Category: wishes
04/26/10 06:36 - 58ºF - ID#51455
Wish #1 Intro
Everyone is who they are. Everyone has parts of themselves that they like and don't like and and fine with. But then everyone also sees some thing in someone else that they wish they where. Of course if you had that quality it would change you and change how your life is. So in reality your life might not be any better, hey and it could be worse. I'm not a person who likes saying very often, but.... "The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side". May be true here.
The Other day I had some great ideas, but again no computer. There are many reasons to take a shower or bath. Many people would think a shower is a quick way to get clean, and a bath is relaxing and can take hours sometimes. Well I find A hot shower to be relaxing like some may find certain substances relaxing. What this does is takes your mind to another place, well not always but sometimes. Yeah the getting clean is nice and all. But letting the mind wonder is nice. What is amazing is how one thought can lead to another and that can lead to another and in your mind it is clear and connected and makes sense.
So that leads to Wish #1 :
I wish that I was one of those people who can take those thoughts that blend together in their mind and scribe them down so that they make perfect sense (to someone else), and yet at the same time they fit what the writer (ME) was thinking.
I admit my skills in English and no where near good enough to do this. But that taking those ideas and thoughts and transcribing them is much more then Just a skill of writing, it is something else but not sure what?

Permalink: Wish_1_Intro.html
Words: 394
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
04/23/10 06:14 - 58ºF - ID#51443
Lost My Faith?
Ok The Bandits. Haven't lost faith in them. Yes it is quivering a bit. They have played so well and then lost to teams they should have crushed. If they win Saturday night at home they make the playoffs and go to Toronto next weekend. I Know they can win both on Saturday and next weekend assuming the win the 1st one. I still have faith in them but part of that is from seeing what they have done in the Past.
I'm a big Bills fan and watch all the TV games. But I just don't think we have the people to make the Team a championship Level team. When I go back to the Superbowl Years those where some great teams. The Thing is back then was when the NFC was better then the AFC. I hold nothing against the Bills I think those teams where good enough to be Superbowl Champions but not just those years. But I was young back then so maybe I'm wrong.
I do wonder if Buffalo could Handle a Major Championship? If we won the cup would places close down from the riots? Now Buffalo has won Championships but most people don't consider them Major but that is a debate for a bit latter. Maybe it is Destiny for Buffalo not to win these Major Tittles? Or maybe it is just that Buffalo gets screwed over a lot? Maybe it is that Buffalo is a town of hard workers and a lot of the success is from that hard work and over achiving. Yes Buffalo is a city but it is a small city compaired to places like Denver, NY, Chicago, Boston, Miami, Toronto, and many others. I think that smallnes does wind up being a Disadvantage in sports.
Onto the Championships. The Bandits have won 4 of them That is pretty impressive, and to be honest they could have/should have won at least one more. Minor League Baseball is weird. The Durham Bulls are famous and are not a major league team, but maybe that is just cause of that movie. I'm guessing if they won the championship it would considered Major since people know of them. I have no idea when but the Bisons have won Championships even back to back years. I like the bisons and go to games but don't really follow them. The Bills won Championships before the Superbowl but that was a long time ago.
I hope these Buffalo sports teams can renew my faith.
Couple things to touch on. What is going on with my Raiders. Come on Al Davis lets get the team good again. You haven't been comitted to Excellence in a long time. The Steelers what is going on with Holmes and Big Ben. Yes I think Tomilin is a great coach and Cower isn't coming back but Maybe he should. I admit that what I don't get about "Big Ben" is if there isn't enough evidance of what he did for a trial then why is he suspended for 6 games. I don't think anyone will really know what happened and I include him and the chick in this.
I do Have Faith that The Penguins will find what they need to win and elimanate the Sens. This does bring up a point. One thing that they must strighten out for next year is the Kick rule. I don't know how they can make it more clear. But I think if you see the person bend in the knee then you can tell it is a kick. But how do you tell when it is a kick from the hip. The non-goal looked like a goal to me?

