06/19/05 11:13 - ID#28104
Evolution Vs. Creationism battles
I honestly don't see why there is such a big fight. Both Theories could be right. I know you think that sounds crazzy but here goes. Acording to the bible God created the earth then all the animals and then Man. There are a lot of differant animals some of wich don't even exsit and then there are new animals. The seven days is a metahphor it dosn't literly mean 7 days it means over a vast amount of time. Then once all the animals where made then Humans where made. That is one way of explaining evolution. Since things where created before man then no one would really know how long it took. That is why the 7 days is a metaphor. On the 7th day god rested means that he left the earth alone to its own devices and let it control its self. That would also explain why there is evil and why God dosn't fix the bad stuff that people do. I'm not saying I have the answers. But what I am saying is that so many people only listen to there preachers and what they say. I say pick up the book read the entire thing your self and then come up with your own coclusions. Interpert the bible your own way don't let the church control your thoughts and your actions. If the first organsim was say an emba then over time the eviromant changed so it changed and became something else. Then eventully we get to man kind. That is basicly what it says in the bible. The one differance is that science says that it happened on its own. But what if god and on its own is really the same thing but just with a differant name. Both sides are close to what it is but not exactly right. I belive that evolution and creationsim is really the same thing expressed from a slightly differant point of view and that they can both work togather. They are both thoeries and untill there are more facts i think we need to understand they are both theories and not proff that the other one is false.
Couple points of interest. Over time humans are getting taller. Is that evolution, it could be. Cancer has always been killing people doctors know a lot about it but still can't figure out why it comes back or how to stop it with out Chemo. It is vary nasty and it sucks for anyone that has it or anyone who knows anyone who has it. But I heard somewhere that there is a thoery that it is evolution. That somehow the cells growing out of control would explain mutations. It could be that it is mutations not working. I know radation can change DNA but it dosn't do it in a positive way like in comic books. it usaly just messes things up worse. There is a third theory that most people don't look at I cal it naturalism, don't know its real name. Yeah it is kinda in science. It is about how things on earth need to be balaced. It kinda fits in with the food chain. Take HIV for example again a horible, Horible Plague. It kills a lot of people. What if the reason the diease came into exsitance wasn't from lots of kinky sex the eating of mokeys in Africa. What if it is because the world is over populated and needs thinging. HIV dosn't kill you right away that lets you spread it to lots more people. If HIV killed quickly then it wouldn't be as devistating. The same thoery can be said about all the storms. The storms might not be because we are in the end times. They may have some balancing effect. Like to get all the people who damage the coast off of it. I think that you can belive any of the theories you want. But don't attack others because they don't belive the same thing you do. I think that every so often you have to take a look inside and see what you really belive. I'm not saying everyday or when something tramatic happens. Just when you are in church or school and two facts seem like they might be in conflict or something like that. Maybe when you are having a drink and reliase that the guy over there is kinda sexy. Then you remembert you are a stright guy who loves your women. That is a good time to look inward. Thanks for reading this book, anyone who is still here.

Permalink: Evolution_Vs_Creationism_battles.html
Words: 958
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/18/05 04:00 - ID#28103

Permalink: Comments.html
Words: 163
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/17/05 07:13 - ID#28102

Permalink: concerts_.html
Words: 148
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/15/05 08:20 - ID#28101

Seven Day Faith

The Voo Doo Dollies

The Human Marvels

Those are just a few Pics from Music is Art. I wish I could have posted more here but my computer is moving slow, or maybe it is the interner or both. But if you would like to see more go to here

Permalink: Pics.html
Words: 128
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/14/05 07:40 - ID#28100
MIA 05
They had all kinds of interesting art. Plus there where dancers and lots of differant bands and styles of music. Plus there where some very sexy ladies there also. I took about 200 pictures and have them on webshots. I can't name every band that was there but bands that I enjoyed was Klear, The Voo Doo Dollies, Anatara, Zilla, The Human Marvels (Enigma does some tricks ass he performs), Cute is what I am for, Anal Pudding, Seven day faith, Cute is what we aim for, Gamalon, Agent me, The Rabies, Sanity and some more.
I also bought two pictures of NY City that looked cool. Allentown allways has a bunch of neat looking art to buy. I hope I did a decent shot of explaining stuff. When I have all the webshots pictures titled then I hope to include the link. Also some of the pictures looked nice on the camara but came out darker when downloaded. If any one knows of a cheap way to get pictures devloped let me know. All in all it was a lot of fun.

Permalink: MIA_05.html
Words: 254
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/09/05 06:41 - ID#28099
10,000 links
I would also like to thank Paul for mentioning Music Is Art in the news journal. I know there are a lot of festivals and events going on in Buffalo. I think MIA is not only a lot of fun. But there is a lot of good variety and it sounds like this year it is really going to be expanded. In addition at Musicisart.org you can find out all kinds of information about it, like who will benifit from it.
I think yesterday I went to the sister site. Sometimes refered to as (e:strip) West. Once I logged in I saw something cool. Under what to write about the last topics on (E:strip) where listed and you could click on them and they would bring you here. I thought that was neat.

