Category: philosophy
01/12/12 06:12 - ID#55893
Loyalty=I Hate My Job
Now Granted one could argue that when a friend mine got in trouble for something that wasn't his fault (orders didn't go that didn't have to go) and his boss didn't get in trouble and he did and some how he lost his job I could have and almost did quit cause it was Bull shit.... But one has to be loyal to the company....
Then When One of our shitty workers rated out the boss and he kept his job but the Boss lost his.... Everyone wanted to quit I think... But we didn't cause see we are loyal to the company...
Now is the company loyal to us? How would you tell I guess so.... Well they are more loyal I think to the people who make the product but who knows really....
But see as much as the people piss me of at where I work... That is just the tip of the ice berg....
My Bank is HSBC and that will Change Very soon.... Isn't it odd that they and the city couldn't work out a deal with that Tower or getting a new Building and all of a Sudden .... Ok we are leaving Western New York... Hey how about having some Loyalty to the people who bank with you... How about saying to us if you want you can stay with us and we will wave all ATM Fees..... Nope just sell off all your banks... To bad I really liked HSBC......ARGh
How About Trico...... They sure had a lot of good workers in Buffalo from what I have heard.... Ah screw Buffalo if we move to Mexico it costs us less money... Now on a larger level.... Well people in the USA buy all our wiper blades lets go to mexico.....
Here is lack of Loyalty.... Wal-Mart... There is all ways this talk that Wal-Mart goes into a small town and it closes down all the shops.... Is it true that they offer a cheaper price and more Variety and one stop shopping ....Yeah of course.... But what causes that is lack of Loyalty... That Hardware store you love so much and maybe even the guy you go to church with... Eh fuck him wal-mart has it for 20 cents less again no loyalty....
Sports Teams...... How many times does some team take a chance on some kid who is unproven and the team works with them trains them turns them into a great player... Now if it wasn't for this staff no one would know who he is "Oh I want More Money"... Even if before he was getting more then he was worth... No loyalty......
The Lack of Loyalty in this country drives me insane........

Permalink: Loyalty_I_Hate_My_Job.html
Words: 562
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/12/12 06:12
Category: photos
01/08/12 10:33 - ID#55872
WWE Test
Well that is plenty for the test.....

Permalink: WWE_Test.html
Words: 352
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/08/12 10:33
Category: photos
01/07/12 11:48 - ID#55864
Sky Skiffling

Again It was a great time... On my way home I got a few more sky shots.... It is odd the flash made the clouds vanish?

Permalink: Sky_Skiffling.html
Words: 334
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/07/12 11:48
Category: photos
01/02/12 12:18 - ID#55836
New Years 3 2011-2012

Permalink: New_Years_3_2011_2012.html
Words: 342
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/02/12 12:18
Category: tv
01/02/12 11:26 - ID#55835
MSG Advertising