Permalink: Lost_My_Faith_.html
Words: 701
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
04/20/10 06:31 - 62ºF - ID#51430
Opening Day 2010
The other factor is the weather. Buffalo is not the only city where it is cold in the spring. I can remember a few years ago when the first week of the bison's Games got canceled. I was at one game with my sister where Bull aka Rich Gensler was there with The EDGE and it was snowing and everyone had blankets on.
So this year when it was sunny and warm for most of the game and the Team played well and had multiple Rallies and won it was amazing, or maybe more shocking.
I wanted to eat at Moe's but it wasn't open yet. So it was a Roast Beef and Buttered Spuds with Cheese. Those are so messy and gross but taste so good. Well Here are the pictures I don't know as they can convey what the game is really like but we shall see.

So All the stuff with the Anthem and Intro and Color Guard stuff is part of the fun of Opening Day. But then you also get the First Pitch stuff also. It is Very Common for the Mayor to Get Booed. At First it seems odd. But you figure there is some part of the population that doesn't like him. I forget the guys nam that won the Medal with the M he was Cheered though

Well not sure how those pictures are but I guess you get a sense of it

Permalink: Opening_Day_2010.html
Words: 569
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: drugs
04/20/10 05:22 - 62ºF - ID#51429
Happy 4/20 all

Well for those that Partake Happy 4/20 here is one article I found on Yahoo
Pot smokers out, proud for 4/20 high holiday
FILE - In this Friday Sept. 25, 2009 file photo, attendees at the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) conference, smoke mar AP - FILE - In this Friday Sept. 25, 2009 file photo, attendees at the National Organization for the Reform ...
By LISA LEFF, Associated Press Writer Lisa Leff, Associated Press Writer - 1 hr 33 mins ago
OAKLAND, Calif. - Forget Hippie Hill. For thoroughly modern marijuana smokers in the San Francisco Bay area, the hip place to celebrate their movement's high holiday this year was the inside of a stretch Hummer parked outside a pot gardening superstore.
Marijuana legalization advocates across the country are expected to light up during Tuesday's annual observance of 4/20, the celebration-cum-mass civil disobedience derived from "420" - insider shorthand for cannabis consumption.
IGrow, a 3-month-old cultivation equipment emporium, got a 24-hour jump, sponsoring a "420 Eve" festival Monday afternoon.
Several hundred revelers lined up outside the 15,000-square-foot shop - security guards kept them at bay until 4:20 p.m. - waiting for the chance to revel in marijuana's rising commercial clout.
Inside the gates, they perused booths stocked with pipe-shaped lollipops and specialty fertilizers, entered a medical marijuana delivery service's raffle for an oversized joint and toured a 53-foot-long portable grow room with a starting price of $60,000.
"I wouldn't have thought we would be able to consume on site," marveled John Corral, 19, of San Jose, after he obtained a wristband that gave him access to the event's two "vapor lounges," the one inside the Hummer and another inside a companion Range Rover limousine.
Marijuana use - medically and recreationally - is getting more attention these days, with California voters deciding in November whether to legalize the drug, and South Dakota voters considering this fall to allow its medical use. California and 13 other states already permit such use.
Most Americans still oppose legalizing marijuana, but larger majorities believe pot has medical benefits and the government should allow its use for that purpose, according to an Associated Press-CNBC poll released Tuesday.
Respondents were skeptical that crime would spike if marijuana is decriminalized or that it would lead more people to harder drugs.
There also was a nearly even split on whether government spends too much or the right amount enforcing marijuana laws. Almost no one thinks too little is spent.
Two years ago, before he had a doctor's recommendation to smoke pot, Corral commemorated 4/20 on Hippie Hill, the Golden Gate Park promontory where an earlier generation of pot aficionados made their stand.
IGrow has arranged to have a doctor working at the store three days a week to evaluate people seeking to become medical marijuana patients, and a handful of those at the 420 Eve party were able to snag last-minute appointments.
Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said the drug's steady movement from counterculture indulgence to mainstream acceptance will be evident elsewhere in the United States Tuesday, when four cable television channels have scheduled "a good chunk of programming to 420."
St. Pierre said that with the terms "marijuana" or "cannabis" regularly showing up on the top Internet searches and a measure to legalize the plant's recreational use appearing on as many as four state ballots in November, it's clear that groups like his, which has lobbied to decriminalize marijuana since 1970, are no longer blowing smoke.
"There is a large mainstreaming of all of this," he said. "Some of it is happening because of natural forces and some of it is happening because commercial entities looking to comport with local social mores and values are taking advantage of this bizarre numerology."
There are a variety of stories about the origin of 420, but pot advocates generally attribute the term to the time when a group of San Francisco Bay area high schoolers would gather to smoke marijuana. The term was then popularized by High Times magazine and the Grateful Dead.
At the iGrow event, Tom Patton of GrowOp Technology, proudly discussed the inspiration for the "Big Bud" growing trailer he developed with Derek Peterson, a former stock broker. Patton said he kept hearing about pot growers who "were constantly putting up and taking down" grow rooms built inside warehouses or residential homes because of complaints from neighbors, fires sparked by faulty wiring or threats of law enforcement raids.
His pot room on wheels, which comes outfitted with a security system and technology to adjust temperature and humidity levels from an iPhone, may not completely eliminate the last concern, but that hasn't stopped a pair of New York bankers from investing in the invention.
"This is an enabling technology, not a hiding-out technology," Patton said.
The lure of revenue and respectability has prompted some veterans of the marijuana wars to diversify. Joshua Freeman, a Sonoma County pot grower, was at the 420 Eve festival handing out samples of the specialty plant food he recently developed and is trying to market.
"We are not just a bunch of stoners sitting back on a couch playing video games," Freeman said.

