05/31/13 05:05 - ID#57736
Happy Pride and stuff....
Dammit what ever happens I'm going to have fun somehow... I have been having some issues lately argh... I don't know how much I would really say on here... But let me tell you waking up and feeling depressed about ones life isn't fun.... I've been trying to get my place in shape before the bed bugs... I think they are all gone... But just cause I haven't been bit and I haven't seen them doesn't mean that... But taking a chance and going out or at least I plan to Niechtez see some strip teasers and bands and take photos... Hope to not miss the dyke march like my stupid ass did last year ..... Yes I still have a lot of work to do on my place so it can be sprayed assuming my land lord was telling the truth argh.. Just want to nap...... There is a part of me that just wants to toss everything out.... Minus Pictures and Art on walls, and tapes.....
Rain might be going on both days so gotta go see what is up with my water camera .... But the plan is to hopefully go to Elmwood and North someone I know is having a Protest the Protester thing not sure if it will be like 2 people or 70.. I can't be yelling and screaming but would be a good perspective for photos again who knows what will happen... I don't see my self going to the pride things that are like in allentown and the marina ....
Also it is the Greek Festival I never go to that.... Enjoy those that do... Also that games thing for the vets is going on as well.... So enjoy everyone ......

Permalink: Happy_Pride_and_stuff_.html
Words: 343
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/31/13 05:05
Category: holiday
05/27/13 05:25 - ID#57718
2013 MemorialSunday
Not so great at doing the Vlog but ok......
Then it was up to what ever that thing is called... To take some Buffalo shots.....
Then The birds again don't know if it was the same ones or not guessing so....
Now to be honest I'm not sure if that clothing truck was selling stuff I'm sure they where but I didn't check it out .....
So One of the things about a blog is you have no idea if anyone reads it or not... That being said if anyone is at this point I guess it is time to admit something... Yesterday I was fine with this being my memorial day.. The old days of cookouts I guess are over.. Besides I still don't know if all the bugs are gone.. They could just be waiting till it gets cold... In any event I picked the Hatch.. Didn't know if Liberty Hound is a Baseball hat kinda place... Gotta try and keep the sun of my face... But Today is depressing... I think being single and kinda naturally a loner although I do like people was fine until I joined twitter.. That is really a social place wow... So my body feels like I should be with others sitting on a couch or maybe I just miss my friends mother and grandmother ..... But I still did get enjoyment with some shows just wish there would have been a great war movie on .....Back to if anyone is still reading The service at the hatch seemed a little bit off... But not sure how long they have been open give them a chance ........
I took a walk down by the water.. So those photos are up next but couldn't figure out how to Light house or what ever the out harbor is once I got over the Bridge but some stuff past General Mills was closed and wasn't sure where left would take me.......
A few downtown shots But first I want to say took some pictures of some cool Urban art and club diablo I don't have all the details but is in the middle of a change......
So If you made it through all of that congrats .... Two Things there are no pictures on the ships cause I didn't feel comfortable going on them it was all kids and parents didn't want to be the creepy guy with camera.. It kinda felt like it might be weird ... Also at The Hatch they have a thing on the door warning people to watch their food or was it keep an eye on it because of the birds... Not sure how the birds are there but I remember they use to be Vicious at Teds I've seen them steal them once with people right at the table (my sis I think) Hope everyone had a great holiday... Oh it feels so good to not me at work... Almost enough to quit.. Sometimes I do feel like just quiting and turning off the power and putting everything at the curb well except Art on walls pictures and electronics .... Enjoy

Permalink: 2013_MemorialSunday.html
Words: 778
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/27/13 05:25
Category: movies
05/25/13 10:41 - ID#57711
Movies and Five guys

So I was supposed to watch Fast & Furious 6 first but went with The Hangover Part III .... Now to me it was more of an adventure movie and wasn't as raunchy as the other two but they still had some shock stuff........ Now I had some internet problem so I think the pictures might be a little goofy but....

