04/22/04 10:57 - ID#29825
This is from Chiabiscoot's Journal
04/22/04 17:35
Mr. Bus Driver speaketh for the masses -
I ride the shuttle to school and yesterday i wanted to bomb one of them, seriously! As another brown skinned person and i tried to get into the bus, Mr. Driver yells "what do you think you are doing?"
we assume it is a joke and get in. then he enters and proceeds to say "you guys are the targets man. You enter the country as students and then start terrorist organizations." So I ask him "Sir, which kind of people are you talking about?" he points at me "you kind"
and then his friend enters and they proceed to talk about security measures and sleeper cells on campuses.
I am in a hurry to get to school so I don't know what else to do except curse the bastard and want to plant a bomb in his ass.

Permalink: This_is_from_Chiabiscoot_s_Journal.html
Words: 162
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/22/04 05:31 - ID#29824
Updates Info
login -
The login box is now located in the place where you control panel will appear once you log in.
chat -
I moved the last 3 lines of chat up to the top so that everybody would see it and know when other people were on. It works in a new way, where you do not have to refresh the whole page to update it, simple send some text, or click referesh and that tiny little window will update just itself.
BETTER NEWS: The full chat now auto refreshes every 5 seconds. You can click the numbers at the bottom of the full chat to change the number of previous lines you can see. Chat expires one month after it is typed.

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Words: 132
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/20/04 02:25 - ID#29823
Down Time Tonight

Permalink: Down_Time_Tonight.html
Words: 32
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/20/04 01:01 - ID#29822
More info from the protest
carrie 13:26 : hey paul, great pics, saw you and terry on the news

There were at least 1000 people despite what the news probably says. You would not know that by checking out the story on the Channel 4

website. They don't even mention the protest. You will not believe it. Besides not even mentioning that it happend the only criticism of Busgh in the article says,
Buffalo resident Mary Jane Mills said, "I'm not a fan of his, but I think he should give his story to as many parts of the country as possible."
Here [inlink]elmwood,258[/inlink] are some quotes from the the signs posted last journal entry. Note that Rachel posted these live during the protest as I sent them to her via IM. It is the first time we have used the site for live reporting. More to come next time.
Here are the pics, I will leave the commentary up to terry.

For this one we realized that the media was focusing on the 15 Bush supporters instead of the 1000 Bush protesters.
HEre is a great quote from one of the Bush supporters via newsday.com

Justin Norton, 25, came out to show his support for the president.
"I find them to be uneducated on the issues," he said of the anti-Bush protesters. "I ask them what civil liberties they have lost (as a result of the Patriot Act) and they can't answer."
See my future journal entry about this (paul). Anyways, there was this guy who looked like a serious Nazi and very pro Bush. We realized that Terry also looks like a nazi, so we made him a sign that said Nazis for Bush and then he stood next top the hardline, pro-bush soldier during all of the press covereage. It was so funny, because it really looked like they were together.

I will comment on this last one. It seems that the Scientologist decided to come out en masse and try to get people into their cult. THey are one strange group. I think we should start reporting on them some more. Anyone have any personal experiences with them. Especially, since they just moved into Buffalo and have started being so public. I even saw advertisements for them in the Caribean restaurant on Allen. Who would have thought?

Here are some other pictures:

Permalink: More_info_from_the_protest.html
Words: 468
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/20/04 10:05 - ID#29821
Bush Protest
"I wasn't using my civil liberties anyways. Two terms for Bush."
"One in washington, one in prison one humanity, one struggle free speach zone?"
"Let's bomb texas, they have oil too"
"Regime change starts at home"
"Got rights?"
"One humanity, one struggler."
"Who would jesus bomb?"
"A snare drum that says "death walks behind you" osama bin ashcroft
"We don't need big brother. Stop US war crimes."

Permalink: Bush_Protest.html
Words: 95
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/17/04 11:57 - ID#29820
When - Tuesday, April 20 8:30 AM Sharp!
Where - Symphony Circle near Kleinhans Music Hall
George Bush will be coming to Kelinhans msuic hall to give a speech showing his support for the US Partiot Act and its effectiveness in capture of the Lackawanna five.
If you want to speak out against President Bush's disastrous policies, be there on Tuesday morning!
Enter the area through either Richmond Ave. or North Street. Come early to avoid parking hassles.
If you can help make phone calls, signs, or banners, call the Peace Center at

Permalink: BUSH_PROTEST_on_4_20.html
Words: 96
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/16/04 07:21 - ID#29819
New Search Word Highlight

Permalink: New_Search_Word_Highlight.html
Words: 43
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/15/04 11:07 - ID#29818
Campaign to Save Zoar Valley
Hi Folks,
I'm really excited about going to our capital and raising our voices for Zoar's protection. Just spent the day at Zoar enjoying the knife edges and amazing trees. What a beautiful day.
For everyone who is definitely coming on the Albany trip please read the following info. I need your full name correctly spelled so that Environmetal Advocates(organizers of this lobby day) can get us all registered and past security. You can email it to me or call 592-7547, it would be good to have it by tomorrow but no later than Saturday. The Environmental Advocates are pleased that we have such a passionate group and are encouraging us to shine our colors(that means bring the signs and banners).
We will be meeting at the Budget car rental across from the Buffalo Airport at 3:45 am Monday. If we get to bed early Sunday evening and get a nap on the ride then everyone should get enough sleep. I expect us to be back in Buffalo by 11pm. We have 2 vans reserved that can hold 14 people but if more want to come we will ask for someone to offer their car and carpool. The Budget car rental offers parking for $5.00 if you want a safe place to leave a vehicle. We will share gas but bring extra $ for lunch, parking and the event.
Together we can tell our elected officals know how much we love Zoar and why it must be saved. See you early Monday.
albert from FAF

Permalink: Campaign_to_Save_Zoar_Valley.html
Words: 256
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/14/04 02:23 - ID#29817
It'll be fun. You get a cupcake. And an Affirmation of Love certificate. And a photo.

Words: 44
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/14/04 02:20 - ID#29816
The Elevator Stops Here: Installation Art at the Top of City Hall

Artists: Jay Ariaz, Swati Bandi, Robin Brasington, Soyeon Jung, Caroline
Koebel, Paul Lehnen, Tom Leonhardt, Julie Perini, Leah Rico, Carolyn
Tennant, Jung Heum Whang
Opening Reception: Wednesday April, 14, 4-8PM
Exhibition Hours: Thursday, April 15, Noon-8PM
Friday, April 16, Noon-8PM
Saturday, April 17, 10AM-1PM
City Hall is located at 65 Niagara Square in downtown Buffalo, New York
Take elevator to the 25th floor
See you later!

Words: 90
Location: Buffalo, NY
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