Permalink: Happy_4_20_all.html
Words: 869
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: concerts
04/18/10 09:46 - 38ºF - ID#51414
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Beethoven 2010

I couple more pictures of Shea's and then The Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

In Picture form sometimes TSO I Like to Call the TSO Light show. The reason is that Picture wise often you notice the lights more then you do them. These pictures where taken from the balcony . What the Pictures can't show is how (at least to me) how Awesome The Trans-Siberian Orchestra's music really is ok back to Pictures.

Some Might Ask why so many pictures of The Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Well to be honest in small size pictures or on the camera one or at least me can't tell how they will look on the screen. Sometimes the ones that look dark you can see the band the best in.

I know I had a great time. I have no idea if these pictures are a good representation of the show or not. I would go to this again for sure though.

Permalink: Trans_Siberian_Orchestra_Beethoven_2010.html
Words: 706
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nhl
04/17/10 04:43 - 41ºF - ID#51412
Home Ice disadvantage ?
I love that the sabres are going with the 3rd Jersy. That is their best one I think. Maybe since I'm not a fan of "The Slug" alone. What I mean is that by itself it doesn't look good. But when it is over something or as writting under it like Sabres it looks nice.
What I don't know is does every NHL team have a 3rd Jersy? If not then what teams do and don't have them?
In The NFL the Home Team picks what to wear and then the other team gets the opposite color (I mean light color vs. Dark Color). In the NFL there can be a big advantage Heat wise, well or at least that is what the TV people say? But how does it work in the NHL? Is it the Home Team that picks what they wear or is it the Team with the Home Ice Advantage?
This Leads me into the Penguins. Yes the Sabres are my #1 team and my Favorite team but I also like the Penguins but never really have the time to watch them. Ssshhh Don't tell anyone I like Crosby and he is the face of the team but Malkin is Better, again lets not let anyone know that ok, HA, but I think it is true.
Here is what I don't get though. You are at home and you have the thing where everyone wears those white shirts. Ok they look great on TV and give a great effect. But there is only one problem. You wear the Black Jersy so that means Ottawa is in White. Yes you still have the advantage of your fans. But Now everyone matchs the other team. I know if I'm Ottawa I know I'm away but they are wearing our colors so they are routing for us. I think it takes away a Part of the Advantage. So Why Not give away (Think they are free not sure) Black T-shirts? Or Go With the White Jersys or Even go with those Pretty Winter Classic Blues? Can someone who Knows more about this Help me out on this.
On a side Note I would love to see the Penguins face the Sabres in the Eastern Conferance Finals but I don't know if that is even Possible hey they both have to win what are going to be tough series.
Lets Go Buffalo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Permalink: Home_Ice_disadvantage_.html
Words: 490
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: lax
04/16/10 07:24 - 48ºF - ID#51408
Bandits Beat Rock

One Thing I should explain is when the Bandits win they do a victory lap so that is what the running around was up above.
Oh and if anyone is reading this you will notice that I'm starting at the end of the game and going backwards ......

