Category: freedom
01/18/06 07:21 - 30ºF - ID#28279
Today at lunch we all got into a little debate or discussion about Bush and wiretapping the US people. There where two people who had the argument that it was fine to do so. They said they had nothing to hide and that it was worth it if the catch terrorists. I can understand there point except that it is short cited a little bit. They don't understand that Those susposid rules that the government has to follow arn't followed. The Government does what it wants and all they have to say is they where a threat, and listen in for hours. Bush is trying to take away people's rights. There is so much coruption in the government that it isn't funny. I can't stand that people willinly give up there rights so they can feal safe when all they are doing is being more controlled by the people we supposidly ellect. But waht I think he is trying to do more is push his morality off on to others. If wiretaps are so easy to do what is to stop a Christan Presidant to go after Muslums, or Jews, or budhists and just arrest them and hold them in jail. If Americans arn't carefull we may wind up like China. I think out of 45 minutes the debate with everyone lasted about 30 minutes. On other point that came up was the 9/11 attacks, and the point was made that they brought the war to us cause we where interfearing with the middle east. Yes clinton droped the ball with the middle east but they should have never been over there. Those people have been killing each other since before colubus got lost and found america and probably before the vikians came here, lets leave them alone and let them kill each other. If they can hate each other for that long lets not become there new Enemy. I'm sure someone will chime in here on this topic I hope.
Permalink: Wiretaps.html
Words: 328
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sex
01/17/06 09:01 - 41ºF - ID#28278
I thought I would touch on an interesting topic. Public Displays of Affection. I know some couples are verry comfortable with them. Some will even make out and grope each other in public. But I know some people are uneasy about it. I don't only mean doing it public (I don't mean sex that is another topic for another day) but also witnissing it. But what about the Kiss Cam. They have them at most major sports events I have seen it at Bluejays, Bisons. Bandits, sabres games, and other televised sports events. The way it works is the camara finds a guy and girl who are sitting next to each other and they are supposed to kiss. I would think some people might be offendend but not to many. But it is always a guy and a girl. It is possible that they may not be a couple. What if they are brother and sister or related? Since it is done during breaks in the action everyone is watching. But what I havn't seen is two guys or two girls. I have heard that they have done 2 guys but it was done as a joke. I think if they are going to do it then they should be equal opertunity offenders. Lets get some hot girl girl action or some boy boy action. I know they don't want to offend anyone. But That gay cowboy movie won a bunch of peoples choice awards so maybe the time is close. That brings up another point MLK hoped and had a dream that we would all be equal some day. I wonder with him being a religous man what he felt about sexuality. Of course if he thought about more then skin color then he couldn't come out and say it. Back then it would have lost a lot of followers. But I wonder what he really thought. I admit that watching PDAs is ok and can be fun sometimes but I'm not a PDA person myself, but I could be. Doing it out in public isn't bad or anything. But sometimes the people who do it are doing it as a way to show off and show they are togather so in that way I don't always like it. I guess my rant is over, now to go get a bj in a back alley, kidding of course. What is kinda weird is when you know the two people and you are talking with them and they stop to kiss, and your like ok, do I finish what I was saying or do i stop. Any comments would be cool if anyone feals like waying in on the subject.
Permalink: PDAs.html
Words: 449
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: tv
01/16/06 06:42 - 23ºF - ID#28277
red sun
Since I'm a walker and a buser and it was a holiday today I got to sleep in a little. It was nice to get an extra hour in the morning. As I got to work the sunrise was really cool. There was lots of red it was really cool looking. 24 was amazing last night and the rest of the premeire is on tonight. I don't want to say to much for those that tivo'd it or taped it Last night after 24 I switched over to showtime and caught most of the L word. Before they repeated the episode there was an add for Family Business. They didn't mention a specfic date but that the new season is coming soon. I then watched what I missed and the entire show made sense. I wish I wouldn't have taken my camara out of my coat last night I could have had some great pictures this morning possibley. Tonight wrestling and the sabres are also on so after 24 I will watch wrestling and listen to the game and check it out on commercals hopefully I stay awake for all of it.
Permalink: red_sun.html
Words: 189
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: photos
01/15/06 06:32 - 17ºF - ID#28276
sabres steelers
Permalink: sabres_steelers.html
Words: 146
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/15/06 11:10 - 16ºF - ID#28275
fame was I
I am having all kinds of problem my text and pictures have gotton lost I had ten pictures and only one has shown up so I surrunder to the internet gods. Basicly Iwas taliking about fame oand what makes one famous. I belive that I was famous in highschool since I was on sports teams and people knew me that didn't know me personally. I slso sadi that folling that defination that some people on this site might be. If someone from in public reconises you without knowing you than you would be famous maybe more on this topic when things are working better.
Permalink: fame_was_I.html
Words: 106
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
01/14/06 03:43 - 28ºF - ID#28274
Sports Weekend
[inlink]metalpeter,532[/inlink] Last post I hoped I would have some issues to talk about but I really don't. I'm upset a little that the sabres lost in the shoot out but hopefully they paly better tongiht and get a win. Last night I listened to the Bandits and watched Wrestling. The Bandits won, hopefully they do the same next week at Home. I will get to see some of the Redskins game this afternoon. Hopefully I will be home it time to catch the end of the second game. The game I want to see the most is the steelers Vs. the colts that is sunday. Go steelers I hope they can win the game, it is going to be tought at Indy. The weekend isn't all sports. my favorite show on TV starts Sunday at 8pm (ish assuming football dosn't run way over) 24 is back. It looks like it will be an interesting season. four hours in 2 days shall be intense I really look forward to it. Hopefully I will also post some pics soon again.
