Category: photos
10/18/09 10:48 - 40ºF - ID#50041

Well the 4th of July Folder (e:strip) just sees picture names like as if it was a CD, Damit.
Lets see next folder

If anyone is reading this you might be thinking why is pete doing this with 3 folders or more then one. The reason is that there are multiple ways to copy stuff to the hardrive and so far no luck. I thought this might happen. There isn't even I preview of what the pictures look like next to them that might be a size thing though. I think thsi next batch is sabres from years ago.

Well on the old Sabres pictures they showed up next to the file names but still (e:strip) only see's them As names and not pictures. well now I know only a couple more sites to test, we shall see.

Permalink: Test.html
Words: 284
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: movies
10/17/09 03:40 - 44ºF - ID#50038
Where the wild things are Metal
Last night I saw an interesting documentary on Sundance Channel called "Heavy Metal In Baghdad". I missed like the 1st 5 minutes. I wish I could spell out the name of the band but it is Latin so I looked it up Acrassicauda (Black Scorpion) . I think they are a pretty good band and the movie is pretty good. I can admit it changes some of my thought about Iraq. The Movie's web site

The intersrting this is that Spike Jonze worked on the film and also on "Where the Wild things Are" that I saw earlier in the day. I thought it was good, creepy, dark and very angry but think that is was good. I think a lot of people get being max and I won't say anymore or give anything away.

Permalink: Where_the_wild_things_are_Metal.html
Words: 183
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/16/09 11:05 - ID#50026
Man Vs. Earth Vs. Science
What got me thinking about this was some of Jenks and My Comments on the flu shot aka Swine Flu shot. I get that nurses and other health care professionals don't want to be forced to get the shot and there really are some good reasons for that. But I also get that NYS (only state with this plan by the way) wants to stop a killer outbreak of Swine flu.
Lets say I catch swine flu and have 30 clients and just think oh I'm sick who cares or don't stay home soon enough. The flu I have I then pass onto 30 people. That doesn't mean it will kill them all, but it could. Now those 30 people all have family or at least some of them do so it gets passed to them and the trend goes on and on. That is an example for people who go see clients.
Now Imagine I work at a Hospital. I pass the flu to patients I see, doctors I talk to, other nurses, people who serve food, and so on and so on. This could be very dangerous not to mention that any one else who I give it to could pass it on to others. I know that in surgery they have all these things so you don't infect the patient but what if you come into the the hospital into the OR or ER and what kills you isn't that you where in a car wreck but that when there you got the swine flu.
This takes me to the point I'm kinda going to try and make. Maybe a good Pandemic is what the world needs. Before I make that point I just want to add that yeah death sucks. When someone dies it is bad and it hurts everyone around that person. But you kinda have to set that off to the side for this.
This World is way overpopulated. Granted China is packed and Canada has lots of land no one really uses for anything. This causes all kinds of problems. Like China's one child policy. People starving because there isn't enough food. Well there is enough and it is really how it is distributed.
I'm not going to look up stats about how humans pollute and destroy the earth, that would make this a research paper and not a blog. I'm not going to get into the global warming debate. It is a theory and will stay that way really because no one was around when we went through global warming the last time, so there aren't number to compare the earth's cycle them vs. now. What I will say it is an old idea (like mine) that was around before Gore presented it as his. See he tries to make it a political issue instead of a moral issue, he uses it for his own gain, or at least that is what I think. Just had to mention that theories do get proven. You don't hear to much about dis-proven ones. But I think those ideas do make great entertainment things the Fringe, X-files, Stargate, and others. The Point is that there is a lot of things in science that just aren't know yet for sure and theory and some things that used to be facts have been disproven as science got better.
It doesn't matter if you believe god created us or we where some other animal and we changed some where. The fact remains that Humans are a type of animal, a mammal if I remember my science correctly. We are highest on the food chain and there is nothing wrong with that. We are there for a reason, I say because we can figure out stuff like fire and making buildings. But that great mind we have also leads to a lot of destruction and destroying the balance of the world. So maybe we should be gone or at least have a lot less numbers to rebalance the earth a bit. (again this isn't a new idea this is an old idea). This idea has been used in movies and books and anime .
Hasn't Tonawanda Coke been in the news a lot lately. How about ridding Snowmobiles and other off road vehicles and messing up where animals live. How about all the garbage we make a year and bury underground. We seem to do a lot of stuff that slowly kills this planet and the animals that where here before us. Again both creation and evolution have them being here before us, so we are killing their planet. That is another thing that pisses me off. When people mention the end of the earth they mean humans. Yes most of the time they don't mean all the animals so that means only humans count, ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Science has come up with many things that help us and make us better but aren't really good for the earth. Best example I can think of is the car. Hey what is wrong with a bike it keep you in shape or horses pulling a buggy if you have to carry stuff. Cars put all kinds of nasty stuff into the air. Yes so did trains. But the difference is that trains where used by a lot of people to go one place from another that would have been very tough by say a bike or some other method. But really who needed a car when they where invented? No One.
I will admit that there where a lot of nasty diseases that I don't know what they do and how they work but you didn't want cause they would kill you and it wouldn't be a quick one either. It is great that humans say, fuck you we are going to beat you and that they try. But isn't it odd that then another one comes along that tries to wipe out more people. I think that is because there is supposed to be a balance of nature. I'm not saying there is a god called mother earth and she balances thing cause if there was she isn't doing a good job. But doesn't it seem odd that when you cure something something else comes along. I can admit that Cancer is awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I don't think there will ever be a cure. I think the same thing is true of HIV. The reason I say this is when I was in either High School or maybe college they had all this info on HIV and also about cancer. Even with all that they knew about it they still couldn't stop it. Yes they can kill cancer but that doesn't mean that it won't come back. Often that is what happens. I hope someone figures out how to stop it and I hope that Man vs. Nature in this one man wins.
Man has all ways tried to fight his limitations. Flying is a great example. Yes this is often for good. Like nets in Africa to stop the bugs that spread Melleria . But so much of what we have done is killing the earth and having all kinds of bad effects. I do think some of this crazy weather and storms and because of humans throwing of the balance but not all of them.
I would say that I think SARS and now Swine Flu might be a sign that people should look it, and make it a way to change. Or maybe the HIV virus will mutate in a form that it is even harder to find so that people who have it can pass it to more people and then once it is in your system for 10 years or a certain thing happens it kicks in and kills you.
If anyone made it to the bottom of this I would be surprised. Of course things sound different in your head cause you can just jump to another thought and then you have to try and remember it and make it make sense.

