimed at adults aren't in the Musical but that is ok Not sure if they would fit really... Now that being Said My Favorite part was Donkey he was great and I loved how he sang and talked kinda reminded me of Corey Glover I think from Living Colour singing wise... An it isn't just cause he was black... Then they do this big song at the end of the play after the standing o and Confetti rains down it is great... Is It a bit over the top Sure but all Musicals are.... Hey how can you not like a musical that is a love story and kinda a fairy tale that mocks fairy tales and is funny.... It was a great time now for some pictures (oh pictures of the performance are strictly prohibited so I didn't take any but this is before and after and the Journey)........

Permalink: Shrek_The_Musical.html
Words: 672
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/27/11 11:35
Category: potpourri
02/24/11 05:08 - ID#53708
Time and a few thoughts
I really do need more time with waking up and going to work and coming home it feels like a long day every day.... Not sure if it really is.... What I think this is leading to is that I will go and get my own computer when I get my taxes back. Yeah I over paid a bit at H&R block but the thing is no place does the state for free so If I was going to pay I might as well pay and not do any work then pay and still have to try and figure those things out.. I took all kinds of math in school and doing the state taxes is almost at that level...... See If I have my own computer I can do things like post photos here and download them and upload them as I watch a show... Now an action movie or show that would be out since the action you need to see..... I could even do stuff on breaks....
I don't like to mention work but it has been stressing me out lately maybe that is part of the reason I feel as though I have no time... Or maybe I just need a "Happy Ending Message "... Quickly I hate that I can't spell worth shit that is the wrong word but you all know what I mean (assuming anyone is reading this)... But I don't think it is really the time issue I think well I know I have some anger issues and some dealing with people issues.... But yet for some reason none of you (e:peeps) make me upset maybe it is an amount of time thing.... I think I might have PTSD.............
My thoughts on PTSD have changed a bit lately. At first I thought it is the military's fault for not training people the right way. But as I thought more that isn't true. What I think happens is that when you are in a war zone your body adapts you could even use the word evolves. Some where along the way you learn or maybe it is instinct like an animal that hunts and you learn to watch for things that are warnings or could lead to danger... It could be things like watching your shadow walking home, listening to all the sounds, when you see a person gaging if they are walking towards or away from you (blocks away)... But see I don't think this is a Disorder I think it is a way to survive... In the case of people in the military the problem is that they are no longer in a war zone (unless they live in a bad part of the city) ..... Yes there are other effects like loud noises freak them out again in a war zone that might be ok but a in a city where cars back fire all the time it can be a problem... But again The problem isn't with them it is that the environment doesn't match with them.... I do think that people who have it bad should be helped my the Military so that if they want to go and fight they can or so that they can work a normal job or what ever....
In my case: At work I'm all ways looking around seeing what is going on. But part of that is that I don't just do one thing. I need to access the situation. If the guy filling the line is running low I need to pick orders if that person has the line full then I need to help box... Once my boxes are backed up I need to send them through.... Sometimes the line orders are less important then the truck orders so I need to look and see what the stack looks like. Every time that door opens it could be someone bringing out more orders if it is what kind of orders are they and what does that mean for what I need to do... So maybe if that is PTSD it is a good thing to have at work or maybe it just seems like some of the same things.... Walking at night is all ways a blast..... But you know what is wild I could walk the streets of Toronto with 7 gangs and I bet I would feel safe something about those streets make you feel that way... But Buffalo you had better be ready to fight or run... Ok even during the day I'm often accessing the situation (not the guy from that Jersey show I've never seen).......... Not to mention in winter I have to look and see if there is ice to walk on .....
The Last two days I've taken the #22 home and that is kinda weird going past the Pilgrim Village... I used to be over that way all the time... It is also weird to see all the new stuff on City Honors and there is some huge building being built behind "The Village" that is kinda odd.....
Yesterday on Facebook I saw that for only $1200 a month there is an apartment above Club Diablo.... Wish I could swing that, it would be perfect.... Granted I think everything is included.... I would love to live downtown I would be right at Diablo and near the arena and the square and not to far from the waterfront it would be awesome but of course moving would blow hard. Why is that we use that as a bad term getting blown is great and often a key part to great sex......
All in all I am happy being single doing what a want to do and not being bitched at and not having to go yoga or some activity and then making someone else go to something they don't want to go to..... That being said I'm not anti Yoga... A cousin of mine was in a class for some time and really liked it.... But on the other hand finding a nice "Pin Up" girl who isn't controlling would be cool.... Again I like being single but after some time I think one starts to lose ones mind a bit...........
I had some other point or something I wanted to get to but it got lost in here someplace......

Permalink: Time_and_a_few_thoughts.html
Words: 1141
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/24/11 05:08
Category: photos
02/23/11 07:53 - ID#53699
Bandits lost argh......
So All I really wanted to show was The fact that Johny T got the 700 goals and that I pigged out or what ever you call it at the Buffet so any thing else is like a bonus since they lost......

The Bandettes Dancing to Smooth Criminal was pretty cool
Things are moving slow on my end so a couple more pictures from the end of the game
Coach was all over the refs never seen them run so fast!

Permalink: Bandits_lost_argh_.html
Words: 411
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 02/23/11 07:53
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The Oddest thing at first though was that Snaple Was there but then if you notice the bottles said Green Tea.....
@(e:libertad) Yeah I wasn't sure who was going or where they were going to be or anything and didn't see anything about a meet up or anything..... I also thought My Sis might go and Want Help with Maya the Niece and that never became anything either...... So Just went solo.... The Odd thing is most years I have seen even if it was just in the parade someone I know even if at a distance... But not this year... But then again One of those years was post Parade at a Bar....
Just have to add one thing about the crowds some of the people where pretty nice.... but these two people I felt like walking into the middle of the Street and standing right in front of them and if they say anything go "Whats Wrong that is what You just did to Me".....
I'm guessing that if I would have crossed over to get in what may have been a line to get into the store I have seen some People I know but not sure... The Temp though wasn't warm enough though for me to drink ...........
Hope everyone had a great time and hope some other (e:Peeps) post some pictures as well....... Or maybe someone took some Video?