Category: tv
10/19/08 10:14 - 36ºF - ID#46189
Palin on SNL and Tattoo Pictures test

Now as a way to test out the new upload feature I'm going to post tattoo Pictures that I have saved on my computer.

Oh yeah I forgot that if any of you look at my myspace page I also put two of the SNL videos up as bulletins only one of them worked in my blog there for some reason. Well here are some more Tattoo pictures they look like they came out really good and they automaticly have space between them.

So hope the pictures from on line looks nice. Hope the Bills win today and everyone has a good weekend.

Permalink: Palin_on_SNL_and_Tattoo_Pictures_test.html
Words: 292
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: holiday
10/17/08 07:33 - 49ºF - ID#46167
Couples enjoy the fake Holiday
Sweetest Day 2008
When: Third Saturday in October
Now here is a day dedicated just for your sweetie. It exists as an opportunity for you to recognize that sweet and special someone. It doesn't matter who that person is, or what their relation to you. They just have to be "sweet" in order to get a little recognition.
Herbert Birch Kingston, a Cleveland, Ohio philanthropist and candy company employee started Sweetest Day. He wanted to bring happiness to orphans, shut-ins and under-privileged. His intent was to show these people that they were not forgotten. In 1922, he started this holiday by giving candy and small gifts. He often used movie stars to distribute the gifts.
The popularity of this holiday quickly spread. Today, is celebrated with loved ones and friends. However, we encourage you to follow the intent of the original holiday, and find ways to give candy and small gifts to those in need.
So Happy Sweetest day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I do have an idea maybe Anee in any city that it plays in should be free on Sweetest day and on Sunday also and the tickets are given away. I'm sure the people who do the musical or did the movie could have some tie in maybe the movie is free if you buy candy or something.

Permalink: Couples_enjoy_the_fake_Holiday.html
Words: 258
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: movies
10/16/08 07:02 - 55ºF - ID#46146
Death Note II

Permalink: Death_Note_II.html
Words: 200
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: movies
10/13/08 08:31 - 68ºF - ID#46099
Religulous (spoiler)

Permalink: Religulous_spoiler_.html
Words: 643
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: holiday
10/13/08 12:17 - 68ºF - ID#46087
Costume Ideas
I doubt I will go but this year there is that huge Halloween Party at the Central Terminal. Not sure who's idea it was to not have it on the day of but I think it was a good idea. That way people with kids can still take them out or go to other parties. I have heard that some people get pretty creative. I guess if you know how to make stuff and have lot of money you can have some great costumes.
October 25th 2008

Some Ideas of mine:
-Nudest: that won't work for me but what if you got a bunch of people and got the bottom of a Hot air balloon and then you could be like in that car ad.
- Ryan Miller: All the clothes and Pads would cost a lot but if you all ready play hockey you might have some of it.
b) Have a buddy dress as another player trying to score
c) Have a puck in the glove and simulate playing goalie so it look like a glove save
-Dress as a Geisha but have that be the only thing you are wearing Have friends dress up as Japanese Business Men. If you have a talent do it as part of the get up.
-Roller Girls you can go as a real team or make one up the important thing is to have enough people that you can have to teams and you couldn't have a real bout but maybe chase each other around, assuming you all are good enough skaters
-Ninja and Samurai (yes often thought of as kids costumes) The key here is to practice your sword fight before hand so it looks legit.
TAKING IN UP A NOTCH: Making the out fit Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes, TAKE UP ONE HIGHER add some friends as other GI Joe Characters.
-Show up with buddies as a Rock/Metal band say maybe Metallica or DethKlok. TAKING IT UP A NOTCH. Bring a TV and Rock Band Video Game and plug in someplace and play there songs
-Vampire, lot of people can come up with great looking costumes and a great look but if you have a hot female victim that should punch it up a bit
-Comic Book group and if you have enough people the people they fight. Yeah Showing up as say The Fantastic four but where is the Silver Surfer.
-Strippers: Yeah hot naked ladies and guys with money is all ways a great time but bring a pole a little radio of some kind to play songs and take turns
-Anime Group. (I'll admit I looked for some cosplay costume on line but the ones I liked where costly, plus you need hair and make up or a mask) How cool it be to show up a L, Kira, Misa Misa, and then have some tall dude as a shiromagi or people from a show like Bleach, Trinity Blood, Outlaw Star, Cow Boy bebop or any movies or TV show Animee.
-The Slutty costumes. Not really sure how to make all those dark angels and naughty nurses better or just girls in what is basicly underwear. Maybe a group of girls could go as Fredrick's of Hollywood models. Or maybe you could cover everyone in blood and they could look dead and then a big girl could come in covered in blood and she killed all those skinny bitches.
Then of course there is all ways Star Wars or other movie Characters, I think the key here is to have Enemies and do battles with each other or show up en masse as Say Storm Troopers and take over the party then later the good guys show up.
Hey just some crazy idea that I won't do, I'll do something simple and I think I'll get a costume today. Even though it is early hope everyone has a great halloween.