So I knew some time back that five guys was going to open near Targer but not sure when it opened or what stage of open it is... What I mean is often a place opens and just opens and people go in "A Soft Opening" then at some point they advertise or have a grand opening promote the place you don't want to get people there before all the kinks or problems are worked out ? The Plan was to go after 2nd movie but since I did it backwards so the popcorn thankfully small it was tough to finish but here are some photos.....
It was then I was so stuffed and made it right in time for the previews for Fast & Furious 6.... So many great looking movies like Machete , The Wolverine, World War Z, This is the end and I forget what else..
If you like car chase movies you would like the Fast6 as called on Twitter.. Now going in I knew they where going to do a fast7 but have no idea what they would do to set that up... So the movie ends and they set up after the cast..... It is a fun movie great crashes and racing and story and shooting and stunts I found it very fun .....
One thing I forgot to mention about how good the food at fiveGuys is that they have these cool coke machines... It is touch screen and I like Barq's Rootbeer so I got it with Vanilla wow it was good.... I had never eaten in Fiveguys before but it was odd in a way the lady behind counter once it slowed down swept up later... Then came by and asked if I wanted ketchup or another refill it was a good time and both movies where fun :)

Permalink: Movies_and_Five_guys.html
Words: 413
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/25/13 10:52
05/22/13 10:46 - ID#57694
weekends weekend up coming
Hoping for I guess sunday might be best day to wake up and head down to the waterfront and take a boat load of pictures not sure about going on ships... Also not sure when people put wreaths in front of monuments... But I don't think since I've got my bigger zoom that I've been to that little tower could get some amazing shots maybe... Assuming the weather will be ok....
Now that Tuesday Pride starts I've never seen it live but they like put a flag up at like city hall area ....
Now before this Basketball player came out there was this guy named Dennis Rodman and he would wear a shirt that said " I'm Not gay but my Boyfriend is" and he was known for being with a lot of very hot women Carmen Elektra I think comes to mind quickly... I thought of a good shirt for pride might be "I'm not gay but my Porno is" or maybe that would be "Bi" But I never got one made so.... As some might know Men do nothing for me but in Porn those tools are great if with a girl... Guy on guy does nothing for me now two on a girl is hot... But is that really bi I don't think so that might be wrong... Of course I do like pretty girls who look like girls with that big surprise again in porn can't say what would happen in real life.... Not even sure if I know what real life is anymore when all the news we see is entertainment and documentaries even as reality show is entertainment ... Blurs that line but that is a different post......
Oh yeah for pride someone I know is having a protest the Protesters at North... That is way to much energy for me.. But Might get some photos... But I'm kinda scared someone might touch me.... Not that way... I haven't seen a bug in a few days... But it has been very hot in here that may have killed them ... Haven't got a professional... But the scary thing from what a read they can stay dormit or live with out food for months so how do I know there aren't like eggs on the bottom of a surfice argh... but I'll have pictures I plan on at both parades... But don't really think I could be wrong there would be anything for me at the celebrations...
There is one pretty big event in Buffalo and saw an add for it today the back lot bash or something... but I might see if there is some kind of entertainment and post photos if I go.... We Shall see...
Hope everyone has a great time......
I all ways feel like I left stuff out....
didn't prof read and hope it is clear and makes sense....

Permalink: weekends_weekend_up_coming.html
Words: 518
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/22/13 10:46
Category: movies
05/18/13 11:57 - ID#57682
Iron Trek
IronMan 3 in 3D was good not sure if I saw the 2nd one maybe I did... They did reference The Avengers though a few times that I didn't see... It was fun, it was good and I really enjoyed it... Not sure on the 3D though.....
I really loved the 3D version of Star Trek into Darkness and thought it was really good... It started out very strong and thought it looked amazing and guessing that was 3D end credits where amazing and think a few parts where great in 3D but hard to tell with out comparing it to non 3D version ....
I also saw a bunch of Previews that look like the movies could be amazing......

Permalink: Iron_Trek.html
Words: 127
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/18/13 11:57
Category: work
05/17/13 05:25 - ID#57676
Sick of work argh
Now to me 40 hours and going there and coming home is pretty tiring and I think it all ways has been... Yes we do have fun but it takes away a lot of Physical and emotional energy dealing with everyone.. Not to mention the work itself I like the work .....
The issue that has been an issue for years is my direct boss or maybe that isn't the exact right term is lazy .... and often works that way and does in ways that shouldn't .... Now if he was just the lead guy it might not be an issue ... But I work with him so he makes everything crazy and he is the boss so I can't really say anything ....
I fill the line with product he boxes it then I send it through... With most items not all what I do is quicker... But he has to be a little fucking kid and go run them through cause he doesn't want to really box... ARGH ... Now he is a nice guy and a good boss but not really a good worker at all... As an example he took an internet break at break then after that vanished... So he is the boxer so I kept asking people if they saw my dog has anyone seen my boxer :) argh so not fun argh.....
Ok I'll shut up now argh.....