Permalink: Sports_Weekend.html
Words: 176
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: sports
01/13/06 07:36 - 58ºF - ID#28273
sabres bandits
I went to the sbres game last night. It was a fun game to watch but the sabres could have done better they lost in the shootout. It was interesting sitting in the second row of section 308. I'm not used to looking down but you can really see very good and it is eiser to follow the puck. There where a ton of Gretzky jersys wich was interesting (he's the coach). I'm going to saturday's game vs. the kings. I hope the sabres do better. I plan on putting up some pics from both games. Tonight is The Bandits season opener in Toronto I will be listing to it verry soon. A week from Saturday is the home opener again vs. The Toronto Rock. I bought season tickets this year and will be having a blast right up on the glass. I'm sure I will put up some Bandits pics this season as well. That reminds me I think Football has some other competion this weekend NBC has some hockey on saturday I think but not sure what time. I don't know if The Lacrosses all star game and finals will be on Live like they where last year, I hope so. I'm thinking about try to get tickets on line for the allstar game in toronto. Hopefully next time i post I will bring up some issues.
Permalink: sabres_bandits.html
Words: 228
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: news
01/11/06 07:35 - 40ºF - ID#28272
Myspace article

The link there is to the full news article about myspace. It was more about the young kids who use it but still interesting I admit I like both it and
(e:strip). I worte the guy an
(e:mail) and let him know that I liked both here and myspace. Ihave no idea if he will check out this site out or not. The article seemed more like it was about parents knowing what there kids where doing and the things they would confess online. I havn't seen any articles there about
(e:strip) there but they do talk about other blogs. So if you think you might be interested check it out.
Permalink: Myspace_article.html
Words: 120
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: money
01/10/06 08:09 - 32ºF - ID#28271
Up, Up, Up
I can't belive stamps went up. For those of you that communcate through the web and pay all your bills on line then that is a nice savings but most people don't do both the minority of people pay at tops or through the internet. New york state sales tax just went up. So for those who get paid Minimum wage and just got a raise now how much of raise did you really get since the tax went up half a cent. It is like the Regal there prices sneak up every so often and you don't notice it untill you think back a couple years and compare prices. I saw Fun with dick and jane over the past weekend I enjoyed it. I had more of a point of how prices went up but lost it somewhare. On another note I thought Truffles where candy oh well little do I know.
Permalink: Up_Up_Up.html
Words: 153
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: tv
01/09/06 08:41 - 35ºF - ID#28270
hockey NY Rollergirls tats
Some random thoughts on various things to hit on. Firstly on the TV front. Starting Tuesday at 10pm New Episode of Miami Ink are on. I think it is an interesting show I saw the ad during one of the episodes I missed last season on a marathon last night (on A&E). I Posted about Rollergirls and today they had a good review of it in the Buffalo News. I thought it was a good discrtion of the show. I have seen a couple good reality shows lately One is MTV True life I'm a gun Owener very interesting. But the true life "Im moving to NY was also verry interesting. The price of rent is unbelivable. I also saw part two of Taxicab confessions NeW York New York. It was raunchy like it is sometimes but it was still entertaing.
The steelers and Redskins won over the weekend wich was awesome but the sabres lost oh well. I'm going to the game on thursday I'll be in the 300 level hopefully I will get some pics and post them then I'm going to the game on saturday as well. Both teams are from the west coast Phoenix and the KIngs will be fun if they can win both that would be awsome my sabres luck isn't the best. On Friday the Bandits (lacrosse) season starts they play in toronto. I don't know if the games are on the radio like they where last year. With Hockey and Football it will be a busy weekend. If I'm not around here I hope everyone has a great weekend. Oh yeah the Senecas are still in the news. I read some article about them moving along and calling in people to suggest designs for the casino don't remember the entire article from the news. I know I forgot something but don't really remember sith so many random thoughts. Of to catch the end of wife swap and then Wrestling to find out what happend at the PPV.
Permalink: hockey_NY_Rollergirls_tats.html
Words: 336
Location: Buffalo, NY
<-- Earlier Entries
This country was founded on the mistrust of the government. That is its bedrock! It saddens me to see people giving up their rights so willingly.
Here's another radical thought: the Government has no rights that we did not explicitly give to it. Think about it: the Government cannot do anything we didn't explicitly authorize it to do.
The "war on drugs", the "war on abortion", etc. are doing nothing but taking away rights from people.
Lets talk about pot. Who cares if someone smokes something that they grow in their own house? What's next? Cracking down on people who grow their own basil or parsely?
Same for the wiretaps. The FISA allows the Govt to come to it post-facto and seek approval. There was no need to do this. What worries me is that later on down the road when Jenna Bush is the president (bear with me), she might resort to wiretapping Greenpeace, Animal Rights people, Atheists, etc. etc.