Category: philosophy
01/22/10 08:45 - 29ºF - ID#50887
Taught Vs. Learning on line debate
So I admit that I'm guessing this will sound better in my head then on the web, often thoughts do. One thing the Web is great for is political debate. Hey who doesn't like to get into these debates they can often be fun. Religious debates can get pretty interesting also. That being said there is really no reason for these debates. The fact is that most people's minds and ideas aren't going to change based on something that is said. In issues that are only cultural maybe they will change but that is unlikely. The reason for this is that the majority of everyone's opinion is already set. They feel something and use facts that they know to back up their own Ideas. It should be the other way that they look at all the facts and then use that as how to form their opinions but it isn't.
Why do you Believe in the god that you do?
Why do you think that some things are right and others are wrong?
Why do you have certain stereotypes either good or back about others?
Why do you view the world the way in you do?
Every thing you believe you where taught or learned on your own or based on things that happened but most things you where taught in some way.
The Best example is belief in God. I'm not bashing god here. If you prey to Mecca or won't eat a cow because it is Sacred the majority of the time it is because that is what your Parents or family taught you. If your family takes you to a Southern Baptist Church you are a Southern Baptist. It isn't like you can go "Mom lets go to the Anglican Church up the road and see how they think". Most kids wouldn't think of it. Yes this isn't true all ways in multi faith families but that is more about what you learn and currently I'm writing about be taught. As one grows up they are taught the ideas of the church or lack there of that they go to. If the family watches football and says stuff like Why is Warner preying ... Then Kids are taught of the lack of god or at least the lack of Warner's Good.
Morals are not only taught through Faith. Most People wind up having the same Political outlook as the people who raise them. As adults or even as Babies having Babies you pass your ideas onto your kids. I don't have a good example for this really. The one I will use is how one treats others is a big factor. If someone in front of you drops their wallet the next thing you do will teach the kid different things. If you yell sir you dropped your wallet, you teach them honesty and looking out for others. Now if you pick up the Wallet and take a couple dollars as a reward for your self, then you are teaching them that it is ok to help people if it also helps you. Then if you do some version where you keep the contents and don't tell the person at all you show them that it is ok to get over on others, or that steeling is ok. What is even worse is if you take the credit card and then you both go shopping on some else's money and max it out or empty the bank account.
In Terms of stereotypes I don't only mean racial stereotypes. Yes those are the ones that most people think of. But those extended to more then just race , gender, sex, sexual orientation , Religious beliefs, national origin, how someone looks and even how they talk. All kinds of people teach these and they are very common in families. There are so many I don't even know where to start. Some comments are so small that you don't even notice them yourself. If someone thinks they got ripped off they go "Oh They Jewed Me". There are so many examples of these but the point is that these stereotypes are taught in little ways and big ways and so most kids wind up thinking like how their parents think.
I will admit Political views are more complex and it is tough to say how parents out look on life effects their kids. Again though I say parents but it is more then just them who teaches Kids what to think. For people who protest and take their kids to them as well that we can agree shapes how there kids think. I won't go as far as saying Parents brain wash their kids. But through daily interaction ok so maybe for some once a week, but the point is still the same. Kids learn so much when they are young and take in a lot so they get the same beliefs as there parents and this was true of the kids parents also. That is why things like racism stay around for so long. I also think that what stereotypes (again both good and bad) tie in and intertwine with ones political views. The best example I can think of is that if you have stereotypes about what it is like to be gay, you are more likely to think gay marriage is wrong.
I Admit one thing about a blog is you never know if anyone is really reading it or not. But for anyone who is this is where my thoughts I think get more interesting but maybe that is Just me. Remember I said taught vs. learned. There is a big difference. I will use school as the example to start this off, not sure where it will go. On a side note a bit any of you who went to high school with me remember how bad I was in English I can't believe I write blogs back then I would have never believed it. That makes the perfect example. Yes my grammar is still bad I have no idea why all those green lines show up. everyone goes to class is taught by a teacher. But just because you are taught stuff doesn't mean you learn it. If you did then every kid would get a 100% or an A+ in every class. Hey How would a College decide who to pick, HA. Different people learn differently. Some people can go to class and never open a book and remember it. But some people don't learn by hearing they learn by reading or by writing things out in notes. Not only do people learn differently in school but this is true in life as well.