Permalink: Sick_of_work_argh.html
Words: 236
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/17/13 05:25
Category: buffalo
05/16/13 05:50 - ID#57670
Outer Harbour ?????
Last summer they had these concerts at the outer Harbor ... Now I'm sure before that happened there where things in planning stages and things thought of...
But there is if you walk or don't drive no good way to get there or maybe I've never tried since the shamrock run is around that area ... sure wouldn't feel safe on a bike though but maybe that is just me.....
My point is that as soon as Bass pro was even an idea or any canal side expansion "The Train" should have been sent out to outer harbor .. No media none of all this political stuff just do the right thing shut up and get it done... The same thing with the Gorgeous Bridge they where going to build to connect the Harbours oh that went up in smoke quick...
I could be wrong but I don't think that shit happened in toronto where the water cuts between land they have a bridge as anyone who has ever been in a car going into the city can tell you. There above ground goes out to CNE grounds :)
But I can't really say cause I haven't been to other cities my point is all the think they call it infostructure should have been done before hand... WEll maybe now since it would bring construction jobs they can get the Billions for Buffalo $$$$$

Permalink: Outer_Harbour_.html
Words: 254
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/16/13 05:50
Category: drugs
05/12/13 10:02 - ID#57661
article about legal sales ....

So Haven't posted an article in some time but this is part of the legal web of when something is legal on the state but not National Level
This ties in kinda with a post I wrote about since Pot isn't legal at the federal level even if it is Medical how does the taxes work.......