So Time Warner and MSG currently are no more! Bastards .....
MSG pulls broadcasts from Time Warner
By Mark Sommer
January 1, 2012, 10:16 PM
Updated: January 2, 2012, 8:04 AM
Watching games for Sabres fans in the foreseeable future may come down to subscribing to Direct TV or FiOS, or attending a local bar carrying one of those.
That's because the ongoing impasse between MSG and Time Warner Cable remains frosty, despite the expiration Saturday of the contract, signed in 2005, between the sports cable channel and the giant cable provider.
The Sabres next play Tuesday against the Edmonton Oilers -- the first of 12 games that MSG was to have televised in January -- and again Friday and Saturday. One game -- Jan. 18 against the Chicago Blackhawks -- airs on the Versus network, which will be relaunched today as the NBC Sports Network.
For most Time Warner subscribers, it's likely to be a waiting game, as both sides each other for the failure to reach a deal.
"Right now we are waiting for MSG to come back to the table. We are eager to resume negotiation for a reasonable price on behalf of our customers," Time Warner spokesman Matthew Tremblay said Sunday.
Michael Bair, president of MSG Media, cast similar blame on Time Warner, saying the last "meaningful conversation" between the two parties was about two weeks ago.
Bair suggested viewers consider subscribing elsewhere.
"We urge them to select an alternate provider and switch from Time Warner to ensure they don't miss any games. We have no other choice, because we want to make sure the fans don't miss their games," Bair said.
MSG, which removed Sabres games from the Time Warner lineup, will hold a "viewing party" Tuesday in Tully's sports bar at Main Street and Transit Road in Clarence. Free chicken wings will be offered along with ticket and merchandise giveaways.
Rep. Kathleen C. Hochul, D-Amherst, issued a statement Sunday urging both parties "to come together and resolve this situation quickly."
Downstate, MSG also carries games for the NBA's New York Knicks and the NHL's New York Rangers, New York Islanders and New Jersey Devils. Those games, too, no longer are available on Time Warner.
Friday, Bair said the majority of MSG's market is in the New York City area, where, he said, "the biggest battle is brewing. It's unfortunate that Buffalo is caught up in this ..."
So Here is the thing...... I have Time Warner and Really like.... Can't believe these bastards on both sides... Now I don't know how the money works in NHL but I have a good guess based on how it works in the NFL...
- People come to game so they see the ads at the arena and on the boards some of these change based on event think Lacrosse as an example
- People watch the game on TV and see these ads on the boards or where ever else they have them where TV will pick them up.. (this was a problem in the NFL cause some got upset that kids saw beer ads in the stadium when watching)
How many people see the stuff on the boards is what gives those ads value... The less people the less value they have... Now who gets that money if it is the team or the arena or if there is some kind of split I have no idea.... But with the lose of TV that = loss of people viewing that so someone is losing money... Now at some point the Ad people are going to either want some of their money back (unless they got a great deal) or won't pay as much since no one on time warner sees those... Now this isn't true for just the sabres but for the rangers and Devils as well.... I assume basketball has some kind of ads also think it might be signs that change?
Now the next part of this is TV..... There are people who have Time Warner and who when they watch Hockey they wouldn't be watching any thing else so Viewer ship drops... Now the less people are watching the less they can charge for some ads I'm thinking the local stuff you might see during the sabres game... Not sure if it is enough people to effect things...
During Sabres games you have at least a few companies that pay for like the ad of the power play or the Celino and Barnes stuff.... I assume that the other hockey teams do this type of stuff as well.... So now that these games aren't on MSG on Timewarner that means less viewers so that ad space just lost value.... So again Not sure if this hurts MSG, The sabres or how that money gets split up.....
What I do know for sure is see MSG wants you to switch to Direct TV cause then MSG doesn't lose any Viewers they don't lose any ad dollars and it gives them more power to hold hostage sports in NYS and NJ (Devils games)......
Now Time warner thinks it is better to just lose the money and if so lose some viewers they might be right on that.... What I wonder though is Could the Sabres sign a Deal with another Station?
For example every NHL is recorded.... Who's Cameras are those...NHL? Sabres? MSG? Who pays for the TV guys who also do the Radio? Is it the Sabres or MSG... See if it is MSG I doubt they would allow the sabres to make a deal with some other Channel on Time Warner...
Bottom line is who losses the most honestly is the fans.... Ok with how they are playing maybe the fans really win... But everyone losses really....

Permalink: MSG_Advertising.html
Words: 979
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/02/12 11:26
Category: photos
01/01/12 08:09 - ID#55834
2011-2012 New Years 2

Permalink: 2011_2012_New_Years_2.html
Words: 154
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/01/12 08:09
Category: photos
01/01/12 12:10 - ID#55831
Happy New Years ! 1 2012
I didn't get everyone's pictures :( ........ So Hoping others got pictures as well.....
Well this seems like a logical place to stop .... It is so Weird it is New Years day and NFL Football.... Looking forward to Watching the Dallas Vs. Giants game tonight winner wins the Division could be a great game....