It is really scary how much people can learn in school and I don't mean just in high School I mean at all levels. Often this things that are learned at school conflict with what home and the world teach you and that is where things get really interesting. I can admit I don't really know how ones mind decides what things are the truth, I would tend to think that what you learn out in world is the strongest. You live it and you know it and it is real, it isn't just an idea. But in terms of ideas I'm not sure how that works. Well that is what is coming up next.
I'll use the racial stereotypes as an example. Lets say at home you hear N this and N that. I think we all know what N means. But then you get to College or a big high school and those people are "The Cool Kids" They have the parties and they not what you where taught at home. There is this conflict between what you where taught and what school is teaching you so over time you learn what the truth is to you. Sometimes it happens the other way around. Now maybe after you leave school and get out into the world you get a job or what ever and meet more people and at that point you might learn some other version of what people are like. Again what happens to you sometimes causes you to learn that what you thought before was correct and sometimes that it was wrong.
This is not only true for racial stereotypes, It is true for many stereotypes. I guess the best example I can use is homosexuality. I won't use the example of the girl who finds out in College she also likes to have fun with girls when she is drunk. But before I do that, I will admit I have no idea what it is like to be gay and I can't even imagine what it is like. That being said I don't remember what my views on it was when I was young. But when kids are young they call each other fags and stuff like that. So I'm guessing for a lot of people you have this negative view of it. I wasn't one of the people who thought it is a sin being gay means you are going to hell. But there are people like that or people who think yuck. Yes to me it does still seem weird. But at least for me once you meet people who are gay, you see they really are no different then you. It isn't like I heard "oh can I........" but maybe for some people that happened and that is why they don't get along with them. I think that if more people who don't like homosexuals knew some they would learn that they are just like them. I know I learned that. I don't know as I ever thought they where any different or if I even really knew what it was.
I admit I'm out of practice of writing long things so my mind is run out of examples. But learning from the world is not all ways how people learn. Yes some times they learn things from the people who bring them up based on what those people do. The Best example I can give isn't really concrete but hopefully people will get it (assuming anyone is even reading this). Sometimes parents lead a life in a way that the kids find is screw up or makes no sense. In this case the messages that are taught often get learned to be the other way by the kids.
One example would be if you teach your kid that hardwork is how to live ones life. I think it is. At work you need to give it your all. But if the parent(s) is working so much that the kid never sees them, they may get the idea that screw this when I have a kid I want to spend time with them. One idea that is close to this is work hard then party harder. Hey you work hard then come home and grab a bottle kid is going to learn one of two things. Dad worked his ass off so now he can relax (then you where taught that) or the kid is going to learn from seeing that isn't a good way to live that, that is a bad idea. I'm not going to factor in that people wind up doing later in life what they know that would be a different discussion but it does kinda tie in here. For example kids who are beat and hate it wind up beating their kids often because that was what they know. But some learn that isn't the way to go. This is very true with women who keep dating abusive men. It isn't that they like it, but it is what they know. That is really a different topic.
I lost my train of thought a bit. But what I will close with is feel free to add your ideas to this. In other words add a comment or two. I do think that people are taught things and also learn things through life. But that what is learned is part of what is taught even when it is in conflict. Once someone has an idea on a certain subject then that is what they think and unless life shows them something different then that idea will never change. I also think that all political/social commentary and debates are done from the idea backwards. In other words I have an idea and the facts and ideas I use to support it are just my way of saying why I agree with this idea. They aren't why I think this way. I learned to think this way these facts are just a way to support that. If my thoughts where based on the facts then different facts (to be a fact for this point it doesn't have to be proved what a fact is, is very debatable) would change peoples thoughts. On a side note I stayed away from the drug debate on purpose way to complex with legal and illegal and scripts and stuff. My last example is the gay issue. One thing I have heard read is that homosexuality is not normal and not natural. The counter point is haven't you heard there are gay animals and people can " " the nature show where they saw gay animal sex [in an educational not porno way get the mind out of the gutter]. That fact should be enough to at least get people to rethink their thoughts but it doesn't. As a final note I remember being with my uncle and seeing a cool bumper sticker that said "Don't believe everything you Think". But most people do and for that reason real debate on line and off line can never really achieve much. It would be nice if it could.