Pot Shops Can’t Take American Express or Deposit in Banks
By Alison Vekshin - May 12, 2013 8:00 PM ET
Every month, Elliott Klug or one of his business partners walks into the Colorado Revenue Department with a messenger bag holding thousands of dollars in cash and watches as state employees start counting.
Klug, co-founder of PinkHouse Blooms LLC, a chain of five medical-marijuana dispensaries in Denver, has to pay his sales taxes in cash because federal law bars banks from offering accounts to pot shops, even as Colorado allows and taxes them.
Enlarge image
Colorado is among 18 states that allow the medical use of marijuana, and 11 that permit sales through dispensaries. Photographer: Matthew Staver/Bloomberg
“It highlights the awkward situation we’ve been placed in,” Klug, 36, said by telephone. “We are paying taxes, but despite our best efforts to be good citizens, we’re still paying in cash.”
Colorado is among 18 states that allow the medical use of marijuana, and 11 that permit sales through dispensaries like Klug’s. But federal law labels the drug a controlled substance and requires banks to report related transactions as suspicious activity. The inconsistency creates a gray area for dispensary operators, who have to choose between operating as a cash-only business, susceptible to robbery, or finding creative ways to open checking accounts and accept credit and debit cards.
“They’re encouraging cash operations, which are a threat to public safety, and much more difficult to track and audit,” Aaron Smith, executive director of the Washington-based National Cannabis Industry Association, said by telephone, referring to the conflicting rules.
Dispensaries pay federal, state and local taxes, in addition to state and local licensing fees “that often run up to tens of thousands of dollars annually” and many government agencies don’t accept cash, Smith said.
Seeking ‘Solution’
“We’re just looking for a solution where we can bank legitimately like any other industry,” Smith said. “Wherever you stand on the marijuana issue, it serves everybody’s interest to have banking access.”
Klug said that until 2011 he had checking accounts with Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC), which “welcomed us with open arms and then changed their minds.”
San Francisco-based Wells Fargo, the fourth-largest U.S. bank by assets, “opted not to bank these businesses in view of the complex and inconsistent legal environment,” Jim Seitz, a spokesman, said by e-mail. The bank conducts regular internal reviews and “if we identify a situation in which a policy is not being followed correctly, we act accordingly,” he said.
Klug now uses cash to pay about $45,000 a year in licensing fees to the state and remits about $35,000 a month in sales taxes to Denver and the state.
Some dispensaries get around the rules by setting up a shell business with an innocent-sounding name and not divulging that it’s tied to medical marijuana, said Dale Gieringer, director of the California office of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, a pro-pot group. California was the first state to legalize medical-marijuana use in 1996.
“As long as the bank doesn’t find out, you should be safe,” Gieringer said by telephone. “Or you can use a family account or a personal account. Some people have another business on the side and they use that account.”
If the subterfuge is discovered, “the bank terminates services with no explanation,” Gieringer said.
Bank officials say they are complying with federal law.
At Wells Fargo, “our policy of not banking marijuana dispensaries is based on applicable federal laws and our own assessment of our responsibility,” said Seitz, the bank’s spokesman.
Credit Cards
Similarly, American Express Co. (AXP), the biggest U.S. credit-card issuer by customer purchases, “has made a decision to not allow card acceptance for medical marijuana,” Sanette Chao, a spokeswoman for the New York-based company, said by e-mail. “It is our policy to adhere to federal law in such matters.”
Some financial institutions look the other way.
“There are some locally owned banks that medical marijuana companies are utilizing,” Daria Serna, a spokeswoman for the Colorado Revenue Department, said by e-mail.
Banks risk losing their deposit insurance or their federal charter if they violate the law, said Robert Rowe, senior counsel at the American Bankers Association, a Washington-based industry trade group.
Under federal law aimed at preventing money laundering, “banks are supposed to know their customers,” Rowe said by telephone. “One of the expectations is banks will do some checking into their customer and what kind of business they are doing.”
‘Suspicious Activity’
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which insures customer deposits at U.S. banks and regulates some state-chartered banks, “has advised regional and field staff that banks should file Suspicious Activity Reports on transactions and deposits related to proceeds from the sale of controlled substances,” Greg Hernandez, a spokesman for the Washington-based agency, said by e-mail.
“It is the FDIC’s expectation that banks conduct prudent due diligence regarding their customers and should know and understand the types of businesses the customers operate,” Hernandez said. “Knowing that cashflow comes from an illegal activity should raise concerns of bank management, who is expected to evaluate the account relationship to determine whether the account should be maintained or terminated.”
At The Joint, a Seattle-based medical-marijuana dispensary, founder Shy Sadis said he has an account with “one of the top banks in the United States” and has an automated-teller machine on site for his customers to get cash.
“We do payroll for all of our employees,” Sadis, 40, said by telephone. “It’s crucial to have a bank account. If we didn’t, we would be underground, dealing with cash and not paying our taxes.”
Regulatory Framework
In Washington, where voters last year legalized recreational use of marijuana, the Liquor Control Board is designing a regulatory framework for the new industry that includes a 25 percent tax on producers, processors and retailers.
Businesses paying in cash would present a security issue, said Brian Smith, a spokesman for the board.
“We’ll need to be prepared to accept potentially large amounts of cash,” he said. “Do we suddenly have to have armored-truck service? That’s a potential.”
Scott Jarvis, director of Washington’s Financial Institutions Department, took the issue to regulators at the FDIC and the Federal Reserve in March.
‘Make Decisions’
“The purpose was to let my federal counterparts know that we had passed the initiative, that the state was moving forward in fulfilling the will of the people and that when push comes to shove, money has to go somewhere into the banking system,” Jarvis said. “And to alert them that at some point somebody will have to make some decisions.”
Still, Jarvis said his agency will probably issue guidelines reminding financial institutions of the federal law.
“We have a lot of banking and credit-union folks that are interested in providing banking services to this industry,” Jarvis said.
“I think we’ll have some resolution either through policy at the federal level or through the court system,” Jarvis said. “Also, Congress could act.”
U.S. Representative Jared Polis, a Colorado Democrat, in February introduced a bill to remove marijuana from a drug classification known as Schedule I, or most dangerous, where it is listed alongside heroin.
“We want to make sure they have access to the same type of banking facilities as other businesses,” Polis, who said he doesn’t smoke pot, said by telephone.
Federal Response
States are also looking to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who said in March that the Justice Department is considering a response to voter approval of recreational marijuana use in Washington and Colorado.
In both states, anyone 21 and older can legally possess as much as 1 ounce (28 grams) of marijuana for recreational use. Nonmedical retail sales remain illegal until the new rules are in place.
In Colorado, lawmakers this week approved bills to regulate and tax recreational pot purchases. A task force on implementing the law recommended that the legislature consider all alternatives to help businesses access banking services.
“Efforts are needed either to secure a federal exemption for legal marijuana businesses in Colorado to be able to legally bank with federally insured banks, credit unions and other financial institutions, or to create a local financial institution that is not subject to federal regulation,” the task force said in a report.
Once recreational-marijuana retailers open shop, there will be some small banks that will accept their business either publicly or through “willful blindness,” said Robert McVay, a lawyer with Seattle-based Harris & Moure PLLC, which has helped medical-marijuana dispensaries open in the state.
“The business is there and whoever steps into it is going to do well,” McVay said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Alison Vekshin in San Francisco at avekshin@bloomberg.net.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Merelman in New York at smerelman@bloomberg.net.

