Category: movies
12/06/11 05:49 - ID#55660
Adjust billy joel
Now the movie I watched today was on Showtime On Demand... It was called Last Play at Shea... It is about Shea Stadium and is intermixed with the last show there being Billy Joel and has his and the stadiums history and the concert it was pretty good....

Permalink: Adjust_billy_joel.html
Words: 140
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/06/11 05:49
Category: photos
12/04/11 10:42 - ID#55649
skiffle Dec. 2 2011

Permalink: skiffle_Dec_2_2011.html
Words: 428
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/04/11 10:42
Category: philosophy
12/03/11 06:23 - ID#55647
Amazing Grace?
So I hate to admit this but on Facebook/One of the news pages I saw a story (didn't follow the link) about some kid on the west side getting hit and killed by some kind of school bus.... My first thought was how ironic.... Kinda like if someone died in a pool on a cruise ship in the ocean... For some reason all I could think of was that it was Ironic.... Now today in tops I saw the front of a paper and it had a picture of the kid.... I thought how sad it was a little Asian kid... Now granted I can't pick up the paper and read the story in the middle of tops and I didn't go to the website and look into the story.... But what this tells me is that and this might be a jump but that everyone has Hate, Anger and rage in them.... We all claim we are good and great... But lets face it we all judge people and look down on them.... See what got me I think upset and why I thought it was Ironic is that I (and everyone) have stereotypes of others.... Now that doesn't mean we want to join the Klan.. It doesn't even mean we treat others differently.... But some place we have them and may not even know it.... See when this was some little kid of some kind of family well who cares really.... But now when this kid is from some hard working family who moved here so an evil army doesn't kill them then it is sad....
Now when I was done I went to catch the bus and some "Ghetto" I assume white lady is yelling at someone driving.... Um Stupid the car had the green light....ARGh... Oh yeah in tops some dude was playing his Music... What! Wish I had some speakers I would have loved to blast Some Devil loving Church burning Down Norse Black Metal right back at him.... Then Go have some respect now you know what it feels like.......
If anyone can follow what I'm ram-belling about good luck ..... Ok back to my story as waiting for the bus. There is a church and Amazing Grace starts playing.... Now Of course there aren't words to church bells.... But to me that song is about how those that are lost can turn to faith and no longer be lost.... I wish Faith really worked like that.... Wouldn't that be cool.... Well maybe if you turn to faith and leave out the churches then maybe it would? Now a great writer would say that once the song Ended the bus showed up think a Christmas song played next and a Funeral went past...
Sometimes I do think and this song made me think of it.... Or maybe it was the guy that got honked at for not knowing you don't cross when the cars coming at you have the green... Yes pedestrians have the right of way but only when it is lawful Jackass..... That maybe just maybe Humanity should just start over... Maybe another Plague and Like a great flood or what ever took out the Dinosaurs and let what ever form the new humans are if they can figure out how to read what we wrote learn from it and not be us....
Animals (yes we are an animal ) kill mostly to eat and survive.... For the people that don't eat animals got some bad news if you don't eat them cause something was killed how about those fruits and grains oh and worse yet those plants that died for your clothes and any thing leather, or Suede ! To live means something else must die.... Now most of us don't do that anymore... Yes some people hunt and some people work in Slaughter houses or even as a butcher..... But even these people don't live directly and only on what they kill.... I think that Humans have this instinct on how to kill..... I think that since we don't kill to live any more that is why we have so much hate and disgust and thinking we are better then others.... I think there is the natural thing of killing and since we can't and don't do it things build up.... Also if say you need to go out and say shoot a buffalo or something so you and your family or maybe even friends can eat ..... The only thing you are going to care about is things that interrupt that.. As an example Indians getting drunk on fire water as they prey for a good hunt as long as you can sleep you won't care cause you have to hunt in the morning.... Now one of your friends Blaring Metallica as you want to sleep or when hunting and it scares off Squirrels you want to shoot out of trees from your window then maybe you try human that night... HA....
Is there a point eh not really......
Now all that being said I did see a pretty cool action movie today that kinda fits in Immortals.... I Liked it... Didn't think it is as good as say Spartacus is .... But then again it doesn't have orgies, cocks the size of my arm ;), or the sexuality.. .... Didn't like it as much as The 300.... But it was a bit different as in it had gods and Oracles... Then say the 300.... Some of the battle where amazing.... Now there where parts where I could feel as if I was in the maze and the way some of the bodies floated in battle scenes was amazing.... Now I can never tell about the 3D ..... I think part of that is the way movies are filmed and the way stories go is you follow the action it doesn't come towards you cause once they got to you where would they go? Wouldn't they hit the cameras? That aside Yes it is a movie about gods and Immortals and was pretty good but also fit in with the rest of my day....
Maybe the holiday season is just weighing on me a bit I don't know.... I guess I would kinda like it if there was a push instead of black friday of come here save say $30 and donate that money you save to the Salvation Army on your way out... Or at a toy store it would be PS3 save $100 instantly when you donate $30 to toys for tots.... Or say maybe Wegmans : Donate $20 to WNY foodbank and get a free apple strudel pie and Half Gallon of Perry's ice cream or something.... Again some kind of movement where people mention listen when you shop here and buy stuff for mom or what ever take the last thing you buy or even just that thing you aren't sure if she will like and donate it.......

