Category: estrip
03/17/06 02:14 - 30ºF - ID#30223
Couple Updates
The major update is that I got rid of inlinks. Yes, that is right, I did what I should have done two years ago and just made it that you can use the elinks to make a link to a specific journal. Hopefully this will fix the problem with no one using the inlink. I t is really annoying a year later when you go back and somebody referecned someones jorunal with just and elink. You have no idea what journal they were talking about. So now to make it easy you just put a comma and then the number after the elink to reference a particular journal.
I will convert all the old inlinks to this format sometime this weekend. Here is an example.
(e:paul) links to pauls jorunal but nor specific entry while (e:paul,145) linsk to journal # 145 by paul. You can find any journals ID# right next to it's title. Please use this new format when refereing to other peoples specific journals.
publish box changes
I changed the edit box to use a whole new backend. Most of it should be familiar.
(GOOGLE - panos) [search]panos[/search] (WIKIPEDIA - flower) [dict]flower[/dict]
The box no longer returns you to the top of your form when you click on an edit button. You can highlight text and clock the link, color, or size buttons to add links, color or size to a text string.
I renamed quick correct as typofix . The new system tell you how to use each tag when you role over it. This should make it more obvious what the buttons are used for and help new people to use all the tags. I will be adding some other new styles shortly.
Your media lib is just called lib. Sketch was renamed draw.
There is a minor bug in the firefox version when you highlight an dtag any text that starts at the beginning of the text box. It simply puts the tag before the string instead of around it. I will try and work in out when I get a chance.
You now have a lot more control over font color and size. Using the color and size button.
Hope everyone is coming to the party this weekend (MAP TO: 444%20LINWOOD%20AVENUE)
Permalink: Couple_Updates.html
Words: 376
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: help
03/14/06 05:33 - 32ºF - ID#30222
New user documentation, help files
As the userbase grows I am confronted with answering lots of questions each day that could be fixed by a new user guide.
It is probably better if it is not done by me as I tend to write things a little to technical for non computer freaks. Besider that ia m a terrible writer.Whoever does this will be considered my favorite epeep ;) If someone made (e:strip) tee-shirts I would give you one.
Permalink: New_user_documentation_help_files.html
Words: 134
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: fixes
03/13/06 10:25 - 57ºF - ID#30221
Emoticons Fixed
Permalink: Emoticons_Fixed.html
Words: 5
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sounds
03/13/06 01:28 - 48ºF - ID#30220
Sound Update
Permalink: Sound_Update.html
Words: 32
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: estrip
03/12/06 02:52 - 53ºF - ID#30219
Site Speed
Permalink: Site_Speed.html
Words: 16
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: estrip
03/11/06 11:51 - 50ºF - ID#30218
Journal Music
Permalink: Journal_Music.html
Words: 41
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: estrip
03/10/06 03:30 - 36ºF - ID#30217
I have updated the gather app
Permalink: I_have_updated_the_gather_app.html
Words: 42
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: archives
03/09/06 08:57 - 54ºF - ID#30216
Chat Archives and Journal Music
I have finally dried out the latest 11,700 lines of estrip chat into an achive file. You can find it on the media page with all other chat since 2004 or simply click on the picture below.
That is a lot of lines for only 3 months.
[size=m]Journal Music[/size]
I have also made it so that your journal music can play by default if you uploaded an mp3 into the system using the your journal music control panel. If you want to change it so that the music does not play by default, which I would suggest - then just open up your preferences control panel - the red switch icon in your control panel - and set "Automatically Play Journal Music" to no.
Either way if someone has music loaded into their journal a play button will show up under their user pic. CLicking on it starts the music. If the music is on it turns into a red square. Clicking on the red square stops the music.
If the user has the music on by default the play button will default to a red square.
The journal sound on/sound off toggle now overides all sound on the page. I moved everything to the new system so you can toggle sound on an d off that way. You can also toggler sound off in your preferences control panel.
I should probably write help files about this. If something isn't working empty your cache before telling me. All sounds now require flash player 8. You can get it here .
Stay tuned, next I am going to work on the editing system and the profiles.
Permalink: Chat_Archives_and_Journal_Music.html
Words: 292
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: estrip
03/09/06 01:25 - 53ºF - ID#30215
Sound Fix for Safari
If you want sound and don't hear it it is because the new sound engine is piping sounds from javascript to flash player 8. No more stupid messy quicktime plugin that was so buggy and no more long sound load times. It also ended that ridiculous bug that made the window pop forward all the time.
So if you don't have the latest flash player you should upgrade. You should upgrade for secxurity and other bug fixes anyways. they release new players all the time. You can get it here
(e:uncutsaniflush) I am going to leave you in charge of seeing how this works or doesn't work with linux - is there are flash palyer 8 yet - because my linux desktop is now the server and I can't play with it.
I also updated the quick correct typo catcher - see the jorunal below.
Permalink: Sound_Fix_for_Safari.html
Words: 193
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: estrip
03/09/06 12:42 - 53ºF - ID#30214
Fixed the Quick Correct Button
Try typing "the" in one of you journals and then click it.
Permalink: Fixed_the_Quick_Correct_Button.html
Words: 50
Location: Buffalo, NY
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