Permalink: article_about_legal_sales_.html
Words: 1552
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/12/13 10:04
Category: photos
05/05/13 04:03 - ID#57626
Bats beat bisons
I have no Anthem Pictures cause I was still in line for tickets when they or whom ever sangthem sang.. There was a part of the game I didn't get.. Guy got hit the pitch and didn't get to take a base but a new batter came in for him.......
I love this race part so much fun for some reason......

Permalink: Bats_beat_bisons.html
Words: 271
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 05/05/13 04:03
Category: buffalo
04/28/13 12:34 - ID#57588
Empty Buffalo and food trucks damit damit ......
Recently the food truck battle has been raging in Amherst and I don't agree with Amherst but an ugly truth has come up again and it is what was used as part of the anti casino movement and those people had kinda a point .....
YES The FOODTRUCKS are a boom to the ELMWOOD AREA when they are there and yes they do bring people to where they are however and this isn't a bash on them it is a bash on the burbs and our current world.....
On Saturday I went to the bank and it dawned on me how long as Mode been empty ? The bar part was open it re opened clossed.... The names have changed .... Glad there is a Joe's Deli across from the bank coming some time but how long was that house front open for years....
I admit that I don't shop that much on Elmwood.....
When I was a kid Grant St. got all the place with these Gorgeous Black and Gold maybe bronze or Platnum is more correct signs and it was a boom... Well for a few years... Now there is a movement to bring Grant St. back and there are some great places... Buff State is right there it should be... And Amherst is taking off..... But yet a place closes on Elmwood and sits empty for years ...... Not good.......
I've heard Hertel is the new hip place to be ? Heard a rumor that we might get a sisster site or maybe someone was just going to by the name for one or change the name....HA
See that "Hip Factor" that "Buzz" the "It Factor" the "Cool" the "Social Media show up there" is what some of those sit down places fear... They can't keep up with that and never can.........
The new build up is the Waterfront.... Yeah the waterfront is great and should have been great years ago.... But Buffalo isn't Toronto :( Grant St. Elmwood , Hertel, Amherst (The street that connects them to each other lets call it the gateway :) OH ) and The Waterfront all can't be connected by business .... Buffalo just doesn't have the people.... Maybe if you count the burbs but they have there own little towns :)
When I was a kid we ate at The Hatch if at that part of the waterfront and not the other way in Tonawanda .... Then it was onto the Ice Cream that dripped faster then you could eat it..... Near front park it was teds or they had a stand... Watch out for the birds they would steel your food....
But there is a part of me that wonders if say a Mr. Frosty truck or some other company pulled up what would that have done to the ice cream place would it still be open ?
Unless Buffalo brings in more people everything can't stay open ..... That is the ugly truth..... Not enough people and enough money... I still think we are going in the right direction but think we will all ways be a pocket city... We are a small city we aren't NYC, Toronto or any where else....
My point isn't that I really have one... But that we don't have enough resources to support everyone that runs a good place in Buffalo we just don't..............

Permalink: Empty_Buffalo_and_food_trucks_damit_damit_.html
Words: 577
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 04/28/13 12:34
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Now I know who you were talking about! The counter protesters who were organized were awesome. Loved their presence. I think it makes a difference. From the perspective of being in the parade it is really awful to encounter them. I really tried as much as I could to shield children from their hateful messages. I don't think I ever want to do any more counter protesting but I'd encourage other people to do it and to find better ways of drowning out their megaphones. I wonder if there is something you could hold in front of it that redirects it back at them?
The thing with the bugs is part of something I've all ways had trouble with it seems and that is getting the good balance ... Once I get home from work it is tough to do much...so many times I go oh when I get home I'll do this and then it doesn't happen......I know I have to do better and I'm also not sure totally how the place would need to be so they can spray... Like how far away from walls and that kind of thing.. Hoping to get to a point where I can ask land lord hey come look at this soon we shall see.......
Glad you liked the pictures and video it was great to see you and everyone else as well...
Sorry to hear you are still having a hard time. I'm pretty sure I'd have a complete break down if I had to deal with what you have been. I wish you all the best in getting everything in shape to have it sprayed. Glad you aren't getting bitten anymore but you should definitely have a professional verify that they are gone just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for posting all the pictures and videos, enjoyed looking at them as usual. Good to see you.