Permalink: Taught_Vs_Learning_on_line_debate.html
Words: 2315
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: lax
01/20/10 07:30 - 24ºF - ID#50867
Part 2 Bandits Knighthawks Pictures

At the End of the Game the Bandits where down by 1 goal, so they pulled the Goalie so they would have the extra attacker but Rochester got an empty net goal so they won by 2.

Permalink: Part_2_Bandits_Knighthawks_Pictures.html
Words: 214
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: lax
01/17/10 11:52 - 31ºF - ID#50835
Bandits Lost good game though

Ok I think I may have just double posted some pictures having an issue here so time to cut it here and then edit it and add more. Yah I did sorry about that some Bandette Pictues will here also since it is part of the game and that.

I iwsh I was good at and had the time to tell the story with my pictures by order but what I can say here is that was a big sqismish I wish I had like a 10 times zoom so I could have gotten close ups that would have been amazing.

So Having a little problem uplaoding so I'll take a line from Heroes

Missing Image ;(
To Be Continued...........................................

Permalink: Bandits_Lost_good_game_though.html
Words: 446
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: news
01/17/10 10:11 - 29ºF - ID#50834
Shooting at Merge?

Deadly Shooting at Downtown Buffalo Restaurant
By WKBW News
updated 12:19 a.m. ET, Sun., Jan. 17, 2010
Police have identified the victim and the suspect in a deadly shooting at a downtown Buffalo restaurant.
51-year old Ernesto Arechavaleta-Taureaux of Porter Avenue is charged with the shooting death of 18-year old Rick Costner, Jr.
Buffalo police were called out to Merge restaurant at 439 Delaware Avenue at about 11:40 this morning after a report of a shooting. When they arrived they found two people shot. Buffalo Police spokesperson Mike DeGeorge tells Eyewitness News the restaurant's manager 40-year old Rick Costner, Sr. and his son 18-year old Rick Costner, Jr. who worked as a sous chef were shot. Costner, Jr. was taken to Buffalo General where he was pronounced dead. His father was taken to ECMC and treated for his wound.
Police say the suspect in the shooting is 51-year old Ernesto Arechavaleta-Taureaux of Porter Avenue. Arechavaleta-Taureaux worked as a dishwasher at the restaurant.
"The people who run the restaurant are wonderful people and this poor guy now his 18-year old son is gone", said Gerry Smith.
Smith has an auto dealership just around the corner from the restaurant. He says in 30 years he's never seen or heard of anything like this in this neighborhood.
"It puts a black mark on the neighborhood it's not the neighborhood that you find stuff like this happening in the middle of the afternoon". Smith told Eyewitness News.
Merge opened just about a year ago by sisters Eliza and Sarah Schneider. According to their website the restaurant is a place, "... where vegans can sit down over lunch with meat eaters to discuss art, and foodies can enjoy an elegant dinner with blue collar sensibilities".
Both sisters showed up at the restaurant shortly after the shooting. They sisters were seen comforting one another and other employees at the restaurant. Neither would comment on the shooting but they did post this message on their website:
Our hearts are with the Costner family at this time. We are shocked and saddened by the tragedy that occurred today. It was an isolated incident and a random act of violence. We are accepting charitable donations of any size for the Costner family.
The suspect is charged with second degree murder as well as attempted second degree murder, and criminal possession of a weapon. Police did recover a 9mm handgun at the scene.
Hopefully I'll get last nights Bandits Game pictures posted today if I have time before Football then 24.