Permalink: Costume_Ideas.html
Words: 665
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: peterazzi
10/11/08 05:59 - 71ºF - ID#46063
Blew Friday Hard Blindness Review

Erin Pollina |
Oct 9, 2008, 10:02 AM EDT
Dan Paille (Photo: Buffalo Sabres)
This isn't your typical Blue and Gold gear.
But that was the idea in creating SabreStyle.
Set to debut Friday, Oct. 10 at HSBC Arena for the team's season opener, the Buffalo Sabres' new and exclusive clothing line goes beyond sports apparel.
"It looks like something you would buy at the mall," Director of Creative Services, Frank Cravotta. "Our logos are hidden within the graphics so at first glance, it doesn't look like Sabres gear."
Introducing 14 pieces - for men and women - the theme is designed for a young demographic with fashion in mind, "as opposed to the collegiate style you see in the store now," Cravotta said.
The clothes are made of premium-quality, light-weight fabrics and feature tighter fits for long and short-sleeved t-shirts, hats and hooded sweatshirts. The graphics infuse the Sabres logo with some abstract designs.
"We used all of our logos and our identity as a starting point and then just kind of went wild with the graphics," Cravotta said. "The initial reaction has been really positive, not only internally from the employees but also from the players who have been involved."
Forwards Ales Kotalik, Jochen Hecht, Patrick Kaleta and Adam Mair were among those who modeled the look, as well as defenseman Nathan Paetsch.
"I like it," Paetsch said. "It's something you would buy not only to support your team, but just to wear. It's fashionable and something you would actually get at a store.
"It's quite innovative and I'm sure a lot of young people are going to take to it. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it made for a sports team."
Prices are as low as $25 and are available exclusively in the Sabres Store at HSBC Arena . Quantities are limited and are only offered for a short time.
"We're calling it an exclusive line and a limited edition because it really is that," Cravotta said. "It's a short, run and the pieces will only be produced for this year so you're not going to come back in the store next year and get it. Each year we'll update it with the latest fashion and looks."
SabreStyle is also the first of it's kind among major sports teams.
"As far as we know... no one has tried this yet," Cravotta said. "There are some clear and popular styles out there that are not represented in our store and as far as we know, in any team store. It seemed to make sense that we have a popular brand and clear identity and if we can somehow merge the two into fashion that our younger crowd is wearing with our mark and our look, it would make a lot of sense.
"This is a whole new avenue to explore."
The Sabres Store is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. as well as during all Sabres home games. For more information, call (716) 855-4140.
But Part of the problem is I didn't have bateries for my camera so I didn't take it to work so that I could go and then hand out or eat downtown someplace. Plus I'm still waiting for my adult and some other pictures in the mail. So my plan was to just watch the game at home.
The plan started out great I had my Dortios and Bagel Bites, Yummy and some cold drink I was good. The game was tied and I even saw that when the game was over I could Watch Faulty Towers (never seen it only a best of show, John Clease before Monty Phython) then Clone Wars on cartoon network and then Bill Maher. To bad I passed out during the 2nd period but other then that it was a great plan. I did catch Bill this moring before I went to the bank.
On my way to the bank I saw something Near spot. My first thought was did someone spill coffee on them selves. My next thought was I wonder if a biker got hit didn't see a car though, so maybe it was something serious I'm guessing someone homeless needed help cause everyone was sitting around and the firetruck and ambulance where blocking what was going on. Little further down I saw (e:Jim) and (e:James) walking with I assume their dog, thiing looked huge from the bus, hope it was a fun walk. I wasn't sure what movie I was going to see there are a few of them I wanted to. I saw "Blindness" I thought it was good and weird. With out giving anything away it is an epidemic of blindness, but not being able to see but where you see all light. Then as most epidemic movies go there is like a quarentene part. I'm more of an action myself but I also do like movies like this. Yes there is some nice nudity in it, but I also like movies that deal with humanity like this. Yeah some parts of the movie where dark, some where shot normal and then some where almost all white. Sometimes it felt like a movie one would watch on Sundance or IFC. I wonder if it was based on some Asian Horror movie from years ago? If you liked either of the 28 days movies you might like it. I think I may go see that Bill Maher movie on Monday.
I was going to go get a costume at Party City but decided to wait until Monday because a preview I saw gave me an idea for a New Costume. I came home and found one place to get the costume but it was way to much going to do a little bit more searching over the weekend I hope. Here is the movie:

