Category: war
08/08/05 09:00 - 84ºF - ID#28138
The War
So who wins a war? Nobody both sides lose it is when one side has lost to much that they give up. Wow a real war has broken out on this site. That being said I'm going to give my thoughts on the bombing of Japan.
First of all Japan started the war with us. I will also note that there are many views of history and what we learn in school may not be entirely true. My understanding is that we almost didn't respond but in the end the vote game to declare war on Japan. I was taught that the Bomb is what endend the war. It was brutal people got evaporated and shadows got burned onto walls. The real question is was droping the bomb worth it. I belive that a war should be between the military and Not the people of the country cause they are not fighting. But if they are helping to make weapons and suppling the army then they may not be innocant. When ever possible civilians should be left out of it. But that is almost imposible to do. The real problem is nobody knows. From the US side yeah it was it endend the war and saved US lives. The question of was it right is way to complicated to answer. Is it right to fight forces that we belive are evil probalby but for some people killing is wrong and we should not kill no matter what the threat. All answers are really theoretacal because no one knows what would have happend if the bomb wasn't droped. How many more people would have died in the war? What if Japan would have developed the bomb then nuked us. Some people belive that they where working on it and would have gotton it soon and used it on us. That is why they defend the bomb. To be honest I don't know if droping the bomb was the right thing to do or not. It is to bad that we did it, but it is also to bad we lost all those lives at perl harbor, it is to bad we had to fight in WWII. I don't think that we really have enough information to know if it was better to drop it or not.
What I can say is after the war was over. There where lots of restrictions on how much money Japan could spend on there army. I belive that they took that money and fixed there destroyed factories and took money that would have gone into the Army and put it into the country and that is why they are so powerfull now. I think the war taught them how to adapt. Japan is known for taking something and making it better. For example the VCR was invented by an american but he didn't know what to use it for so he sold it to a Japanese guy and now they make all the good vcrs. Maybe if we spent less money on waring and put that money into our country we would be a lot better place to live. I know some people who are varry anti war and they said one good thing did come from droping the bomb. Everyone learned that it was a mistake and it will never be droped again. At least that is one good lesson that came out of it. Could you imagine if we would have Nuked Vietnam and Russia we would all be dead now most likely but who knows for sure.

Permalink: The_War.html
Words: 693
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
08/07/05 09:31 - 81ºF - ID#28137
NFL X-Games
On Thursday I watched the first hour of the Bills Scrimage with the Packers. It was enjoyable. I think if the Bills play up to there poteitial they could be verry good this year but to early to tell. Right now The American Bowl from Japan is on. It was on live this morning around 5am. I saw a couple minutes of it. I belive Ricky Williams will be plalying on Monday night that should be interesting. I know it is only preseason but the NFL is back on allready and Summer isn't over yet. It seems like the preseason starts sooner everyyear but I know that isn't true.
Tonight I'm taping UFC. They are having live fights on SPIKE TV. They had a competion last year I guess that they would show after WWE RAW, but it was to late for me to watch it. I guess guys from that show will be fighting full time experanced UFC fighters it could be verry interesting.

Permalink: NFL_X_Games.html
Words: 265
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: relationships
08/04/05 06:03 - 90ºF - ID#28136

Permalink: Dating.html
Words: 415
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: animals
08/04/05 08:39 - 90ºF - ID#28135