Permalink: Shooting_at_Merge_.html
Words: 484
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: hockey
01/13/10 07:45 - 28ºF - ID#50813
Avalanche Vs Sabres

Well Looks like it is game on. It was an odd game I didn't think the sabres would mount a comback but in the end they did and it wound up being a great game. It is all ways a good time.

I think I may have loused up the order a bit not sure. Just wanted to mention that is anyone wants to see more of these pictures they are on my webshots page, I guess the best way not sure to veiw them all is in a slide show but not sure about that cause there sure are a lot more then there are here (not that anyone would want to see that many of them)

Between the 2nd and 3rd Period they had a shoot out contest for high schools I forget the school and then yes I got more food, I was thirsty so decided to get pizza also.

I can admit I have no idea how many pictures I have in this post or how good the game is represented but I'm getting tired of posting pictures so I'm going to jump to the shoot out that followed an sudendeath overtime. For anyone who reads this and doesn't know how it works is. That each team has five players (I think 5 and not 3) and they each get a shot on net and the team who scores the most wins. Yes you can win in less then five shots by the way. you can get to a point where the other team can't catch you then you win the easy way would be if they don't score and your ist 3 guys do then even if there last 2 got gaols they would lose so the shoot out ends if one team can't catch up to the other. If that ends up a tie then they go to a Sudden Death Format. The Way that works is round 6 starts and one team goes and if they score then the other team gets a chance to match them. But as kinda in baseball if the first team goes and the shot is saved and the 2nd team goes and scores then it is all over. It is fun to watch and this was put in as a way to make it more fun for the fans. Maybe the rule has changed but shoot outs are only in regular season play, in the playoffs I think you play a full overtime period but not sure If I'm correct about that.

The Avalanche won. I had a good time. One thing I need to remember is to watch the game and take pictures with the camera. Often times you start to watch the game through the camera. Hey if it was a 10 times zoom that would be awesome as I would get a better view. I just wish I would have got those Jr. Sabres split club things. By the way there sure are a lot of hot ladies selling those, not saying they are all hot but some of them are pretty nice. Well here are a few pictures of me after the game.

Permalink: Avalanche_Vs_Sabres.html
Words: 978
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
01/06/10 07:46 - 22ºF - ID#50760
TSO 2009

A few things I should point out. 1) You made it through the pictures congrats! 2) Pictures don't really do the effects Justice you need to see them in person, you see things differently then how a camera does. 3) The Same show looks different based on where you sit. I think right above the stage on the side is the best view but that is just me go and try out different perspectives different years or even go to both shows in a day and pick different seats. 4) I didn't know a head of time that the Violinist and Guitar guy where going to go my way (out of the gutter people). I just got Lucky Ha. But during the show I knew someone was going to go down that way just like at another concert I went to. I saw someone with access tags twice (2 people ) walk that way so I thought something was up and when the cute chick talked to an usher I knew something was up. That leads to
> 5) When ever at a show look around. I almost missed this chick dancing in the same area that the platform went up . I had a great time and I hope everyone that went had one also, hope somepeople liked this post and the pictures.

Permalink: TSO_2009.html
Words: 550
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: hockey
01/03/10 11:08 - 10ºF - ID#50730
Penguins Vs. Sabres Birthday Part 3
Again not sure who saw Birthday Parts 1 and 2 but this is part 3. When I saw the Sabres where playing my secondary Hockey team the penguins I knew I wanted to go, but the game before or after my birthday, hey why not both. So On Tuesday I went to see the Penguins play the sabres again and This time Buffalo wore the "New" "Old style" uniforms. They started out getting behind quick but changing to Lalme (how ever you spell that) changed the game around and they came back and won. So here are a bunch of pictures including warmups and the game and maybe even some food and things. It was a great Gift to my self from myself.

Game On:

I may have my Pop Culture Info I little bit Wrong here but, the blonde is an Actress from the show Glee. I think her name is Heather. Now this is the part I'm not sure of she was in Buffalo and doing stuff like teaching dance or something I kinda think she is from the area since she was at a Sabres Game and on Local Radio maybe someone who watchs the show like (e:drew) would know. Glee is a great show but I have only seen it like twice.