That is right the 2nd Death Note Movie. The previews look pretty awesome. Now I just have to decide if I should go Wens. or Thurs. I'm thinking Thurs. (I wanted to go as a Shirgomi) But it is tough because I know I'm going to be pretty tired all week because at work we will need to do 5 days of work in 4 days. Hope everyone has a great long weekend.

Permalink: Blew_Friday_Hard_Blindness_Review.html
Words: 1339
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: nhl
10/10/08 07:06 - 65ºF - ID#46051
Joe Elliot why?????

I will admit I'm a fan of Def Leppard so I'm a little bit upset. But my question is why have him there if he doesn't know what way the cup goes because that means he isn't a hockey fan or at least not enough of one to have seen The Cup before. Or maybe it was just a case of not knowing how heavy it really was and just wanting to put it down. If you don't care about the pictures and links here is the story but you won't be able to watch the video either from the box.
By Greg Wyshynski
The Detroit Red Wings may be feeling a twinge of embarrassment after their 3-2 home-opening loss to the Toronto Maple Leafs on Thursday night, in which the Stanley Cup champions passed the puck like a remedial-level pee-wee team.
That is, until Def Leppard's Joe Elliott redefined the concept of embarrassment during one of their NHL Face-Off Rocks segments at the Fox Theater in Detroit. This is what you get for booking a band from England: Drive on the wrong side of the road, place the holiest of holy hockey grails on a pedestal upside down.
Epic, epic fail. Even Draper's kid had the good sense to poop in the thing right-side up.
This was the proverbial slow-motion car crash; like on "The Price is Right," when a contestant is about to put the $199 price tag on the tube of toothpaste and the crowd simultaneously shrieks "NO! NO!"
You saw him turn the Stanley Cup the wrong way, and you just wanted to reach through the television and flip it back before he put it down. If only someone on stage had helped him. Why couldn't the drummer have lent a ... bit of moral support?
Aw, shucks, we all make mistakes. We can't stay disappointed in a band that gave the world the arena rock magnificence of "Hysteria." Heck, the scene above wasn't even the most disturbing thing we saw on Versus tonight. This was:
NO! NO! This was the first time we had seen Brian Engblom this season, and the rumors were true: He cut and/or tamed the mullet! Say it ain't so, Swedish Muppet! This is like when your stoner friend gets a job at the bank and starts wearing short-sleeved dress shirts. Engblom chopping the mop is a harbinger of the death of hockey hair; thank god Nordy decided to keep business in the front and a party in the back.
Related: Detroit Red Wings, Toronto Maple Leafs, When Hockey and Hollywood Collide

Permalink: Joe_Elliot_why_.html
Words: 520
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: body art
10/09/08 08:20 - 63ºF - ID#46030