Permalink: Amazing_Grace_.html
Words: 1193
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 12/03/11 06:23
Category: photos
11/27/11 11:36 - ID#55611
Thanks 2011

Permalink: Thanks_2011.html
Words: 97
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/27/11 11:36
Category: holiday
11/23/11 07:35 - ID#55583
Happy Holidays
Well just wanted to wish those that are out doing any of the holiday stuff a great holiday... If that is going out on the biggest drinking holiday night of the year .... Or watching football all day..... Or doing the Black Friday thing (pick me up a nice 46 Inch TV thanks :) ) Then Monday is cyber monday so enjoy......

Permalink: Happy_Holidays.html
Words: 67
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/23/11 07:35
Category: holidays
11/19/11 05:29 - ID#55556
Black Thanksgiving?!Meaning
Thanksgiving is less then a week away and no so it Black Friday... Now in Buffalo there is the huge drinking holiday the day Or I should say the night before thanksgiving and well it might as well be Christmas it shows up quicker then the paychecks sometimes.....
Now there are some Holidays like Thanksgiving and Columbus Day... Yes you could put Christmas in there as well that have a dark side.... There are sayings like "Keep the Christ in Christmas"... That believe it or not is a really good point... See Halloween isn't this evil holiday where we praise the dead and ask souls to take over our unborn babies.... What Holidays are is what behavior we do.... So Halloween is about dressing up as someone you aren't and taking the persons persona and yeah getting candy. Now of course if you go out and get a medium and sit in a cemetery then that is what the holiday means to you..... I think this is true of all Holidays.... If I had NFL Network thanks giving would be a 3 football game day for me! If say Just Pizza had a plate you could order with 7 slices of turkey 3 slices of apple pie , mashed with gravy I would be good... Maybe a thing of Hot Hard Cider (not beer that tastes like cider) or just regular with cinnamon .... Give me that and a TV with football maybe a few minutes of a parade then some TNA (think fox has a new Ice Age special and a new Charlie Brown one might have to check that out)... And that is my thanksgiving ..... It isn't about how we where friends with the Indians and then after the winter stole the land and then brought blankets that killed them... Then after the fact when something was found on there land oh gold, oh oil, oh here we come with the guns find some other place live.... So if you feel bad about what we did that is fine but maybe as pay back go lose all your money to them at a Casino.... Hey if that is your thanksgiving then fine......
My Point is there are so many Holidays and what they are on the Calender and why we got them doesn't mean anything.... It is what we do on those days that give that Holiday meaning or no meaning at all..... Maybe there are some of those out there that for every 2 gifts they buy they give one to a charity and if that is what the holiday is about to you then that is what Christmas is to you or any holiday for that matter......

Permalink: Black_Thanksgiving_Meaning.html
Words: 467
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/19/11 05:29
Category: music
11/18/11 05:50 - ID#55545
1920's Youtube
Well seeing as I just lost internet for a minute don't wont to lose the entire post.....

Permalink: 1920_s_Youtube.html
Words: 139
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/18/11 05:50
Category: tv
11/17/11 07:19 - ID#55538
Youtube Boardwalk Videos
Now granted this is just a sampling plus often times the music makes a scene but away from the scene it isn't the same thing.....

Permalink: Youtube_Boardwalk_Videos.html
Words: 171
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/17/11 07:19
11/15/11 05:51 - ID#55519
Schweddy 2

Permalink: Schweddy_2.html
Words: 33
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/15/11 05:51
Category: photos
11/14/11 05:34 - ID#55511
Schweddy ..........
Now one can debate if Saturday Night is Funny anymore.... A great point that it isn't really could be agreed on I'm sure... But that being said there have been some Epic Moments like all the Tiny Fey as Palin stuff and most of the weekend update stuff....
Now SNL has spoofed all kinds of things That entire Night at The Roxsburry stuff was an Infomerical Mockery.... All that great and Funny Geico Caveman stuff is bar-owed from Cave Man Lawyer... But that being said some stuff you aren't sure what they are making fun of.... Delicious Dish is one of those it was a radio show about food... The way the women talked would imply things... Then when Alec Baldwin would come on he was Pete Schweddy and he had his Schweddy Balls.... Now did they maybe copy South Park and Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls maybe but they are both funny so who cares really not sure what bit started first But Chef did sing.... But I think it was all ways a highlight of the show.... Now as I remember there where times when the people who did delicious dish where no longer on the show and came back for this skit... Good times.......
Now when this season opened Baldwin was back (Granted he has been on a lot but it kinda makes sense since 30 Rock is also an NBC show) and he Mentioned there was a Schweddy Balls Ice Cream.... I thought it was a joke... But no it is real... Not only is it real but the way I found out it was real is that some stores won't sell it because of the name.... Wonder if these same stores sell Maxim, Cosmo, Beer and smokes?
Now I would look for the stories and try to find links like I did in the past but guessing all of those stories are in the part of the websites where you have to pay to read old stories? Well old news wise at least.....
I admit I never buy Ben &Jerry's because of the price and Size but got it today at tops and it was good not my fav... but good......
And to Answer the question yes Like a Girl in one of those movies where she is dumped I ate the entire thing in one sitting... Think I was watching South Park at the time.....

Permalink: Schweddy_.html
Words: 433
Location: Buffalo, NY
Last Modified: 11/14/11 05:34
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