Well I feel that , that is enough pictures so you get the idea and so I can remember the game. It was a great time. My next sabres game is less then a week away Sat. Night. Hoping that I don't need to work so maybe I can do some go see a movie or two and go to a game thing. Hope someone enjoyed the shots.

Permalink: Penguins_Vs_Sabres_Birthday_Part_3.html
Words: 646
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
01/02/10 07:14 - 11ºF - ID#50726
Ball Drop 2010 Part 2
Well here is where I think I left of right around the ball drop:

Now at this point is when my Camera (has time and date) thinks that it is 2010. Maybe it was maybe it wasn't but the Ball was dropped here so for us it was 2010.

Just a Quick Mention that sorry some of the pictures are orientated the wrong way I didn't really have time to go through and flip them or edit anything.

Well if anyone is still reading this or looking at the pictures congrats. This is the stage of video games like say Roller-coaster Tycoon where some park becomes unlocked and is like a bonus. Here are some pictures from Jan 1st.

I will admit some of them are dark and shadowy but they are what I got. I know I saw others take pictures and I look forward to seeing them. Again Thanks to (e:PMT) for hosting and everyone who came and hope everyone had a great time.

Permalink: Ball_Drop_2010_Part_2.html
Words: 708
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
01/01/10 07:26 - 26ºF - ID#50720
2009-2010 EVE Part 1
(e:tinypliny) glad to see you made before the ball dropped and had a lot of fun and got into a bunch of very interesting conversations
(e:leetee) and (e:uncutsaniflush) it was nice to see that you both came out and had a good time
(e:Enknot) always good to see you and glad you dressed up it made me feel I little bit less out of place
(e:Theecarey) you where missed, hope you still had a good time.
(e:Heidi) Thanks for the good times and the cookies
I admit there are some people there who I'm not sure who they are but I have seen them at like other events. Also Not every picture was taken by me. And for those that don't know it these aren't in order. Oh yeah the Star Trek tree is awesome.

One thing I do need to explain is that Champagne that is pink. The Bottle it came it made it look like you are supposed to spray it on your neck. By the way Hope you liked it (e:tinypliny). When I went to Hodge Liquar there was some in front giving out free samples. This is the 1st one I tried I maybe should have tried others as a way to get a better variety and stronger buzz but I liked it so I went with it. I'm sure they got a lot of sales that way. It just seemed odd that they had this little area set up and they just gave it to you. Well here are a few more pictures and then this will be continued again soon.

Permalink: 2009_2010_EVE_Part_1.html
Words: 559
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: peterazzi
12/27/09 11:23 - 33ºF - ID#50666
Birthday 2009 Part 2

For Those Wondering the Food there is very good. Well everyones taste is different so it is hard to say plus they have stuff as one can tell all over the walls and show sporting events.

There Is a Picture of the New Winter Coat. NO picture can really show how many different pockets there are and how great of a Birthday gift it was, that was and is pretty cool. Birthday Part 3 takes place on Tuesday for the next Sabres vs. Penguins game. Those are going to be a lot of pictures to put away and get developed then the next Night A christmas Gift to him self will be TSO and I'm sure a bunch of Photos will be taken and posted from that as well.

Permalink: Birthday_2009_Part_2.html
Words: 329
Location: Buffalo, NY
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I wish I could think of a good example. But say the people who raise you, all your life tell you drugs are bad and don't do them. But then you meet people who after Dinner once a week or at a party after a stressful week like to have a communal event and smoke from a big pretty Hookah. Well then you learn hey it is ok to use drugs and that there is a difference between using and abusing. I know this is a bad example because use and abuse is a very fine line. What about people who can't wake up till they have their first Coffee?
I think that even if both people in a on line debate or in person believe what the other is saying that, no way of thinking will change. Again I think their way of thinking is set and the arguments they use are used to back up their ideas and not to form them cause they are all ready formed. That doesn't mean that some time down the line that person won't re think their ideas. Everyone should do that sometimes.