Permalink: Happy_New_Years_1_2012.html
Words: 199
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 01/01/12 12:10
Category: philosophy
12/31/11 05:47 - ID#55825
Foodtrucks=Carnies ?
- I Am a Fan of them
- What got me going in the entire debate all over the web was that some people wanted to boycott places that didn't like them, But now would it be ok if say I like say Just Pizza to boycott food Trucks.....NO
- Not sure if the laws and rules got made legal I know they where voting but not sure I think they did pass and they seemed fair except The garbage can thing
> I get it they are mobile and they should keep the place where they part Clean but do you really want that trash back inside a moving Truck?..........Um No........ ---> Also the distance is from the property line so that means where how does one know the property line of a building..... - What I think that I'm the only one talking about is the fact that there is this perception that the trucks aren't regulated and Clean.........
- Again it is a perception... Any truck can just roll up and serve and then vanish off into the night like a gypsy
- Think of it this way if you where walking to the store and before you got there and someone was selling Bread and Milk what would you think? Would you go hey it is snowy and blowy and cold and this upstanding young man is out here making money .... Doubt it would be more of a milk and bread on the street I don't think so.... It sure would look shady but is it.....
- If There was a Well established Theme Park with games that if you play basketball on a team you can win but no one else has the skills or maybe a pro bowler could win that other game..... How would you feel if the on the road leading to your place a Traveling Carnival set up.... Yes with a Freak show and rides and games that are rigged ..... Yes dancing Girls and the Kooch show..... Don't think you would like it very much... Yes the freak show would be great.........
Now to be honest I didn't have a point these where just some thoughts that one of the issues with the food trucks is that they appear to be a fly by night business.... Not that they are... But in theory they could go where ever they want sell what they want then Vanish off into the night... Yes it is true that they being some places will cost some places Business but they will also help get some people Business... But Again some places don't see that.... Say I'm walking down Elmwood there are two kinds of people those that
- Plan where they are going to go and that is what they are doing
- People who walk and just go to where or what they feel like
Now if you plan and see oh Food truck on elmwood ok I'll make that part of it then yes you are taking food away from where ever you would have planned to go if the truck wasn't there.... But if you get there and the line is 11 people guess what the plan changes even though you really want lloyds "Oh Wait ETS is kinda pricey and Jim's has Tacos ok I'll go there"
Now if you are the person who just walks if you will be on elmwood again soon then you might go... Taco's two days in a row um no.... So you have to pick a Taco Place if the food truck is first then you might go... Cause the food truck won't be there the next time on elmwood......
See that is what the places don't get is that the food trucks do bring more people to where they are and that helps everyone.... But I do get why the people who have worked for years getting there name established don't see this.... I think a big part of that (again not them so I shouldn't be writing for them) is that they see them as kinda the old world gypsy they come here get your money and steal your babies....
Again though just some thoughts.......

Permalink: Foodtrucks_Carnies_.html
Words: 729
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/31/11 05:47
Category: movies
12/31/11 04:55 - ID#55824
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Permalink: Girl_With_The_Dragon_Tattoo.html
Words: 197
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/31/11 04:55
Category: photos
12/28/11 08:25 - ID#55809
Trans-Siberian Orchestra 2011
Thought I would Pause here for a second and say that I sometimes think of this as a light show.... In person you can see the people but I think often times the Camera picks up more of the light... For example what looked purple to me looked blue on the camera screen... Also it is tough to follow everything ... They had this cat walk that lowered and people played on it.... At the end of the show some kid came up on stage.... They had a stage with some pyro .... My point is it is a lot of fun but you can't see it all and the Camera sure can't get it all.... Thurs. Of this week is WWE... Granted it is a house Show and means I'll miss TNA on TV but it will be fun..... Ok back to Pictures from the show......
Now that being said I wonder does anyone agree with me on a couple things about First Niagara Center that Bother me..... From the outside it says First Niagara Center but the center is like an after thought and is smaller and less bright...Looks trashy to me.... Now maybe at a hockey game I wouldn't think this but Beer Ads hanging from the Rafters..NO! NO! NO! I don't care that Labatt is now in Buffalo! That is for Banners of Players and Championships not an Ad! There is plenty of room for Ad space keep it out of There! Maybe I'll see how it looks During wrestling and still not like it..... Ok few more pix...

Permalink: Trans_Siberian_Orchestra_2011.html
Words: 764
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/28/11 08:25
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