Permalink: Buki.html
Words: 67
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
08/04/05 06:03 - 90ºF - ID#28134
Chuck Carothers FMX Athletee
One Chuck WonderBy Vince Castellanos for
Chuck Carothers became an instant star at X Games '04 thanks to MTX Best Trick. When Carothers landed the first-ever body varial, which he dubbed the Carolla, he forever etched his name into action sports lore. But while little-known prior to the stunt, Huck-a-Chuck was hardly an overnight sensation. The 27-year-old already owned mass respect among fellow riders for stomping several 200-foot jumps—an extremely rare motorcycling feat. He's also earned props for a killer creative streak; Carothers is credited with inventing a few major tricks. And now he'll try the best trick of all: Winning back-to-back gold at X Games. Why were you so confident entering Best Trick last year?
Carothers: "I'm a confident person; I always think I can do whatever I set my mind to. And last year I had a great feeling going in to X. I felt like it was my turn—my turn at the top, my turn in the spotlight—and I was gonna take it."
How many times had you attempted the body varial before X Games?
"I tried it about seven times into the foam pit, but it hadn't gone very well. The first time was in January ['04] at Mike Metzger's house, and I broke my foot and knocked myself out of Winter X. The next time was into Travis Pastrana's foam pit, and I dislocated my shoulder. I tried it again right after that and broke my collarbone. That was bad because I was broke and couldn't afford to go home to Texas and then back to Travis' [in Maryland], so Travis let me stay at his house. I hung out for like three weeks and didn't do anything. When it healed up enough I tried it a few more times and then went to X Games."
The one-handed backflip is yesterday's news. Carothers hopes the Carolla isn't last year's trick.
How did it feel to land the Carolla?
"It was so awesome. It was completely satisfying. Not satisfying in a 'that's enough' way, but satisfying because I was so happy and relieved. It was the best day of my life. A huge thrill went through my body, and the crowd was so loud. I'd never heard a crowd at X Games get that loud for anyone before, and to look up and see all of that excitement was incredible."
How has winning at X Games changed your career?
"It's made me a recognizable athlete and a common name in freestyle motocross. That's really helped with sponsors; it's really helped a lot with money. I don't have to worry about how many shows I have to do to survive. It's not like that anymore."
But it was like that. You were so broke you had to borrow money from your mom just to get to X Games. Then you won XG gold and scored $50,000. What was your first big purchase with the cash?
"First of all, it wasn't $50,000. I lost $3,500 of it right off the top to California taxes. I got my check and wondered, 'Hey, why is this short? Where's the rest of it?' Then I paid my mom back right away. This will sound funny, but one of the only big things I bought was a new mattress. I'm a pretty cheap guy, but I had always wanted a Tempur-Pedic mattress, so I paid $2,300 for one of those. That's a lot, especially since the last mattress I bought was like $150, but it's so worth it."
Tell me about Camp Chuck?
"In December I closed on a house that has 70 acres. There's the house, a bunkhouse, cook's house pond, foam pit and enough land for an awesome freestyle course. It's so cool. I've got 10 ramp and dirt hits and I'm getting more. Every morning I wake up, see my backyard and think 'I can't believe this is my course!' Probably 15 to 20 people have ridden there, and everyone pitches in to maintain it. It's a lot of fun."
Chuck "Big Spender" Carothers won his biggest paycheck last year at summer X -- $50,000. Then, he bought a mattress.
You suffered a serious concussion at an event this February in Memphis. What happened?
"I remember being in the air, and the next thing I remembered was a day or so later in the hospital. I did a huge whip—it was more like a 180, really. It was maybe the biggest whip ever. People say I almost landed it, but I guess I went over the bars. I was unconscious for about 25 minutes and had collapsed a lung, so I didn't breathe for a while. My friends and the other riders there totally freaked out, a lot of them had to turn and walk away because it looked so bad.
"I remember almost nothing from the hospital, and the month after that is really fuzzy. It was horrible; I had constant blurriness, my coordination was way off and it was six weeks before I saw any improvement at all. It was three months before things cleared up, and even then symptoms would come and go. I couldn't start riding again until June."
How have you spent the past couple of months?
"I went to the ESPYs because I got nominated, which was cool. I competed in an ATV event at the Great Outdoor Games, and I already told them I'd do it again—it was that much fun. For the last couple of weeks I've just been working on the Carolla into my foam pit."
What are your expectations at X Games?
"Oh I'm gonna win again. There's no doubt in my mind. Of course, there never is. I didn't have any doubts before Winter X, but that didn't turn out so well [he crashed]. I've done a lot of Carollas in the past few days and I feel good about it. I'll get frustrated after a few bad ones, but I know I can do it."
You've heard the "one-trick-wonder" stuff. Do you feel any pressure?
"People keep asking me if I've got anything new for X Games, which is kinda crazy. I wish I did, but I'm no one-trick-wonder, and the people that ride with me know that. They've seen what I can do. I landed the one-handed Kiss of Death two years ago and nobody else has done that yet. People can say whatever, but it doesn't bother me at all."

Permalink: Chuck_Carothers_FMX_Athletee.html
Words: 1076
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
08/03/05 06:15 - 84ºF - ID#28133
X Games
X Games 11 Live Telecast
August 4
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN BMX Freestyle Vert Finals; Moto X Best Trick Finals
August 5
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN Skateboard Vert Men's Finals; Moto X Step Up Finals
August 6
1 p.m.-3 p.m. ESPN Wakeboard Women's Finals; Wakeboard Men's Finals; BMX Freestyle Park Finals; Skateboard Street Men's Finals
3 p.m.-6 p.m. ABC BMX Freestyle Park Finals (continued from ESPN); Moto X Freestyle Finals Part 1; Surfing Finals
9 p.m.-11 p.m. ESPN BMX Freestyle Dirt Finals; Moto X Freestyle Finals Part 2
August 7
3 p.m.-6 p.m. ABC BMX Freestyle Dirt Finals; SuperMoto
The Summer X Games Start on Thursday. I'm a big fan and they are always fun to watch. I admit I do get Fuel wich is an all action sports station but I kinda forget that I have it or the shows I want to watch are on when I'm watching other stuff. For more information on the X Games you can go to . I copy and pasted a chart of when things are on TV. But it is also good to check local listing or to check on TV to. Sometimes the times and what is on can change with it being live or if other sports on before run late.
ESPN's SportsCenter will air LIVE, every day, from X Games 11 at 11 p.m. ET. ESPN will also feature daily late-night highlight programs from Friday, August 5 through Sunday, August 7 from 3-4 a.m. ET, and Monday, August 8 from 2-3 a.m. ET.
- Times and events listed are Eastern Time (ET) and are subject to change. Please consult your local listings.