In terms of people who change how they look, I think it is more of an enhancement not that I don't like how I look type of thing.
Beautiful lyrics
Don't look at me
Every day is so wonderful
And suddenly, it's hard to breathe
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the fame, I'm so ashamed
I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today
To all your friends, you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The piece is gone and the puzzle undone
That's the way it is
You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down
Don't you bring me down today...
No matter what we do
(no matter what we do)
No matter what they say
(no matter what they say)
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won't stay
And everywhere we go
(everywhere we go)
The sun won't always shine
(sun won't always shine)
But tomorrow will find a way
All the other times
We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down
We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words can't bring us down
Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today
Yes I admit that I for some reason have all ways liked that song, maybe it is the words or that she can sign not sure, but her hottness and her being hot and signing about that can't hurt either.
I do think that both guys and girls do have body image issues. I think it is natural who doesn't want to Look Like Christian Bale or Jessica Alba. I think often it is thought of just a girls issue but it isn't really. Everyone I think has stuff they aren't happy with. I won't say that everyone wants to change things about their body, but I think most if they could would. Even if you did that doesn't mean it would make things better. Some girls with small boobs want them bigger so they will get more attention and some girls with a nice large rack say that guys only notice that and that is all they care about, both have valid points.
Now on to me. I walk a lot and stand on my feet a lot, and I used to walk a lot more. Because of this my feet take a beating. My feet are nasty. Hey I'm not a foot guy but some people have really pretty feet and toes but not me stay away. I could be totaly naked in a group orgy and my socks are staying on.
As much as I love porn (I really need to go buy some new ones to). I do think that there is some harm in it for guys. Just like Hollywood images and models can be bad for girls. I'm not saying people shouldn't try to look like the pretty people. But we need to remember that the beauty is part of what got them there. This is true in porn. Now I haven't gone out and measured guys in porn and not in porn to see if this is true, but most guys in porn and large dicks and some you think "how can that chick take that it doesn't even fit all the way in, och " . One has to remember that those guys are in porn for a reason and it won't get to you, well unless you are bigger then those guys and then you are a lucky mother fucker. So you have to remember these guys aren't trying to get the girl you are trying to pick up someplace and your penis is fine. I think that is where the self love comes in. See I'm no porn star but I love my penis I really do. I know that sounds crazy but I love how it looks and it doesn't really matter if anyone else loves how it looks, but it sure does help if someone else likes it. I'm not sure where this love comes from but it seems new. Yes in porn I love seeing some girl suck off some huge guy but that isn't really the same. Maybe it is more an aprication and an exceptance of what I have and that I love how it looks. I admit it is kinda odd, but it is the truth. But it isn't all about being about me, see if it was I would love how my feet look, so I'm saying it is a visual thing, but not sure.
I think that everyone should learn to love there own bodies and if there is something they don't like change what they don't like. But it needs to be for the right reasons like they don't like how they look and not because someone else doesn't like how they look. I know that there are things about me I would change if I could, that doesn't mean I'm not happy with who I am most of the time.
1. Good feet
2. Package longer and thicker
3. Tattooes not sure of what maybe dragons or a few really cool pictures I've thought off
4. Skin that is a little darker so that I don't burn in like an hour
5. Little bit taller and a little bit wider and thicker boned
Since I lost my train of thought I guess that is it.