One of the cool things about sports is the Crazy Fans. This can be the Black Hole where people paint the face and wear spikes and all kinds of things, or how about the Hogettes. Yes guys who dress as girl pigs at Redskin Games. There are all kinds at the bandits game like a guy in picture a spiderman (old style lyrca) suit but it is all orange and no eyes or mouth. But what I Saw at Half time (hey I needed more food and drink) was the oddest thing I think I have seen, Yes that Kid? Dressed as the Purple Tela-Tubby or however you spell it. Yes there is some Purple in the Bandits Colors but even factoring that in it still seems a bit odd I saw nothing connecting it to the bandits but maybe there is some story that I don't know about?

Well that pretty much sums it up. Now to decide if my next picture post will be of Opening Day or TSO not sure how to get the essence of opening day.

Permalink: Bandits_Beat_Rock.html
Words: 565
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
04/08/10 07:15 - 48ºF - ID#51354
Bandits Lost argh but still alive
Oh Yeah the Pink Helmets are being auctioned off and some of the money (I have no idea what the cut or percentage is) goes to a breast cancer Charity.

After the intro and anthems and all that they brought something out on the field. Right on the glass it is sometimes tough to hear. My understanding is that Darris Kilgour now holds the Record For most wins.

As Much as I like my water camera this is an example of why I would like to get a camera (for when I know no rain or snow) with a good zoom like 5x Optical at least and there are some not huge cameras that are 10x but I wonder how good of a camera that is and if it is really 10x or if they are lying and counting in some digital or if you crop the picture. That was how my kodak camera was. You could take a pictures as say 8 or 10 mega pixels so it could be a really big picture if you wanted it to be, then you could crop it in Camera . That would make you subject take up more of the picture and it would make the MPs smaller but it would still be enough to be a 4x6. Ok enough about camera stuff.
GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Changing of the Goalies That I mentioned happened in the above pictures. I think if they would have done it sooner they might have won, hard to say really?

At Half time they had "Super Fans" lead cheers. Now why they didn't have any fine Ladies to the Box Cheer I don't know maybe they could even make it from to "The Box" "My Box" that would have been great but it didn't happen.

Captain Bandit lead the best cheer by far he had one side of the arena chant one thing and the other side chant another he even tossed shirts into the fans (guy with hat and the tittle belt). I didn't get the shirt but it was tossed to me by someone else. Yes it is a little creepy it says I heart Captain Bandit and then his face is in the Heart. That is a cool idea. But still kinda Creepy. So here are pictures from after the game.

Also During Half time the kids played laCrosse and then a bit later out came the Bandettes Oh yeah.........

It is to bad we lost it was atleast exciting. Hoping for a win on Saturday that is a game we must win really.

Permalink: Bandits_Lost_argh_but_still_alive.html
Words: 988
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
04/06/10 07:25 - 59ºF - ID#51342
Easter at the Botanical Gardens 2010

Just wanted to add that I'm not sure but I Think this is the same room where (e:ladycroft) and (e:Rory) where married, it at least looks like it.

My sis encase anyone is still looking at these pictures tried the Easter Bunny but Maya freaked. I don't blame her the Jacket vest is kinda scary, Ha. I wonder if she was down walking around if she would have aproached him/Her?

IT was a good time hope you enjoyed the pictures

Permalink: Easter_at_the_Botanical_Gardens_2010.html
Words: 399
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
04/04/10 05:54 - 62ºF - ID#51330
Elmwood Saturday

ok looks like it worked now I know

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Words: 76
Location: Buffalo, NY
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