Permalink: Man_Vs_Earth_Vs_Science.html
Words: 1384
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/14/09 08:17 - 40ºF - ID#50017
Hallloween ?
I wish I could go as a few Characters from Truebllood. The problem is none of them are really distinctive.
I would love to go as an NHL Goalie. That would be awesome except for the cost of everything and walking around in the equipment and carring the net. Do they make water bottles that shoot alcohol out of.
I do have a thing for Vampires and that might be cool but I was one last year. To Bad I don't have some really booby girl then we could really do the costume up.
I don't like political costumes, but who knows.
I could all ways get a cowboy Hat, tear up some Jeans and some sun glasses and dye yellow streaks in it and be Rob Zombie.
I guessing I'll go as what ever I like at party city. But wish I could come up with something really cool.

Permalink: Hallloween_.html
Words: 176
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: movies
10/10/09 07:21 - 52ºF - ID#49982
Also for you fans of Horror I saw a preview for Nightmare On Elm street, it looks really good. I don't think it is the story going on, but maybe it is, I'm guessing it is a remake or a different take on the story. Oh Yeah Legion looks amazing also. Hey nothing like a movie where you have people fighting Angles sent by god to wipe out Humans.
I thought I would share some pictures of the changing Elmwood area from before the movie. The KFC is supposed to be coming down but not sure when. There is a new place across from the redone laundry place. I admit I should have got a picture of that also.

Permalink: Zombieland.html
Words: 213
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: vlog
10/10/09 07:02 - 52ºF - ID#49981
1st vlog
The thing with that above video is that it is like 22 minutes long and it is of me doing a video blog from my shower. Sorry to you girls and boys there is no nudity and that is also a blessing to you all as well. It seems either the water is to loud or I'm not loud enough. Now there are other ways to shoot video but not sure how really, I guess different quality?
I mostly talked about relaxing in the shower and how that is important. That lead into how cameras might alter reality on TV and for Documentaries. Hey check it out for a few and maybe pause it or fast forward it or what ever. One thing I did wind up wondering about is if there is a market to get people to watch police cameras from other cities? Cities have web cams so why not set up a way that people can watch those over the internet.

Permalink: 1st_vlog.html
Words: 171
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos.
10/07/09 07:12 - 52ºF - ID#49957
worked Saturday
Well they all didn't get posted I just figured here I should publish all of them in a bunch. Here that makes more sense on there a did them one at a time.

After Work I took these shots of the sky. What I like and also what I don't like is that you can't tell where you are. Reason I like it, is sky pictures should just be of the sky. Often times a bad building takes away from it. But that is also what I don't like. I wish i could have got a nice looking building or hot chick or some type of thing to make them more then just pictures of the sky. Well hopefully some likes these.

Permalink: worked_Saturday.html
Words: 210
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
10/07/09 06:55 - 52ºF - ID#49956
Test of some pictures of Fair

Well Looks like it only copied one album now to find the other one I want it to copy for the next post, this is plenty of pictures for a test.

Permalink: Test_of_some_pictures_of_Fair.html
Words: 187
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/04/09 02:01 - 53ºF - ID#49926
Video Test hope it works
(e:tinypliny) thanks for the idea.

Permalink: Video_Test_hope_it_works.html
Words: 60
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/04/09 12:49 - 53ºF - ID#49923
How Do I upload Video?
So I have a few pictures I want to post that I have to shrink. I took a video with my camera just to test it out on (e:strip) and when I go to upload it it shows as a picture on the file but when I open it up (e:strip) doesn't see it. It plays on Windows Media Player and the file type ends in .avi . I'm wondering if anyone knows how I post it here. I don't have a Youtube account.

Permalink: How_Do_I_upload_Video_.html
Words: 85
Location: Buffalo, NY
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