Permalink: X_Games.html
Words: 291
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: elmwood
08/02/05 08:38 - 77ºF - ID#28132
Elmwood Collective

Permalink: Elmwood_Collective.html
Words: 191
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/31/05 06:12 - 81ºF - ID#28131
Walk Toronto

First of all the two pictures above are from the Caribana Parade. You could pay and go see it. But you could overlook it for free along the parade route. I lot of people did that they sold lots of food. Hopefully when I have more time on line I will be able to post them to webshots and maybe a few more here and provide a link to all my Toronto pictures.
I thought I would post in mutliple colors in honor of the multiple themes. I won't do white here kinda hard to read. I saw the multiplethemes when I came here but once I logged in they disapeared. Also a couple user pics stayed up when I went to the next user. maybe I should just stay in turtle or slow mode as opposed to fast mode.
I had a lot of fun in toronto. The Blue Jays lost but the game was still fun. I bought a few Blue Jays things like a little bear. I wanted to just eat at the game but I was out voted we found this little food court there with some resturants. These sexy asian girls where eating McDonalds. I tried some Thai Food, it was called fried beef it had noodles and other stuff. It was good but I couldn't eat it all. I think either my mother or sis had Chinesse food i forget. I wish I would have taken a picture of those sexy ladies it would have been funny to post both pictures but I didn't take one.
After the Game I decided to go to Younge Street I walked about 3 blocks down Bloor. It is amazing how many people where out and about on that street. I don't know where I was going or most of the people where going. There must be bars and clubs or maybe just people watching I don't know. I found a place where I spent way more money then I thought I would. But This one girl was amazing, It felt better then some sex I've had. But it was fun. Plus it was the only place that i knew of that they played rock music in. for those wondering yeah it was a srtip club, some of the music was great also.
Saturday was interesting and annoying also. Don't get me wrong I love my sis and everything but she is verry annoying. She likes to wear headphones. I admit the ones she has are awesome. But the problem is she uses them to shut out the world. When I wear mine I can hear traffic and sirens and cars, talking not sure but if i couldn't I would turn them down. You can see how this would cause problems. Like when she gets ahead of people and goes the wrong way and we have to yell. That part wasn't fun. Then Money issues of who owes who for what, oh I hate that. I used to not order out with friends or coworkers because of that. Now the problem wasn't only her it was my mother to. They really need to lern to communacate. My sis goes into a store to look at clothes and my mother runs ahead to look at a resturant and I'm fucking caught in the middle then A fight between me and Mag break out in the resturant. I say if you want to eat then eat or go look at clothes so gets upset. We are supposed to be go to NYC for Christmas, I'm not going. 3 nights in a hotel and airfair there and back is a lot of money. Being lost and frezzing and putting up with those 2 no thanks. I like to have fun but if there is stress then the fun isn't worth it. Maybe if they both promise to communicate then things will work out ok. Part of the problem is that mag dosn't have a lot of money so sometimes she has to borrow money from the mother and sometimes it is the other way around so things can get really crazzy fast.
Sorry for the bitch fest above but it was verry stressfull. Before we went to Little india wich is a nice area. We went to The Caribana parade (saturday). That was fun but being on in the sun I got burnt some. Not to bad I hope. The parade came in groups sord of. You would wait then a bunch of stuff would come. We watched some of it and enjoyed it. We watched from the CNE grounds. There are some cool buildings there. There where a lot of sexy ladies there and tons of people and food to buy. I should have bought a Caribana braclet. I wonder if they have merch for sale on line, I'll have to check into that. I should mention that on the way to little india we walked through Old Cabagge town. I had no idea we would go through one neighboorhood to get to another. It was my first time in either of those parts of town. So even though there was a lot of stress it was still fun. I would recomend visting there. I think it is fun to explore some place and see what you find. But it is also fun to look stuff up and see exactly what you want to do.

Permalink: Walk_Toronto.html
Words: 912
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: vacation
07/29/05 10:52 - 73ºF - ID#28130
Going to T.O.

Permalink: Going_to_T_O_.html
Words: 182
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/26/05 08:12 - 79ºF - ID#28129
I read a couple interesting ariticles in the City&Region section of the Buffalo news today. One of them was about the Casino and how it looks like it will be in Downtown Buffalo now, I guess Chektovegas ain't to happy about it. The other article was about The Co-op opening up in its new location. Plus there was a short article about some guy being threatend in Love Joy. Buffalo just may make the national news for race riots happening their soon, it wouldn't surprise me. When I was growing up if you didn't live in lovejoy you didn't go there or else. If you did go there you had better be there with someone who lived there. This was if you where white, it wasn't safe. If you warn't from there hood you had better leave if you knew what was good for you. They have never liked outsiders. When the outsider is of another race forget about it.

Permalink: PPV_.html
Words: 220
Location: Buffalo, NY
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