Permalink: HateTheFeetLoveThePenisTattoes.html
Words: 1070
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
10/08/08 06:00 - 60ºF - ID#45998
Elite XC Controversy
Petruzelli in center of Elite XC storm
By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports Oct 7, 5:55 pm EDT
Seth Petruzelli, after going from nobody to national celebrity for punching out Kimbo Slice, went on the radio Monday. He delivered a shot potentially more powerful than anything he threw Saturday.
He said his original plan against Kimbo was to get him to the ground and exploit his weak wrestling skills and submission defense. It made more sense than trading punches with a street brawler who outweighed him by 30 pounds. Petruzelli said he changed his mind though.
"The promoters kind of hinted to me, and they gave me the money to stand and trade with him," he told "The Monsters in Orlando" radio show. "They didn't want me to take him down, let's just put it that way. It was worth my while to try to stand up and punch with him."
The quote spoke of an attempt to if not rig the fight, then make it favorable for Slice, the main star and cash cow of the EliteXC promotion.
Such an action would be a disaster for mixed martial arts as it attempts to convince mainstream audiences it isn't scripted pro wrestling or a farcical Toughman contest. If EliteXC gave Petruzelli money to fight one way, it would open itself to all sorts of investigations.
The allegation rocketed around the country, making bigger post-fight news than pictures of Petruzelli in drag (more on that later. Needless to say, it's been a wild couple of days for him).
EliteXC's Jared Shaw immediately denied the fixing charge to Yahoo! Sports and fellow executive Jeremy Lappen did the same to
Tuesday, Petruzelli said he got the story confused.
"What that meant was they offer a knockout bonus, submission bonuses, fight of the night bonuses," Petruzelli said in a phone interview. "I think it just got misconstrued. I wanted to have an exciting fight and I wanted the knock out bonus so I wanted to keep it standing."
So did they say anything about keeping the fight off the ground?
"They just said, 'we want to see an exciting fight no matter what happens.' I took it as I wanted the knockout bonus."
That explanation won't appease some conspiracy theorists, if only because the original statement sounds more believable.
Then there is the general distrust of the organization, where the cards often seem more show than sport. Although the last two televised cards were mostly strong, memories remain of exploding cauliflower ears, silly introductions and using the popular but unproven Slice as a headliner.
Besides, it's no secret Elite XC had a vested interest in Kimbo winning. Jared Shaw even charged the cage and screamed at the referee that Slice had been hit illegally. Shaw has since apologized for that reaction.
"He spent a lot of money to build up Kimbo," Petruzelli said. "If I saw one of my guys I spent millions on getting his face pounded I'd get upset also."
Then there's CBS, which gave up any pretense of journalism in favor of unseemly propaganda.
The network previously embarrassed itself by comparing Kimbo to great sports figures such as Tiger Woods. This time, Gus Johnson's declaration that Petruzelli's triumph was "the most incredible victory in the history of mixed martial arts" was laughably ridiculous.
The worst was Johnson repeating the party line that Slice didn't hesitate to switch opponents from an injured Ken Shamrock. That was simply a lie. Slice demanded a cash bonus on top of his $500,000 payout just to get in the cage with Petruzelli, according to Lappen.
"We made it up to him," Lappen said.
For a stretch, the replacement wasn't going to be Petruzelli but Frank Shamrock, Ken's brother. Frank said Saturday he was even cleared by the Florida commission to fight. Lappen said he didn't think that was true, although he did admit there were discussions with Frank.
CBS was certainly privy to that information since Frank was at the arena as its color commentator. It was never mentioned on the air though. Frank told Yahoo! Sports Saturday it was CBS officials who blocked him from taking on Slice.
When the broadcasts have no objectivity, perspective or news value and the promoters are openly rooting for one fighter and not the other, how can anyone believe anything these guys say or do?
For his part, Petruzelli said he wishes he hadn't made the original comment. He swears no one from EliteXC has called him and pressured a retraction.
The entire thing has put a damper on his sudden surge of fame. That and the pictures on the internet of him in drag, of course.
"Man, people aren't going to let those down, are they?" he said. "Everything in costumes was (for) Halloween. I always dress in crazy stuff. All the leather and that sort of stuff, it's all done in fun.
"I want to put that to rest right now. I'm officially 100 percent not gay," he said. "I've been happily married for two years and been with her for five years."
He laughed at the entire speculation. He laughed at a lot of things Tuesday. And who can blame him? Last week he was a part-time fighter who was competing on the non-televised undercard for a four-figure payout. His main job was owner of a Smoothie King stand.
Now he's an overnight celebrity after 4.59 million people watched him TKO Kimbo.
He just wishes he could do it again. He's begging for a rematch and the big payout it would bring.
"But I don't think he was receptive to that," Petruzelli said. "Kimbo doesn't want the rematch. He wants no part of that."
He said that dropping Slice with a single short right despite leaning back on one foot was no fluke and he can do it again.
While Kimbo had a reputation for taking punches from his YouTube videos - he often let guys take free shots that didn't faze him - Petruzelli said there's a big difference between a professional fighter and those dudes.
"The thing is, they are arm-punching," Petruzelli said. "It's like little flicks with their arms. There's no weight behind it, there's no turning of the hips. It's how you throw it and where you throw it.
"If we fight again, the same thing will happen."
EliteXC should make it happen. Only this time demand its executives stay seated and its broadcast partner at least attempt professionalism.
Everyone could use the dose of credibility.
I'm not sure if this is now a cover up, or if someone just misuderstood, but it is interesting to think about.

Permalink: Elite_XC_Controversy.html
Words: 1210
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: holiday
10/07/08 08:46 - 55ºF - ID#45983
(Partial Nudity) Halloween Costume
1. Holding a paper all party long would get tiring quick
2. Big Houses are chilly and I hate being cold
3. Girls dressing slutty is hot, I think with guys it comes off as creepy
4. I think there might be some new people coming to the party and that might freak them out with not knowing me
5. Not sure If I meet someone if the first way to meet them is good if it is naked
6. Going to get a drink would get interesting quickly
7. If I wanted to go the green room or anyplace else I would need to take my chair and TV tray with me
8. Don't want to carry a TV tray and Chair to a party
9. As Much fun as it would be to sit around naked and have all kinds of pictures taken of me and posted on here, I would rather get that why from to much to drink, HA
10. There also a part of me that thinks it just doesn't feel right for some reason
Don't worry you won't see much in these pictures they are not the ones with the artvoice (those are by special request and a $9.99 service fee, ha). [if any one does want to see those just ask and I'll send you one or post one] If I thought I could do some slutty costume with out being crepy I would, but I'm guessing on Saturday it is off to Party City. Like if I was built wide and with muscle mass I could be an E-stripper and just where a thong and paint a big E on my chest but that won't happen. I am open to suggestions from anyone if they think of anything cool.

See they weren't too bad.

Permalink: _Partial_Nudity_Halloween_Costume.html
Words: 423
Location: Buffalo, NY
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