Permalink: 10_000_links.html
Words: 358
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/08/05 06:58 - ID#28098
MIA 05

This was in the Buffalo news but it was to big to scan all of it so I tried taking a picture of it. I don't know if it will be readable or not. It is information about Music Is Art. They are having a festival on Sat and Sun. Yes that is the same days as Allen Town. Yes you can do both they are both free and both in the same area. Last year it was a lot of fun. It sounds like they are expanding it and even including Jazz and Country. From what I've seen it looks like Sunday is the better night to go. But that makes sense since you want to end it off big. For more information You can go to musicisart.org . I'm guessing there maybe more info on it in Artvoice and or Gusto but not sure. Both festivals are a great way to spend all weekend. Oh and don't forget to wear songblock if you are someone who might need it. I forgot once at one of those outdoor festivals and after that I never forgot again.

Permalink: MIA_05.html
Words: 189
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/07/05 06:47 - ID#28097
But Pride itself is an interesting topic. I think if you are gay, black, white, Jewish, Korean, Budhist or what ever you are you should be proud. I don't know if this is ever true with Gay Pride. But often with Pride people overdue it. They are so proud of what they are they look down on others. Often Pride is another way of packaging hate. In stead of saying we hate blacks and hispancs and asains or what ever group(S) that person hates. They say We are proud to be white or what ever group they are in. But just be cause you say the same thing dosn't mean you share their same views. It dosn't matter if you are in a minority group or a majority group. When I was growing up I thought that some people where prejudiced and most people where not. But as I have grown up and learned a lot more. I have come to belive that most people are prejudiced aganist some body. Weather it be nationality, skin color, gender, religion, sexual orintation. You could even add political assocations but I don't know if that would really count. But what I think matters the most is how you treat some one. That is do you let your bias or prejudice influnace how you treat people. I think as long as you don't prejudice effect how you treat others then it is ok. Somestero types are really true. For example Irish Dancers dance from the waist down only. Yes that was part of a joke from I think chris rock but I'm not sure. I'm irish I thought it was funny. But there is a real reason for it, something along the lines of that the english made dancing illegal. From where the troops watched if you danced from the waist down they couldn't see it. So now it is carried on a tradition and a true sterotype.
I think that one of the goals of Pride Fest is to help everyone get along. I think it is ok for people who think homesexuality is sin to think that but to still except homosexuals as regular people. I think it is fine for them to be excepted into church as well. I don't know if Homosexuality is really anymore acpeted but it at least is loosing some of the stigma and is out more in public. I think it is good that there is a "gay community" (what ever that is) and that there are places where gays can be excepted and gay clubs and bars (never been to one). However it is still important to remember that there are lots of people in this country who are filled with hate and there are still lots of places like the millitary and Major sports where if you come out you would be ruined. But Pride being successfull is a step in the right dirrection and I hope things get better for not only gays but exceptance of everyone who is differant than you. For any one still reading this sorry for the book.

Permalink: Pride.html
Words: 609
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/04/05 06:27 - ID#28096
Weekend Yah
I didn't do very much yesterday I started watching entourage on HBO in demand it is a good show and chated with an internet friend of mine. I admit that chating through IM's can be very nice. I'm not really a phone person but IM"s are cool I had two big pieces of Pie that where verry good. The Pie kinda was my dinner.
Today I went to see Lords of Dogtown. I thought it was very good. I have also seen Dogtown and Z boyz wich is a documentary. This is a more hollywood view of it. I have to admit it was verry good. On theback from an enjoyabel movie I stoped At Burger king for a nice lunch on the go. But I went to Starbucks for the first time. I went there to buy a CD. I know i don't know how to spell it right but i'll give it my best shot intiagony rising. I saw them I think last year downtown they are a girl band and where very good. Tonight I'm tapeing Hero, it is a jet li movie. I still have no idea what the Dyke March is. But I may go up on elmwood and see. I had such a nice walk today out in the lovely weather that I may not feal like heading back up there. Then there is some parade tommarow they are supposed to have floats and stuff who knows maybe I will head up that way. My mother also graduates again from Epire so I'm going to that but the two pridebuffalo things I don't know. I'm not gay so i don't see the point but I do like parades. On another note wow there sure have been a lot of vistors. And what is the pLabs link about and what happened to the estrip west link Just kinda wondering?

Permalink: Weekend_Yah.html
Words: 514
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/01/05 06:12 - ID#28095
I myself am for a Downtown waterfront Casino. That being said I don't think that a Casino will slove all the problems, it is not an emergancy fix everything Pill. I think it is one of many things that would help the city. Somepeople think it alone will fix the city. I think that it would be good to have more jobs In Buffalo. For someone who dosn't have a Job i think it gives a lot of opertunities. Plus it takes some power away from temp agancies I think they have to much power. I think there could be a good deal made so that the state, county and City get some money from the casino. There are two very nice Casinos on the Candain side of the falls. They got them built before us cause The Donald gave money to vote done legalisation of gambaling when they first wanted to bulid a casiono in the falls. I think the idea of a walmart in Downtown buffalo is kinda a good idea because you do need a place that sells a lot of stuff since more people are moving in and the area is growing. But I think it would be better to revitalise the Main Place mall, if that is possible. What killed the mall is that all the big chain stores moved out to the Galleria mall or other malls. I would also prefer for shops to open up as opposed to a wallmart. But I don't think anyone who isn't allready downtown or close to the area would drive in just to go to a wallmart. I prefer Target my self but that is just me.

Permalink: Katsino.html
Words: 472
Location: Buffalo, NY
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